


· judge

· v. [dʒʌdʒ] ( judges; judged; judging )


· 双解释义


vt. & vi. 审判; 评判; 断定 act as a judge; give a decision in a competition,

etc.; form an opinion about

· 基本要点



还可接以动词不定式、介词短语或“(to be+) n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。充当judge宾语补足语的动词不定式可带to,也可不带to。当该动词不定式所表示的时间先于judge所表示的时间时,应用不定式的完成式,且to不可省略。


可接介词by或from表示“根据…作出判断”,两者意思上无差别。judge by〔from〕引导的分句其主语与句子主语并不一定一致。

· 词汇搭配


judge the distance 判断距离

judge the murder case 审理谋杀案

judge the quality 评价质量


judge accurately 准确地判断

judge adversely 相反地评论

judge brutally 残酷地评判

judge candidly 正直地审判

judge casually 非正式地评判

judge cautiously 谨慎地评判

judge delightedly 高兴地评判

judge equitably 公正地评判

judge fairly 公正地审判

judge fondly 盲目地评判

judge freely 随意地评判

judge harshly 从严判决

judge hastily 仓促地审判

judge immediately 立即评判

judge intelligently 聪明地评判

judge kindly 仁慈地审判

judge leniently 从宽判决

judge peacefully 平静地判决

judge philosophically 冷静地判决

judge probably 适当地评判

judge recklessly 轻率地评判

judge regretfully 遗憾地判决

judge reluctantly 不情愿地评判

judge rightly 正确地审判

judge scientifically 科学地判决

judge secretly 秘密地判决

judge sensibly 明智地判决

judge shamefully 无耻地评判

judge unfairly 不公正地审判

judge unwisely 不明智地评判


judge according to 根据…评价

judge at a show 在展览会上作评审工作

judge between right and wrong 判断是非

judge between the two 在这两个中选一个,判断(是非)

judge by 从…来判断,根据…来判断

judge by what sb say 由某人的话看来

judge for oneself 自己作出判断

judge from 从…判断,根据…来判断

judge from sb's manner 从某人的举止上判断

judge from the facts 根据事实判断

judge of 对…评价

judge of a man by his looks 以貌取人

judge of a picture 评价一幅画

judge on 下评语

· 常用短语

judge between(v.+prep.)

在…间判定优劣 decide which is the better of two things or people

〔说明〕 judge between通常不用于进行体。

▲judge between sb/sth

God will judge between you and me.上帝会在你我之间作出裁决。

It is impossible to judge between the two paintings, they're both charming.评定出这两幅画的优劣不可能,因为两幅画都很美。

judge by〔from〕(v.+prep.)

根据〔由〕…作出判断 base one's opinion of sth on sth; form an opinion based

on sth

〔说明〕 本习语作此解时常用不定式或现在分词形式在句中作插入语。

▲judge by〔from〕 sth

Judging by the sound of his voice, the man couldn't be very young.听声音,那人已不太年轻。

Judging by the response of the audience, the performance was quite a success.从观众的反应看来,这次演出相当成功。

Judging by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality.从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族人。

Judging by the look in her face, she might have failed the examination.根据其脸上的表情来判断,她可能考试没及格。

To judge from the present information, the dead was still alive at three


Don't judge from appearances.人不可貌相。

Judging from what he said, he is an old hand in this field.从他的谈话来看,他是这方面的老手。

Judging from his conduct,I assume he is lacking in education.从他的行为来看,我认为他缺乏教育。

Judging from what you say, he is fully justified doing so.照你所说的,他这样做完全有理由。

Judging from her letters, mother seems to be feeling a lot better.从妈妈的信来看,她似乎感觉好多了。

▲judge sb/sth by〔from〕 sth

Don't judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。

You'd better not judge him by his appearance.你最好不要根据他的外表对他作出判断。

You can't judge this by its result.你不能从它的结果来判断这件事。

You can't judge a book by its covers.你不能仅凭封面来判定一本书的好坏。(不能以貌取人。)

People are liable to judge others from their own first impressions.人容易以自己的最初印象来评价别人。

I judge by his dress that he is a rich man.我从他的穿着看出他是个有钱人。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

This case is being judged by the Supreme Court.本案正由最高法院审理。

judge of(v.+prep.)

