


Mechanical keyboards are all the rage among gamers and writers. Most people who try them love the increased response and tactility of mechanical switches… and some people really, really like them. Communities like Reddit’s /r/MechanicalKeyboards board and the GeekHack forum are great places to really dig into the myriad options and technologies available to enthusiasts—but they’re not very easy to understand for beginners.

机械键盘在游戏玩家和作家中风行一时 。 大多数尝试使用它们的人都喜欢机械开关的增加的响应性和触感……还有一些人真的非常喜欢它们。 Reddit的/ r / MechanicalKeyboards委员会和GeekHack论坛等社区是真正探究发烧友可用的众多选择和技术的好地方-但对于初学者而言,它们并不容易理解。

If you’re confused by all the keyboard jargon filling up those communities, we’re here to help. Here’s a near-exhaustive list of all the terms you’re likely to see, and what they mean. Bookmark this page and come back whenever you see something you’r not familiar with. You’ll be an expert in no time.

如果您对填写这些社区的所有键盘术语感到困惑,我们将在这里为您提供帮助。 这是您可能会看到的所有术语及其含义的近乎详尽的列表。 将此页面添加为书签,然后在看到不熟悉的内容时返回。 您将立即成为专家。

与按键开关相关的术语 (Terms Related to Key Switches)

The biggest difference between a mechanical keyboard and its cheap, traditional counterparts is the mechanical switch on every key. But there are many types of switches, and you’ll see a lot of terms thrown around to describe them.

机械键盘与其便宜的传统键盘之间的最大区别是每个按键上的机械开关。 但是开关的类型很多,您会看到很多术语来描述它们。

Actuation force: the amount of pressure needed to depress a key and register a keypress. Different key switch designs allow for different levels of actuation force, measured in grams. Heavier switches take more force to press down.

促动力 :按下按键和注册按键所需的压力量。 不同的按键开关设计允许以克为单位的不同水平的致动力。 较重的开关需要更大的力才能按下。

Alps switch: an alternative switch style that dates back to the 1980s. Like the more popular Cherry MX switches, many different actuation and tactility options are available in Alps style, and many “Alps-like” and “Alps-clone” switches have been made. Alps uses a rectangular stem incompatible with other keycaps.

阿尔卑斯开关 :可以追溯到1980年代的替代开关样式。 像更流行的Cherry MX开关一样,阿尔卑斯风格还提供了许多不同的致动和触觉选项,并且制造了许多“类似阿尔卑斯”和“克隆阿尔卑斯”的开关。 阿尔卑斯山使用的矩形杆与其他键帽不兼容。

Bottom out: the act of pressing a key to its full depth. Mechanical keys actuate before bottoming out, meaning it’s possible to type faster and with less force (though some heavy typists still do so). Rubber dome keys usually require a full bottom out to activate.

自下而上 :将按键完全按下的动作。 机械键在触底之前先致动,这意味着可以更快,更省力地打字(尽管有些打字员仍然这样做)。 橡胶圆顶按键通常需要完全触底才能激活。

Buckling spring switch: a relatively simple and old-fashioned spring switch first designed by IBM, and made famous by the Model M keyboard. Buckling spring switches inspired modern key switch designs, but are not actually used on most keyboards, except the legacy models still sold by Unicomp.

弹簧锁紧开关 :一种相对简单且老式的弹簧锁,最早由IBM设计,并因Model M键盘而闻名。 弹簧锁开关启发了现代键开关设计,但除Unicomp仍在销售的旧型号外,大多数键盘上并未实际使用该开关。

Cherry clone: a switch designed to match the Cherry MX style, but manufactured by another company. Cherry-style switch manufacturers include Gateron, Kailh, and Zeal PC (Zealio).

樱桃克隆 :一种设计与樱桃MX风格匹配的开关,但由另一家公司生产。 樱桃式开关制造商包括Gateron,Kailh和Zeal PC(Zealio)。

Cherry MX switch: the de facto standard key switch type for modern mechanical keyboards, developed by German company Cherry in the 1980s. Cherry MX switches are available in different “colors” which correspond to different switch features and resistances. Many companies have copied the Cherry switch design and use the same cross-shaped stem to make keyboards and keycaps interchangeable.

