

教学案例Qualitative Comparative Analysis Lit
erature QCA定性比较分析方法文献分享

combining QCA 
and process tracing in set-theoretic mul
ti-method research. pdf
combining struct
ure, governance, and context, a configur
ational approach to network effectivenes
s. pdf
comparative politics and the comp
arative method. pdf
explanation of varia
tion and detection of covariation. pdf
xploring the determinants of network eff
ectiveness, the case of neighborhood gov
ernance networks in Beijing. pdf
From ni
che to mainstream method, a comprehensiv
e mapping of QCA applications in journal
 articles from 1984 to 201
1. pdf
ng environmental conflicts in China, und
er what conditions do local governmetns 
compromise. pdf
how satisfaction is achi
eved in the implementation phase of larg
e transportation infrastructure projects
. pdf
in search for effective public-pri
vate partnerships, an assessment of the 
impact of organizational form and manage
rial strategie...

Is output performance
 all about the resources, a fuzzy-set QC
A analysis of street-level bureaucrats i
n Switzerland. pdf
more on the uneasy ca
se for using mill-type methods in small-
N comparative studies. pdf
small N's and
 big conclusions, an examination of the 
reasoning in comparative studies based o
n a small number of cases. pdf
social po
litics in context, the institutional pol
itics theory and social spending at the 
end of the New Deal. pdf
the comparable-
cases strategy in comparative research. 
the comparative advantages of fsQCA 
and regression analysis for mdoerately l
arge-N analysis. pdf TQCA. pdf
two effec
tive causal paths that explain the adopt
ion of US state environmental justice po
licy. pdf
what makes governance networks
 work, A fuzzy-set QCA of 14 Dutch spati
al planning projects. pdf


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