

华为AR1220-S AR2200-S Series 系列路由器密码重置:

1、长按 RST 5秒以上或用户界面输:reboot ;设备重载加电启动,按Ctrl+B进入 bootrom 菜单(密码:huawei 或 Admin@huawei )
2、选择 -7. Password Manager(密码管理)
3、选择 -2. Clear the console login password(清除控制台登录密码)
4、选择 -0. Return(配置完成退回视图界面命令,返回)
5、选择 -6. Reboot(重启)

Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. Continue? [y/n]:y (这里选择 y )

It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait…
Nov 1 2020 12:18:59+00:00 Huawei %%01LOAD/4/ENT_CONFIG_SET(l)[0]:Succeeded in setting flash:/ for config file by device.
Configuration file had been saved successfully
Note: The configurat