对…作出评价 form a critical evaluation of

▲judge of sth

I really don't know how to judge of a picture.我实在不知道如何评价一幅画。

I find it hard to judge of my own work.我觉得很难判断自己的工作如何。

I cannot judge of these things till I examine them carefully.在对这些事情作仔细考查之前,我无法对它们进行判断。

You can judge of its merits and demerits for yourself.你可以自己判断它的优劣。

· 句型例句



I am not in the position to judge.我无权作出判断。

As far as I can judge, this book is useful.据我判断,这本书有用。

He was asked to judge at the art exhibition.他被邀请当画展的评委。

They have their own will judge for themselves.他们自己有头脑,可以自己作出判断。



It is hard to judge this case.这个案子很难断。

The court was unable to judge the case before all evidence was put before


She seemed to be watching him, judging him.她似乎在观察他,评价他。

Who is going to judge the horses?谁来评判马匹的优劣呢?

Who is going to judge the long-jump competition?谁来当跳远比赛的裁判?

Teachers always judge their students on the final examination.老师常根据期末考试来评价他们的学生。

We must know how to judge people.我们必须善于识别人。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

They were not judged fairly.对他们的评判是不公正的。


Can you judge which way to take?你能判断应走哪一条路吗?

He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.他冷静沉着,聚精会神地判断如何打败对手。

▲S+~+(that-) clause

The police judged the criminal was still in the city.警察断定该罪犯仍在这个城市。

The teacher judged his students had finished the exercises.老师估计学生们已做完了练习。

I judged, from his manner, that he was guilty.从他的举止态度来看,我判断他有罪。

I judged that you had forgotten to come.我判断你是忘记来了。

I judged that it was best to resign.我认为辞职是最好的选择。

We judge that she is the best candidate.我们认为她是最佳人选。


He's too young to judge which is better.他太年轻,不能判断哪一个更好。

How will they judge which is likely to be reliable?他们如何断定哪一个是更可靠的?

Can you judge who will win?你能断定谁会获胜吗?

Nobody can judge why he did it.谁都无法判断他为什么干那事。

Can you judge how he finished it so soon?你能判断他怎样如此快速地完成了这件事?

I can't judge whether he was right or wrong.我不能断定他是对还是错。

I can't judge whether he will come today.我不能断定他今天是否来这里。

I couldn't judge whether the delay was good or bad.我不能断定这样延迟是好还是坏。


▲S+~+n./pron.+(to be/as) n./adj.

I judge him a skilled worker.我断定他是个熟练工人。

We judged the distance to be four miles.我们估计距离在4英里。

He judged them to be the best plays he had ever seen.他认为它们是他看过的最好的话剧。

They judged her stupid.他们认为她很蠢。

I judge him to be loyal.我认为他很忠诚。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

These horses were judged the best in the county.这些马被评为全县最好的马。


She judged it a useless attempt to advise him.她断定,给他提建议是徒劳的。

He judges it safer to go away than to stay.他认为离开比留下安全。

The committee judged it better to start the work at once.委员会认为最好立即开始这项工作。


She judged them to have finished.她断定他们已经干完了。

I judged them to have gone.我断定他们已经走了。


They judged it of little importance.他们断定它毫不重要。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

By noon, all 61 people were judged out of danger.到中午时,有61个人看来脱离了危险。

· 词语辨异

judge, adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate

这组词都有“裁决”的意思。其区别是:judge指在审查了双方的证据,听取了证词和衡量了双方的功过之后裁定哪一方正确或有理,强调审判的“过程”; adjudge指在审判结束或在审判过程中法庭作出判决,强调审判“程序”; adjudicate指法庭以裁定、宣判或法令等形式作出正式和慎重决议,即强调审判“结果”; arbitrate指由一人或多人组成的机构对有争执的事件作出慎重决定,这种机构的设立不一定符合法律程序,但为争执双方认可。

judge, conclude, deduce, gather, infer


下面的句子意思相同,但语体不尽相同:前两句属于非正式语体,多用于比较随便的口语会话中; 后三句较为正式,多用于书面语体。试体会:

I judge that she is an excellent lawyer.

She is an excellent lawyer,I judge.

I judge her to be an excellent lawyer.

I judge her an excellent lawyer.

I judge her as an excellent lawyer.


· 正误解析


[误] He badly judged the present situation.

[正] He judged the present situation badly.

