


Unlocking your Android phone’s bootloader is the first step to rooting and flashing custom ROMs. And, contrary to popular belief, it’s actually fully supported on many phones. Here’s how to unlock your bootloader the official way.

解锁Android手机的引导程序是生根和刷新自定义ROM的第一步。 而且,与普遍的看法相反,它实际上在许多手机上得到了完全支持。 这是通过官方方式解锁引导加载程序的方法。

并非每个电话都能让您做到这一点 (Not Every Phone Will Let You Do This)

There are two kinds of phones in this world: Those that let you unlock your bootloader, and those that don’t.


Whether you’re allowed to unlock your bootloader depends on the manufacturer of your phone, the model you have, and even your carrier. Nexus phones are all unlockable by nature, and many phones from Motorola and HTC allow you to unlock your bootloader through a similar process as the Nexus.

是否允许解锁引导加载程序取决于手机的制造商,型号,甚至运营商。 Nexus手机本质上都是可以解锁的,摩托罗拉和HTC的许多手机都允许您通过与Nexus类似的过程来解锁引导加载程序。

Other phones, however–and some carriers–don’t allow you to unlock your bootloader the official way, which means you have to wait for developers to exploit a security vulnerability if you want to root and flash ROMs. If you have one of those phones, this guide will sadly not help you.

但是,其他电话(以及某些运营商)不允许您以正式方式解锁引导加载程序,这意味着,如果您想生成ROM并对其进行闪存安装,则必须等待开发人员利用此安全漏洞。 如果您拥有其中一部电话,可悲的是本指南将无济于事。

The best way to find out which category your phone falls into is to browse its section at XDA Developers. If you have an HTC or Motorola phone, you may be able too research its unlockability on HTC or Motorola’s website. If it doesn’t support unlocking, you’ll have to use an unofficial unlocking or rooting method, which you’ll usually find on the XDA Developers forums.

找出手机属于哪个类别的最佳方法是在XDA Developers中浏览其类别。 如果您拥有HTC或Motorola手机,则也可以在HTC或Motorola的网站上研究其解锁能力。 如果它不支持解锁,则必须使用非官方的解锁或生根方法,通常可以在XDA Developers论坛上找到该方法。

If your phone does support unlocking through more official channels, read on.


步骤零:备份任何您想保留的内容 (Step Zero: Back Up Anything You Want to Keep)

Before we begin, it’s important to mention: this process will erase all of your data. So if you have any photos or other files on your phone that you want to keep, transfer them to your computer now. In addition, if you have any app settings you want to keep, use their backup function to create a backup settings file, and transfer those to your computer as well.

在开始之前,有一点很重要:该过程将清除您的所有数据。 因此,如果您要保留手机上的任何照片或其他文件,请立即将它们传输到计算机上。 此外,如果您要保留任何应用程序设置,请使用其备份功能来创建备份设置文件,并将其也传输到您的计算机。

Here’s an extra tip: Since I know I’m eventually going to root my phone, I always unlock my bootloader as soon as I buy a new device. That way, I don’t waste time setting it up only to erase the phone in a few days and do it all over again. If you’re an obsessive Android tweaker who knows you’re going to root soon, consider unlocking before you go through the trouble of setting up your phone.

这里有个额外的提示:由于我知道我最终将要植根于手机,因此我总是在购买新设备后立即解锁引导加载程序。 这样,我不会浪费时间进行设置,只是要在几天内擦除手机并重新进行一次操作。 如果您是个痴迷于Android的推子,并且知道您即将扎根,请考虑解锁,然后再设置手机。

When you’ve backed up everything you want to keep, continue with the steps below.


第一步:安装Android SDK和手机的驱动程序 (Step One: Install the Android SDK and Your Phone’s Drivers)

You’ll need two things for this process: the Android Debug Bridge, which is a command line tool for your computer that lets you interface with your phone, and your phone’s USB drivers. Even if you’ve installed these before, you should get the latest versions now.

此过程需要两件事:Android调试桥,它是计算机的命令行工具,可让您与手机进行交互;以及手机的USB驱动程序。 即使您以前已经安装了这些,也应该立即获取最新版本。

We’ve detailed how to install both before, but here’s the brief version:

在此之前 ,我们已经详细介绍了如何安装这两种方法 ,但是这是简短的版本:

  1. Head to the Android SDK download page and scroll down to “SDK Tools Only”. Download the ZIP file for your platform and unzip it wherever you want to store the ADB files.

    转到Android SDK下载页面,然后向下滚动到“仅SDK工具”。 下载适合您平台的ZIP文件,然后将其解压缩到要存储ADB文件的位置。

  2. Start the SDK Manager and deselect everything except “Android SDK Platform-tools”. If you are using a Nexus phone, you can also select “Google USB Driver” to download Google’s drivers.