Cherry MX开关 :由德国公司Cherry在1980年代开发的,实际上是现代机械键盘的标准按键开关类型。 Cherry MX开关具有不同的“颜色”,分别对应于不同的开关功能和电阻 。 许多公司都复制了Cherry开关设计,并使用相同的十字形杆使键盘和键帽可以互换。

Clicky: the audible “click” sound made from a switch. Not to be confused with tactile switches; some switches are both “clicky” and “tactile,” but not all tactile switches are clicky. Switch designs without this extra audible feedback are described as “non-clicky.”

Clicky :从开关发出的“喀哒”声。 不要与触觉开关混淆; 一些开关既是“可点击的”又是“触觉的”,但并非所有的触觉开关都是可点击的。 没有这种额外的听觉反馈的开关设计被描述为“非喀哒声”。

Electrostatic capacitive switch: an alternative “semi-mechanical” switch that uses a rubber or plastic dome over a spiral-shaped spring that rests directly on the keyboard’s circuit board. Topre is the most common electrostatic switch, and similar designs are often called “Topre clones” and “Topre-like.” Electrostatic capacitive switches produce a distinctive “thonk” feeling when pressed, and are available in different spring strengths and with different key stems.

静电电容开关 :一种替代的“半机械”开关,它在一个直接放在键盘电路板上的螺旋形弹簧上使用橡胶或塑料弹片。 Topre是最常见的静电开关,类似的设计通常被称为“ Topre克隆”和“类似Topre”。 静电电容开关在按下时会产生独特的““”感,并具有不同的弹簧强度和不同的琴键杆。

LED: light emitting diode. Most modern switch designs are offered with optional LEDs built in, allowing for simple backlighting or more elaborate multicolor “RGB” lighting.

LED :发光二极管。 大多数现代的开关设计都内置有可选的LED,可实现简单的背光照明或更精细的多色“ RGB”照明。

Linear: a key switch design with a smooth motion from top to bottom and actuation, with no “click” or tactile feedback. Linear switches are generally preferred by gamers thanks to their superior speed for multiple rapid presses.

线性 :按键开关设计,上下左右运动平稳,无“咔嗒”声或触觉反馈。 线性开关通常被游戏玩家所青睐,这是因为它们具有快速多次按下的出色速度。

Tactile: a key switch design with a distinct “bump” in the actuation, as opposed to the smooth motion of linear. Tactile switches are generally preferred by typists for their actuation feedback.

触觉 :一种按键开关设计,在操纵中具有明显的“凸点”,与线性运动的平稳性相反。 打字人员通常优选触觉开关的促动反馈。

Topre: A Japanese corporation famous for their titular electrostatic capacitive switches. Topre switches are rarer than Cherry-style switches and are used on the company’s own Realforce brand keyboards as well as the Happy Hacking Keyboard family. Authentic Topre switches use a circular stem that is not compatible with Cherry-style keycaps, though adapters can be installed.

Topre :一家日本公司,以其名义上的静电电容开关而闻名。 Topre开关比Cherry式开关更稀有,并且在公司自己的Realforce品牌键盘以及Happy Hacking Keyboard系列上使用。 尽管可以安装适配器,但真正的Topre开关使用的圆形柄与Cherry式键帽不兼容。

Key switch colors: similar key switches are offered in different “colors,” with each color corresponding to different aspects of the switch design itself: clicky versus non-clicky, tactile versus linear, and different actuation forces. Key manufacturers use different color codes for their various switches, but most roughly follow the Cherry style of color coordination:

按键开关颜色 :类似的按键开关以不同的“颜色”提供,每种颜色分别对应于开关设计本身的不同方面:咔嗒声与非咔嗒声,触觉与线性以及不同的致动力。 关键制造商在其各种开关上使用不同的颜色代码,但最大致地遵循Cherry的颜色协调样式:

  • Black: linear switch with no click and  a strong 60g activation.

