



International Trade Terms

1. Incoterms 2000 《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》

2. sales contract 销售合同

3. contract of carriage 运输合同

4. contract of insurance 保险合同

5. shipment contract 装运合同

6. arrival contract 到货合同

7. actual delivery (physical delivery) 实质性交货

8. symbolic delivery 象征性交货

9. shipping advice/notice 装船通知

10. appropriation 划拨,分拨

11. freight 海运费

12. customary practice 惯例

13. customs clearance 清关

14. formalities 手续

15. division of responsibilities, risks and costs 责任、风险和费用的划分

16. transfer of risks 风险转移

17. minimum cover 最低限度的险别

18. mode of transport 运输方式

19. multimodal transport (combined transport) 多式联运

20. sea and inland waterway transport 海运和内河运输

21. ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) 国际商会


1. export profit margin 出口盈亏率

2. export cost for foreign exchange 出口换汇成本

3. purchase price 购买价

4. value-added tax included 含增值税 5. domestic cost 国内成本

6. total price 总价

7. unit price 单价

8. net price 净价

9. price including commission 含佣价

10. concluded price 成交价

11. fixed price 固定价格

12. unfixed price 非固定价

13. price adjustment clause 价格调整条款

14. final price 最终价格

15. initial price 最初价格

16. wage index 工资指数

17. material price index 原材料价格指数

18. money of account 计价货币

19. money of payment 支付货币

20. commission 佣金

21. discount 折扣

22. rebate 回扣

23. enquiry 询盘

24. quotation 报盘、报价

25. offer 发盘

26. counter offer 还盘

27. acceptance 接受(报盘)

