

第九章第七题(Account类)(Account class)

  • 9.7(Account类)设计一个名为Account的类,他包括:

    • 为账号定义一个名为id的int类型私有数据域(默认值为0)标识账号。
    • 为账号定义一个名为balance的double类型私有数据域(默认值为0)表示余额。
    • 一个名为annualInterestRate的double类型私有数据域存储当前利率(默认值为0)。假设所有的账户都有相同的利率。
    • 一个名为dateCreated的Date类型的私有数据域,存储账户的开户日期。
    • 一个用于创建默认账户的无参构造方法。
    • 一个用于创建具有指定id和初始余额的账户的构造方法。
    • id、balance和annualInterestRate的访问器方法和修改器方法。
    • dateCreated的访问器方法。
    • 一个名为getMonthlyInterstRate()的方法,返回月利率。
    • 一个名为getMonthlyInterst()的方法,返回月利息。
    • 一个名为writeDraw的方法,从账户提取指定余额。
    • 一个名为deposit的方法向指定账户存储指定额度。

    9.7(Account class)Design a class named account, which includes:

    • Define an int type private data field named ID (the default value is 0) to identify the account.
    • Define a double type private data field named balance for the account (the default value is 0) to represent the balance.
    • A double type private data field called annualinterestrate stores the current interest rate (the default is 0). Suppose all accounts have the same interest rate.
    • A private data field of type date named datecreated stores the account opening date.
    • A nonparametric construction method for creating default accounts.
    • A constructor for creating an account with a specified ID and an initial balance.
    • Accessor and modifier methods for ID, balance, and annualinterestrate.
    • Accessor method for datecreated.
    • A method called getmonthlyinterstrate() returns the monthly interest rate.
    • A method called getmonthlyinterst() returns the monthly interest.
    • A method called writedraw withdraws the specified balance from the account.
    • A method called deposit stores the specified amount to the specified account.

    Draw the UML diagram of the class and implement the class.
    Tip: the method getmonthlyinterst() is used to return monthly interest, not interest rate. Monthly interest. Monthly interest rate is annual interest rate / 12. Note that annual interest rate is a percentage, such as 4.5%. You need to divide it by 100
    Write a test program to create an account object with an account ID of 1122, a balance of $20000 and an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Withdraw $2500 using the withdraw method, deposit $3000 using the deposit method, and print the balance, monthly interest, and the account opening date.

  • 参考代码:

package chapter09;

import java.util.Date;

public class Code_07 {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Account account = new Account(1122,20000);


        System.out.println("balance:" + account.getBalance());
        System.out.println("monthly interest:" + account.getMonthlyInterestRate() * account.getBalance());
class Account{
    private int id;
    private double balance;
    private double annualInterestRate;
    private Date dateCreated;

    public Account(){
        dateCreated = new Date();
        id = 0;
        balance = 0;
        annualInterestRate = 0;

    public Account(int ID, double BALANCE){
        dateCreated = new Date();
        id = ID;
        balance = BALANCE;
        annualInterestRate = 0.045;

    public int getId(){
        return id;

    public void setId(int ID){
        id = ID;

    public double getBalance(){
        return balance;

    public void setBalance(double ba){
        balance = ba;

    public double getAnnualInterestRate(){
        return annualInterestRate;

    public void setAnnualInterestRate(double annual){
        annualInterestRate = annual;

    public Date getDate(){
        return dateCreated;

    public double getMonthlyInterestRate(){
        return annualInterestRate / 12.0;

    public boolean withDraw(double money){
        if(balance >= money){
            balance -= money;
            return true;
            return false;

    public boolean deposit(double money){
        if(money >= 0){
            balance += money;
            return true;
            return false;

  • 结果显示:
monthly interest:75.0
Fri Oct 30 18:09:50 CST 2020

Process finished with exit code 0

本文标签: 第九章Accountclass