


Two more months, and our ranks keep growing – while some authors are basking in the summer heat on beaches around the world, others are hard at work submitting their excellent content and getting the networking they deserve.


新作者 (New Authors)

In the past two months, we’ve had a whopping ten new authors join our team, all top quality, all incredibly enthusiastic about both learning and teaching. Let’s welcome them into the fold! Note that from now on, all author descriptions will also have their social icons underneath so you can keep in touch with them via your social network of choice.

在过去的两个月中,我们已经有十名新作者加入我们的团队,他们都是一流的,对学习和教学都非常热情。 让我们欢迎他们参与其中! 请注意,从现在开始,所有作者描述也将在其下方带有社交图标,因此您可以通过自己选择的社交网络与他们保持联系。

弗朗切斯科·马拉泰斯塔 ( Francesco Malatesta ) (Francesco Malatesta, Italy)

Francesco is a web developer and consultant from Italy. He is the founder of Laravel-Italia, the official Italian Laravel Community, and writes for HTML.IT, the first Italian web development portal. He also translated some books about Laravel. He follows other projects, works as a freelance back end consultant for PHP applications and studies IT Engineering in Rome. Ambitiously, he hopes to work for IBM, sooner or later.

Francesco是来自意大利的Web开发人员和顾问。 他是意大利官方Laravel社区Laravel-Italia的创始人,并为第一个意大利Web开发门户HTML.IT撰写。 他还翻译了一些有关Laravel的书。 他关注其他项目,担任PHP应用程序的自由后端顾问,并在罗马学习IT工程。 雄心勃勃,他希望早晚为IBM工作。

Francesco has only been with us for little over a month and has already produced three high quality articles: in one, he tackled FluentPDO, another focused on PHRoute, an implementation of Nikic’s FastRoute, and the third is to be published early September – stay tuned!

弗朗西斯一直只和我们有点过了一个月,已经产生了三页高品质的文章:一,他攻克FluentPDO ,另一个专注于PHRoute ,Nikic的FastRoute的实现,第三个是早早被公布九月-敬请关注!

塞尔维亚MišelTekinder (Mišel Tekinder, Serbia)

Mišel is a web designer and front-end developer focused on development of e-commerce websites, performance and interactive user interfaces. He joined our team to introduce ImpressPages, a brave little CMS aiming to be both simple to use and easy to extend.

Mišel是一名网站设计师和前端开发人员,致力于电子商务网站,性能和交互式用户界面的开发。 他和我们的团队一起介绍了ImpressPages ,这是一个勇敢的小型CMS,旨在既易于使用又易于扩展。

Mišel is currently focusing his efforts on front end channels, but we hope to see him back on the PHP channel eventually. In the meanwhile, make sure you keep up with him on the HTML, CSS and JS channels!

Mišel目前正在将他的精力集中在前端渠道上,但是我们希望最终能使他回到PHP渠道。 同时,请确保您在HTML,CSS和JS频道上与他保持同步!

比利时耶隆·梅厄斯 (Jeroen Meeus, Belgium)

Jeroen is what we’d call a “rant-oriented developer”. He hit the ground running by punching MVC in the gut, and will soon teach you a thing or two about blocking site asset thieves. When he’s not enjoying fine Belgian beer, he’s extremely active in our community – not only as an author, but also behind the scenes, providing valuable insight and second opinions about other authors’ posts and code.

Jeroen是我们所谓的“面向对象的开发人员”。 他通过在肠道中猛击MVC闯入地面,很快就会教您有关阻止站点资产小偷的一两件事。 当他不喜欢上等的比利时啤酒时,他在我们的社区中非常活跃-不仅是作家,而且还在幕后,提供有关其他作者的帖子和代码的宝贵见解和第二意见。

荷兰Arno Slatius (Arno Slatius, Netherlands)

Arno first got in touch with us after the big IDE showdown of early 2014 – he had been disappointed with the fact that PhpEd, his favorite IDE, was missing. Determined to make it right, he set out to write a post pointing out its most impressive features. Did he win some converts? Read the post and the comments to find out.

在2014年初的大型IDE摊牌之后,Arno首次与我们联系–他对自己最喜欢的IDE PhpEd失踪感到失望。 决心做对了,他开始写一篇文章指出其最令人印象深刻的功能 。 他赢得了一些convert依者吗? 阅读帖子和评论以找出答案。

Arno had published with SitePoint before, but not on the PHP channel. You can see his JavaScript content on the JS channel, or via his profile link above.