  • Blue: tactile switch with “clicky” audio feedback and a strong 50g actuation. Favored by typists.

    蓝色:带“ clicky”音频反馈和50g强力触发的触觉开关。 受到打字员的青睐。
  • Brown: tactile switch with no click and medium 45g actuation. Very common as a lower-volume alternative to blue switches.

    棕色:触觉开关,无咔嗒声,中等促动45g。 作为蓝色开关的小批量替代品非常普遍。
  • Green: tactile switch with “clicky” audio feedback and a very strong 70g activation. For extremely heavy typists.

    绿色:带有“ clicky”音频反馈的触觉开关,并具有非常强的70g激活能力。 对于极其沉重的打字员。
  • Clear: tactile switch with no click and a very strong 65g actuation.

  • Red: linear switch with no click and a medium 45g actuation. Very popular for “gaming” mechanical keyboards.

    红色:线性开关,无咔嗒声,中等促动45g。 “游戏”机械键盘非常受欢迎。

Romer-G: A Logitech key and stem design with a fast actuation. The square stem is incompatible with most keycaps.

Romer-G :罗技(Logitech)钥匙和阀杆设计,具有快速启动功能。 方柄与大多数键帽不兼容。

Rubber dome: a standard non-mechanical keyboard design that uses a sheet of rubber to cover electrical switches, which are then activated when the key is depressed. Most inexpensive keyboards use this switch design.

橡胶弹片 :一种标准的非机械键盘设计,使用一块橡胶片覆盖电子开关,然后在按下键时激活。 最便宜的键盘使用此开关设计。

Scissor switch: a low-profile switch design often used in laptop keyboards that uses plastic or metal hinges to support the key. Scissor switches are technically mechanical in operation, but usually aren’t implied when talking about mechanical keyboards, as they lack a spring action and don’t support custom keycaps.

剪式开关 :便携式笔记本电脑键盘中经常使用的低调开关设计,该开关使用塑料或金属铰链支撑按键。 剪刀式开关在技术上是机械操作的,但是在谈论机械键盘时通常并不暗示它,因为它们缺乏弹力,并且不支持自定义键帽。

Spring: the metal spring inside each mechanical key that offers resistance, depressing as it’s pressed and returning the key up as it’s released. Stronger springs require more actuation force, resulting in “harder” more forceful typing.

弹簧 :每个机械键内部的金属弹簧提供阻力,按下时会压下,释放时会向上推。 较强的弹簧需要更大的驱动力,从而导致“更硬”的输入更有力。

Stem: the plastic part that connects the switch directly to the keycap. The type of stem determines what type of keycaps can be used on the keyboard. Cherry MX-compatible stems, with a cross-shaped stem, are the most common.

阀杆 :将开关直接连接到键帽的塑料部件。 阀杆的类型决定了键盘上可以使用的键帽类型。 带十字形杆的Cherry MX兼容杆是最常见的。

与键帽相关的术语 (Terms Related to Keycaps)

Artisan keycap: a customized, specially-made single keycap. Many artisan keycaps are created with elaborate casts and custom-painted, designed more for aesthetic appeal than functionality. A robust aftermarket economy can make rare or sought-after artisan keys incredibly expensive.

Artisan键帽 :定制的,定制的单个键帽。 许多工匠的键帽均采用精心制作的铸模和定制喷漆制作而成,其设计更多是为了美观而不是功能。 强劲的售后市场经济可能会使稀有或抢手的工匠钥匙变得异常昂贵。

ABS plastic: Acrylonitrile butadiene styrine. Most inexpensive keycaps are made from this material. It’s thinner and lighter than other plastics, with a smoother texture.

ABS塑料 :丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯。 最便宜的键帽是用这种材料制成的。 它比其他塑料更薄,更轻,而且质地更平滑。

Cherry profile: a keycap design similar in shape and size to OEM profile, but slightly shorter.

Cherry轮廓 :键帽设计,形状和尺寸与OEM轮廓相似,但略短。

DSA profile: Similar to SA profile, but approximately half the height (and shorter than OEM profile). Uses a spherical dip in the top.

