

  1. [A] Recognition from colleagues should be given less importance.
    [B] Workers are always willing and ready to learn more new skills.
    [C] Psychological reward is more important than material one.
    [D] Work will have to be made interesting to raise efficiency.
  2. [A] Contact with many people. [B] Chances for advancement.
    [C] Appreciation from coworkers. [D] Chances to learn new skills.
    In this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple
    choice question, there are four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that you think is
    the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
    Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulated in taverns and coffee
    houses in the form of pamphlets and newsletters. “The coffee houses particularly are very roomy for a free
    conversation, and for reading at an easier rate all manner of printed news,” noted one observer. Everything changed
    in 1833when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun, pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the
    cost of news, thus giving advertisers access to a wider audience. The penny press, followed by radio and television,
    turned news from a two-way conversation into a one-way broadcast, with a relatively small number of firms
    controlling the media.
    Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house. The internet is making news
    more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the discursive characteristics of the era before the mass media. That
    will have profound effects on society and politics. In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing.
    Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005and 2009. But those global figures mask a sharp decline
    in readership in rich countries.
    Over the past decade, throughout the Western world, people have been giving up newspapers and TV news
    and keeping up with events in profoundly different ways. Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved
    in compiling, sharing, filtering, discussing and distributing news. Twitter lets people anywhere, report what they are
    seeing. Classified documents are published in their thousands online. Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and
    American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts. Social-networking
    sites help people find, discuss and share news with their friends.
    And it is not just readers who are challenging the media elite. Technology firms including Google, Facebook
    and Twitter have become important conduits of news. Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via
    social networks; many countries now make raw data available through “open government” initiatives. The Internet
    lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world. The web has allowed new
    providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time. And it has
    made possible entirely new approaches to journalism, such as that practiced by WikiLeaks, which provides an
    anonymous way for whistleblowers to publish documents. The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press
    barons and state outlets.
    In principle, every liberal should celebrate this. A more participatory and social news environment, with a
    remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing. The transformation of the news business is
    unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure. As producers of new journalism, individuals can be
    scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources. As consumers, they can be general in their tastes and
    demanding in their standards. And although this transformation does raise concerns, there is much to celebrate in
    the noisy, diverse, vociferous, argumentative and stridently alive environment of the news business in the ages of
    the internet. The coffee house is buck. Enjoy it.
  3. Which of the following statements best supports “Now, the news industry is returning to
    something closer to the coffee house”?
    [A] Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005and 2009.
    [B] People in the Western world are giving up newspapers and TV news.
    [C] Classified documents are published in their thousands online.
    [D] More people are involved in finding, discussing and distributing news.
  4. According to the passage, which is NOT a role played by information technology?
    [A] Challenging the traditional media.
    [B] Planning the return to coffee-house news.
    [C] Providing people with access to classified files.
    [D] Giving ordinary people the chance to provide news.
  5. The author’s tone in the last paragraph towards new journalism is ________.
    [A] optimistic and cautious [B] supportive and skeptical
    [C] doubtful and reserved [D] ambiguous and cautious
  6. In “The coffee house is buck”, coffee house best symbolizes________.
    [A] the changing characteristics of news audience
    [B] the more diversified means of news distribution
    [C] the participatory nature of news
    [D] the more varied sources of news
    Paris is like pornography. You respond even if you don’t want to. You turn a corner and see a
    vista, and your imagination bolts away. Suddenly you are thinking about what it would be like to live
    in Paris, and then you think about all the lives you have not lived. Sometimes, though, when you are
    lucky, you only think about how many pleasures the day ahead holds. Then, you feel privileged.
    The lobby of the hotel is decorated in red and gold. It gives off a whiff of 19th-century
    decadence. Probably as much as any hotel in Paris, this hotel is sexy. I was standing facing the
    revolving doors and the driveway beyond. A car with a woman in the back seat—a woman in a short
    skirt and black-leather jacket—pulled up before the hotel door. She swung off and she was wearing
    high heels. Normally, my mind would have leaped and imagined a story for this woman. Now it
    didn’t. I stood there and told myself. Cheer up. You’re in Paris.