Arno之前曾与SitePoint一起发布过,但未在PHP频道上发布过。 您可以在JS频道上或通过上方的个人资料链接查看他JavaScript内容。

乌克兰Aleksey Asiutin (Aleksey Asiutin, Ukraine)

Aleksey is a professional Software Engineer from Ukraine with a Master’s degree in Applied Math. He worked on different positions from junior frontend developer to head of development department. He is currently working in on Bitcoin projects and teaching Computer Science at the National Technical University in Kharkov, Ukraine. He likes contributing to open source projects and learning a new things, primarily via Coursera and Edx.

Aleksey是来自乌克兰的专业软件工程师,拥有应用数学硕士学位。 从初级前端开发人员到开发部门主管,他曾担任过不同的职位。 他目前在乌克兰哈尔科夫的国立技术大学从事比特币项目的研究和计算机科学教学。 他喜欢主要通过Coursera和Edx为开源项目做出贡献并学习新知识。

Aleksey joined us after having read Taylor Ren’s post about Arbitrary Precision in PHP. He was determined to expand on the issue with some precision loss cases, demonstrating problems you might encounter when dealing with huge numbers in PHP. We’re hoping to get him to write some more about the mathematical magic of the PHP world.

在阅读了Taylor Ren 关于PHP中的Arbitrary Precision的帖子之后,Aleksey加入了我们。 他决心通过一些精度损失案例来扩大该问题的范围,展示您在使用PHP处理大量数字时可能遇到的问题。 我们希望他能写更多有关PHP世界的数学魔术的文章。

英国汤姆·巴特勒 (Tom Butler, UK)

Tom Butler is a Web Developer and Ph.D student researching software best practices, and part-time University Lecturer from the UK with an interest in programming best practices, separation of concerns and a ‘less is more’ approach to code.

汤姆·巴特勒(Tom Butler)是一名研究软件最佳实践的Web开发人员和博士学位学生,并且是英国的兼职大学讲师,他对编程最佳实践,关注点分离和“少即是多”的编码方法感兴趣。

His debut was a benchmark comparison of popular DI containers, including his own – Dice. The article drew a lot of attention, and several followups are planned including both missing DI containers and other aspects ripe for comparison. Follow Tom’s work to get to the best DI container once and for all.

他的首次亮相是对受欢迎的DI容器 (包括他自己的Dice)进行的基准比较 。 这篇文章引起了很多关注,并计划了一些后续措施,包括缺少DI容器和其他可以比较的方面。 跟随汤姆的工作,一劳永逸地到达最好的DI容器。

以色列Vova Feldman (Vova Feldman, Israel)

Vova is a passionate serial entrepreneur and has been a professional full-stack developer since the age of 12. After his previous company Senexx was acquired by Gartner Inc., Vova left his position as CTO and founded Rating Widget. His newest company is disrupting the internet ratings and reviews industry for publishers and eCommerce by providing a ridiculously simple, yet highly user friendly star ratings solution for web developers.

Vova是一位热情洋溢的连续企业家,从12岁起就一直是专业的全栈开发人员。在他之前的公司Senexx被Gartner Inc.收购之后,Vova离开了他的CTO职位,并创立了Rating Widget 。 他的最新公司通过为Web开发人员提供荒谬的简单但高度用户友好的星级评分解决方案,正在颠覆出版商和电子商务的互联网评分和评论行业。

Vova used the experience he gained on Rating Widget to present us with a solution for generating unique 64bit numerical IDs from strings (in Rating Widget’s case, URLs). We’re hoping he’ll share some more insight into his company’s inner workings soon with additional technical content.

Vova利用他在Rating Widget上获得的经验为我们提供了一种从字符串生成唯一的64位数字ID (在Rating Widget的情况下为URL)的解决方案。 我们希望他能通过其他技术内容尽快分享对公司内部运作的更多见解。

克罗地亚IvoLukač (Ivo Lukač, Croatia)

Ivo is a web developer from Croatia, and the co-founder of @netgentweets, an eZPublish CMS Specialist, eZ Publish Innovation Board member, @eZSummerCamp and @PHPSummerCamp organizer, and is currently digging into Symfony.

