

携程 雇主

You’re afraid.


If you’re like most web developers, you often worry about losing your job. The fear is always there, lurking in the back of your mind.

如果您像大多数Web开发人员一样,通常会担心失业。 恐惧始终存在,潜伏在您的脑海中。

Am I next?


Most employers are seen as disloyal. If push comes to shove, they’re more than happy to show you the door. When they do, it feels like a betrayal.

大多数雇主被视为不忠。 如果推得推挤,他们很乐意为您展示门。 当他们这样做时,感觉就像在背叛。

对于雇主来说,这不是背叛 (For Employers, It Isn’t a Betrayal)

It’s just business.


At least, that’s what we’re expected to believe. Dig a little deeper, and we see that employers and developers …

至少,这就是我们所期望的。 再深入一点,我们看到雇主开发商……

  1. … don’t trust each other. It’s common for developers and employers to distrust each other from the very beginning. Salary negotiations are focused on squeezing as much value out of the other side, while minimizing what’s offered in return.

    ……不要互相信任。 开发人员和雇主从一开始就相互不信任是很常见的。 薪酬谈判的重点是从对方身上榨取尽可能多的价值,同时尽量减少所提供的回报。

  2. … rarely build a stable relationship. The employee/employer relationship is unsafe. Say the wrong thing, or say No to your boss, and you risk losing your career.

    ……很少建立稳定的关系。 员工/雇主关系不安全 。 说错话,或对老板说“不”,则可能会失去职业。

  3. … are inward focused. For the most part, developers and employers are focused on themselves — because both sides feel they have to be.

    …向内集中。 在大多数情况下,开发人员和雇主都专注于自己- 因为双方都认为自己必须做到

  4. … lack loyalty. For most, long and medium term employment has become a thing of the past. Some believe long term loyalty affects your value in the marketplace.

    ……缺乏忠诚度。 对于大多数人而言,长期和中期就业已成为过去。 有些人认为长期忠诚会影响您在市场中的价值。

It isn’t just business, but even so …


有时你的雇主只是想摆脱你 (Sometimes Your Employer Just Wants to Get Rid of You)

Maybe you’ve lost the office politics game. It could be that your employer’s about to lose a major client, forcing them to lay you off. Maybe something’s gone wrong and you’re the scapegoat. Whatever the reason, your employer may feel the need to dump you.

也许您输了办公室政治游戏。 可能是您的雇主即将失去主要客户,迫使他们解雇您。 也许出了点问题,您就是替罪羊。 不管是什么原因,您的雇主可能会觉得有必要抛弃您

What does this mean for you, the developer? At some point in your career you’ll be fired, laid off, demoted or aggressively “encouraged to quit.”

这对您(开发人员)意味着什么? 在您的职业生涯中的某个时刻,您将被解雇,解雇,降职或大胆地“鼓励辞职”。

Most developers never see it coming.


Is that even possible? Is it possible to spot warning signs indicating you’re about to lose your job, way ahead of time?

有可能吗? 是否可以提前发现可能会失业的警告标志?



I’m not talking about the obvious signs — such as your boss announcing layoffs, or that your company isn’t doing well, etc.


Waiting for these signs means it’s too late. I’m talking about signs lurking in the background.

等待这些迹象意味着为时已晚。 我说的是在后台潜伏的迹象。

您即将被解雇。 如果有……的迹象 (You’re About to Be Fired. The Signs Are There If …)

You know where to look. The usual signs aren’t all that helpful, because it’s usually too late to do anything. If you’re waiting for …

你知道去哪里看。 通常的迹象并没有那么大的帮助,因为做任何事情通常为时已晚。 如果您在等...

  • management to announce layoffs

  • your boss to mention they’ve lost a major contract

  • your unpredictable workload to resolve itself


… you won’t have time to act when the announcement comes. You need a different set of tools. These tools need to (a.) give you plenty of time to act, (b.) be a reliable predictor, and (c.) give you options. One more thing. These signals require three things:

…当公告到来时,您将没有时间采取行动。 您需要一套不同的工具。 这些工具需要(a。)给您足够的时间采取行动, (b。)成为可靠的预测指标,并且(c。)为您提供选择。 还有一件事。 这些信号需要三件事:

  1. some digging (don’t worry it’s simple and easy)

  2. understanding the information you dig up

  3. an understanding that these signals are about the business, not you.


