





As long as you set your mind on studies, you will naturally cut down on food and clothing to buy

books or do everything possible to acquire necessary instruments.

分析:“撙衣节食”即“省吃省用”本句中使用了直译的方法。也可以意译为live frugally,但我们发现意译就没有直译那么生动形象。


Misfortunes never come single. In the winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father

lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma’s funeral.


1 近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一年不如一年。 例子○In recent years, both father and l have been living an unsettled life and the circumstances of our

family going from bad to worse.

分析:“东奔西走”显然不能安字面直译,要根据语境进行意译,东奔西走即为生活不稳定,所以意译为living an unsettled life 十分符合作者原本表达的意思。


Offering credit, supplying land and attacking speculation are the easiest and quickest way to see

the results and they will often also curry favor with government. But what has been overlooked or

undervalued is affordable housing which can make things right once and for all and alleviate much

of the pain people fell.

3我是半路出家,可能干不好这工作。 ○I have not received regular training for the job, so I may not do it well.


3. 选择词组中的两个字进行翻译,或两两翻译

1同时,要在产业结构调整、自主创新、节能减排等方面取得新的进展 例子○China will make further progress in industrial restructuring,innovation, energy conservation,and emissions reduction.


2.我掩面叹息,但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。 ○I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh.

分析:“掩面叹息”可以先翻译“掩面”bury my face in my hands,再翻译“叹息”heave a sigh,最后再用连词and连接即可。

4. 用相关、对应的英语习语

“十之八九”若直译为“in eight or nine cases out of ten”,译文便失去了原文简洁的风格,而意译为“most likely”又失去了原文的比喻色彩;借用英语习语“ten to one”既保留了原文的风格和喻体,又能使读者欣然接受,达到了译文与原文间的意义相符,功能相似的翻译要求。

4. 熟记中文中谚语的翻译


【直译】When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing

in disguise? 很明显直译是在讲个故事,但是却无法体现成语要表达的因祸得福的意思。所以需要意译:

【意译】 A loss may turn out to be gain.


例子:东施效颦,若采用直译方法,即译为"Tung shih imitates Hsi shih "对于中国人来说,这是一句简单的英文句子,也都理解其含义。但是对于西方读者来说,他们并不了解谁是西施谁是东施,自然此时仅采用直译并不合适。杨宪益巧妙的采用了直译加注的方法,翻译为"Tung shih imitates Hsi shih(Hsi shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of

shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way."这样一来,西方读者能更好的理解这个词的意思。


1、燕子去了, 有再来的时候; 杨柳枯了, 有再青的时候; 桃花谢了, 有再开的时候。 例○朱译: Swallows may have gone , but there is a time of return ; willow trees may have died back ,

but there is a time of re2 greening; peach blossoms may have fallen , but they will bloom again.

张译: If swallows go away , they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green

again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again.

原文开头用了三重排比句, 句子结构类似,具有很强的气势。两种译文都采用三个相应的句

式, 力求形似, 并且反映了汉语重意合, 多用隐性连贯, 借助语序表示逻辑关系; 而英语重形合, 采用显性衔接, 大量使用关联词的特点。朱译为了避免过多重复而显得单调, 最后一部分不用there is a time of blooming , 而是稍作改变, 改译为but they will bloom again. 张译每句皆以if 从句为首, 使人想起英国诗人雪莱(Shelly ) 的名句If winter comes , can Spring

be far away , 有助于烘托原文的韵味, 引起读者无穷的联想。




A silver moon is shining through the pines,

The limpid brooks are gurgling o’er the stones.

Bamboos laugh out as girls from washing whirl,

The lotus stirs where boats out fishing curl.


The bright moon is shining through the pines,

The clear stream flowing over the stones.

Bamboos rustle, as washing maids return.

Lotuses stir: a fishing boat descends.


本文标签: 翻译直译原文