


Since millions of years, every species on this earth is undergoing changes with regard to their size, shape and weight, and they are all changing continuously. I, as a designer, have been experiencing a similar change over the decades. I’m not talking about physical changes or mental changes but about the journey of a graphic designer to UI designer, and so on…

小号因斯数百万年,这个地球上每一个物种是关于它们的大小,形状和重量发生着变化,而且都是不断变化的。 作为设计师,我在过去的几十年中经历了类似的变化。 我不是在谈论身体上的变化或思想上的变化,而是在谈论图形设计师到UI设计师的旅程 ,等等。

Who is a Designer?


A designer is the one who thinks, dreams and visualizes to make your product beautiful and useful. We are the visualizers of the future and the creators of your product which helps you complete some of the most useful activities of your day and of your life.

设计师是通过思考,梦想和可视化来使您的产品美观实用的设计师。 我们是未来的可视化者,也是您产品的创造者,可帮助您完成当下和一生中最有用的活动。

What would happen if the world is without designers and other creative people?


Every species in this world has its own role to make this world beautiful and worth living in. Nature gives us the quality and capability to contribute to this world.


From the ancient age, design plays an important role. Let’s see how.

从远古时代开始,设计就扮演着重要的角色。 让我们看看如何。

Humans started by making weapons from wood and stone for hunting, and then they made their houses and transport vehicles for goods transfer. It didn’t happen in one fortnight. After a lot of trial and error, they somehow managed to make a good product which can solve their problems. Now, that’s design thinking, my friend.

人类从用木头和石头制造武器开始狩猎,然后他们制造了房屋和运输工具以进行货物转移。 没两周就发生了。 经过大量的反复试验,他们设法以某种方式制造出可以解决其问题的优质产品。 现在,这是设计思想 ,我的朋友。

Similarly, at an early stage humans never had any idea about making something round that moves only with a little nudge — a wheel, that is. But over a long period of time, they tried and experimented, and one day they discovered that shaping stone or wood into a rounded shape can help them to easily move it from one place to another.

同样,在早期阶段,人类从来不曾想过要绕一圈就可以移动一点的东西,也就是一个轮子。 但是经过很长一段时间,他们进行了尝试和试验,有一天,他们发现将石头或木头成型为圆形可以帮助他们轻松地将其从一个位置移动到另一个位置。

时间表 (The timeline)

The First Cave Painting


The oldest known cave paintings date back to over 40,000 years old. These are the art of the Upper Paleolithic period. These are found in both the Franco-Cantabrian region in western Europe, and in the caves in the district of Maros (Sulawesi, Indonesia).

已知最古老的洞穴壁画可以追溯到40,000多年前。 这些是旧石器时代的艺术。 这些在西欧的佛朗哥-坎塔布连地区和马罗斯(印度尼西亚苏拉威西 )地区的山洞中都可以找到。

The oldest type of cave paintings is really simple hand stencils and geometric shapes. The oldest undisputed examples of figurative cave paintings are not much younger at 35,000 years old.[4] A study made in 2018 claimed that the oldest examples of (non-figurative) cave art in Iberia are 64,000 years old. So, calculations say that these were created by Neanderthals rather than modern humans.

最古老的洞穴壁画类型是简单的手工模具和几何形状。 具有历史意义的最古老的具象洞穴壁画实例在35,000年以前并不年轻。 [4] 2018年进行的一项研究声称,伊比利亚(非比喻)洞穴艺术的最古老例子是64,000年前。 因此,计算表明这些是尼安德特人而不是现代人类创造的。

Source: Wikipedia

资料来源: 维基百科

But why am I quoting long texts of history? To show that the human creative mind has been at work from way before 64k years. That’s amazing!! Or should I call it the Neanderthal creative mind?

但是,为什么我要引用悠久的历史呢? 证明人类的创造思维早在64k年之前就已经发挥作用。 棒极了!! 还是我应该将其称为尼安德特人的创意思维?

From human figure to symbol to typography we can see some fantastic examples of art in the Egyptian era. They perfectly portray their stories with typography, symbols and figures. The vibrant colours and use of contrast always inspire a designer mind.