Let’s look at the first signal.


信号1:您不属于小组成员 (Signal #1: You’re not part of the in-group)

A meta-analysis conducted by Talya Bauer et al. discovered that feeling socially accepted was a key factor in employee success.

Talya Bauer等人进行的荟萃分析 。 发现被社会认可的感觉是员工成功的关键因素。

If you’re part of the group, you stay.


More importantly than that, they make the companies they serve more successful. But why do things work out that way? Because becoming part of the group gives everyone greater access to information and resources.

更为重要的是,它们使所服务的公司更加成功。 但是为什么事情会这样呢? 因为成为该小组的一员,每个人都可以更好地访问信息和资源。

You share information and resources you have with the rest of the team, and they (your coworkers and the business) share with you.


This may not seem like much, but it’s vital. It’s vital because it’s the only way you’re able to demonstrate your value.

这看起来似乎不多,但至关重要 。 这很重要,因为这是您能够展示自己的价值的唯一方法。

Reddit user FiletOfFish1066, has just been fired from his programming job at a major tech company. He was employed for six years receiving an annual salary of $95,000. What did he give his employer in return?

Reddit用户FiletOfFish1066刚刚从一家大型科技公司的编程工作中被解雇 。 他受雇了6年,年薪为95,000美元。 他给了老板什么回报?



From around 6 years ago up until now, I have done nothing at work. I am not joking. For 40 hours each week I go to work, play League of Legends in my office, browse Reddit, and do whatever I feel like. In the past 6 years I have maybe done 50 hours of real work. So basically nothing. And nobody really cared. The tests were all running successfully. I shit you not, I had no friends or anything at work either, so nobody ever talked to me except my boss and occasionally the devs for the software I was testing.

从大约6年前到现在,我什么都没做。 我不是在开玩笑。 我每周工作40个小时,在办公室里玩英雄联盟,浏览Reddit,然后做我想做的事。 在过去的6年中,我可能完成了50个小时的实际工作。 所以基本上什么都没有。 没有人真正关心。 测试全部成功运行。 我不打扰您,我也没有朋友,也没有任何工作,所以除了我的老板和我正在测试的软件的开发人员之外,没有人跟我说话。

Here’s the amazing part. This developer actually gave his employer an incredible gift.

这是惊人的部分。 这个开发人员实际上给了他的雇主一份不可思议的礼物。

He figured out how to automate his job completely. Let’s say there were just 10 to 20 people in his department. That’s $1,000,000–$19,000,000 per year he could’ve saved his employer.

他想出了如何使工作完全自动化的方法。 假设他的部门只有10到20人。 那是他每年可以节省雇主的100万至1900万美元

That’s leverage he could have used to bargain for a raise. If his employer refused, he could have taken that information to another company, or started his own business.

那是他本可以用来讨价还价的杠杆。 如果雇主拒绝,那么他可能会将这些信息带到另一家公司,或者开始自己的业务。

So, what’s the lesson here?


If you’re a developer who’s not part of the group, not socially accepted, it’s a signal you’re expendable. When disaster strikes, you’ll be the first to go.

如果您是不属于该组的开发人员,没有得到社会的认可,那么这表明您很可惜。 当灾难袭来时,您将是第一个去。

信号2:销售,增长和利润盲目 (Signal #2: Sales, growth and profit blindness)

Developers, as a general rule, despise marketers and salespeople. We don’t trust them because they’re usually not very technically literate. Naturally this means many of them will lie to get what they want. They’ll do or say anything to make the sale.

通常,开发人员鄙视营销人员和销售人员 。 我们不信任他们,因为他们通常不懂技术。 自然地,这意味着他们中的许多人会撒谎以获得他们想要的东西。 他们会做或说出一切来达成交易。

That makes sense, right?


Our disdain for sales and marketing folks is based on their behavior, which can be pretty terrible.

我们对销售和市场营销人员的鄙视是基于他们的行为,这可能非常糟糕 。

Here’s the problem.


Your salary comes from sales and marketing. It’s how you measure employer health. Are they bleeding money? Is the market dying? Are they up to their eyeballs in debt?

