


Do you want to add email subscription to your WordPress blog? Recently, one of our users asked us what is the best way to subscribe by email option in WordPress? In this article, we will show you how to add email subscriptions to your WordPress blog and start building your email list.

您是否要向WordPress博客添加电子邮件订阅? 最近,我们的一位用户问我们WordPress中通过电子邮件订阅的最佳方法是什么? 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何向WordPress博客添加电子邮件订阅并开始建立电子邮件列表。

为什么您应该通过电子邮件选项向站点添加订阅? (Why You Should Add Subscribe via Email Option to Your Site?)

While social media is a great way to interact with your readers, email is the most reliable and direct way of communication. By offering email subscription on your blog, you can build a steady stream of regular visitors for your site.

社交媒体是与读者互动的一种很好的方式,而电子邮件是最可靠,最直接的交流方式。 通过在博客上提供电子邮件订阅,您可以为网站建立稳定的常规访问者流。

Email subscription also gives your users yet another way to consume your content as some folks may not be on social media. See our complete guide on why you should start building your email list right away.

电子邮件订阅还为您的用户提供了另一种消费您的内容的方式,因为有些人可能不在社交媒体上。 请参阅我们的完整指南,了解为什么您应该立即开始构建电子邮件列表 。

Often beginners think that adding email subscription is some complicated process. That’s not true at all.

通常,初学者认为添加电子邮件订阅是一个复杂的过程。 那根本不是真的。

The WordPress RSS to email subscription setup is quite straight forward, and it will take you less than 30 minutes. Once you set it up, your readers will automatically get daily or weekly emails containing your new content.

WordPress RSS to email订阅设置非常简单,只需不到30分钟即可完成。 设置完成后,您的读者将自动收到包含您的新内容的每日或每周电子邮件。

Now since there are multiple services and plugins that allow you to setup email subscriptions in WordPress, we will only cover the top 3 email subscription plugins and services.


MailChimp RSS到电子邮件 (MailChimp RSS to Email)

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing service providers. It is a paid service, but they do offer a free option for those with less than 2000 subscribers.

MailChimp是最受欢迎的电子邮件营销服务提供商之一。 这是一项付费服务​​,但对于订户少于2000个的用户,他们确实提供了免费选择。

To quickly get started with MailChimp see our guide on using MailChimp and WordPress.


For the sake of this article, we are assuming that you have signed up for MailChimp and created your first email list. The next step is to setup an RSS to Email campaign.

就本文而言,我们假设您已经注册MailChimp并创建了您的第一个电子邮件列表。 下一步是设置“ RSS到电子邮件”广告系列。

Simply visit Campaigns » Create Campaign to create a new campaign.


MailChimp will now show you different types of campaigns that you can create. You need to click on the RSS Driven Campaign option.

MailChimp现在将向您显示可以创建的不同类型的广告系列。 您需要单击RSS驱动的广告系列选项。

This will bring you to the campaign settings page where you need to provide your WordPress site’s RSS feed link. Your feed URL is yoursite/feed/

这将带您进入广告系列设置页面,您需要在其中提供WordPress网站的RSS feed链接。 您的供稿网址是yoursite/feed/

You will also need to choose the time and frequency of emails. You can choose to send daily, weekly, or monthly emails.

您还需要选择电子邮件的时间和频率。 您可以选择每天,每周或每月发送电子邮件。

On the next page, you will have to provide campaign info. You will notice that MailChimp has already pre-filled most fields on the page. These settings should work for most blogs, but feel free to change them as needed.

在下一页上,您将必须提供广告系列信息。 您会注意到MailChimp已经在页面上预填了大多数字段。 这些设置适用于大多数博客,但是可以根据需要随时进行更改。

Now you need to click on the next button to select a template for your emails. MailChimp allows you to customize the template by adding your own logo, by-line, and any other elements that you may want to add.

现在,您需要单击下一步按钮以选择电子邮件的模板。 MailChimp允许您通过添加自己的徽标,按行添加以及可能要添加的任何其他元素来自定义模板。

When you are finished customizing, click on the next button and then click on Save and Exit.


That’s all, you have successfully created your WordPress RSS to Email newsletter using MailChimp.

