

Anthony McLaughlin/Shutterstock 安东尼·麦克劳克林/ Shutterstock

Whether you’ve logged 10 hours or 100 playing a game, starting over because something happened to the save file is gut-wrenching. Don’t let this happen to you! Back up your PS4 save data, and save yourself the pain.

不管您是玩10个小时还是玩100个小时,都要重新开始,因为保存文件发生了一些事情。 不要让这种情况发生在您身上! 备份您的PS4保存数据,并减轻您的痛苦。

为什么要备份您的保存数据? (Why Back Up Your Save Data?)

Let’s say you’re playing a game with a known issue that hasn’t yet been patched. This particular issue causes crashes that some people have said might corrupt save data. You’ve read the horror stories on Reddit and Twitter and want to take steps to safeguard your save data.

假设您正在玩一个尚未解决的已知问题的游戏。 此特定问题导致崩溃,有人说这可能损坏保存数据。 您已经阅读了Reddit和Twitter上的恐怖故事,并希望采取步骤来保护您的保存数据。

By manually backing up your save file, you can take a snapshot of your progress at a certain time. Then, even if the worst happens, you’ll only lose any progress since the last snapshot. It’ll still sting, but it’s better than a complete do-over.

通过手动备份保存文件,您可以在特定时间拍摄进度快照。 这样,即使最坏的情况发生了,您也只会失去自上次快照以来的任何进展。 它仍然会刺痛,但是比完整的重复操作要好。

Now, imagine you turn on your PS4 one day only to find an onscreen error. The system says the hard drive is corrupt and must be formatted if you want to use your console. You’ve potentially just lost your entire library of save data.

现在,假设您一天打开PS4只是发现一个屏幕错误。 系统显示硬盘驱动器已损坏,如果要使用控制台,则必须进行格式化。 您可能会丢失整个保存数据的库。

A fire, a flood, or any kind of sudden hardware failure can render your hard drive useless. With an automated online backup, when you finally get your console up and running, your save data will be waiting for you.

火灾,洪水或任何类型的突然硬件故障都可能使硬盘驱动器失效。 通过自动在线备份,当您最终启动控制台并运行它时,保存数据将在等待您。

What if you’re staying at a friend’s house and want to jump into a game where you left off at home. With Sony’s cloud backups, you can just log in to your PSN account and download your save file. When you’re finished playing, you can also upload your updated save file so you don’t lose your progress when you play again at home.

如果您待在朋友家中,并且想跳进自己在家休息的游戏,该怎么办? 使用Sony的云备份,您只需登录到PSN帐户并下载您的保存文件即可。 播放完毕后,您还可以上传更新的保存文件,这样您在家里再次播放时就不会失去进度。

Safeguarding your save data, and, by extension, your progress, provides peace of mind. It’s also convenient to have on-demand save file downloads available in case you ever need one.

保护您的保存数据以及扩展您的进度,可以让您高枕无忧。 如果需要,可以按需保存文件下载,这也很方便。

自动备份PS4将数据保存到云端 (Automatically Back Up PS4 Save Data to the Cloud)

To back up your save data on the cloud automatically, you have to subscribe to PlayStation Plus. You can then do this via the PlayStation Store or the PlayStation Plus icon on the PS4 Home screen. In the U.S., the service is $59.99 per year or $9.99 per month. With a subscription, you also get two free games per month and the ability to play online

要自动将保存的数据备份到云中,您必须订阅PlayStation Plus 。 然后,您可以通过PlayStation商店或PS4主屏幕上的PlayStation Plus图标执行此操作。 在美国,这项服务的价格为每年59.99美元或每月9.99美元。 订阅后,您每月还将获得两个免费游戏,并可以在线玩游戏

If you already subscribe to PlayStation Plus, cloud saves are probably already enabled. You can store up to 100 GB of save data to the cloud.

如果您已经订阅PlayStation Plus,则可能已经启用了云保存。 您最多可以将100 GB的保存数据存储到云中。

You can only upload save data automatically from your primary console, though. If you only have one PS4, you don’t have to worry about this. If you play on multiple consoles, you can make one the primary PS4 for your account by going to Settings > Account Management > Activate as Your Primary PS4.

