




1. James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson is generally thought to have established Boswell as the first great modern

biographer; yet the claim of ______ could be made for Johnson himself as author of a life of Richard Savage.

(A) partisanship

(B) omniscience (C) precedence

(D) opportunism

(E) perseverance

2. Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational lifetimes, but given the numbers

of new satellites launched each year, the orbital environment in the future is likely to be less ______.

(A) crowded

(B) invulnerable (C) protected

(D) polluted

(E) benign

3. The epidemiologist was worried: despite ______ signs of danger, few countries or companies had taken the possibility of

a pandemic seriously, and there was little interest in developing a vaccine.

(A) erroneous

(B) mounting (C) token

(D) inconclusive

(E) residual

4. The author presents the life of Zane Grey with ______ unusual in a biographer: he is not even convinced that Grey was a

good writer.

(A) a zeal

(B) a deftness (C) a detachment

(D) an eloquence

(E) an imaginativeness

5. The book’s seemingly casually written, conversational style masks ______ structure.

(A) a loosely organized

(B) a somewhat rambling (C) an overly diffuse

(D) a shrewdly crafted

(E) an unconventionally informal

6. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their aesthetic qualities rather than for their

______ ones.

(A) polemical

(B) cinematic (C) narrative

(D) commercial

(E) dramatic

7. Burke is often on slippery ground when it comes to her primary sources; especially ______ is the mode by which she

gathered her oral evidence.

(A) crucial

(B) passable (C) dubious

(D) laudable

(E) ingenious

8. Although grandiose urban railroad stations are often viewed as glorious monuments to their cities, they in fact ______ the

cities by enabling the migration of city dwellers to the suburbs.

(A) invigorate

(B) enlarge (C) enfeeble

(D) delineate

(E) overshadow


1. The unironic representation of objects from everyday life is (i) ______ serious American art of the twentieth century: “high”

artists ceded the straightforward depiction of th e (ii) ______ to illustrators, advertisers, and packaging designers.

2. Television promotes (i) ______ of emotion in viewers through an unnatural evocation, every five minutes,

3. The current (i) ______ of format in electronic scholarly publication will not last beyond the point when amateur burnout

occurs and amateurs are replaced by traditional publishing companies: in an effort to reduce costs through economies of

scale, publishing firms tend toward (ii) _____ in the format of their electronic publication projects.

4. Because we assume the (i) ______ of natural design, nature can often (ii) ______ us: as the Wright brothers noted, the

birds initially misled them in almost every particular, but their Flyer eventually succeeded by

5. Though somewhat less (i) ______ than previous chapters and suffering from a minor rash of academic

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