



手机:mobile phone, cell phone

电脑:laptop, computer, PC

电视:TV, television


  1. 提高效率:increase/improve/boost efficiency, be efficient

    eg. 对比past和nowadays:

    make a chart
    compile a chart:汇编表格fill out blanks:填入空白
    put in numbers:放入数据click the chart icon:点击图标
    do calculation:计算generate the chart automatically:自动生成表格
    draw a chart:画图

    →improve efficiency and accuracy

  2. 方便:convenient

    1. 联系:communicate with sb. / contact sb. / talk with sb.

      eg. 电脑:study abroad; turn on the computer; log in WeChat; video call/ voice call;

      eg. 手机:contacts friends whenever and wherever(随时随地); emergency

    2. 网购

      eg. 天猫:T'mall,双十一:double eleven / (you know, like American's) black friday

      eg. 外卖:food delivery;

      1. eg.Nowadays, people are too busy to go shop, food delivery is more convenient. For example, when I commute(通勤) to work, I often open the food ordering page on my cell phone. When I get to my office, my fresh breakfast will be already waiting for me in the desk.It only takes me two minutes to order the food.

    3. 查资料

      参考书:reference book——实体书paper book,电子书electronic book

      电子书:portable(easy to carry)

      eg. Electronic books are protable. For example, we can download a lot of e-books into cell phone or computer, then when I want to look for specific terms, I can just type in some key words and find what I need instead of looking through the paper books one by one.

    4. 上网课:online class

      eg. It's convenient to have online courses on cell phone and comupters. With cell phones and computers, students can keep their study schedules just as they are in the campus.

      eg. For example, my school is far from my home. Every day I have to get up early because it take me one hour to get to school by bus, which makes me exhausted. With computer however, I can take class at home be fully energetic and focused.

  3. 放松:relaxed myself / relief myself / soothe my nerves

    有压力、事情多的时候才需要放松(统一设定:8 courses)

    宣泄情绪:pour sth out:pour feelings out

    1. 听音乐

      with cell phones, I can listen to music to relief myself of the burden of study.


      eg. For example I have 8 courses this semester, so I am really exhausted on my way to / from school. With cell phone, 【I can enjoy listening to music whenever I'm free, which makes me feel energetic again. 】(这一部分能进行替换)And then I can focus on my study.

    2. 看视频:watch comedy / TV series(连续剧)/ TV show【举例体现details】

      eg. I like to watch to Friends(老友记), which can makes me laugh out loud

  4. 节约时间:save time;time saving【make charts,food delivery】

  5. 节约金钱:shop online:discount / e books><paper books

    eg. For example, once, I wanted to buy a book of Great Gatsby【过去式】. When I went to enter the bookstore, I found it was more expensive than I had expected, about 100yuan for one paper book. Friends told me that I can download the electronic version. I followed his advice and downloaded quite a few, they were much cheaper and some were even for free.

  6. 节约资源:be made from wood. / environmental friendly

    Paper books are made from wood. The more paper books we use, the more trees will be cut down, which is harmful to the environment. (the more ... the more...) With electronic books however, we can protect the environment and conserve resource and energy.

  7. 交朋友:make friends【万金油】;blog→comments→further discussion→make friends

    Once I wrote a blog about my favorite book, Great Gatsby, on weibo. People made some comments under my blog and one comment really caught my eyes, we discuss a lot about the book and became good friends quickly. It was really nice to have a friend with a common interest


  1. 降低效率

    1. 分心:distract

    2. 浪费时间: time-consuming

      Cell phones are distracing and time consuming. For example, when we pay attention on our study or work, some messages pop up. Then instinctively, we will check the message maybe in wechat or website pages. We may end up spending one hour going through the pages or talking with friends. In this way, it is difficult for us to focus on study.

  2. 关系疏远:estrange;

    We spend less time communicating with each other face to face, which distances from our family and friends.

    For example, when we sit in the same table with our family, we may spend more time playing games, watching movies or communicating with friends on the cell phone, without much to talk with people around us. As a result, family may end up estrange from each other.