就是这样,您已经使用MailChimp成功创建了WordPress RSS to Email通讯。

To add the email subscription form to your website, simply visit the Lists page on your MailChimp account and click on the downward arrow icon next to your email list. After that select signup forms from the menu.

要将电子邮件订阅表单添加到您的网站,只需访问MailChimp帐户上的“列表”页面,然后单击电子邮件列表旁边的向下箭头图标。 之后,从菜单中选择注册表单。

MailChimp will then ask you, what kind of signup form you want to create. Select Embedded Forms.

然后,MailChimp将询问您要创建哪种注册表单。 选择嵌入式表单。

On the next screen, you can customize your email sign up form and generate the embed code. You can then copy and paste this code in a text widget on your WordPress website.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以自定义您的电子邮件注册表单并生成嵌入代码。 然后,您可以将此代码复制并粘贴到WordPress网站上的文本小部件中。

Alternatively, you can use OptinMonster a plugin created by the WPBeginner team that will make this process a lot easier and offer you pretty signup forms, floating bars, slide-ins, exit-intent popups, and more.


Aweber RSS到电子邮件 (Aweber RSS to Email)

Aweber is another popular email marketing service provider. It’s a paid service, but they offer a 30 day free trial. A lot of bloggers and internet marketers prefer to use AWeber.

Aweber是另一种流行的电子邮件营销服务提供商。 这是一项付费服务​​,但他们提供30天免费试用。 许多博客作者和互联网营销人员更喜欢使用AWeber 。

If you are just joining Aweber, then you will be directed to create your first email list when you login for the first time.

如果您只是加入Aweber ,那么在您首次登录时,系统将指导您创建第一个电子邮件列表。

Once you are logged into your Aweber dashboard, simply visit Messages » Blog Broadcasts.

登录到Aweber仪表板后,只需访问消息»Blog Broadcasts即可

On the next screen, click on the green button labeled ‘Create a Blog Broadcast’.


This will bring you to the new page where you can setup your RSS to email campaign. First you need to enter the URL of your blog’s RSS feed. After that you need to provide a subject line for the emails.

这将带您到新页面,您可以在其中设置RSS到电子邮件的广告系列。 首先,您需要输入博客的RSS feed的URL。 之后,您需要为电子邮件提供一个主题行。

Scroll down a little, and you can choose a template for your email. Select the one you like and then click on load template.

向下滚动一点,您可以为电子邮件选择一个模板。 选择您喜欢的一个,然后单击加载模板。

After choosing your template, scroll further down to configure time and frequency of emails. You can setup to send an email as soon as new item appears in your RSS feed. You can also send daily, weekly, or even monthly email digests.

选择模板后,进一步向下滚动以配置电子邮件的时间和频率。 您可以设置为在RSS Feed中出现新项目后立即发送电子邮件。 您还可以每天,每周甚至每月发送电子邮件摘要。

Once you are done setting up these options, you need to click on Save Blog Broadcast button.


That’s all, you have successfully set up Aweber RSS to email subscription.

就是这样,您已经成功设置了Aweber RSS订阅电子邮件。

If you have not already added the email signup form to your WordPress site, then the next step is to add a signup form to your WordPress sidebar. Simply click on the ‘Signup Forms’ in the Aweber dashboard to design your email signup form.

如果您尚未将电子邮件注册表单添加到WordPress网站,则下一步是将注册表单添加到WordPress侧边栏。 只需在Aweber仪表板中单击“注册表单”即可设计您的电子邮件注册表单。

Follow the on screen instructions and save your form. Finally you will reach the publish section. There you need to click on the ‘I will install my form’ button and copy the form embed code.

按照屏幕上的说明保存表单。 最后,您将到达发布部分。 您需要在此处单击“我将安装我的表单”按钮,然后复制表单嵌入代码。

Now go to Appearance » Widgets on your WordPress site and paste this code in a text widget.

现在转到WordPress网站上的外观»小部件 ,然后将此代码粘贴到文本小部件中。

Alternatively, you can use OptinMonster a plugin created by the WPBeginner team that will make this process a lot easier and offer you pretty signup forms, floating bars, slide-ins, exit-intent popups, and more.


使用Jetpack订阅 (Using Jetpack Subscriptions)

Jetpack is another option for users who want to add email subscriptions to their WordPress site. It is completely free, but the downside is that you don’t control your list.

