

Your newly purchased router has a ton of potential, but unfortunately the manufacturer usually downplays the capabilities by only enabling limited features. Here’s how to unleash some of those features with an open source firmware.

您新购买的路由器具有巨大的潜力,但是不幸的是,制造商通常仅通过启用有限的功能来淡化这些功能。 以下是使用开源固件释放其中某些功能的方法。

The firmware we’ll be using today is called Tomato, and it’s an alternative to the DD-WRT firmware we’ve already covered in a previous article.


什么是番茄? (What is Tomato?)

It’s a delicious fruit you eat that can help prevent cancer due to its high levels of Lycopene. Some people enjoy tomatoes on hamburgers and in salads. Oh! You wanted to know about Tomato as in the powerful, user friendly, full-of-features, alternative router firmware? Well, why didn’t you say so?

您可以吃到美味的水果,因为番茄红素含量高,可以帮助预防癌症。 有些人喜欢在汉堡包和沙拉上吃番茄。 哦! 您想通过功能强大,用户友好,功能齐全的备用路由器固件来了解Tomato吗? 好吧,你为什么不这样说呢?

The original firmware that comes installed on your router does the basics, but Tomato offers a wider range of features including our favorite, bandwidth monitoring. You don’t have to take advantage of all of Tomato’s features to enjoy it; we would even recommend it to novice users because it’s so easy to use.

路由器上安装的原始固件具有基本功能,但是Tomato提供了更广泛的功能,包括我们最喜欢的带宽监控。 您不必利用Tomato的所有功能来享受它。 我们甚至会向新手推荐它,因为它非常易于使用。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

1. This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of networking and using a Windows-based computer.


2. We will be using a Linksys WRT54GL router, so if you’re using a different model be sure to check below to see if it’s compatible with Tomato. Another detail, although minor, is we’ll be using Windows 7 throughout the guide. If you’re running Linux or Mac OS X, you might notice slight differences but not enough to interfere with the end result.

2.我们将使用Linksys WRT54GL路由器,因此,如果您使用其他型号,请确保在下面检查它是否与Tomato兼容。 另一个细节(尽管很小)是,我们将在整个指南中使用Windows 7。 如果您运行的是Linux或Mac OS X,则可能会注意到一些细微差别,但不足以影响最终结果。

3. Tomato only works with certain routers. Make sure you’re installing Tomato on one of the models listed below otherwise you may end up with a new chew toy for your dog (please note: we do not advise giving your dog a router as a chew toy). Other routers may work with Tomato also, but the following have been tested and are known to work:

3. Tomato仅适用于某些路由器。 确保您在以下所列型号之一上安装Tomato,否则可能会为您的狗带来一个新的咀嚼玩具(请注意:我们不建议给您的狗一个路由器作为咀嚼玩具)。 其他路由器也可以与Tomato一起使用,但是以下路由器已经过测试,可以正常使用:

· ASUS WL-500G Premium· ASUS WL520GU


· Buffalo WHR-HP-G54

· Buffalo WHR-G54S

· Buffalo WZR-G54

· Buffalo WBR2-G54

· Buffalo WHR-G125

· Buffalo WZR-HP-G54

· Buffalo WVR-G54-NF

· Buffalo WHR3-AG54

· Buffalo WZR-RS-G54· Buffalo WZR-RS-G54HP

· Buffalo WHR2-A54-G54

· Linksys WRT54G v1-4

· Linksys WRT54GL v1.x

· Linksys WRT54GS v1-v4

· Linksys WRTSL54GS

· Microsoft MN-700

· Motorola WR850G/GP

· Sparklan WX6615GT

· Fuji RT390W













·Linksys WRT54G v1-4

·Linksys WRT54GL v1.x

·Linksys WRT54GS v1-v4

·Linksys WRTSL54GS


·摩托罗拉WR850G / GP



安装番茄 (Installing Tomato)

First thing you’ll want to do is set up your router on your network. By default, most routers will have an internal IP address of Open up your browser and enter in your router’s IP address. You’ll be prompted for a username and password. The defaults for a Linksys WRT54GL are “admin” and “admin”. Keep this window up because we’ll be coming back to it shortly.

