


  • Usage policies使用策略
    • Disallowed usage of our models 禁止使用我们的模型
  • API data usage policies API数据使用策略
    • Frequently asked questions 常见问题
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Usage policies使用策略

Updated March 17, 2023 更新于2023年3月17日

We’ve recently updated our usage policies to be clearer and more specific.

We want everyone to use our tools safely and responsibly. That’s why we’ve created usage policies that apply to all users of OpenAI’s models, tools, and services. By following them, you’ll ensure that our technology is used for good.

If we discover that your product or usage doesn’t follow these policies, we may ask you to make necessary changes. Repeated or serious violations may result in further action, including suspending or terminating your account.

Our policies may change as we learn more about use and abuse of our models.

Disallowed usage of our models 禁止使用我们的模型

We don’t allow the use of our models for the following:

  • Illegal activity 非法活动
    OpenAI prohibits the use of our models, tools, and services for illegal activity.

  • Child Sexual Abuse Material or any content that exploits or harms children 利用或伤害儿童的材料或任何内容
    We report CSAM to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  • Generation of hateful, harassing, or violent content 生成仇恨、骚扰或暴力内容

    Content that expresses, incites, or promotes hate based on identity
    Content that intends to harass, threaten, or bully an individual
    Content that promotes or glorifies violence or celebrates the suffering or humiliation of others

  • Generation of malware 恶意软件的生成

    Content that attempts to generate code that is designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. 试图生成旨在破坏、损坏计算机系统或对其进行未经授权访问的代码的内容。

  • Activity that has high risk of physical harm, including:

    Weapons development 武器发展
    Military and warfare 军事和战争
    Management or operation of critical infrastructure in energy, transportation, and water
    Content that promotes, encourages, or depicts acts of self-harm, such as suicide, cutting, and eating disorders 宣传、鼓励或描述自我伤害行为的内容,如自杀、切割和饮食失调

  • Activity that has high risk of economic harm, including:

    Multi-level marketing 多层次营销
    Gambling 赌博
    Payday lending 日借贷
    Automated determinations of eligibility for credit, employment, educational institutions, or public assistance services 自动确定信贷、就业、教育机构或公共援助服务的资格

  • Fraudulent or deceptive activity, including: 欺诈或欺骗活动,包括:

    Scams 欺诈
    Coordinated inauthentic behavior 协同非真实行为
    Plagiarism 剽窃
    Academic dishonesty 学术不诚实
    Astroturfing, such as fake grassroots support or fake review generation
    Disinformation 虚假信息
    Spam 垃圾邮件
    Pseudo-pharmaceuticals 伪药品

  • Adult content, adult industries, and dating apps, including:

    Content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness) 旨在引起性兴奋的内容,如性活动的描述,或促进性服务的内容(不包括性教育和健康)
    Erotic chat 色情聊天
    Pornography 色情文学

  • Political campaigning or lobbying, by: 政治活动或游说,通过:

    Generating high volumes of campaign materials 生成大量活动材料
    Generating campaign materials personalized to or targeted at specific demographics
    Building conversational or interactive systems such as chatbots that provide information about campaigns or engage in political advocacy or lobbying
    Building products for political campaigning or lobbying purposes

  • Activity that violates people’s privacy, including: 侵犯个人隐私的活动,包括:

    Tracking or monitoring an individual without their consent
    Facial recognition of private individuals
    Classifying individuals based on protected characteristics
    Using biometrics for identification or assessment
    Unlawful collection or disclosure of personal identifiable information or educational, financial, or other protected records

  • Engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, or offering tailored legal advice without a qualified person reviewing the information 从事未经授权的法律实践,或在没有合格人员审查信息的情况下提供量身定制的法律的建议

    OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide legal advice. You should not rely on our models as a sole source of legal advice. OpenAI的模型没有经过微调,无法提供法律的建议。您不应依赖我们的模型作为法律的建议的唯一来源。
    Offering tailored financial advice without a qualified person reviewing the information
    OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide financial advice. You should not rely on our models as a sole source of financial advice.

  • Telling someone that they have or do not have a certain health condition, or providing instructions on how to cure or treat a health condition 告诉某人他们有或没有某种健康状况,或提供如何治愈或治疗某种健康状况的说明

    OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide medical information. You should never use our models to provide diagnostic or treatment services for serious medical conditions.
    OpenAI’s platforms should not be used to triage or manage life-threatening issues that need immediate attention.