DSA轮廓 :类似于SA轮廓,但高度大约为一半(比OEM轮廓短)。 在顶部使用球形浸入。

G20 profile: A very low, flat profile with curved sides, manufactured and sold by Pimp My Keyboard.

G20轮廓 :由Pimp My Keyboard制造和销售的非常低的,具有弯曲侧面的扁平轮廓。

Key profile: the shape of the keycap that sits above the stem. This is the portion of the keycap that you directly press with your finger.

按键轮廓 :位于阀杆上方的按键盖的形状。 这是您直接用手指按下的键帽部分。

Keycap set: a full or partial set of replacement keycaps, offered in a variety of colors, profiles, and printed legends.

键帽组 :一套完整或部分替换的键帽,提供各种颜色,配置文件和印刷的图例。

Legends: the printed or otherwise applied text on a keycap.

图例 :在键帽上印刷或以其他方式应用的文本。

Novelty keycaps: one or more caps printed with a theme, often relating to pop culture or video games. Usually easier to find and less expensive than artisan keycaps.

新颖键帽 :印有主题的一个或多个键帽 ,通常与流行文化或视频游戏有关。 通常比手工制作的键帽更容易找到且价格便宜。

OEM profile: The standard keycap profile for most sets and keyboards. Has a flat top with a slight cylindrical bow and slant to accommodate the curve of the fingertip. OEM and similar keycaps use slightly different heights and angles for different keyboard rows.

OEM配置文件 :适用于大多数设备和键盘的标准键帽配置文件。 平顶略带圆柱形弓形,倾斜以适应指尖的弯曲。 OEM和类似的键帽对于不同的键盘行使用略有不同的高度和角度。

PBT plastic: Polybutylene terephthalate. A more expensive, durable plastic used for premium keyboards and keycap sets. Has a rough, grainy texture preferred by many enthusiasts.

PBT塑料 :聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯。 一种更昂贵,更耐用的塑料,用于高级键盘和键帽套件。 具有许多发烧友偏爱的粗糙颗粒感。

POM plastic: Polyoxymethylene. A more rare type of plastic with high density like PBT, but a smoother finish like ABS.

POM塑料 :聚甲醛。 一种较稀有的高密度塑料,例如PBT,但表面光滑,例如ABS。

SA profile: Very tall keycaps with a spherical dip in the top.

SA轮廓 :非常高的键帽,顶部为球形。

与键帽图例和打印有关的术语 (Terms Related to Keycap Legends and Printing)

Backlit keycaps: Keycaps that allow light from an LED to pass through the cap to illuminate the legend. Backlit caps can be manufactured by painting over translucent plastic and laser-cutting the legends, or by using opaque plastic over translucent plastic with a doubleshot moulding process (see below).

背光键帽 :允许来自LED的光穿过键帽以照亮图例的键帽。 可以通过在半透明塑料上涂漆并激光切割图例来制造背光盖,或者通过两次注塑成型Craft.io在半透明塑料上使用不透明塑料(请参见下文)。

Blank: keycaps with no printed or moulded legends. Favored by enthusiasts, but not recommended for beginners.

空白 :没有印刷或模制图例的键帽。 受到发烧友的青睐,但不建议初学者使用。

Doubleshot moulding: Keycaps with legends physically cut out from the upper layer of plastic with a contrasting lower layer filling in the gaps. Doubleshot keycaps are more expensive than printed options, but the legends never wear out, since they’re separate physical pieces rather than any sort of printing. Also known as dual-injection or insert moulding.

Doubleshot成型 :带有图例的键帽从塑料的上层物理地切出,而相反的下层则填充在间隙中。 Doubleshot键帽比印刷选项更昂贵,但图例永远不会磨损,因为它们是分开的物理部件,而不是任何形式的印刷。 也称为双重注射或嵌件成型。

Dye-sublimation: a heat treatment process that permanently dyes legends into the plastic of a keycap. Dye-sublimated keys do not wear off, but have limited color options.

