



1. go to the aquarium visit the Blue-water aquarium watch a dolphin


An/the outdoor swimming pool an indoor plant

2. an aquarium at the end of the year Finally =at last =in the end=at

the end of

out hung out

hang 悬挂 (hung) 上吊,绞死 hang +sb (hanged) Hold on( to your

goal) 坚持你的目标, 坚持

Hang up 挂断电话 don’t hang up your telephone hung up =hold on


4. see a movie about sharks 可数名词 About 关于 +a story/sth

关于:on +一种科技或技能 Shopping want to write a book how to teach

English well

5. win 和beat 获胜 win the first prize 得到一等奖

Win 可做不及物动词,class one won (+ the/a prize) (+in the contest) (+the

800-meter race 一个项目)

Beat sb (对手)in + 项目 Lose the game 失败 loser winner

6. trip 短距离旅行 tour ,巡回旅游,周游 Journey强调路途中的这段时

间 during the journey in Beijing

Travel 到遥远的地方取旅行不强调目的地 he likes traveling in (the USA)

7. have fun/a good time / a great time/ a wonderful time +doing sth=enjoy

oneself doing 玩得开心

8. finally ,tired but happy ,they back to school 做伴随状语表示原因、时间

介词短语/现在分词/adj可做伴随状语 He went into the class with the book

/with the smiling 宋慧芳went into smiling

9. at the end of =finally in the end 后面不能+of at the end of the


10. shake 可以做动词, peel peeled pour poured amount 不可

A large amount of +不可数n a large number of +可数n

ction 通常用复数 Final (adj )finally (adv ) boil -boiled

12。Seal可以做v gift:天才/礼物 do some cooking =cook a meal

stay-stayed study-studied

13. indoor /outdoor (adj) a plant can grow well indoors is a indoor plant

outdoor sports

Outdoors/indoors (adv) he works indoors

14。……for the day = to spend the day

15. on the school trip , the visitor’s center, at the end of the day he is

standing there excited.

Octopus , ingredient是可数名词 wake up ----woke up Salt 不可数

buns impressive

16. 过去时态的时间状语:Two days ago, last night, in 2010 , four years ago ,

in the autumn of 2010, the day before yesterday 即以……ago 组成的短

语 ,明确的过去时间 答语或上下文出现过去时,last……构成的短语 17. 挖

出子:take out the seeds 18. sleep late take classes go for a drive

19. cut sth into pieces = cut up sth = cut sth into slices in/into? Cut sth

into half 切碎

20. two slices of chicken = two chicken slices =two pieces of chicken

21, sandwich with meat = meat in sandwich sandwich ----


22. mix +it /them/代词 +up = mix up sth mixture 混合物

24. pour sth into ……. Put sth +介词+ 地点 add sth to ……加入

25. pour –pouring peel – peeling put sth into put sth on

26. 电器的 开 turn on ….. 关turn off…. 调响 turn up the radio/….

调轻 turn down …

27. how much +不可数名词 how many +可数名词复数

28. on the top on the top of the mountain check sth =check out sth

=check it out

29. great …..,super……. 表示巨大,超级的……….. 30. fry (v) 油炸 fried


31. a box of…/….boxes of…/A / ……bags of /A glass of …../ …..glasses

of ……/A cup of ……. /

some cups of …../A bottle of …../five bottles of …./A bowl of …../ a few bowls

of ……/A teaspoon of …../ two teaspoons of…./A slice of ……/two slices

of …../A piece of ,…../two pieces of ……

/A basket of ……./….baskets of ……/A kilogram of ……/…..kilograms

of ……..=a kilo of ……../….kilos of ….


32. before 做连词before you do sth (加从句) 做介词 before doing sth

served with …. 和……搭配吃 34. of 所属关系 the lag of the table

/ be full of

35. for ( 1. be thanks for be famous for 原因 2. Ask sb for 目的 3. For

me ,……it is adj for sb to do对于…… 来说 4. A ticket for the bus the

recipe for the noodles 适用于 5. 比较,相对于)

36. have three days’ leave =have three days off =have a day off 请假 36.

car sale yard sale

37. luckily 幸运的是 ,adv ---unluckily luckily ,……… place


39. because the food was good =because of the good food

40. how was your day off =what was your day off like 4 8. shit fuck

gay yuck

41. enjoy oneself + doing sth /with sb /with sth /by doing

42. boiling water 正在沸腾的水 boiled water 开过的水

43. 加(add) : add 3 to 4 =3+4 ,add some butter to the bread,dd up the

numbers 把所有数字加起来

44. turn -turning add=add up 45. at the end of ………. 在……结束时

In the end 最后 Come to an end 结束 Put sth to an end 终结……事情

46. sleep late 睡过头,起床晚 stay up 熬夜,睡得晚

47. a recipe for ……. 48. watch DVD have a yard sale get wet in

my opinion

49. all of 三者及以上都 both of两者都 neither of两者都不 none of


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