[析] judge一般不与加强程度或语气的词直接连用,如果需要这类词修饰时,要将其置于句尾修饰全句。

· · judge

· n. [dʒʌdʒ] ( judges )


· 双解释义


C 1. 法官,审判员 a public official who has the power to decide questions

brought before a court of law


C 2. 裁判员,评判员 a person who has been appointed to decided the result

of a competition


C 3. 鉴定人,鉴赏家 a person who has the knowledge and experience to give

valuable opinions

· 基本要点



· 词汇搭配


act as judge 当法官

appeal to judge 上诉到法官

appoint judge 委派法官

become a judge 当法官

elect judge 选举法官

hire judge 雇佣评判员

impeach judge 弹劾法官

oust judge 驱逐法官


associate judge 陪审员

brutal judge 残忍的法官

capable judge 能干的法官

capital judge 首席法官

competent judge 能胜任的法官

constitutional judge 任命的法官

disinterested judge 公正的法官

dispassionate judge 冷静的法官

dyspeptic judge 易怒的法官

elective judge 选任的法官

equitable judge 公平的法官

existing judge 现任法官

fastidious judge 苛刻的法官

favorable judge 赢得赞同的法官,前途有望的法官

finicky judge 苛刻的法官

fitting judge 称职的法官

frowning judge 不悦的法官

honorable judge 受人尊敬的法官

imaginary judge 富于想象的法官

learned judge 博学的法官

rightful judge 公正的法官

ruthless judge 公正的法官

sagacious judge 有洞察力的法官

shrewd judge 精明的法官

sole judge 唯一的法官

supreme judge 最高法官

sympathetic judge 富于同情心的法官

terrible judge 令人胆寒的法官

undiscriminating judge 公正的法官

upright judge 正直的法官

wicked judge 邪恶的法官

worthy judge 杰出的法官


army judge 军事法官

beauty judge 选美评判人

district judge 地区法官

field judge 场内裁判员


judge Advocate 总法官,军法检察官

judge Advocate General 军法署署长

judge Advocate General's Department 军法处,军法署


as grave as a judge 像法官一样庄重,非常严肃

be taken before the judge 被提受审

be tried by a judge 由审判官审问


judge at a fair 博览会的评判员

judge at a flower show 花展评判人

judge at a sports meet 运动会的裁判员

be no judge in such matters 对这些事是外行

good judge of cattle 鉴别牲畜的行家

not a judge of paintings 不懂绘画评论

· 句型例句

As a judge, she tried her best to exercise her power.作为法官,她尽力行使自己的权力。

The judge refused to give him another hearing.审判官拒绝再给他一次申辩的机会。

The judge awarded a large sum of money to those hurt by the explosion.法官判给那次爆炸受害者一大笔赔偿金。

The president has not appointed a single black judge to the south.总统从未向南方委派过一个黑人法官。

The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.囚犯恳求法官宽大处理。

If I tell the judge that I wasn't there, will you bear me out?如果我告诉法官我不在场,你能为我作证吗?

He came back at the judge with some sharp questions.他提出了几个尖锐的问题来反驳法官。

The judge asked the whole group to dismiss the lawyer's remark from their


A judge will discriminate between different degrees of crime.法官会区分罪行的轻重程度。

The powers of a judge are defined by law.法官的权限是由法律规定的。

The judge was biased in favour of the second candidate, who was educated at

the same college as himself.评判员对第二名候选人有偏袒,他们俩在同一所学校


The panel of judges included several well-known writers.评判小组中包括几位知名作家。

The judges awarded the prize to her.裁判判定她得奖。

I'm no judge of music, but I know what I like.我不是音乐鉴赏家,但我知道我喜欢什么。

She's a good judge of character.她很能鉴别人的性格。

I don't like this wine—not that I'm any judge.我不喜欢这种酒,这倒不是说我是什么评酒的行家。

He is no judge on such matters.对于这些事,他是外行。

Mr. Taylor is a good judge of the fine arts.泰勒先生是美术鉴赏行家。

He is a good judge of horses.他是鉴赏马的行家。

It sounds a very bad poem to me. But I'm no judge.我听起来这首诗很糟,但我是外行。

· 词语辨异

judge, arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire



Dress designers, not dress-makers, are the arbiters of women's fashions.由服装设计师而不是缝衣匠来判定女装的流行款式。





[同义词] v. adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate; condemn, convict, sentence

arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire

[词源] <古法语jugier <judicare <judex(法官,裁判,判断)



本文标签: 法官判断作出审判认为