染料升华 :一种热处理,可以将图例永久地染到键帽的塑料中。 染料升华的按键不会磨损,但颜色选择有限。

Front printed: keycaps with any kind of printing applied to the front side of the cap (facing the user) instead of the top. This method gives keyboards a semi-blank look and also helps prevent wear on the legends.

正面印刷 :在键帽的正面(面向用户)而不是顶部进行任何印刷的键帽。 此方法使键盘具有半空白外观,还有助于防止图例磨损。

Laser printing: keycaps with legends cut via laser then laser-printed with infill. This design is less susceptible to wear than standard pad printing.

激光打印 :通过激光切割带有图例的键帽,然后用填充物进行激光打印。 与标准移印相比,这种设计不易磨损。

Pad printing: keycaps with legends printed using a standard pad process. Legends are very susceptible to wear.

移印 :使用标准移印Craft.io印有图例的键帽。 传说很容易磨损。

与其他键盘零件有关的术语 (Terms Related to Other Keyboard Parts)

Case: the plastic or metal enclosure that surrounds the PCB, plate, and switches. Some popular mechanical keyboard designs, like the Poker or Happy Hacking Keyboard, have cases that can be replaced or upgraded with aftermarket parts.

外壳 :包围PCB,板和开关的塑料或金属外壳。 一些流行的机械键盘设计,例如扑克或Happy Hacking键盘,其外壳可以用售后零件替换或升级。

Feet: rubber or plastic parts used to elevate the case above the desk. Some cases have extendable feet that allow for an angled typing position.

:用于将箱子抬高到桌子上方的橡胶或塑料零件。 某些情况下具有可扩展的支脚,可实现倾斜的打字位置。

Insert: small plastic parts with integrated stems and clips that connect to a stabilizer.

插入件 :带有连接到稳定器的集成杆和夹子的小型塑料零件。

Keycap: the plastic cover connected to each switch. Available in various shapes and styles, and easily replaced by the user.

键帽 :连接到每个开关的塑料盖。 提供各种形状和样式,并且易于用户替换。

PCB: printed circuit board, the part that registers key presses and sends electronic signals across the cable to your computer.

PCB :印刷电路板,用于记录按键并通过电缆将电子信号发送到计算机的部件。

Plate: a metal or plastic part that sits on top of the PCB to protect and reinforce it. Key switches can be mounted either on the plate or directly to the PCB.

:位于PCB顶部的金属或塑料部件,用于保护和加固它。 按键开关既可以安装在板上,也可以直接安装在PCB上。

Stabilizer: extra stems and/or bars added to larger keys, like the space bar and Enter key, for linear stability. Stabilizers can be mounted above the plate and user-accessible (“Costar style”), or beneath the plate for easier keycap removal and replacement (“Cherry style”), among other, rarer implementations.

稳定器 :为较大的键添加了额外的词根和/或键,例如空格键和Enter键,以实现线性稳定性。 稳定器可以安装在平板上方,用户可以使用(“ Costar风格”),也可以安装在平板下方,以便更轻松地卸下和更换键帽(“ Cherry风格”),以及其他较罕见的实现方式。

与键盘布局有关的术语 (Terms Related to Keyboard Layouts)

40% layout: An extremely small layout that removes the number row (and sometimes more) from the 60% format. 40% keyboards are rare and usually hand-made by enthusiasts, requiring many modifier combinations for standard typing. Popular designs include the Minivan and Vortex Core.

40%布局 :一种非常小的布局,可从60%格式中删除数字行(有时更多)。 40%的键盘很少见,通常是发烧友手工制作的,标准打字需要许多修饰键组合。 流行的设计包括Minivan和Vortex Core。

60% layout: a compact design that removes the top function row (including the Escape key), the 10-key number pad, and the arrow keys and the columns above. The 60% layout is very popular among mechanical keyboard enthusiasts, but requires key modifier combinations for some common keys like the function row and delete. 60% is also known as 61-key (ANSI) or 62-key (ISO).