    In many ways, Paris is best visited in winter. The tourist crowds are at a minimum, and one is
    not being jammed off the narrow sidewalks along the Rue Dauphine. More than this, Paris is like
    many other European cities in that the season of blockbuster cultural events tends to begin in mid-to
    late fall and so, by the time of winter, most of the cultural treasures of the city are laid out to be
    The other great reason why Paris in winter is so much better than Paris in spring and fall is that
    after the end of the August holidays and the return of chic Parisian women to their city, the
    restaurant-opening season truly begins hopping. By winter, many of the new restaurants have worked
    out their kinks (不足; 困难) and, once the hype has died down, it is possible to see which restaurants
    are actually good and which are merely noisy and crowded.
    Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being, Lincoln said. In Paris it
    doesn’t take much to be happy. Outside the hotel, the sky was pale and felt very high up. I walked the
    few blocks to the Seine and began running along the blue-green river toward the Eiffel Tower. The
    tower in the distance was black, and felt strange and beautiful the way that many things built for the
    joy of building do. As I ran toward it, because of its lattice structure, the tower seemed obviously
    delicate. Seeing it, I felt a sense of protectiveness.
    I think it was this moment of protectiveness that marked the change in my mood and my slowly
    becoming thrilled with being in Paris.
    During winter evenings, Paris’s streetlamps have a halo and resemble dandelions. In winter,
    when one leaves the Paris street and enters a cafe or restaurant, the light and temperature change
    suddenly and dramatically, there is the sense of having discovered something secret. In winter,
    because the days are short, there is an urgency to the choices one makes. There is the sense that life
    is short and so let us decide on what matters.
  7. According to the passage, once in Paris one might experience all the following feelings EXCEPT
    [A] regret [B] condescension [C] expectation [D] impulse
  8. Winter is the best season to visit Paris. Which of the following does NOT support this statement?
    [A] Fashionable Parisian women return to Paris.
    [B] More entertainment activities are staged.
    [C] There are more good restaurants to choose from.
    [D] There are fewer tourists in Paris.
  9. In the eyes of the author, winter in Paris is significant because of ________.
    [A] the atmosphere of its evenings [B] its implications for life
    [C] the contrast it brings [D] the discovery one makes
  10. At the end of the passage, the author found himself in a mood of ________.
    [A] excitement [B] thoughtfulness [C] loneliness [D] joyfulness
    If you want to know why Denmark is the world’s leader in wind power, start with a three-hour
    car trip from the capital Copenhagen—mind the bicyclists—to the small town of Lem on the far west
    coast of Jutland. You’ll feel it as you cross the 6.8kin-long Great Belt Bridge: Denmark’s bountiful
    wind, so fierce even on a calm summer’s day that it threatens to shove your car into the waves below.
    But wind itself is only part of the reason. In Lem, workers in factories the size of aircraft hangars
    build the wind turbines sold by Vestas, the Danish company that has emerged as the industry’s top
    manufacturer around the globe. The work is both gross and fine; employees weld together massive
    curved sheets of steel to make central shafts as tall as a 14-story building, and assemble engine
    housings (机器外罩) that hold some 18,000separate parts. Most impressive are the turbine’s blades,
    which scoop the wind with each sweeping revolution. As smooth as an Olympic swimsuit and honed
    to aerodynamic perfection, each blade weighs in at 7,000kg, and they’re what help make Vestas’
    turbines the best in the world. “The blade is where the secret is,” says Erik Therkelsen, a Vestas
    executive. “If we can make a turbine, it’s sold.”
    But technology, Like the wind itself, is just one more part of the reason for Denmark’s
    dominance. In the end, it happened because Denmark had the political and public will to decide that
    it wanted to be a leader — and to follow through. Beginning in 1979, the government began a
    determined programme of subsidies and loan guarantees to build up its wind industry. Copenhagen
    covered 30% of investment costs, and guaranteed loans for large turbine exporters such as Vestas. It
    also mandated that utilities purchase wind energy at a preferential price—thus guaranteeing investors
    a customer base. Energy taxes were channeled into research centres, where engineers crafted designs
    that would eventually produce cutting-edge giants like Vestas’ 3-megawatt (MW) V90turbine.
    As a result, wind turbines now dot Denmark. The country, gets more than 19% of its electricity
    from the breeze (Spain and Portugal, the next highest countries, get about 10%) and Danish
    companies control one-third of the global wind market, earning billions in exports and creating a
    national champion from scratch. “They were out early in driving renewables, and that gave them the
    chance to be a technology leader and a job-creation leader,” says Jake Schmidt, international climate
    policy director for the New York City-based Natural Resources Defense Council. “They have always
    been one or two steps ahead of others.”