    启动SDK Manager,然后取消选择除“ Android SDK Platform-tools”以外的所有内容。 如果您使用的是Nexus手机,则还可以选择“ Google USB驱动程序”来下载Google的驱动程序。
  3. After it’s finished installing, you can close the SDK manager.

  4. Install the USB drivers for your phone. You can find these on your phone manufacturer’s website (e.g. Motorola or HTC). If you have a Nexus, you can install the Google drivers you downloaded in step 2 using these instructions.

    安装手机的USB驱动程序。 您可以在电话制造商的网站(例如Motorola或HTC )上找到它们。 如果您有Nexus,则可以按照以下说明安装在步骤2中下载的Google驱动程序。

  5. Reboot your computer if prompted.


Turn on your phone and plug it into your computer using a USB cable. Open the platform-tools folder in your Android SDK folder and Shift+Right Click on an empty area. Choose “Open a Command Prompt Here”, and run the following command:

打开手机,然后使用USB电缆将其插入计算机。 打开您的Android SDK文件夹中的platform-tools文件夹,然后按Shift + Right单击空白区域。 选择“在此处打开命令提示符”,然后运行以下命令:

adb devices

If it shows a serial number, your device is recognized and you can continue with the process. Otherwise, ensure you’ve performed the above steps correctly.

如果显示序列号,则表明您的设备已被识别,您可以继续该过程。 否则,请确保正确执行了上述步骤。

第二步:启用USB调试 (Step Two: Enable USB Debugging)

Head back to the main Settings page, and you should see a new option near the bottom called “Developer Options”. Open that, and enable “OEM Unlocking”, if the option exists (if it doesn’t, no worries–it’s only necessary on some phones).

回到“设置”主页面,您应该在底部附近看到一个名为“开发人员选项”的新选项。 打开该选项,然后启用“ OEM解锁”(如果该选项存在)(如果不存在,则无后顾之忧-仅在某些手机上才需要)。

Next, enable “USB Debugging”. Enter your password or PIN when prompted, if applicable.

接下来,启用“ USB调试”。 出现提示时输入密码或PIN(如果适用)。

Once that’s done, connect your phone to your computer. You should see a popup entitled “Allow USB Debugging?” on your phone. Check the “Always allow from this computer” box and tap OK.

完成后,将手机连接到计算机。 您应该看到一个标题为“允许USB调试吗?”的弹出窗口。 在您的手机上。 选中“始终允许这台计算机允许”框,然后点击确定。

第三步:获取解锁密钥(适用于非Nexus手机) (Step Three: Get an Unlock Key (for Non-Nexus Phones))

If you’re using a Nexus device, you can skip the following step. Non-Nexus devices will likely need to go through one extra step before you continue.

如果您使用的是Nexus设备,则可以跳过以下步骤。 非Nexus设备可能需要再执行一个步骤,然后才能继续。

Head to your manufacturer’s bootloader unlocking page (for example, this page for Motorola phones or this page for HTC phones), choose your device (if prompted), and log in or create an account.

转到制造商的引导加载程序解锁页面(例如, 此页面用于Motorola手机或此页面用于HTC手机),选择您的设备(如果出现提示),然后登录或创建帐户。

The rest of this step is a bit different depending on your phone, but the manufacturer’s site should walk you through the process. It will go something like this: First, turn off your phone and boot into fastboot mode. This is a bit different on every phone, but on most modern devices, you can get there by holding the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons for 10 seconds. Release them, and you should be in fastboot mode. (HTC users will need to select “Fastboot” with the Volume Down key and press power to select it first.) You can usually find more information on your specific phone with a quick Google search, so feel free to do that now before continuing.

根据您的手机,此步骤的其余部分有所不同,但是制造商的站点应指导您完成该过程。 它将是这样的:首先,关闭手机,然后启动进入快速启动模式。 这在每部手机上都略有不同,但是在大多数现代设备上,您可以通过按住“电源”和“降低音量”按钮10秒钟到达那里。 释放它们,您应该处于快速启动模式。 (HTC用户需要使用“降低音量”键选择“快速启动”,然后先按电源将其选中。)通常,您可以通过Google的快速搜索在特定手机上找到更多信息,因此,在继续操作之前,请立即进行操作。

Connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable. Your phone should indicate that the device is connected. On your computer, open the platform-tools folder in your Android SDK folder and Shift+Right Click on an empty area. Choose “Open a Command Prompt Here”, and use that Command Prompt window to retrieve your unlock key as described by your manufacturer. (For example, Motorola phones will run the fastboot oem get_unlock_data command, while HTC phones will run the fastboot oem get_identifier_token command.)