60%的布局 :紧凑的设计,删除了顶部功能行(包括Escape键),10键数字键盘以及箭头键和上面的列。 60%的布局在机械键盘发烧友中非常受欢迎,但需要一些常用键(例如功能行和删除键)的键修饰符组合。 60%也称为61键(ANSI)或62键(ISO)。

75% layout: an expanded 60% keyboard that’s smaller than a tenkeyless design, sometimes including the function row, arrow keys, page up and page down, or any combination thereof. “75% layout” is a loose definition with no standard, and many varieties exist between manufactured and custom-made designs.

75%的布局 :比无键设计小的60%扩展键盘,有时包括功能行,箭头键,向上翻页和向下翻页或其任意组合。 “ 75%布局”是一个没有标准的宽松定义,在制造和定制设计之间存在许多变体。

ANSI: The standard key format for the United States. The majority of keyboards, even those sold in countries where English is not the primary language, use ANSI. ANSI stands for “American National Standard Institute,” and is not the same thing as QWERTY.

ANSI :美国的标准密钥格式。 大多数键盘,即使是在英语不是主要语言的国家/地区销售的键盘,都使用ANSI。 ANSI代表“美国国家标准学会”,与QWERTY不同。

Bottom row: the lowest row on the keyboard, including the space bar. Some manufacturers, like Corsair, use non-standard sizes for the space bar, modifiers, and Windows/super key, making custom keycap replacement difficult. The standard bottom layout uses three 1.25-size keys on the left, a 6.25-size space bar, and four 1.25-size keys on the right.

最底行 :键盘上的最低行,包括空格键。 一些制造商,例如Corsair,对于空格键,修饰符和Windows /超级键使用非标准尺寸,这使得自定义键帽更换变得困难。 标准底部布局在左侧使用三个1.25尺寸的键,在6.25尺寸的空格键和在右侧的四个1.25尺寸的键。

ErgoDox: A split keyboard design with a custom ergonomic layout. The design is open source and a popular option for do-it-yourself builds, but assembly kits and full pre-assembled keyboards are also available for purchase.

ErgoDox :具有自定义人体工学布局的分体式键盘设计。 该设计是开源的,并且是自己动手制作的流行选择,但组装套件和完整的预组装键盘也可以购买。

Full size layout: the standard full-sized keyboard design, including a full function key row and 10-key number pad on the left. Also known as 104-key (ANSI) or 105-key (ISO).

全尺寸布局 :标准的全尺寸键盘设计,包括全功能键行和左侧的10键数字键盘。 也称为104键(ANSI)或105键(ISO)。

Happy Hacking Keyboard: a modified 60% design with a custom layout based on older Unix systems. The “HHKB” layout is a favorite among Linux users and programmers. The HHKB is a commercial product from Japan available in various models using Topre-brand electrostatic capacitive switches.

Happy Hacking Keyboard :基于旧Unix系统的具有自定义布局的60%修改设计。 “ HHKB”布局是Linux用户和程序员的最爱。 HHKB是日本的商业产品,使用Topre品牌的静电电容开关可提供各种型号。

ISO: an alternative key format recognized by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO-format keyboards have a distinctive double-row Enter key and a smaller left Shift key. ISO keyboards are popular in the United Kingdom and other European countries.

ISO :国际标准化组织认可的替代密钥格式。 ISO格式键盘具有独特的双行Enter键和较小的向左Shift键。 ISO键盘在英国和其他欧洲国家很流行。

Ortholinear: a keyboard with straight up-and-down key columns and rows, instead of the more ergonomic staggered layout found on most keyboards. Ortholinear designs are usually very small and often custom-designed and assembled. The Planck keyboard is a popular option.

正交 :具有直的上下键列和行的键盘,而不是大多数键盘上更符合人体工程学的交错布局。 正交设计通常很小,通常是定制设计和组装。 普朗克键盘是一种流行的选择。

QWERTY: the standard key layout for most English keyboards. Alternatives, like Dvorak, are rare. Non-English keyboards may use the QWERTY layout with other characters superimposed, or use an alternative layout, like AZERTY (French) or QWERTZ (German).

