

I hope that this blog post is found and helps someone. I wasn't sure what to title it. Hope Google Juice got you here!

我希望找到此博客文章并对某人有所帮助。 我不确定该如何命名。 希望Google Juice能让您在这里!

Read this whole post, there's a lot initially but there's really just two or three small pieces. It'll be worth it because you'll be able to have a nice one click menu and drop directly into a serial port terminal on Windows in the Windows Terminal

阅读整篇文章,最初有很多内容,但实际上只有两三个小片段。 这将是值得的,因为您将能够拥有一个不错的一键式菜单,然后直接在Windows终端中的Windows串行端口终端中拖放到该终端

Often when you're doing embedded systems development you'll want to monitor or talk to the COM/Serial Port just like you SSH into remote system. Folks ask questions like "How to connect to a serial port as simple as using SSH?"

通常,当您在进行嵌入式系统开发时,就像SSH进入远程系统一样,您将需要监视或与COM /串行端口通信。 人们会问诸如“如何像使用SSH一样简单地连接到串行端口?”之类的问题。

On Linux you'll use things like "screen /dev/ttyS0" for COM0. With Windows, however, the historical guidance has always been to use Putty. It'll work but it's somewhat old, quirky, and it doesn't integrate well with the Windows Terminal and a more modern workflow.

在Linux上,您将对COM0使用“ screen / dev / ttyS0”之类的东西。 但是,对于Windows,历史指导一直是使用Putty。 它可以工作,但它有些旧,古怪,并且无法与Windows Terminal和更现代的工作流程很好地集成。

Say I have a small embedded microcontroller device that talks over a COM Port (usually via a USB->COM bridge) like an Arduino.

假设我有一个小型嵌入式微控制器设备,该设备通过Arduino之类的COM端口(通常通过USB-> COM桥)进行通信。

Let's assume this device talks to the COM port as if it were a terminal and it's outputting stuff I want to see. I'll use this great little CLI example app for Arduino from Mads Aasvik to simulate such a device.


本文标签: 设备连接到端口Minicomterminal