  3. 损害健康

    poor eye sight,obesity(couch potato:躺在沙发看电视的人)

    Spending more time on computer or cell phone may lead to poor sight and obesity.

    For example, when watching TV series, people may sink themselves into a couch and maintain the posture for hours. With the chips and colas at hands, long time staring at the screen will damage our eye sight. And the junk food and lack of exercise will make people obses.




  1. 高等的教育:get access to better/higher education(获得更好的教育);

    better education: better teaching resources(更好的教学资源); qualified professors(有资历的教授); teaching facilities(教育设施); advanced technology(先进的技术); cutting-edge experimence(尖端的实验)

    【大一:freshman;大二:sophomore(suffer more);大三:junior student;大四:senior student】

    eg. Currently, I'm a sophomore in NanJing University. As one of the top universities in China, we often hold international conferences and invited well known scholars both from home and abroad in various field. I always volunteered to attend conferences and made acquaintance with some experts in computer science. We still maintain contacts through e-mail

  2. 更好的前景:have promissing future/prospect

    1. 就业高薪:earn more job oppotunities, raise the odds/rate of getting promoted→get a higher salary→live a decent life

      summary: Working in big cities can earn more job oppotunities and raise the odds of getting promoted, in this way, a family can gain sufficient financial support and live a decent life.

      eg. My coursin, Robert, works as a programmar in Huawei in Shanghai, with the annual salary exceeding one million yuan. With such wealth, his family can make a quality life in Shanghai and his children can get access to better education.


    2. 扩大人脉:make friends with elites(社会精英)→ build up a strong network→ further develop our career

      summary: Working in big cities can make friends with elites and build up a strong network, which can help us further develop our career.

      eg. My coursin, Robert, used to work as a programmar in Huawei in Shanghai. Few years ago, he wanted to start his own business. His colleage, Tom, had the same idea. Then, they met a designer, Amanda. The three of them cooperated with each other and use their advantages / stick to their strength. The company developed quickly in Shanghai.

  3. 便捷的公共交通:convenient / well-developed public transportation

    Big cities have a well developed public transportation both in and out of the city.

    eg. In my home town, the last bus is around 7 pm. If I want to go out with my friends, there is no way for me to take the bus home after 7 pm. In the big cities, however, things can be quiet different, some buses run overnight. During some holidays, like christmas day, the last subway runs until 2 am. It can be a great convenience for everyone.

  4. 便捷的服务:provide convenient services

    eg. For example, food delivery is very popular in big cities. When I commute to work on the subway, I often open food ordering App on the cell phone. and when I get to office, my fresh breakfast will be already wating for me in the desk. It only takes me 2 minutes to order the food.

  5. 丰富的娱乐活动:abundant recreational activities

    Places:KTV, bar, 游乐园:entertainment park

    eg. For example, after work, I attend to have a nigh life with my colleagues in KTVs and bars or have a talk at coffee house. And during weekends, I usually go to entertainment park with my family or friends. So abundant recreational activies help me release my pressure and maintain a healthy relationship with people around me.


  1. 环境污染

    1. 空气污染:air pollution(factories:smog、cars:exhausts(尾气))

      In big cities, there can be thousands of factories doing a lot of constructions. It can cause a lot of smogs and do harm to the air. Meanwhile, pollution of car exhausts further undermine(破坏) the environments. So people suffer from air pollution everyday.

    2. 噪音污染:noise pollution(traffic jams)

      During traffic jams, so many cars will be waiting in lines. When drivers become impatient, they beep their horns(按喇叭) all the way, and it makes people distracting and upset. Since I'm a light sleeper, it's difficult for me to fall asleep when cars are making noises at night.

    3. 水污染:water pollution:unpleasant odors (难闻的气味) near the river; dead fish floating

  2. 压力巨大

    1. 工作压力大:much competitions; heavy workload(工作量重); overwork(加班)→do harm to health

      eg. Take my cousin, Robert, as the example. He used to work as a senior programmar in Huawei in Shanghai. According to him, he has to work 28 days a month over 10 hours a day. Therefore he has no time accompanying his family. What's worse is that since he doesn't have time for meals, he suffers from serious stomach troubles now.

