




favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的

enthusiastic adj.狂热, 热心, 积极性

supportive adj.支持的,支援的

defensive 为......而辩护

Matter of fact 实事求是, 以事实为依据

Respectful 表示尊敬的, 有礼貌的, 谦恭的

Wonder 奇迹, 惊讶, 难以置信的

Affection(affectionate) 深情的, 亲切的, 挚爱的

Amusement(amusing) 有趣的, 使人发笑的, 消遣的, 愉快的

Approval(disapproval) 赞成的, 满意的 (不以为然的, 不赞成的, 非难的)

Reverence(irreverence) 虔诚的, 表示尊敬的, 充满崇敬心的 (不敬的, 不逊的, 无礼的)

Persuasive(convincing) 令人信服的, 有力的, 使人心悦诚服的

Factual 事实的, 实际的

Humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的

Inventive 善于创造的, 发明的

Matter-of-fact 事实的, 实际的, 事务性的, 平淡的

Stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点

Pleasure 心情舒畅的, 愉悦的

Seriously 严肃地, 认真地

Up-to-date 最近的, 跟上时代的

Professionally scientific 专于科学的, 专业从事科学的

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1.最高级标志词形容词、副词最高级 most / chief / primary / main / leading / ......

2.唯一级标志词 only / unique / prefer / every / one / of all / perfect / ......

3.因果项标志词 cause / lead to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / question / answer / why /

reason / 其他形式的问句 / ......

4.转则项关键词 despite / in spite of / instead / while / from ~ to ~ / although ~ (yet)~ / not only

~ but also ~ / ......

5.序数项标志词所有的序数词(first , second)/ another / the other / next / last / in addition / on

the other hand

6.时间项标志词 when / how / today / as / before / after / since / then / until / ......

7.解释项标志词 or / namely / in other words / that is / that is to say / ......

8.目的项标志词 to / for / ......

9.总结项标志词 all in all / in brief / to conclude / at last / in summary / in short / ......

10.强调项标志词 副词:especially / particularly / almost / always / usually / ...... 动词:show /

remember / note / notice / say / pronounce / ......

听力部分的短对话、长对话和短文听力其实考察的都是对听力材料的要点和信息的把握。什么是要听懂并且记下来的信息呢,要把握吨化和短文中的七种关键词,KEY WORD,后面一般都是考点,尤其是对话部分,要学会听小词.Times大学排名Top10



一、转折性词汇:课堂上强调了很多的涵义发生180度转弯的BUT转折题,要学会听BUT,还有yet, however, though, whereas, unfortunately, unexpectedly, instead, rather than, other than,

to be frank, frankly speaking, to tell you the truth,etc.

二、逻辑类词汇:就是因为所以不但而且这一类的词,表原因的because, because of, for, as,

due to, owing to, in that, now that, according to, 表结果的therefor, so, as a result, consequently,

eventually, 表递进的apart from, in addition, furthermore, what's more, moreover,etc.

三、最高级词汇:形容词和副词的最高级永远是最需要关注的,most importantly, the most


四、事实罗列词汇:在这些词汇后就是关键和重要的事实性息,actually, in fact, as a matter

of fact,etc.

五、序数词后面,最重要的是the first, firstly

六、情态动词: got to, can , could, may, might, need,should, ought to,etc.

七、重要形容词:表示重要的词,important, crucial, chief,major,significant, the only, unique,

essential, necessary, vital, etc.

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(1) positive(积极的)

(2) negative(消极的)

(3) neutral(中立的)

(4) approval(赞成的)

(5) disapproval(不赞成的)

(6) indifferent(漠不关心的)

(7) sarcastic(讽刺的)

(8) critical(批评的)

(9) optimistic(乐观的)

(10) pessimistic(悲观的)


(1)What's the writer's attitude to …?

(2)What's the tone of the passage?

(3)The author's view is _______

(4)The writer's attitude of .this passage is apparently _________-

(5)The author suggests that _________

(6)According to author __________


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Example :

I am not so na?ve ,however ,as to believe that sex is responsible

for this unfortunate situation of the American woman. I am not a feminist ,

but I am an individualist. I do not believe there is any important

difference between men and women. certainly not as much as there may be

between one woman and another or one man and an-other. There are plenty

of women and men, for that matter who would be completely fulfilled in

being allowed to be as lazy as possible. If someone will ensconce them in

a pleasant home and pay their bills, they ask no more of life. It is quite

all right for these men and women to live thus so long as fools can be

found who will pay so much for nothing much in return. Gigolos , male

and female, are to be found in every class and in the best of homes.