从人物到符号再到版式,我们可以看到埃及时代一些出色的艺术作品。 他们用版式,符号和数字完美地描绘了他们的故事。 鲜艳的色彩和对比的使用总是激发设计师的思想。

Design is getting more visual and meaningful…


Similar kinds of cave paintings and sculptures can be seen in various caves and structures around the world. Some of the renowned heritages include:

在世界各地的各种洞穴和建筑物中都可以看到类似的洞穴壁画和雕塑。 一些著名的遗产包括:

Ajanta & Ellora Caves


Based in India, these caves always awe the visitor by the finesse with which each and every figure has been sculpted. Well, yes, the content stuns them, too.

这些洞穴位于印度,始终使游客对雕刻每个人物的技巧赞叹不已。 好吧,是的,内容也使他们震惊。

The First Movie Poster


According to common belief, the first movie poster was created in 1890 by French painter and lithographer Jules Cheret. It was made for a short film called “Projections Artistiques”. Before 1910, most of the early film posters consisted of simple signs with block text announcing the title, producer, and director — short and simple.

根据普遍的信念,第一幅电影海报是由法国画家和石版画家朱尔斯·切雷特(Jules Cheret)于1890年创作的。 它是为一部名为“ Projections Artistiques”的短片制作的。 在1910年之前,大多数早期的电影海报都由简单的标志组成,并带有黑体文字,标明标题,制片人和导演,既简短又简单。

Source: dailyartfixx

资料来源: dailyartfixx

The First Website


The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. It was made by Tim Berners-Lee and was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project. It was run on a NeXT computer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN.

第一个网页于1991年8月6日上线。该网页是由蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)制作的,专用于有关万维网项目的信息。 它在欧洲核子研究组织欧洲核研究组织的NeXT计算机上运行。

Source: www.businessinsider

资料来源: www.businessinsider

It had no design, UI or UX in it but the era of web designers had just begun. In the 90’s designers had just started using colours, typography and images.

它没有设计,UI或UX,但是Web设计师的时代才刚刚开始。 在90年代,设计师刚刚开始使用颜色,版式和图像。

Source: www.justinmind

资料来源: www.justinmind

Yes, I know it might be a pain to the eyeballs but c’mon! We had just begun.

是的,我知道这可能会给眼球带来痛苦,但请加油! 我们才刚刚开始。

And over the next 3 decades, we have witnessed a huge revolution in design and innovation. Design is no longer creative work today. A designer is more responsible than ever for making his/her design useful over pretty. Design is now something that solves human problems. Design is no longer simply an eye-catching medium today.

在接下来的3年中,我们见证了设计和创新的巨大革命。 今天,设计不再是创意工作。 设计师比以往任何时候都更有责任使他/她的设计变得更有用。 设计现在可以解决人类问题。 今天,设计不再仅仅是吸引眼球的媒介。

那么,您看到时间表吗? (So, do you see the timeline?)

It started with some stencils and rough figures inside a cave, transformed into a gorgeous language in golden Egypt, made its way into bold sculptures and then evolved as movie posters.


After a great journey that was started by a designer (better known as a painter) thousands of years ago in caves, it is finally used for commercial and entertainment purposes as a poster. I think, probably, for the first time.

几千年前,设计师(被称为画家)在山洞中开始了一段伟大的旅程,之后终于作为海报用于商业和娱乐目的。 我想可能是第一次。

Doesn’t it feel like creativity is a form of powerful energy? It cannot be created, nor be destroyed; it simply gets transformed into different forms over the ages. And it evolves!

感觉创造力是一种强大的能量吗? 它不能被创建或销毁; 随着时间的流逝,它只是转变成不同的形式。 它在进化!

As time passes, designers have gradually mastered the power to use their creative skills in more useful products like posters, banners, print books, newspapers, movies etc. Over time people started using Typography, Symbols and Photography all together to express their creative thoughts.


Fortunately, I belong to this era of rapid changes in the design world. Over time I have changed myself with the demands of the situation at hand. Everyday new tools, methods, techniques and theories are introduced. As a designer, it is my responsibility to make myself comfortable with all these state-of-the-art changes. As I said, these changes are made keeping the requirements of the end-user in mind. That’s where your design is directly related to the performance of the product. So your design is equally responsible for all other factors of the product.

