


Inaugural Address中英对照翻译

In his Inaugural Address。the XXX party。but a n of

freedom。It represents an end to the old and a beginning of

something new。a renewal and a change。The XXX nearly 175

years ago。before the XXX.

The world today is vastly different from what it was in the

past。Humans now have the power to XXX and life。but the

same XXX that the rights of man do not come from the state's

generosity but from the hand of God。

Note: The original text had no major XXX.)

We must remember that we are the inheritors of the first n。It

is imperative that we declare to both our allies and enemies that a

new n of Americans has taken up the torch。We were born in this

century。ed by war。shaped by a difficult and bitter peace。

proud of our ancient heritage。and unwilling to allow the n of the

human rights that our n has always committed to。both at home

and abroad.

We must make it clear to every n。regardless of their n of us。

that we will do XXX and success of liberty。We will pay any

price。bear any burden。face any hardship。support any friend。

and oppose any foe.

This is our unwavering pledge。and we will do even more to

uphold it.

XXX who share our cultural and XXX united。there is little

we cannot XXX。if we are divided。XXX and split asunder.

To the new states we e into the ranks of the free。we promise

that we will not allow one form of XXX。We do not always

expect them to support our views。but we always hope that they

will strongly support their own freedom。We must remember that

those who XXX the back of the tiger ended up inside.

Note: The original text did not have any XXX.)

XXX half the world and are struggling to break free from the

shackles of poverty。Our goal is to help them help themselves。

本文标签: 翻译中英对照