

If you’re the parent of young child and would like a way to keep them safe when they use their phone, Google Family Link may be the option you’ve been looking for. It’s a way to provide a child with a fully capable smartphone that you can control.

如果您是年幼的父母,并且想通过一种方式来保护他们的手机安全,那么您可能一直在寻找Google Family Link 。 这是一个方式,提供孩子一个完全有能力的智能手机,可以控制的。

If you’ve ever tried to set up a Google account for a child before, you probably already know that Google has a strict age requirement of 13 years old. At that point, you’re faced with two options: lie about their age, or disappoint little Timmy by telling him he can’t have his own account. Mean old Google.

如果您曾经尝试过为孩子设置Google帐户,那么您可能已经知道Google的年龄要求严格为13岁。 到那时,您将面临两种选择:撒谎,关于他们的年龄,或者让小蒂米(Timmy)告诉他自己不能拥有自己的帐户,这会让他失望。 指旧的Google。

That’s why Google introduced Family Link. It’s an Android app that allows you, the parent, to set up a Google account for your child under 13 and connect it to your Google account. Then, when little Edna turns 13, the account is all hers. They grow up so fast.

这就是Google引入Family Link的原因。 这是一个Android应用程序,可以让你的父母,建立一个谷歌帐户,为您的孩子在13岁以下,并连接给[R谷歌帐户。 然后,当小埃德娜(Edna)满13岁时,帐户便全部归她所有。 他们成长地好快。

But in the meantime, you can manage all aspects of young Bilbo’s account. You can grant him access to specific apps and tools, approve paid downloads, monitor screen time, track his location, see what apps he’s spending the most time in, and more. It’s pretty sweet.

但与此同时,您可以管理年轻Bilbo帐户的各个方面。 您可以授予他访问特定应用程序和工具的权限,批准付费下载,监视屏幕时间,跟踪他的位置,查看他在哪些时间花费最多的应用程序等等。 很甜

Best of all, it’s completely free. There is a catch, however: it requires your child’s device to have Android Nougat (7.0) or newer. If you were looking to give little Theresa one of your old phones, it may not work out—it all depends on how old said “old” phone really is. There are a few phones running Marshmallow (Android 6.x) that support Family Link, but they’re few and far between. You can see which version of Android a phone is running by going to Settings > About Phone.

最重要的是,它是完全免费的。 但是有一个问题:需要您孩子的设备安装Android Nougat(7.0)或更高版本。 如果您想给小小的Theresa一部旧手机,它可能无法解决,这完全取决于所说“旧”手机的真正年代。 有一些运行棉花糖(Android 6.x)的电话支持Family Link,但它们之间相距甚远。 您可以转到设置>关于手机,查看手机正在运行的Android版本。

If all you have is an older, pre-Nougat phone, we still have a few suggestions for locking it down here.


本文标签: 如何使用孩子手机GoogleLINK