您要做的第一件事就是在网络上设置路由器。 默认情况下,大多数路由器的内部IP地址为192.168.1.1。 打开浏览器,然后输入路由器的IP地址。 系统将提示您输入用户名和密码。 Linksys WRT54GL的默认值为“ admin”和“ admin”。 保持此窗口为打开状态,因为我们很快就会返回。

Head over to Polarcloud’s homepage to download the latest version of Tomato. You’ll want to look for the file called Despite being released almost a year ago, Version 1.28 is the latest version and offers a few software fixes including an updated version of Dnsmasq, a lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server. Now extract the files in your file, and you’ll notice 9 files that are named after certain router models.

前往Polarcloud的主页下载最新版本的Tomato。 您将要查找名为Tomato_1_28.zip的文件。 尽管发布了将近一年前,但版本1.28是最新版本,并提供了一些软件修复程序,包括Dnsmasq的更新版本,轻型DNS转发器和DHCP服务器。 现在,将文件提取到Tomato_1_28.zip文件中,您会注意到有9个文件是根据某些路由器型号命名的。

Open up your browser session from earlier and click the Administration tab at the top. Next, click Firmware Upgrade as seen below.

从较早版本打开浏览器会话,然后单击顶部的“管理”选项卡。 接下来,单击固件升级,如下所示。

Click the Browse button and navigate to the extracted Tomato files. You’ll want to select your router’s appropriate Tomato firmware file. Since we’re installing Tomato on a Linksys WRT54GL, we’ll choose the WRT54G_WRT54GL.bin file. After you’ve selected the appropriate .bin file, click the Upgrade button in the web interface. Your router will start installing Tomato, and should take less than a minute to complete.

单击浏览按钮,然后导航到提取的Tomato文件。 您需要选择路由器的适当的Tomato固件文件。 由于我们要在Linksys WRT54GL上安装Tomato,因此我们将选择WRT54G_WRT54GL.bin文件。 选择适当的.bin文件后,在Web界面中单击“升级”按钮。 您的路由器将开始安装Tomato,并且只需不到一分钟即可完成。

Your router will restart by itself, and your computer will attempt to capture an IP address from Tomato’s DHCP server once it’s back up. Fire up your browser again and behold! It’s your first sighting of Tomato.

路由器将自行重启,一旦备份,计算机将尝试从Tomato的DHCP服务器捕获IP地址。 重新启动浏览器,然后看! 这是您第一次看到番茄。

Okay! We’re almost done! Now the first thing you’ll want to do is secure your wireless connection. You don’t want any potential thieves noticing your vulnerable wireless network, so let’s quickly put an end to that fear. Click Basic in the left column. Scroll down to the Wireless segment and change the Security drop down menu to WPA2 Personal. Feel free to choose a different encryption method that you prefer. WPA2 Personal is what we use because it’s the most secure. Don’t forget to change your SSID to something creative like “Pretty Fly For A WiFi” or “FBI Surveillance Van”.

好的! 我们快完成了! 现在,您要做的第一件事就是保护无线连接。 您不想让任何潜在的盗贼注意到您的脆弱的无线网络,因此让我们Swift消除这种恐惧。 单击左栏中的“基本”。 向下滚动到“无线”部分,然后将“安全性”下拉菜单更改为“ WPA2个人”。 随意选择您喜欢的其他加密方法。 WPA2 Personal是我们使用的,因为它是最安全的。 别忘了将您的SSID更改为诸如“ Pretty Fly For WiFi”或“ FBI Surveillance Van”之类的创意。

You might also want to configure the DHCP server IP address lease range and the WiFi channel. To determine the best WiFi channel to use, click the Scan button next to the Channel drop down menu. You’ll see a list of your neighbors’ WiFi networks and which channels they’re using. Choose a channel that is not being used by your neighbors to avoid channel frequency interference.

您可能还需要配置DHCP服务器IP地址的租用范围和WiFi通道。 要确定要使用的最佳WiFi通道,请单击“通道”下拉菜单旁边的“扫描”按钮。 您会看到邻居的WiFi网络列表以及他们正在使用的频道。 选择您的邻居不使用的信道以避免信道频率干扰。

That pretty much wraps it up. It wasn’t that bad, huh? You’ll begin to love Tomato for its clean user interface and robust features.

差不多就把它结语了。 没那么糟吧? 您会因为它干净的用户界面和强大的功能而开始喜欢Tomato。

Download Tomato from polarcloud Update: You can download an updated version of Tomato from http://tomatousb/. Image by The Ewan

从polarcloud下载Tomato 更新:您可以从http://tomatousb/下载西红柿的更新版本。 图片由伊万

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/59152/boost-networking-performance-by-installing-tomato-on-your-router/

本文标签: 路由器上性能网络Tomato