    2. 经济压力大:housing price soaring

      eg. In big cities, the housing price is soaring.In my hometown, for example, with 500 thousand yuan, you can buy a house. However, with the same amount of money, you can't even offord a restroom. Therefore, people have to rent a small apartment to live in a big city.

    3. 生活成本高:high living cost,burn a hole in your pocket(存不下钱)

      eg. People have to pay high living cost in big cities. For example, fruits are quite expensive in big cities. With 20 yuan, I can only buy 4 apples in big cities. However, in my hometown, with the same money, I can buy several apples and maybe a box of strawberries.


  1. 环境良好:good environment, fewer factories, more grassland and trees

    eg. In small towns, you can live a good environment. Because there are fewer factories but more grassland and trees, which can lower the pollution and create better environment

  2. 消费水平低:consumption standards are much lower


  3. 生活工作压力小:slower pace of life in small cities → reduce working and living pressure

    eg. For example, there is less competition in small cities. The working stress is much lower and the relationship between colleagues is not as intense as that in big cities. So colleagues in small cities are more likely to greet each other with sincere smiles


  1. 发展空间受限:limit future career

    eg. Small city will limit your future career. For example, my coursin, Robert, used to work as a programmar in Huawei in Shanghai. But a few years later, he wanted to start his own business in his hometown, a small city. However, in such a small city, there're not enough qualified partners and employees. So finally, his plan didn't work and he went back to Shanghai.

  2. 娱乐活动少

    eg. There are fewer recreational activities and there is actually no night life in small towns. For example, fewer restaurants and bars are open at night. So after work, people have no choice but go home.

  3. 基础设施不完善:not well developed facilities

    eg. In big cities, there are many parks with all kind of sports facilities for people to exercise. However, in small towns, parks are rarely seen. Even if there is one, the park is not well developed, with few trees and no sports facilities at all for people to exercise




  1. Having common interests with friends means that we can accompany each other & enjoy our time together.

    eg. Having common interests with friends means that we can accompany each other & enjoy our time together. For example, My best friend, Robert, and I both love to watch movies. When a new movies is released, we will go to the cinema in the first place. We have great fun watching movie together and discussing the plot together after watching movie.

  2. Friends can set a good example and motivate each other

    eg. Friends can set a good example and motivate each other if they have common interests. For example, my best friend, Robert, and I both love to play piano. Robert is talented in music but I am a slow learner. Every time I am about to give up, she will encourage me. With her accompany and example, I practice and improve a lot.

  1. learn from each other & broaden our horizons

    eg. For example, my best friend, Robert and I have totally different interests. He likes read which to me is quite boring, and I enjoy watching movies which to him is a waste of time. Finally, we just agree to disagree(持保留意见) and spend our weekends in totally different ways. It turns out in 4 years time, we learn a lot from each other's knowledge and we are still best friends.




  1. hobby: People with same backgrounds may share common interests. 然后转到共同兴趣优点

  2. common topics: learn about each other

    eg. Friends with similar background would hold common topics, which will help us to learn about each other. However, different background may hamper the communication and interaction. For example, young people nowadays love to have a night life in bars and KTVs with colleagues, it help reduce the pressure of work and reinforce the relationship. Our parents, however, would criticize this kind of social life.


branch out:向外拓展 → build up larger and stronger network

eg. People with different backgrounds help branch out and build up a larger and stronger network. For example, my coursin, Robert, worked as a programmar in Huawei after he graduated from colleges 3 years ago. When working there, he made a friend with a senior designer who was about to retire. Robert learned a lot experience from him. With his experience and resources, Robert successfully started his own business.


