


[AppleScript]  纯文本查看  复制代码 ?
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 var util = require ( '.. / .. / utils / util.js' )   var app = getApp ( )   Page ( {      data : {          playingSong : { } ,          songUrl : '' ,          songImg : '' ,          songState : {              progress : 0 ,              currentPosition : ' 00 : 00 ' ,              duration : ' 00 : 00 '          } ,          isPlaying : true ,          lyric : ''      } ,      onLoad : function ( ) {          console. log ( 'playsong onLoad' ) ;            let that = this;          let songdata = app.globalData.songData;                    that .setData ( {              playingSong : songdata ,              songUrl : 'http : / / / C 100 ' + songdata.songmid + '.m 4 a?fromtag = 38 ' ,              songImg : 'http : / / y.gtimg / music / photo_new / T 002 R 150 x 150 M 000 ' + songdata.albummid + '.jpg' ,          } ) ;            let thatData = that . data ;          wx.playBackgroundAudio ( {              dataUrl : thatData.songUrl ,              title : thatData.playingSong.songname ,              coverImgUrl : thatData.songImg ,              success : function ( res ) {                  / / do something              }          } ) ;      } ,      onReady : function ( ) {          console. log ( 'playsong onReady' ) ;          let that = this;          that .songPlay ( ) ;            wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay ( function ( ) {              console. log ( '播放了' ) ;              that .songPlay ( ) ;          } ) ;      } ,      timeToString : function ( duration ) {          let str = '';          let minute = parseInt ( duration / 60 ) < 10 ? ( ' 0 ' + parseInt ( duration / 60 ) ) : ( parseInt ( duration / 60 ) ) ;          let second = duration% 60 < 10 ? ( ' 0 ' + duration% 60 ) : ( duration% 60 ) ;          str = minute + ' : ' + second ;          return str;      } ,      songPlay : function ( ) {          let that = this;          let inv = setInterval ( function ( ) {              wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState ( {                  success : function ( res ) {                      if ( res.status = = 1 ) {                          that .setData ( {                              isPlaying : true ,                              songState : {                                  progress : res.currentPosition / res.duration * 100 ,                                  currentPosition : that .timeToString ( res.currentPosition ) ,                                  duration : that .timeToString ( res.duration )                              }                          } )                      } else {                          that .setData ( {                              isPlaying : false                          } ) ;                          clearInterval ( inv ) ;                      }                  }              } ) ;          } , 1000 ) ;      } ,      songToggle : function ( ) {          let that = this;            if ( that . data .isPlaying ) {              wx.pauseBackgroundAudio ( ) ;          } else {              wx.playBackgroundAudio ( {                  title : that . data .playingSong.songname ,                  coverImgUrl : that . data .songImg              } ) ;          } ;            that .songPlay ( ) ;      } } )

https://github/linima/wx_qqmusic (34.5 KB, 下载次数: 5)

本文标签: 音乐音乐列表程序微信小qq