  • High risk government decision-making, including: 高风险政府决策,包括:

    Law enforcement and criminal justice
    Migration and asylum 移徙和庇护

We have further requirements for certain uses of our models:

  1. Consumer-facing uses of our models in medical, financial, and legal industries; in news generation or news summarization; and where else warranted, must provide a disclaimer to users informing them that AI is being used and of its potential limitations.

  2. Automated systems (including conversational AI and chatbots) must disclose to users that they are interacting with an AI system. With the exception of chatbots that depict historical public figures, products that simulate another person must either have that person’s explicit consent or be clearly labeled as “simulated” or “parody.”


  3. Use of model outputs in livestreams, demonstrations, and research are subject to our Sharing & Publication Policy.

You can use our free moderation endpoint and safety best practices to help you keep your app safe.

API data usage policies API数据使用策略

Updated March 1, 2023 更新于2023年3月1日

Starting on March 1, 2023, we are making two changes to our data usage and retention policies:

OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train or improve our models, unless you explicitly decide to share your data with us for this purpose. You can opt-in to share data.
Any data sent through the API will be retained for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes for a maximum of 30 days, after which it will be deleted (unless otherwise required by law).

The OpenAI API processes user prompts and completions, as well as training data submitted to fine-tune models via the Files endpoint. We refer to this data as API data.
OpenAI API处理用户提示和完成,以及通过Files端点提交的用于微调模型的训练数据。我们将此数据称为API数据。

By default, OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering. Data submitted by the user for fine-tuning will only be used to fine-tune the customer’s model. However, OpenAI will allow users to opt-in to share their data to improve model performance. Sharing your data will ensure that future iterations of the model improve for your use cases. Data submitted to the API prior to March 1, 2023 (the effective date of this change) may have been used for improvements if the customer had not previously opted out of sharing data.

OpenAI retains API data for 30 days for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes. A limited number of authorized OpenAI employees, as well as specialized third-party contractors that are subject to confidentiality and security obligations, can access this data solely to investigate and verify suspected abuse. Enterprise customers deploying use cases with low likelihood of misuse may request to not have API data stored at all, including for safety monitoring and prevention. OpenAI may still have content classifiers flag when data is suspected to contain platform abuse. Data submitted by the user through the Files endpoint, for instance to fine-tune a model, is retained until the user deletes the file.

Note that this data policy does not apply to OpenAI’s Non-API consumer services like ChatGPT or DALL·E Labs. You can learn more about these policies in our data usage for consumer services FAQ.
请注意,此数据政策不适用于OpenAI的非API消费者服务,如ChatGPT或DALL·E Labs。您可以在我们的消费者服务数据使用常见问题解答中了解有关这些政策的更多信息。

Frequently asked questions 常见问题

What technical protections and security certifications does OpenAI have in place surrounding the public API?

The OpenAI API is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant and has been audited by an independent third-party auditor against the 2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security.
OpenAI API符合SOC 2 Type 2标准,并已由独立第三方审计机构根据2017年信托服务安全标准进行审计。

Where is API data stored? API数据存储在哪里?
Content is stored on OpenAI systems and our sub-processors’ systems. We may also send select portions of de-identified content to third-party contractors (subject to confidentiality and security obligations) safety purposes. Our 30-day data retention policy also applies to our sub-processors and contractors. You can view our list of sub-processors and their locations for details.

When I call the API, is the data encrypted in transit?

The OpenAI API is only available over Transport Layer Security (TLS), and therefore customer-to-OpenAI requests and responses are encrypted.
OpenAI API只能通过传输层安全(TLS)使用,因此客户对OpenAI的请求和响应都是加密的。

Do you have a European data center?

All customer data is processed and stored in the US. We do not currently store data in Europe or in other countries.

Can I use the API for HIPAA workloads?

We are able to sign Business Associate Agreements in support of customers’ compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To qualify for this, you must have an Enterprise Agreement with OpenAI and a qualifying use case. Please reach out to our sales team if you are interested.

I’ve received a data deletion request, how do I ask OpenAI to delete data?

We only retain data sent through the API for up to 30 days for abuse and monitoring purposes. If you would like to delete your account before then, please follow these steps.

Does OpenAI have a Data Processing Addendum (DPA)?

Yes. Please complete our DPA form to execute our Data Processing Addendum.

Can we self-host? 我们可以自托管吗
We do not offer on-premise hosting. You may purchase dedicated capacity by reaching out to our sales team.


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