

According    to    the  According    to    the
police      inspector,  police      inspector,
Edward  John Billings,  Edward John  Billings,
there  are   too  many  there  are   too  many
individuals  too close  individuals  too close
to  the  case to  make  to  the  case to  make
an  arrest.   I  asked  an  arrest.   I  asked
Mary  Smith to comment  Mary Smith  to comment
on  the case,  but she  on  the case,  but she
declined  to  comment,  declined  to  comment,
because  she  is  soon  because  she is   soon
to   be   married   to  to   be   married   to
Howard  D. Fredericks,  Howard  D. Fredericks,
the   victim's  uncle.  the   victim's  uncle.
Charles   Wilson,  the  Charles   Wilson,  the
victim's      brother,  victim's      brother,
stated that  the chaos  stated that  the chaos
was   responsible  for  was  responsible   for
at least  five suicide  at least  five suicide
attempts   last   week  attempts   last   week
alone.                  alone.


本文标签: JohnSmithresponsible