  1. truth:foundation of a concrete friendship

  2. lie:threaten of relationship & keep close friend apart

eg. Being honest is the foundation of a concrete friendship and people may benefit from truth. For example, when graduated from college, my best friend, Robert wanted turned down a promising job of top 500 companies and started his own business. I didn't think this could work because he lacked the experiment in company management founding and resources. I told him my concerns completely honest and he benefited a lot from my words.


white lie:strengthen confidence,keep a good mood

eg. Robert and I were best friend in childhood, we both loved to play piano. Robert was talented in music but I was a slow learner. Every time I asked how my perform was, she gave me the same answer, "Better than last time, we should continue to practice and make further progress." Although I knew it was a lie, I still felt warm and still kept practice with her.


  1. 提供经验:two heads are better than one;friends may have more related experience than us

    eg. When facing the difficulty of selecting majors of colleges, my mind totally went blank. So I ask my friend, Robert, to help. He was at that time a teacher of Nanjing University, he offered me great suggestions and I really benefited a lot from his help.

  2. 旁观者清

    eg. When we are trapped in the dilema, our friends can keep a clear mind and see most of the game.(当局者迷旁观者清)

  1. 相互独立:become independent,college: freshman (1st-year student)

  2. 可能错误

    eg. Once I asked my roommate, Robert about a math theory. He was quite confident about his answer, but it turned out he had a misunderstanding about a concept. I almost failed the exam and since then I became cautious about asking for help.




foreign language class

  1. 阅读文献:文献:literature

    eg. With such foreign language skills, we can read and understand English literature when doing researchs or writing papers. For example, as a college student majoring in biology, I was required to read literature related to my course. I found most of the literatures are written in English. At first, it was a difficult task but then I worked hard to improve my reading skills and it really helped me out.

  2. 就业有帮助:competitive in the job market

    With English skills, we can become more competitive in the job market. In such a globalized society, companies would prefer students who are adept at one or two foreign languages. For example, my coursin, Robert won a position of programmar in Huawei with over 100 applicants and stood out due to his fluent oral English.

  1. 就业有帮助:同外语课

    In such a globalized society, companies would prefer students who can use computer. With computer skills, we can become more competitive in the job market. For example, my coursin, Robert won a position of programmar in Huawei with over 100 applicants and stood out due to his fluent oral English.

  2. 高薪岗位

    Robert, high salary, live a deceng life

  3. 提高效率

    boost study efficiency, chart ...

  1. 他人建议:suggestion

    When choosing major, we should consider the suggestions of those experienced. When facing the difficulty of selecting majors of colleges, my mind totally went blank. So I ask my friend, Robert, to help. He was at that time a teacher of Nanjing University, he offered me great suggestions and I really benefited a lot from his help.

  2. 个人兴趣

    When choosing major, we should get a whole picture of our personal skills and interests.




  1. 师生互动

    eg. Students can interact with teachers and classmates. Whenever having a question, we can ask the teachers for answer and immediately problem can be solved. Meanwhile, students may seek for answers together with the classmates. Problems will also be addressed. During this process, team spirit will be devleoped.

  2. 更加专注:focus and concentration


  1. 浪费时间/经历:a waste of time/energy/money

  2. 容易错过课程:miss the class

  3. 分心:distracted by others



  1. 节约时间、金钱、能量等(同网购)

  2. 录屏:You can record the courses and it will improve students study efficiency.

    eg. If the students take class in the building, they will miss the class if they feel unfit and they are absent from the class. However, with online courses, students can record the lesson and watch the video later. So it can help the students who can't attend the class. Meanwhile, it will be easy for students to take notes and review the course.

  3. 方便查询资料(同媒体,例如电子书:easy to carry)


  1. 缺乏互动、联系: lack of interaction and communication

  2. 不专心:distracted(同媒体)


社团活动、志愿活动(volunteer work)


  1. 热爱公益:love of service

    eg. Many students would discover the love of services that would inspire them to life time of volunteer work. For example, my coursin, Robert was one student of Nanjing University. During college, he participated in many volunteer work such as visiting elder in nursing home and taking care orphans(孤儿) in warehouse. With all these experiences, he currently work in a local organization serving people in need.

  2. 扩大人脉:build a stronger network

    eg. 同朋友那一章节,把朋友Tom换成在大学社团认识

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