    The challenge now for Denmark is to help the rest of the world catch up. Beyond wind, the
    country (pop. 5.5million) is a world leader in energy efficiency, getting more GDP per watt than any
    other member of the E.U. Carbon emissions are down 13.3% from 1990levels and total energy
    consumption has barely moved, even as Denmark’s economy continued to grow at a healthy clip.
    With Copenhagen set to host all- important U.N. climate change talks in December — where the
    world hopes for a successor to the expiring Kyoto Protocol—and the global recession beginning to
    hit environmental plans in capitals everywhere, Denmark’s example couldn’t be more timely. “We’ll try to
    make Denmark a showroom,” says Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. “You can reduce energy
    use and carbon emissions, and achieve economic growth.”
    It’s tempting to assume that Denmark is innately green, with the kind of Scandinavian good
    conscience that has made it such a pleasant global citizen since, oh, the whole Viking thing. But the
    country’s policies were actually born from a different emotion, one now in common currency: fear.
    When the 1973oil crisis hit, 90% of Denmark’s energy came from petroleum, almost all of it
    imported. Buffeted by the same supply shocks that hit the rest of the developed world, Denmark
    launched a rapid drive for energy conservation, to the point of introducing car-free Sundays and
    asking businesses to switch off tights during closing hours. Eventually the Mideast oil started
    flowing again, and the Danes themselves began enjoying the benefits of the petroleum and natural
    gas in their slice of the North Sea. It was enough to make them more than self-sufficient. But unlike
    most other countries, Denmark never forgot the lessons of 1973, and kept driving for greater energy
    efficiency and a more diversified energy supply. The Danish parliament raised taxes on energy to
    encourage conservation and established subsidies and standards to support more efficient buildings.
    “It all started out without any regard for the climate or the environment,” says Svend Auken, the
    former head of Denmark’s opposition Social Democrat Party and the architect of the country’s
    environmental policies in the 1990s. “But today there’s a consensus that we need to build renewable
    To the rest of the world, Denmark has the power of its example, showing that you can stay rich
    and grow green at the same time. “Denmark has proven that acting on climate can be a positive
    experience, not just painful,” says NRDC’s Schmidt. The real pain could come from failing to follow
    in their footsteps.
  11. Which of the following is NOT cited as a main reason for Denmark’s world leadership in wind
    [A] Technology. [B] Wind. [C] Government drive. [D] Geographical location.
  12. What does the author mean by “Denmark’s example couldn’t be more timely”?
    [A] Denmark’s energy-saving efforts cannot be followed by other countries.
    [B] Denmark can manufacture more wind turbines for other countries.
    [C] Denmark’s energy-saving success offers the world a useful model.
    [D] Denmark aims to show the world that it can develop even faster.
  13. Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?
    [A] Not to save energy could lead to serious consequences.
    [B] Energy saving cannot go together with economic growth.
    [C] Energy saving efforts can be painful but positive.
    [D] Denmark is a powerful leader in the global wind market.
    The first clue came when I got my hair cut. The stylist offered not just the usual coffee or tea
    but a complimentary nail-polish change while I waited for my hair to dry. Maybe she hoped this little
    amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months
    while nursing our hair back to whatever natural color we long ago forgot.
    Then there was the appliance salesman who offered to carry my bags as we toured the
    microwave aisle. When I called my husband to ask him to check some specs online, the salesman
    offered a preemptive discount, lest the surfing turn up the same model cheaper in another store. That
    night, for the first time, I saw the Hyundai ad promising shoppers that if they buy a car and then lose
    their job in the next year, they can return it.
    Suddenly everything’s on sale. The upside to the economic downturn is the immense incentive
    it gives retailers to treat you like a queen for a day. During the flush times, salespeople were surly,
    waiters snobby. But now the customer rules, just for showing up. There’s more room to stretch out on
    the flight, even in a coach. The malls have that serene aura of undisturbed wilderness, with scarcely a
    shopper in sight. Every conversation with anyone selling anything is a pantomime of pain and bluff.
