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 Data Warehouse Sql Language
 ACCESS FileMaker
 Data Mining Database Design
 Database General MySql
 Oracle SQL Server 2005
 SQL Server 2008 DB2
 Sql Server Windows 2003
 Windows Server 2008 Linux
 Windows Unix
 Windows Vista OS General
 Flash Flex
 3D Animation PhotoShop
 SCM Project
 Software Test Object Oriented
 UML Service Oriented
 Patterns Extreme Programming
 Requirement Aspect Oriented
 Six Sigma Excel
 SAP Google
 Apple Exchange Server
 VPN Wireless
 IPv6 VoIP
 Mobile C C++
 Spring Ado.Net
 Programming General Dot Net
 C# CSharp Hibernate
 Java Delphi
 Eclipse Swing
 J2ME DirectX
 Algorithms OpenGL
 Visual Studio Web Services
 J2EE Crystal Reports
 JDBC WebLogic
 Grid Computing WPF
 Jakarta DreamWeaver
 Apache Asp
 Web Design Adobe AIR
 Web General Asp.Net
 Java Script SharePoint
 VBScript Ajax
 Python Ruby
 Perl CSS
 Game Programming Game General
Blogger: Beyond the Basics: Customize and promote your blog with original templates, analytics, adve
[LanguageEnglish ] [Channel: Web General ] 
<script type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> This book will take you beyond the basics of Blogger, helping you take full advantage of the rich and powerful features of Blogger to transform your blog into a fresh and state-of-the-art blog as quickly and painlessly as possible. The book is aimed at current users of the Blogger platform who want to get the most out of Blogger and people who use a different blogging platform and are planning on switching to Blogger. Blog owners who promote their own services, expertise, and products, and want to increase their blog's success by pushing the limits of what Blogger can do will get the most out of this book. The book doesn't require any specific knowledge of Blogger or the related technologies: RSS, CSS, HTML, and XML. Everything you need to know to grow beyond the basics is covered in this book.

本文标签: CustomizePromotebloggerBasicsBlog