幸运的是,我属于这个设计世界日新月异的时代。 随着时间的流逝,我已经适应了当前形势的要求。 每天都会介绍新的工具,方法,技术和理论。 作为设计师,我有责任让自己适应所有这些最新的变化。 正如我所说,所做这些更改时要牢记最终用户的需求。 那就是您的设计与产品性能直接相关的地方。 因此,您的设计对产品的所有其他因素同样负责。

今天 (Today)

Today a designer plays many different roles, that include but are not limited to: User Experience (UX), User Experience Design (UXD), Customer Experience, User Interface (UI), or Graphical User Interface (GUI), Interaction Design (IDX)

如今,设计师扮演着许多不同的角色,包括但不限于:用户体验(UX),用户体验设计(UXD),客户体验,用户界面(UI)或图形用户界面(GUI),交互设计(IDX) )

Apart from designing, they should also have knowledge of the following factors to make a product successful:


Sketching, Wireframe, Mockup, Prototype, A/B Testing, Accessibility, Colour, Contrast, Card Sorting Method, Mindmap, Customer Journey Map (CJM), Onboarding, Information Architecture (IA), User Engagement, User-Centred Design (UCD)

草图绘制,线框,样机,原型,A / B测试,可访问性,颜色,对比度,卡片分类方法,思维导图,客户旅程地图(CJM),入职,信息架构(IA),用户参与度,以用户为中心的设计(UCD)

And many more. It never ends.

还有很多。 它永远不会结束。

So my point is, every creative (Designer) and logical (Scientist and Inventor) mind is always trying to develop and invent new ideas that cater to the needs of the human race of that particular era. For me, this is the evolution of a Designer.

因此,我的观点是,每个具有创造力(设计者)和逻辑思维(科学家和发明家)的人都始终在努力开发和发明新的思想,以适应那个时代的人类需求。 对我来说,这是设计师的发展。

But now that we have designed and developed an awesome lot of things, does it mark the end of the design era? Should we (Designers) take a deep breath, sit back, relax and pat our backs, telling ourselves that we have done a great job with the best of web design, mobile and web applications, AR and VR designs out there… and just retire?

但是,既然我们已经设计并开发了许多很棒的东西,这是否标志着设计时代的结束? 如果我们(设计师)深吸一口气,坐下来,放松并拍打自己的背,告诉我们自己,我们在出色的Web设计,移动和Web应用程序,AR和VR设计方面做得非常出色,并且退休了。 ?

No, definitely not. “Necessity is the mother of invention” — we have all known this phrase. With time, human needs and comforts have been getting more and more priority. At the end of the day, it’s all about the end-user. The future will be more challenging than ever.

不,绝对不是。 “必要性是发明之母” –我们都知道这句话。 随着时间的流逝,人类的需求和舒适已变得越来越重要。 归根结底,一切都与最终用户有关。 未来将比以往更具挑战性。

未来 (The Future)

Apart from AR and VR, the future for the designer is filled with more uncertainty now in the age of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Let’s think about Wix ADI (artificial design intelligence), for example. Wix has developed an ADI which can create a website according to your requirement in real-time. Isn’t that great?

例如,让我们考虑一下Wix ADI(人工设计智能)。 Wix开发了ADI,可以根据您的要求实时创建网站。 那不是很好吗?

So what will happen to us designers in future? Will the industry really need a designer, when a computer and a 3D printer can do the job?

那么,我们的设计师将来会怎样? 当计算机和3D打印机可以完成这项工作时,行业真的需要设计师吗?

I think yes. For me, whatever the situation be, a designer or creative mind must always make oneself ready for any kind of period. I think this is what is called survival. Demands make you learn new things every time. Since the start of the human age, our creative mind has always been trying different things based on the needs of that particular period. We (Designers) always make ourselves ready for the future. Time, method, study and tools change, but a creative mind will always be the same in every period. It doesn’t depend on any set of particular tools or medium to express Art and Design. Like from the cave paintings to today’s sketching on Ipads, creativity always finds its way to express itself.

我认为是的 。 对我而言,无论情况如何,设计师或有创造力的头脑都必须随时为任何时期做好准备。 我认为这就是生存 。 需求使您每次都能学习新事物。 自人类时代开始以来,我们的创新思维一直根据特定时期的需求尝试不同的事情。 我们(设计师)始终为未来做好准备。 时间,方法,研究和工具会发生变化,但每个时期的创新思维将始终相同。 它不依赖任何特定的工具或媒介来表达艺术和设计。 就像从洞穴壁画到今天在Ipads上的素描一样,创造力总是能找到表达自己的方式。

解决方案 (The Solution)

So no matter what we face in the future, we should make ourselves prepared for everything. The following practices make you future ready and give more confident in coming challenges.