    Finger the scarf, then start to walk away, and its price floats silkily downward. When the mechanic
    calls to tell you that brakes and a timing belt and other services will run close to $2,000, it’s time to
    break out the newly perfected art of the considered pause. You really don’t even have to say
    anything pitiful before he’ll offer to knock a few hundred dollars off.
    Restaurants are also caught in a fit of ardent hospitality, especially around Wail Street: Trinity
    Place offers $3drinks at happy hour any day the market goes down, with the slogan “Market tanked?
    Get tanked! “ —which ensures a lively crowd for the closing bell. The “21” Club has decided that
    men no longer need to wear ties, so long as they bring their wallets. Food itself is friendlier: you
    notice more comfort food, a truce between chef and patron that is easier to enjoy now that you can
    get a table practically anywhere. New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new
    restaurant demeanor as “extreme solicitousness tinged with outright desperation.” “You need to hug
    the customer,” one owner told him.
    There’s a chance that eventually we’ll return all this kindness with the extravagant spending that
    was once decried but now everyone is hoping will restart the economy. But human nature is funny
    that way. In dangerous times, we clench and squint at the deal that looks too good to miss, suspecting
    that it must be too good to be true. Is the store with the supercheap flat screens going to go bust and
    thus not be there to honour the “free” extended warranty? Is there something wrong with that free
    cheese? Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude, who walk in
    demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn. These store owners wince as they
    sense bad habits forming: Will people expect discounts forever? Will their hard-won brand luster be
    forever cheapened, especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced?
    There will surely come a day when things go back to “normal”; retail sales even inched up in
    January after sinking for the previous six months. But I wonder what it will take for us to see those
    $545Sigerson Morrison studded toe-ring sandals as reasonable? Bargain-hunting can be addictive
    regardless of the state of the markets, and haggling is a low-risk, high-value contact sport. Trauma
    digs deep into habit, like my 85- year-old mother still calling her canned-goods cabinet “the bomb
    shelter.” The children of the First Depression were saving string and preaching sacrifice long after
    the skies cleared. They came to be called the “greatest generation.” As we learn to be decent stewards
    of our resources, who knows what might come of it? We have lived in an age of wanton waste, and
    there is value in practicing conservation that goes far beyond our own bottom line.
  14. Which of the following best depicts the retailers now?
    [A] Bad-tempered. [B] Highly motivated.
    [C] Over-friendly. [D] Deeply frustrated.
  15. What does the author mean by “the newly perfected art of the considered pause”?
    [A] Customers now rush to buy things on sale.
    [B] Customers have got a sense of superiority.
    [C] Customers have learned how to bargain.
    [D] Customers have higher demands for service.
  16. According to the passage, “shoppers… flaunt their new power at every turn” means that
    shoppers would ________.
    [A] keep asking for more discounts [B] like to show that they are powerful
    [C] like to show off their wealth [D] have more doubts or suspicion
    In this section there are eight short-answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each
    question in NO more than 10words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.
  17. According to the passage, what initiated the transformation of coffee-house news to mass-media news?
  18. What does the statement “Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being” mean?
  19. Why has the author detailed some of the efforts of the Danish Government in promoting the wind industry?
  20. According to the passage, where did Denmark’s energy-saving policies originate from?
  21. According to Svend Auken, what’s the consensus we have today?
  22. According to the passage, what does “the first clue” suggest?
    31.How does Frank Bruni characterize the new restaurant demeanor?
    32.What is the author’s main message in the last two paragraphs?
    The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case,
    only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
    For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank
    provided at the end of the line.
    For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧”sign and write the
    word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of
    the line.
    For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the
    blank provided at the end of the line.
    When ∧ art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an__________
    it never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never__________
    them on the wall.When a natural history museum
    wants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit__________
    Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.
    Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.
    The Guangdong provincial government is soliciting opinions on the management of lost property. The new
    regulation stipulates that if no one claims a lost item, the person who hands it in will get 10percent of its auction
    earnings as a reward. The owner of the lost property can also voluntarily offer a reward of 10percent of its value.
    Should people be rewarded for returning lost property? Citizens and experts have totally different views. The
    following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300words, in
    which you should:
  23. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
  24. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.
    Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Recently, Guangdong provincial government stipulates that if no one claims a lost item, the person who hands
    it in will get 10percent of its auction earnings as a reward. The owner of the lost property can also voluntarily offer
    a reward of 10percent of its value.