不过,您只能从主控制台自动上传保存数据。 如果只有一台PS4,则不必为此担心。 如果您在多个控制台上玩,可以通过转到“设置”>“帐户管理”>“激活为主PS4”,将其中一个作为您帐户的主PS4。

Next, make sure your console remains connected to the internet whenever you enable Rest Mode. This ensures the console can complete the upload as soon as you’re finished playing. To enable this, go to Settings > Power Save Settings > Set Functions Available in Rest Mode > Stay Connected to the Internet.

接下来,确保在启用“休息模式”时控制台始终保持与互联网的连接。 这样可以确保控制台在您完成播放后立即完成上传。 要启用此功能,请转至设置>节电设置>设置在“休息模式”下可用的功能>保持连接到Internet。

Now, make sure the “Enable Automatic Uploads” option is enabled under Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Auto-Upload. If it’s already enabled, your library of saves is already safe in the cloud. You can also specify auto-upload settings for specific games if you want.

现在,请确保在“设置”>“应用程序保存的数据管理”>“自动上传”下启用了“启用自动上传”选项。 如果已启用,则您的保存库已经在云中安全。 如果需要,您还可以为特定游戏指定自动上传设置。

When you first enabled this setting, you might have to wait a few hours for all your save data to transfer to the cloud. This depends entirely on how much save data you have, and the upload speed of your internet connection.

首次启用此设置时,您可能需要等待几个小时,所有保存的数据才能传输到云中。 这完全取决于您拥有多少保存数据以及互联网连接的上传速度。

手动备份PS4将数据保存到云 (Manually Back Up PS4 Save Data to the Cloud)

You can also upload saves to Sony’s servers manually. If you have automatic uploads enabled, you can probably leave this alone and let your PS4 handle it.

您还可以手动将保存内容上传到Sony的服务器。 如果您启用了自动上传,则可以不理会它,让您的PS4处理它。

The main reason you might want to upload saves manually is if you play on a PS4 that isn’t set as your primary console. If you want to maintain progress across multiple consoles, you’ll have to upload the save files stored on any other PS4s manually.

您可能要手动上载保存的主要原因是,如果您在未设置为主控制台的PS4上播放。 如果要在多个控制台上保持进度,则必须手动上传存储在任何其他PS4上的保存文件。

Uploading manually is very straightforward, but there are two ways you can do it. If the game is on the Home screen, highlight it, and then press the Options button. Select “Upload/Download Saved Data.” From here, you can choose “Upload All” or “Select and Upload” if there’s a specific save file you want to upload.

手动上传非常简单,但是您可以通过两种方式进行上传。 如果游戏在主屏幕上,突出显示它,然后按选项按钮。 选择“上传/下载保存的数据”。 如果要上传特定的保存文件,则可以从此处选择“全部上传”或“选择并上传”。

You can also access these options via the console preferences. Just head to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage, and then choose “Upload to Online Storage.”

您也可以通过控制台首选项访问这些选项。 只需转到“设置”>“应用程序保存的数据管理”>“系统存储中的保存的数据”,然后选择“上传到联机存储”。

Wait for the PS4 to read the disk (it can take a minute or two), and then select the game you want. You can also hit Options and choose “Select Multiple Applications” to upload entire folders, instead.

等待PS4读取磁盘(可能需要一两分钟),然后选择所需的游戏。 您也可以点击选项,然后选择“选择多个应用程序”来上传整个文件夹。

When you upload a save file, you’ll be asked if you want to overwrite any corresponding files that exist in storage. Not all games support multiple save files, but many do. If you’re playing a game with a single save file, you’ll have to make sure the version you’re uploading is the one you want to keep.

上载保存文件时,系统会询问您是否要覆盖存储中存在的任何相应文件。 并非所有游戏都支持多个保存文件,但许多游戏都支持。 如果您正在玩一个保存文件的游戏,则必须确保要上传的版本是您想要保留的版本。

备份PS4免费将数据保存到USB (Back Up PS4 Save Data to USB for Free)

If you don’t have PlayStation Plus, you can still back up your save data manually. You’ll need a spare USB drive. Make sure it’s empty, as the PS4 might have to format the drive before it can use it, which will erase the contents.