But when a man does not want to be a gigolo, he has the freedom to

go out and work and create as well as he can. But a woman has not.

Even if her individual husband lets her, tradition in society is against her.

In this passage the author looks on the situation of women with an attitude

of .

A) amusement

B) indifference

C) disapproval

D) condemnation

此篇文章中,作者对待这一问题的态度十分明确、强硬(如用语I am not …等等),因此只参在选项C)和D)中选择。而从文章中的“gigolos”,‘fools’等词可看出作者不仅不赞成而且态度更甚。所以,选项C)程度还不够,这一题的正确答案是D). 阅读中表示作者态度的词


rightly正当地 wisely聪明地 cleverly聪明地 correctly正确地 justly正当地 necessarily势必

sensibly明显地 shrewdly机灵地 prudently慎重地 surely当然地 naturally必然地


briefly简要地 honestly真诚地 frankly坦白地 candidly坦白地 truthfully诚实地 bluntly直率地 privately私下地 confidentially私密地 happily开心地 understandably可以理解地

preferably更适宜 thankfully感激地 conveniently方便地 significantly意味深长 specifically4 / 6'.


明确地 seriously认真地 foolishly愚蠢地 cunningly狡猾地 artfully狡诈地 crossly生气地


真实:apparently显然地 obviously明显地 undoubtedly毋庸置疑地 actually事实上 arguably经得起推敲 admittedly我承认 conceivably令人信服 doubtless无疑地 plainly明白地 clearly明显地 manifestly明白地 definitely确定地 certainly的确 undeniably不可否认地

unquestionably确认 decidedly断然地 fundamentally根本地 essentially本质上 basically基本上 virtually实际上 incontestably无讨论余地地 inevitably不可避免 remarkably明显地

markedly明显地 unmistakably完全真实

怀疑:seemingly似乎 outwardly表面上地 ostensibly表面上地 presumably大概 supposedly依照推测 nominally名义上地 reputedly据说 allegedly据说 formally形式上地 superficially浅薄地 reportedly据报道 officially官方地(作者不一定相信) ideally理想世界才成立



personally个人认为 literally确实(强调) figuratively比喻地 technically技术上而言

theoretically理论上而言(实际应用不一定可行) financially财政上而言 metaphorically隐喻而言 generally speaking总体上说 strictly speaking严格地说 broadly speaking广泛地说


最高程度:all所有 completely全部 wholly全部 unanimously无一反对 entirely完全

universally普遍地 incomparably无可比拟地

较大程度:largely主要 chiefly主要 mainly主要 dominantly支配 to a large extent主要 in

great part主要 broadly广泛 generally一般 extremely极端地 by and large大体上/基本上

相对程度:roughly概略 quite非常 comparatively相对而言 relatively相对而言 fairly向当地


压低程度:only仅仅 simply仅仅

贬义程度:too太 rather相当 disproportionately不成比例地 excessively过度 redundantly多余地 unduly过度地


to be sure很明确 sure enough非常明确 worse still更糟 putting mildly(to say the least)退一步说/保守地说 I am sorry to say很遗憾 it pains/grieves me to say我很不愿意说 there is no

doubt毋庸置疑 it is rumored(The rumor has it that)据谣传 as it is实际上 as it were好象是/仿佛 so to speak可以说 to be blunt with you说句不中听的话 to be fair/in all fairness表明坦率和公正 in retrospect/with hindsight/on reflection标明作者回头去看以前的事情暗示发现自己的观点已经变了


5 / 6'.


好转:comfortingly令人安慰 luckily幸运地 mercifully幸运地 understandably可以理解

hopefully幸好 miraculously奇迹般地

坏转:disappointingly令人遗憾 annoyingly令人烦恼 unfortunately不幸地 regrettably可悲地

sadly可悲地 tragically可悲地 paradoxically荒谬地 ironically未想到并且不愿意发生


隐转:amazingly令人惊奇 astonishingly令人惊奇 astoundingly令人惊奇 surprisingly令人惊奇 bewilderingly令人困惑 unexpectedly出乎意料地 incredibly难以置信地 strangely奇怪地

oddly奇怪地 funnily可笑地 amusingly可笑地 interestingly有趣地 mysteriously神秘地

inexplicably难以解释 suspiciously令人怀疑

negative 否定的

doubtful/suspicious 怀疑的

enthusiastic/excited 兴奋赞同的,激动的

neutral 中立的

reserved 保留意见的

nonchalant/indifferent/apathetic 无动于衷的 冷漠的

sympathetic 同情的

interested 感兴趣的


offended 收到冒犯的

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本文标签: 作者词汇观点态度文章