Ivo是来自克罗地亚的一名Web开发人员,并且是@netgentweets的共同创始人, @ netgentweets是eZPublish CMS专家,eZ Publish创新委员会成员, @ eZSummerCamp和@PHPSummerCamp的组织者,目前正在研究Symfony。

His first article was a post about the eZ Publish CMS and the reasons to choose it over other solutions. eZ Publish, a CMS that’s currently undergoing massive transformation into a Symfony-backed stack, is a behemoth suite suitable for even the most advanced PHP projects – be sure to give the post a read if you’re looking for a CMS solution and are confused by the overkill of choices.

他的第一篇文章是有关eZ Publish CMS及其选择其他解决方案的原因的文章。 eZ Publish是目前正在经历大规模转换为Symfony支持的堆栈的CMS,它是适用于最高级PHP项目的庞然大物套件-如果您正在寻找CMS解决方案并且感到困惑,请务必阅读这篇文章。选择的过分杀伤力。

Shaumik Daityari , (Shaumik Daityari,)

An undergrad at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and co-founder of The Blog Bowl, Shaumik loves writing and is a veteran SitePoint author by all accounts, but a newbie on the PHP channel. We welcome him with open arms and expect more great content from him. His debut was a post on APIfying a legacy application with the Toro router, and you can read about the endeavor here.

Shaumik是印度技术学院Roorkee的一名本科生,也是The Blog Bowl的联合创始人,他热爱写作,并且是所有站点上资深的SitePoint作者,但在PHP频道上是新手。 我们张开双臂欢迎他,并期望他提供更多精彩的内容。 他的处女作是关于使用Toro路由器API继承旧版应用程序的文章,您可以在此处阅读有关其工作的信息 。

To see his other content on the JS, CSS and HTML channels, see his author profile.


美国丹尼·英格兰 (Danny Englander, USA)

Danny Englander is a Drupal architect, themer, developer, and designer who lives in San Diego, California. He has a passion for Drupal and is always on a quest to learn something new every day. He blogs about all things Drupal on his website, highrockmedia and works for Jackson River as a Drupal Developer. Danny enjoys spending time with his wife in and around San Diego sightseeing and taking photos which he publishes on highrockphoto. He also dedicates time to pro-bono side projects, and his two Drupal contrib themes, Gratis and Bamboo.

丹尼·英格兰(Danny Englander)是一名Drupal建筑师,前者,开发商和设计师,居住在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥。 他对Drupal充满热情,并且一直追求每天学习新事物。 他在他的网站highrockmedia上撰写有关Drupal一切的博客,并以Drupal开发人员的身份为Jackson River工作。 丹尼(Danny)喜欢与妻子一起在圣地亚哥及其周围度过时间,观光和拍摄他在highrockphoto上发表的照片。 他还花时间进行无偿公益项目,他的两个Drupal贡献主题是Gratis和Bamboo。

Danny joined our team of Drupal experts describing how to fine tune Drupal themes with some interesting conditionals, and we’re gearing up for lots more Drupal content from him. Preparing for Drupal 8’s launch? Don’t miss these!

Danny加入了我们的Drupal专家团队,他们描述了如何通过一些有趣的条件微调Drupal主题 ,并且我们正准备从他那里获得更多Drupal内容。 为Drupal 8的发布做准备? 不要错过这些!

加入我们 (Join us)

One of the most enjoyable aspects of an editor’s work is the ability to communicate with such a diverse crowd. Of the ten aforementioned authors, not a pair of them come from the same country – we’re all as scattered across the globe as it gets. There’s no better way to network, learn, and gain insight into other people’s perspective on the same matters that rattle your own brain.

编辑工作最令人愉悦的方面之一就是能够与如此众多的人群进行交流。 在上述十位作者中,没有一对来自同一国家/地区-我们分布在全球各地。 对于在困扰您自己的大脑的相同问题上,没有更好的方法可以联网,学习并深入了解他人的观点。

Would you like to join our team of PHP writers? Let us know – you can ping me directly here, on Google+ or on Twitter, or through official resources like the Google+ page, the Twitter account, or even our Facebook page, whatever tickles your fancy. If you’re not into PHP and would like to join another channel, see here.

您想加入我们PHP编写人员团队吗? 让我们知道–您可以在这里通过Google+或Twitter直接ping我,也可以通过Google+页面 , Twitter帐户甚至我们的Facebook页面之类的官方资源ping我,不管您喜欢什么。 如果您不喜欢PHP,但想加入另一个渠道,请参阅此处 。

Hope to hear from you soon!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/welcoming-new-authors-july-august-2014/


本文标签: 作者欢迎新CVE