如果没有PlayStation Plus,您仍然可以手动备份保存的数据。 您将需要一个备用的USB驱动器。 确保它为空,因为PS4可能必须先格式化驱动器,然后才能使用它,这会擦除其中的内容。

You can also format the USB drive to exFAT or FAT32 (NTFS and APFS won’t work) beforehand if you want. You can do this on Windows or in “Disk Utility” on a Mac.

如果需要,还可以预先将USB驱动器格式化为exFAT或FAT32(NTFS和APFS无法使用)。 您可以在Windows上或在Mac上的“磁盘工具”中执行此操作。

First, connect the USB drive to one of the USB ports on the front of your PS4. Then, head to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage Device. If you don’t see this option, make sure the USB drive is completely inserted and correctly formatted.

首先,将USB驱动器连接到PS4正面的USB端口之一。 然后,转到设置>应用程序保存的数据管理>系统存储中的保存数据>复制到USB存储设备。 如果看不到此选项,请确保USB驱动器已完全插入并正确格式化。

Wait for the PS4 to scan your drive. On the next screen, you can select an individual game, highlight any files you want to save, and then select “Copy.”

等待PS4扫描驱动器。 在下一个屏幕上,您可以选择一个游戏,突出显示要保存的所有文件,然后选择“复制”。

If you want to back up multiple applications, hit Options, and then choose “Select Multiple Applications” to copy entire folders of save files for multiple game titles.


Manual USB backups are the best safeguard against single save files that become corrupted. If a corrupted save file is automatically sent to PlayStation Plus, you’ll lose the old (uncorrupted) version. You can also turn off automatic uploads, but that puts your other save files at risk.

手动USB备份是防止单个保存文件损坏的最佳防护。 如果损坏的保存文件自动发送到PlayStation Plus,您将丢失旧的(未损坏的)版本。 您也可以关闭自动上传功能,但这会使其他保存文件面临风险。

You never know when something will go wrong. However, if you’re playing a game with a known issue (or one that crashes a lot), manual USB backups are worth the effort. Then, if something goes wrong and your cloud save file is no good, you can restore manually and lose less progress.

您永远不知道什么时候会出问题。 但是,如果您在玩游戏时遇到已知问题(或者崩溃很多),那么手动USB备份是值得的。 然后,如果出现问题,并且云保存文件不好,则可以手动还原,并且进度会减少。

从云端或USB恢复保存数据 (Restore Save Data from Cloud or USB)

Manually restoring your save data is easy—just head to Settings > Application Saved Data Management. There, you can choose either “Saved Data in Online Storage” or “Saved Data on USB Storage Device.” Select the source from which you want to copy the data, and then select “Download to System Storage.”

手动还原保存数据很容易-只需转到“设置”>“应用程序保存的数据管理”即可。 在那里,您可以选择“在线存储中保存的数据”或“ USB存储设备中保存的数据”。 选择要从中复制数据的源,然后选择“下载到系统存储”。

On the next screen, you’ll see a list of games. Press the Options button on your controller to use the “Select Multiple Applications” option and restore multiple games at once. You can also select a specific game and restore specific save files if you prefer. Select “Download/Copy” and your save data will be restored.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到游戏列表。 按下控制器上的“选项”按钮以使用“选择多个应用程序”选项并一次还原多个游戏。 您也可以根据需要选择特定的游戏并还原特定的保存文件。 选择“下载/复制”,您的保存数据将被恢复。

可以共享PS4保存文件吗? (Can You Share PS4 Save Files?)

Your save data is tied to the PlayStation Network account on which it was created, not the console. This means you can download and transfer your save data to any other PS4, provided the same account exists on that console.

您的保存数据与创建该数据的PlayStation网络帐户(而不是控制台)相关联。 这意味着您可以下载保存的数据并将其传输到任何其他PS4,前提是该控制台上存在相同的帐户。

However, it also means you can’t share save files with other players—they’re only accessible to you.


Looking for more PlayStation tips? Learn how to speed up your PS4 downloads so your games will update faster.

寻找更多PlayStation提示? 了解如何加快PS4下载速度,以便您的游戏更新更快。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/672015/how-to-back-up-and-restore-ps4-save-data/

本文标签: 备份数据