使用USB电缆将手机连接到PC。 您的电话应指示设备已连接。 在计算机上,打开Android SDK文件夹中的platform-tools文件夹,然后按Shift + Right单击空白区域。 选择“在此处打开命令提示符”,然后使用该命令提示符窗口来检索您的解锁密钥,如制造商所述。 (例如,摩托罗拉手机将运行fastboot oem get_unlock_data命令,而HTC手机将运行fastboot oem get_identifier_token命令。)

The Command Prompt will spit out a token in the form of a very long string of characters. Select it, copy it, and paste it into the applicable box on your manufacturer’s website–make sure there are no spaces!–and submit the form. If your device is unlockable, you’ll receive an email with a key or file that you’ll use in the next step.

命令提示符将以很长的字符串形式吐出令牌。 选择它,复制它,并将其粘贴到制造商网站上的适用框中-确保没有空格!-然后提交表格。 如果您的设备无法解锁,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含您将在下一步中使用的密钥或文件。

If your device is not unlockable, you’ll get a message stating so. If you want to root your device or flash a ROM, you’ll need to use a more unofficial method, which you can usually find on a site like XDA Developers.

如果您的设备不可解锁,则会显示一条消息。 如果您想植根设备或刷新ROM,则需要使用一种非官方的方法,通常可以在XDA Developers之类的网站上找到该方法。

第四步:解锁手机 (Step Four: Unlock Your Phone)

Now you’re ready to actually perform the unlock. If your phone is still in fastboot mode, run the command below. If not, turn off your phone and hold the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons for 10 seconds. Release them, and you should be in fastboot mode. (HTC users will need to select “Fastboot” with the Volume Down key and press power to select it first.) Connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable.

现在您已经准备好实际执行解锁。 如果您的电话仍处于快速启动模式,请运行以下命令。 如果不是,请关闭手机,然后按住“电源”和“降低音量”按钮10秒钟。 释放它们,您应该处于快速启动模式。 (HTC用户需要使用降低音量键选择“快速启动”,然后先按电源将其选中。)使用USB电缆将手机连接到PC。

On your computer, open the platform-tools folder in your Android SDK folder and Shift+Right Click on an empty area. Choose “Open a Command Prompt Here”.

在计算机上,打开Android SDK文件夹中的platform-tools文件夹,然后按Shift + Right单击空白区域。 选择“在此处打开命令提示符”。

To unlock your device, you’ll need to run one simple command. For most Nexus devices, this command is:

要解锁设备,您需要运行一个简单的命令。 对于大多数Nexus设备,此命令为:

fastboot oem unlock

If you have a newer Nexus, such as the Nexus 5X or 6P, the command will be slightly different:

如果您有较新的Nexus,例如Nexus 5X或6P,则命令将略有不同:

fastboot flashing unlock

If you have a non-Nexus device, your manufacturer will tell you what command to run. Motorola devices, for example, need to run fastboot oem unlock UNIQUE_KEY, using the unique key from the email you received. HTC devices will run fastboot oem unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin using the Unlock_code.bin file you received from HTC.

如果您使用的不是Nexus设备,则制造商会告诉您要运行什么命令。 例如,摩托罗拉设备需要使用收到的电子邮件中的唯一密钥来运行fastboot oem unlock UNIQUE_KEY 。 HTC设备将使用从HTC收到的Unlock_code.bin文件运行fastboot oem unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin

After running the command, your phone may ask if you are sure you want to unlock. Use the volume keys to confirm.

运行该命令后,您的手机可能会询问您是否确定要解锁。 使用音量键进行确认。

When you’re finished, use the on-screen menu to reboot your phone (or run the fastboot reboot command from your PC). If everything worked correctly, you should see a new message at boot stating that your bootloader is unlocked, and after a few seconds it should boot into Android. It’s important that you boot into Android before doing anything else, like flashing a custom recovery.

完成后,使用屏幕上的菜单重新启动手机(或从PC运行fastboot reboot命令)。 如果一切正常,启动时应该会显示一条新消息,说明您的引导加载程序已解锁,几秒钟后它将引导至Android。 请务必先启动Android,然后再执行其他操作,例如刷新自定义恢复。

Congratulations on unlocking your phone! You won’t notice much of a difference yet, but with an unlocked bootloader you’ll be able to flash a custom recovery, opening the door to root access and custom ROMs.

祝贺您解锁手机! 您不会注意到有什么大的不同,但是使用未锁定的引导加载程序,您将可以闪存自定义恢复 ,从而打开了root访问权限和自定义ROM的大门。

Image credit: Norebbo

图片来源: Norebbo

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/239798/how-to-unlock-your-android-phones-bootloader-the-official-way/


本文标签: 解锁方式官方手机BootLoader