    However, citizens are doubtful about the method, saying greedy people are not likely to return items for a
    mere 10percent reward, and noble people will return the item without requiring a reward.
    Wang Jun, a college student, says that the new regulation has still a long way to go before its actual
    implementation. The following are his points of view:
    Firstly, returning lost property is an action taken out of human beings’ inherent impetus, which says that lost
    property always belongs to the owners. Thus, upon picking up a lost item, one would immediately try to return it to
    the owner or some authority that can help find the owner. However, though the regulation is made to encourage the
    traditional Chinese virtue of voluntarily returning lost property, the forceful way of rewarding human beings’
    intuitive action makes things weird, because it appears that people may return lost property just for a reward. Thus,
    it totally distorts the essence of returning lost property and relegates this virtue.
    Secondly, according to the regulation, if no one claims a lost item, the person who hands it in will get 10
    percent of its auction earnings as a reward. What about items which are too trivial to go to auction? And what is the
    basis for the number of 10percent? If the item is invaluable, does the regulation imply that someone who hands it
    in will become a millionaire overnight? If so, people may compete to find the lost invaluable item which would
    give rise to disputes and even social problems.
    Lastly, going to auction is not the only way to deal with lost property. For precious or even rare items which
    could hit the headline, if no one claims them, authorities had better preserve them in museums so as to keep their
    value. For practical lost items, especially daily necessities, the best way to keep their value is donating them to
    those in need, including the impoverished, the homeless and the disaster-stricken.
    The regulation, once implemented, will benefit both parties, a paper said quoting an expert. The move is
    currently under public consultation. A public consultation was completed by February 20th and revealed a spread of
    opinions. According to the survey, 60percent of the interviewees agreed with the rewarding mechanism, while 20
    percent were against it. Most interviewees regard a reward as a token of appreciation that encourages more people
    to exercise good behavior. Legal experts have concerns over the feasibility of the law and advise a detailed
    implementation plan, but at least one lawyer asserts it supports the implementation of the Law of the Right to
    Property and is in line with the progress of modern civilization.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
    What Do Active Learners Do?
    There are differences between active learning and passive learning.
    Characteristics of active learners:
    I.reading with (1) ________ (1) __________
    A. before reading: setting goals
    B. while reading: (2) ________ (2) __________
    II.(3) ________ and critical in thinking (3) __________
    i. e. information processing, e. g.
    —connections between the known and (4) ________ (4) __________
    —identification of (5) ________ concepts (5) __________
    —judgment on the value of (6) ________ (6) __________ in listening
    A. ways of note-taking:(7) ________ (7) __________
    B. before note-taking: listening and thinking
    IV.being able to get assistance
    A. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of
    (8) ________ (8) __________
    B. reason 2: being able to predict study difficulties
    V.being able to (9) ________ (9) __________
    A. question what they read or hear
    B. evaluate and (10) ________ (10) __________
    VI.last characteristic
    A. attitude toward (11) ________ (11) __________
    —active learners: accept
    —passive learners: (12) ________ (12) __________
    B. attitude toward (13) ________ (13) __________
    —active learners: evaluate and change behaviour
    —passive learners: no change in approach
    Relationship between skill and will: will is more important in (14) ________ (14) __________
    Lack of will leads to (15) ________ in college learning. (15) __________

Psycholinguistics is the name given to the study of the psychological
processes involved in language. Psycholinguists study understanding ,
production, and remembering language, and hence are concerned with (1) _________
listening, reading, speaking , writing, and memory for. language.
One reason why we take the language for granted is that it usually happens (2) _________
so effortlessly, and, most of time , so accurately. Indeed, when you listen to (3) _________
someone speaking, or looking at this page, you normally cannot help but (4) _________
understand it. It is only in exceptional circumstances we might become aware (5) _________
of the complexity involved: if we are searching for a word but cannot
remember it; if a relative or colleague has had a stroke which has influenced (6) _________
their language; if we observe a child acquire language; if we try to learn a (7) _________
second language ourselves. as an adult; or if we are visually. impaired. or,
hearing-impaired or if we meet anyone else who is. As we shall see, all these (8) _________
examples of what might be called “language in exceptional circumstances”
reveal a great deal about the processes evolved in speaking, listening, writing, (9) _________
and reading. But given that language processes were normally so automatic, (10) _________
we also need to carry out careful experiments to get at what is happening.