因此,无论将来面对什么,我们都应该为一切做好准备。 以下做法可让您为将来做好准备,并对即将到来的挑战充满信心。

01. Follow and Read: Try to follow the best designers and their blogs. This will motivate you to do new things and remove the fear of the future.

01.关注和阅读:尝试关注最好的设计师及其博客。 这将激励您去做新的事情,消除对未来的恐惧。

02. Implement: We often read a lot of blogs and articles but hardly follow them in the practical world. If you follow and implement a great idea in your design, one day you can definitely discover your own.

02.实施:我们经常阅读很多博客和文章,但在实际应用中很少关注它们。 如果您遵循并在设计中实现了一个好主意,那么有一天您肯定会发现自己的。

03. Follow Technology: For me, this is the most vital point for every designer to follow. As a designer, we often have a minimum interest in Science and technology. But this has to change. As I mentioned earlier, both technology and design today are closely knit. You must have knowledge of current and future invention.

03.追随技术:对我而言,这是每个设计师追随的最关键点。 作为设计师,我们通常对科学和技术没有什么兴趣。 但这必须改变。 正如我之前提到的,当今的技术和设计都息息相关。 您必须了解当前和将来的发明。

For example:


A. As a mobile app designer, how can you design an application without knowing the possibilities of what a mobile phone’s hardware can do?


B. How can you know how AR and VR actually work? How can you actually use that technology and blend with your design without knowing the possibilities of that technology?

B.您怎么知道AR和VR实际如何工作? 在不知道该技术可能性的情况下,如何实际使用该技术并将其与您的设计融合?

So keep yourself updated with new technology and design tools.


04. Practices and RND: No matter what tools you have, at the least, you can always have a pen and paper with you. Make your creative brain work round the clock to cook new ideas. Don’t push yourself, though. Just put your thoughts on paper for the moment, and later you can create the design using any tools. After that prototype your design and test it in your mobile phones and desktop. Your ideas may be futuristic and may not have any practical usage for that time, but trust me, this will make you more confident and ready for the future.

04.练习和RND:无论您使用什么工具,至少都可以随身携带笔和纸。 全天候发挥您的创造力,以烹饪新想法。 但是,不要逼自己。 暂时将您的想法记录在纸上,以后您可以使用任何工具来创建设计。 完成原型设计后,即可在手机和台式机中进行测试。 您的想法可能是未来派的,在那个时候可能没有任何实际用途,但是请相信我,这将使您更加自信,为未来做好准备。

05. Design, Share and Make Friends: Yes keep yourself updated every day with new tools, methods and etc. Make and join design communities and share your design and ideas, take feedback and make your product more perfect. Also, do comment and give feedback to others’ works. This will motivate you and give you more reason to design new things every day.

05.设计,共享和结识朋友:是的,每天都使用新的工具,方法等使自己保持最新。建立并加入设计社区,分享您的设计和想法,收集反馈,使您的产品更加完美。 另外,请发表评论并反馈他人的作品。 这将激励您,并给您更多理由每天设计新事物。

Last but not least, share your thoughts with different mediums, like writing. Just like I am doing now. Tbh, I had chalked out many ideas which, I had assumed, were too futuristic, and hence never thought of publishing them. It turned out that within 2–3 years, a couple of them had already been brought into reality by some other designer or developer, and are now being used by some of the bigwigs. I wish I had published my ideas back then!

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,通过不同的媒介(例如写作)分享您的想法。 就像我现在在做。 Tbh,我已经提出了许多我认为太过未来的想法,因此从未想过发表它们。 事实证明,在2-3年内,其他一些设计师或开发人员已经将其中的一些变为现实,并且现在被一些大人物使用。 我希望我那时能发表我的想法!

So, hey guys this is my first blog after working more than 12 years in the field of graphic design, website design and UI/UX design. I have just tried to share my experience with you. Hope you all like it. Please do give your feedback, this will motivate me to write more useful things in the future.

嘿,这是我在图形设计,网站设计和UI / UX设计领域工作超过12年后的第一个博客。 我刚刚尝试与您分享我的经验。 希望你们都喜欢! 请提供您的反馈,这将激励我将来写更多有用的东西。

You can follow me on:, Dribbble, Behance, Instagram, Twitter

您可以在以下位置关注我: , Dribbble , Behance , Instagram , Twitter

翻译自: https://uxdesign/evolution-of-designers-5cca05cf838d


本文标签: 设计师系统PC