



合同翻译练习词汇与短语 virtue of

2. take effect

3. in quadruplicate

4. enter into contract

5. at the close of the fiscal year

6. in witness whereof

7. interested party

8. limitation of liability

9. hereinafter to be referred as

10. null and void

11. 水准基点

12. 提单

13. 由(甲方和乙方)

14. 裁决委员会

15. 不符

16. 履约证明

17. 有损于,对…不利

18. 优惠期限

19. (资产)清算

20. 法定义务


1. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $500 (SAY


2. This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the

Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to

sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and

conditions stipulated below.

3. This Contract shall come into force from the date of

execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.

4. The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages

in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic, and each

Party shall hold two copies of each text.

5. After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the

Buyer shall apply to China Commodity Inspection Bureau

(hereinafter referred to as CCIB) for a further inspection as to the

specifications and quantity/weight of the goods.

6. Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the expression

“ Shipment u”sed in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest

shipment date will be understood to include the expression

“loadingon board ”, “ dispatch ” and “ taking in charge ”.

7. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of

this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the

goods to the seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full

amount of

USD30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import


8. The contract is made out in Chinese and English, both

version being equally authentic, by and between _____ as the

Seller and ____ as the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and

the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to

the following terms and conditions.

9. The date of Bill of Lading shall be taken as the conclusive

proof of the date of shipment, six (6) days grace shall be allowed

for shipment earlier or later than the time agreed upon by the

Parties. In the event of the goods for one order being shipped in

more than one lot, each lot shall be deemed to be a separate sale

on Contract.

either of the parties to the contract be prevented

from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake,

typhoon, flood, fire, war or other unforeseen events, and their

occurrence and consequences are unpreventable and

unavoidable, the prevented party shall notify the other party by

telegram without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter

provide detailed information of the events and a valid document

for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization

explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the

execution of all or part of the contract.

11. The Customer and NEXPRESS each agree and undertake

that during the Term and Thereafter it will keep confidential and

will not use for its own purposes or without the prior written

consent of the other party disclose to any third party any part or

all information concerning the terms of this Agreement unless

such information is in the public domain other than as a result of

a breach of this clause.

12. 合同允许___ % 的溢短差额。

13. 应支付的___ (国名)货币数目应依官方汇率确定。

14. 凡应执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。经协商不能解决的,应提交_______ (第三方名称)仲裁机构根据该仲裁组织的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。


15. 如买方未按照本合同付款,卖方可以延迟装货或终止运送货物,直至卖方付清货款并提前付清装运费用。

16. 如果一方违背本合同的任何条款,并且未能在接到另一方的书面通知后_______ 日内给予补救,未违约方可向违约方书面通知终止本协议。

17. 在执行本协议中产生的涉及违约的所有分歧,应经友好协商加以解决,如经三次以上协商解决无效,应按照《中华人民共和国和英


18. 每票由卖方装运的货物将在 _____ 港以离岸价格的方式交货。每票货只在一个港口交货。


19. ABC 公司(中国)和XYZ 公司(美国),根据《中华人民共和国中外合资企业法》和中国其他有关法规,本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国北京市,共同投资建立合资经营企业,特订立本合同。

20. 本协议经双方签署后立即生效,有效期两年,自2009 年 2 月

1 日至2010 年 1 月31 日止。期满前一个月,如果双方均没有提出书面异议,本协议将自动延长一年。如一方未按本条款执行,另一方有权终止本协议。

Unit 7


1. 因为

2. 生效

3. 一式四份

4. 签订合同

5. 财务年度末

6. 兹证明

7. 有关当事人

8. 责任限度

9. 以下简称为…

10. 无效

11. bench mark

12. bill of lading

13. by and between

14. adjudication board

15. notwithstanding

16. certificate of performance

17. be prejudicial to

18. grace period

19. liquidation

20. statutory obligations


1. 甲方须每月付给乙方500 美元整。

2. 买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。

3. 本合同自买方和建造方签署之日起生效。

4. 本合同用英文和中文两种文字写成,一式四份。双方执英文本和中文本各一式两份,两种文


5. 货到目的港后,买方将申请中国检验局(以下简称CCIB )对货物的规格和数量/重量进行检


6. 除信用证另有规定外,用于规定最早及/最迟装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装



7. 买方须于本合同签订并生效后三十天内通过进口银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用

证支付全部货款30000 美元。

8. 本合同由买方_____ 和卖方 _____ 缔结,用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效


9. 交货日期以提单所载日期为准,双方同意在合同约定的交货期的基础上,允许有前后六天的


10. 在合作期间,由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争或其他不可







11. 用户及NEXPRESS 均同意并承诺,在服务期间及之后,在没有对方书面露面同意之情况



12. It is agreed that a margin of ____ percent shall be allowed

for over or short count.

13. The ____ (country) currency amount of any sum payable

shall be determined on the basis of

the official exchange rate.

14. All disputes arising from the execution of, or in

connection with, this contract shall be settled

amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement

can be reached through negotiation, the

case shall then be submitted to _______ ( a third party ), in

accordance with its arbitrate rules of

the procedure. The decision shall be accepted as final and

binding upon both parties.

15. If the buyer shall fail to make payment pursuant to this

Agreement, the Seller may, at its option,

defer any further shipment or stop any shipments in transit

until the Buyer has made such overdue

payment and has paid in advance for such shipment.

16. If any terms and conditions of the Agreement are

breached and the breach is not corrected by

any party within _______ days after a written notice thereof is

given by the other party, the

non-breaching party shall have the option to terminate this

Agreement by giving written notice thereof

to the breaching party.

17. All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise

between the parties, out of or in

relation to or in connection with this agreement, or for the

breach thereof shall be settled through

amicable consultation. If three occasions of consultation fail

to settle, Agreements on Mutual

Encouragement and Protection of Investment between the

Government of the People China and the

s Republic Government of the UK shall apply.

18. Each lot of equipment and materials to be shipped by the

Seller shall be F. O. B. delivery at

port (place). Each lot is at one port only. The title and risk of

the equipment and materials shall be transferred from the Seller

to the Buyer immediately after the same have passed the ship's

rail of the carrying vessel designated by the Buyer.

19. In accordance with the “Law of the People 's Republic of


F o nreCighninEeqsueity

Joint Ventures ”and other relevant Chinese Laws and

regulations, ABC Company (China) and XYZ Company (USA),

adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefit and

through friendly consultations, agree to jointly invest and set up

a joint venture enterprise in Beijing, the People

'Rsepublic of China. The Parties to this Contract hereby

signed and concluded this Contract.

20. This Agreement, when duly signed by the Parties

concerned, shall remain in force for two years to be effective as

from February 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010. If no written objection

is raised by either Party one month before its expiry, this

Agreement will be automatically extended for another year.

Should one of the Parties fail to comply with the terms and

conditions of this Agreement, the other Party is entitled to

terminate this Agreement.

本文标签: 卖方买方本合同协议条款