对于想要向其WordPress网站添加电子邮件订阅的用户,Jetpack是另一种选择。 它是完全免费的,但缺点是您无法控制列表。

Jetpack Subscriptions is not a full newsletter. For example, if you wanted to send an email apart from your daily blog posts, then you will not be able to do that using Jetpack Subscriptions. Also, if later you decide to move to a proper email marketing service which most bloggers do, then your users will have to opt-in to the email list again.

Jetpack订阅不是完整的新闻通讯。 例如,如果您想发送除日常博客文章之外的电子邮件,那么您将无法使用Jetpack订阅进行发送。 另外,如果以后您决定转向大多数博客作者所使用的适当的电子邮件营销服务,则您的用户将不得不再次选择加入电子邮件列表。

Having said that, here is how to add Jetpack email subscriptions to your self hosted WordPress site. First thing you need to do is install and activate the Jetpack plugin. Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled Jetpack to your WordPress admin bar. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin’s settings page.

话虽如此,这是如何将Jetpack电子邮件订阅添加到您的自托管WordPress网站。 您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Jetpack插件。 激活后,插件将在您的WordPress管理栏中添加一个名为Jetpack的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

Jetpack plugin requires you to create a WordPress account and link your site with it (See our guide on the difference between WordPress and self-hosted WordPress sites). If you have a WordPress account, then you can use that or you can create a free account.

Jetpack插件要求您创建一个WordPress帐户并将其与您的网站链接(请参阅有关WordPress与自托管WordPress网站之间区别的指南)。 如果您拥有WordPress帐户,则可以使用该帐户,也可以创建一个免费帐户。

Once you have connected Jetpack to WordPress, you need to visit Appearance » Widgets. Drag and drop Blog Subscriptions (Jetpack) widget to a sidebar and then click on Save button store your widget settings.

将Jetpack连接到WordPress后,需要访问Appearance»Widgets 。 将Blog Subscriptions(Jetpack)小部件拖放到侧边栏,然后单击“保存”按钮以存储小部件设置。

You can also enable subscription option below your comment form. Visit Settings » Discussion page and scroll down to the Jetpack subscription section. Check the box next to blog subspcription and comment subscription options. Click on the save changes button to store your settings.

您还可以在评论表单下方启用订阅选项。 访问设置»讨论页面,然后向下滚动到Jetpack订阅部分。 选中博客订阅和评论订阅选项旁边的框。 单击保存更改按钮以存储您的设置。

That’s all you have successfully set up Jetpack email subscriptions on your WordPress site. If you ever want to move to another email service, here is how to switch from Jetpack subscriptions to MailChimp, Aweber, etc.

这就是您在WordPress网站上成功设置Jetpack电子邮件订阅的全部。 如果您想转移到另一个电子邮件服务,这里是如何从Jetpack订阅切换到MailChimp,Aweber等 。

We hope this article helped you add email subscription to your WordPress blog. You may also want to check out how we increased our email subscribers by 600% using OptinMonster.

我们希望本文能帮助您将电子邮件订阅添加到WordPress博客。 您可能还想了解一下我们如何使用OptinMonster将电子邮件订户增加了600% 。

While there are dozens of other plugins and services that allow you to setup email subscriptions for your WordPress blog, above are the ones that we recommend. For those who are wondering, we use MailChimp and OptinMonster to handle WPBeginner email subscriptions. Here’s a tutorial on how to create a daily and weekly email newsletter in WordPress similar to WPBeginner.

虽然还有许多其他插件和服务可让您为WordPress博客设置电子邮件订阅,但以上是我们推荐的插件和服务。 对于那些想知道的人,我们使用MailChimp和OptinMonster处理WPBeginner电子邮件订阅。 这是有关如何在WordPress中类似于WPBeginner 创建每日和每周电子邮件通讯的教程。

We hope this article helped you learn how to properly add email subscriptions to your WordPress blog. You may also want to check out our email marketing 101 guide to kickstart your email list.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何将电子邮件订阅正确添加到WordPress博客。 您可能还想查看我们的电子邮件营销101指南,以启动您的电子邮件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-email-subscriptions-for-your-wordpress-blog/


本文标签: 您的如何将电子邮件邮箱博客