QWERTY :大多数英语键盘的标准键布局。 像德沃夏克(Dvorak)这样的替代品很少见。 非英语键盘可以使用QWERTY布局和其他字符叠加,也可以使用其他布局,例如AZERTY(法语)或QWERTZ(德语)。

Tenkeyless layout: a more compact design that cuts off the 10-key number pad on the right side of a full-sized keyboard, but leaves the arrow keys and above intact. Popular with gamers, this design is often abbreviated as “TKL.” Also known as 87-key (ANSI) or 88-key (ISO).

Tenkeyless布局 :一种更紧凑的设计,可以切掉全尺寸键盘右侧的10键数字键盘,但保持箭头键和上面的键不变。 这种设计在游戏玩家中很受欢迎,通常缩写为“ TKL”。 也称为87键(ANSI)或88键(ISO)。

配件和其他条款 (Accessories and Other Terms)

Backlighting: LED lights mounted to individual switches. Backlighting can be used for functional purposes, to light up key legends, or as decoration.

背光 :安装在各个开关上的LED灯。 背光可用于功能目的,点亮关键图例或用作装饰。

DIP switches: manual dual-inline package electrical switches that can modify the layout of a keyboard without any extra software or programming. Not to be confused with key switches, DIP switches are almost always found on the bottom of a keyboard so as not to be accidentally tripped.

DIP开关 :手动双列直插式电气开关,无需任何额外的软件或程序,即可修改键盘的布局。 不要与按键开关相混淆,DIP开关几乎总是位于键盘底部,以免被意外绊倒。

Ghosting: keys failing to register when pressed simultaneously. See also “key rollover” below.

重影 :同时按下时,按键无法注册。 另请参见下面的“密钥过渡”。

Key rollover: the ability for a keyboard to handle multiple simultaneous key presses and correctly input them in sequence for the computer. The more rollover keys a keyboard can handle, the faster the user can type without errors.

按键翻转 :键盘处理多个同时按键并按顺序正确输入计算机的能力。 键盘可以处理的翻滚键越多,用户输入错误的速度就越快。

Key tester: A frame with switches from different manufacturers mounted in place for testing the differences in feel. A key tester is not a keyboard, and aside from the key switched themselves, has no electronic components.

关键测试仪 :机架上装有来自不同制造商的开关,用于测试手感的差异。 按键测试器不是键盘,除按键本身可以切换外,没有电子组件。

Keycap puller or keycap tool: a small tool with looped tongs or clips to make removing keycaps easier. These tools are also less likely to break keycaps and stems thanks to pulling directly upward on the keycap instead of to the side.

键帽拔出器或键帽工具 :带有环形夹钳或夹子的小工具,可轻松卸下键帽。 由于直接在键帽上而不是侧面向上拉,这些工具也不太可能破坏键帽和柄。

N-key rollover: sometimes abbreviated “NKRO.” This means a keyboard can input every single key simultaneously. The feature is highly sought by gamers.

N键翻转 :有时缩写为“ NKRO”。 这意味着键盘可以同时输入每个按键。 该功能受到游戏玩家的强烈追捧。

O-ring: a small plastic ring placed on the key stem to dampen sound and adjust feel. O-rings can be installed onto any Cherry-style key stem.

O形圈 :在钥匙杆上放置一个小的塑料圈,以减弱声音并调节手感 。 O形圈可以安装在任何樱桃型键杆上。

RGB: red-green-blue. RGB refers to LED lights that can be customized to almost any color by the end user, either directly on the keyboard or with accessory software.

RGB :红绿蓝。 RGB是指LED灯,最终用户可以直接在键盘上或使用附件软件将其定制为几乎任何颜色。

Image credit: Amazon, Matias, Cherry, MechKB, MaxKeyboard, WASD Keyboards, Geekkeys, PimpMyKeyboard, MechanicalKeyboards, Massdrop, Ergodox-ez

图片来源: 亚马逊 , Matias , Cherry , MechKB , MaxKeyboard , WASD键盘 , Geekkeys , PimpMyKeyboard , MechanicalKeyboards , Massdrop , Ergodox-ez

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/310370/all-those-confusing-mechanical-keyboard-terms-explained/


本文标签: 术语机械加工困惑键盘机械