28. revocation of an offer 撤销报盘

29. withdrawal of an offer 撤回报盘

30. offer without engagement /non-firm offer 虚盘

31. firm offer 实盘

32. irrevocable offer 不可撤销发盘

33. offeror 发盘者

34. offeree 受盘者 35. CISG 联合国国际货物销售合同公约United Nations

Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods



1. sale by actual commodity 凭实际货物买卖

2. sale by actual quality 凭实际品质买卖

3. sale by sample 凭样品买卖

4. sale by specifications 凭规格买卖

5. sale by grade 凭等级买卖

6. sale by standard 凭标准买卖

7. sale by descriptions or illustrations 凭说明书或图样买卖

8. sale by trade mark or brand name 凭商标或品牌买卖

9. sale by origin 凭产地名称买卖

10. consignment 寄售

11. auction 拍卖

12. exhibition sale 展卖

13. counter sample 回样/对等样

14. confirming sample 确认样

15. reference sample 参考样

16. shipping sample 装船样

17. FAQ (fair average quality) 良好平均品质

18. GMQ (good merchantable quality) 上好可销品质

19. quality tolerance 品质公差

20. Metric system 公制

21. British system 英制

22. U.S. system 美制

23. International System of Units 国际单位制

24. gross weight 毛重

25. net weight 净重

26. tare 皮重 27. Gross for Net 以毛作净

28. conditioned weight 公量

29. regain 回潮率

30. theoretical weight 理论重量

31. legal weight 法定重量

32. net net weight 实物净重

33. quantity latitude 数量机动幅度

34. more or less clause 溢短装条款

35. packed cargo 包装货

36. nude cargo 裸装货

37. bulk cargo 散装货

38. shipping package 运输包装

39. sales package 销售包装

40. outer package 外包装

41. inner package 内包装

42. bar code 条形码

43. neutral packing 中性包装

44. single unit packing 单件运输包装

45. collective packing 集合运输包装

46. flexible container 集装袋

47. pallet 托盘

48. shipping mark 运输标志

49. indicative mark 指示性标志

50. warning mark 警告性标志

51. country of origin 原产国

52. case number 箱号

53. lot number/batch number 批号

54. perishable goods 易腐烂商品

55. corrosive goods 腐蚀性物品

56. poisonous goods 有毒物品 57. radioactive substances 放射性物质

58. explosive goods 爆炸品

59. Handle with care. 小心轻放。

60. Fragile. 易碎。

61. This side up. 此面向上。

62. Use no hook. 勿用手钩。

63. Keep away from heat. 远离热源。

64. Do not stow on deck. 勿装甲板上。

International Carriage of Goods

1. liner transport 班轮运输

2. charter transport 程租运输

3. voyage charter 程租船

4. time charter 期租船

5. demise/bareboat charter 光租船

6. freight ton 运费吨

7. weight ton 重量吨

8. measurement ton 尺码吨

9. ad valorem 从价运费

10. basic rate 基本费率

11. surcharge 附加费

12. additionals 附属费

13. laytime 装卸时间

14. demurrage 滞期费

15. dispatch 速遣费

16. on board bill of lading (shipped B/L) 已装船提单

17. received for shipment B/L 备运提单

18. clean B/L 清洁提单

19. unclean B/L (foul B/L, dirty B/L) 不洁提单

20. straight B/L 记名提单

21. bearer B/L 不记名提单 22. order B/L 指示提单

23. direct B/L 直航提单

24. transshipment B/L 转船提单

25. through B/L 联运提单

26. long form B/L 全式提单

27. short form B/L 简式提单

28. stale B/L 过期提单

29. antedated B/L 倒签提单

30. advanced B/L 预签提单

31. on deck B/L 舱面提单

32. ocean B/L 海运提单

33. sea waybill 海运单

34. air waybill 空运单

35. consignment note 托运单

36. MTD(multimodal transport document)

CTD (combined transport document) 多式联运提单

37. containerization 集装箱运输

38. TEU ( twenty-foot equivalent unit ) 20尺标准箱

39. FEU (forty-foot equivalent unit)


40. FCL (full container load) 整装箱

41. LCL (less than container load) 拼装箱

42. CY (container yard) 集装箱堆场

43. CFS (container freight station) 集装箱货运站

44. transshipment 转船

45. partial shipments 分批装运

46. optional port 选择港

47. port of shipment 装运港

48. port of destination 目的港

49. time of shipment 装运期 50. time of delivery 交货期

International Cargo Insurance

1. the insured 被保险人

2. insurer 保险人

3. underwriter 承保人

4. subject matter insured /insurable subject matter 保险标的

5. insurable interest 可保利益

6. utmost good faith 最大诚信

7. perils of the sea 海上风险

8. natural calamity 自然灾害

9. unexpected/fortuitous accidents 意外事故

10. external/extraneous risks 外来风险

11. general risks 一般外来风险

12. special risks 特殊外来风险

13. total loss 全部损失

14. partial loss 部分损失

15. actual total loss 实际全损

16. constructive total loss 推定全损

17. general average 共同海损

18. GA contribution 共同海损分摊

19. particular average 单独海损

20. insurance cover(age)保险险别

21. FPA (Free from Particular Average) 平安险

22. WPA ( With Particular Average) 水渍险

23. All Risks 一切险

24. subrogation 代位求偿权

25. insurance premium 保险费

26. insurance rate 保险费率

27. insured amount/sum insured 保险金额

28. insurance policy 保险单 29. insurance certificate 保险凭证

30. W/W clause (warehouse to warehouse clause) 仓至仓条款

31. exclusions 除外责任

32. insurance claim 保险索赔

33. franchise 免赔率

34. deductible franchise 绝对免赔率

35. non-deductible franchise 相对免赔率

36. IOP (irrespective of percentage) 不计免赔率

International Payments

1. bill of exchange 汇票

2. promissory note 本票

3. drawer 出票人

4. drawee 受票人

5. payer 付款人

6. payee 收款人

7. draw on sb. 向某人开立汇票

8. banker’s draft银行汇票

9. commercial draft 商业汇票

10. clean bill 光票

11. documentary bill 跟单汇票

12. sight draft 即期汇票

13. time/usance draft 远期汇票

14. presentation 提示

15. acceptance 承兑

16. discount 贴现

17. endorsement 背书

18. honour the draft 支付(承兑)汇票

19. dishonour the draft 拒付汇票

20. check 支票

21. remittance 汇付 22. M/T (mail transfer) 信汇

23. T/T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇

24. D/D (demand draft) 即期汇票

25. collection 托收

26. D/P (documents against payment) 付款交单

27. D/P at sight 即期付款交单

28. D/P after sight 远期付款交单

29. D/A (documents against acceptance) 承兑交单

30. clean collection 光票托收

31. documentary collection 跟单托收

32. collecting bank 代收行

33. remitting bank 托收行

34. Uniform Rules for Collection (URC 522) 托收统一规则522

35. documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证

36. applicant 开证申请人

37. beneficiary 受益人

38. issuing bank 开证行

39. advising bank 通知行

40. confirming bank 保兑行

41. negotiating bank 议付行

42. reimbursing bank 偿付行

43. revocable L/C 可撤销信用证

44. irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证

45. sight L/C 即期信用证

46. usance/time L/C 远期信用证

47. documentary L/C 跟单信用证

48. clean credit 光票信用证

49. standby L/C 备用信用证

50. revolving credit 循环信用证

51. confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 52. transferable L/C 可转让信用证

53. reciprocal credit 对开信用证

54. back-to-back credit 背对背信用证

55. anticipatory credit 预支信用证

56. red clause credit 红条款信用证

57. payment in advance 预付

58. payment by installments 分期付款

59. deferred payment 延期付款

60. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits


本文标签: 提单信用证买卖运输包装