您的薪水来自销售和市场营销。 这是您衡量雇主健康状况的方式。 他们在流血吗? 市场快要死了吗? 他们是否愿意承担债务?

If you want to keep your job, you’ll need to understand sales and marketing — namely, how sales and marketing is done at your company.


When it comes to sales and marketing, the vast majority of companies have some pretty bad habits. These bad habits make job security impossible.

在销售和市场营销方面,绝大多数公司都有一些相当不好的习惯。 这些不良习惯使工作安全变得不可能

These bad habits create business disasters that lead to job loss — whether it’s furloughs, firings or layoffs. Okay. What kinds of habits?

这些不良习惯造成商业灾难,导致失业,无论是休假,解雇还是裁员。 好的。 什么的习惯?

  • Sales/revenue has dropped 2 years in a row. This could be a result of several factors. Dying industries like newspapers, automation in the taxi and delivery industries, or poorly managed companies like Kodak who created the digital camera in 1975 but never let it see the light of day.

    销售/收入已连续两年下降。 这可能是几个因素造成的。 诸如报纸,出租车和送货业的自动化之类的濒临死亡的行业 ,或者像柯达这样管理不善的公司,它们于1975年创建了数码相机,但从未让它成为现实。

  • Nobody knows where profits come from. Remember K-Mart? No one — employees, management or even vendors — knew which products were profitable. No surprise then that they’re circling the drain, continually laying off employees. Employees make fantastic decisions when they know which products have the highest margins and perform best for the company.

    没有人知道利润从何而来。 还记得凯马特吗? 没有人(员工,管理人员甚至是供应商)知道哪些产品有利可图。 毫不奇怪,他们绕着排水沟,不断裁员 。 当员工知道哪些产品利润最高并且对公司表现最佳时,他们会做出出色的决策。

  • Sales force focused on volume instead of profit. Experts tell us “sales fixes everything.” But it doesn’t. Sales fixes everything if there’s profits, money left over at the end. That’s a problem, because sales often creates expenses. When there’s little to no profit, there’s little to no money to pay employees, which means furloughs, firings, and layoffs will follow.

    销售人员专注于数量而不是利润。 专家告诉我们“ 销售决定一切 。” 但事实并非如此。 如果有利润 ,最后剩下的钱,销售会固定一切。 这是一个问题,因为销售通常会产生费用。 当几乎没有利润时,几乎没有钱支付给员工,这意味着休假,解雇和裁员。

  • Sales/revenues are 2x larger than net profits. Disaster is inevitable — a recession, investors drying up, a dying industry. When there’s profit you have a job, when these disasters hit there simply won’t be any money left to pay you. The business will either (a.) terminate as many employees as possible or (b.) keep everyone on board and die a slow, painful death.

    销售/收入比净利润大2倍。 灾难是不可避免的—经济衰退,投资者干drying,行业快死了。 当您有利润时,您就可以找到工作,而当这些灾难袭来时,根本就没有钱可付给您 。 企业要么(a。)终止尽可能多的员工,要么(b。)让每个人都留在公司中,并导致缓慢而痛苦的死亡。

See the problem?


Any problem that hurts your employer’s finances, eventually hurts you.


If you deliver results — money, connections, resources, time — you’re far more likely to weather the inevitable storm. But most employees won’t do the work to create transformative change for their employer.

如果交付成果(金钱,人脉关系,资源,时间),您将更有可能度过难免的风暴。 但是大多数员工不会为雇主创造变革 。

So, they’ll lose their jobs.


信号3:您的公司不具体也不独特 (Signal #3: Your company isn’t specific or unique)

Consider the company you work for. What makes it unique?

考虑您工作的公司。 是什么让它与众不同?

Do you know?


Take a minute to check your company’s website, employment manuals, ads, brochures, etc. These documents should, in very specific terms, tell you what your company does best.


You should be able to:


  1. find something that’s specific and valuable (to customers)

  2. identify what you, your company are focused on.


Here are a few examples.


Let’s start with FedEx. FedEx was unique. They offered overnight delivery when their competitors didn’t. They guaranteed it and built their entire company around that promise.

让我们从联邦快递开始。 联邦快递是独一无二的。 当竞争对手不提供时,他们提供隔夜送达服务。 他们保证了这一点,并围绕这一承诺建立了自己的整个公司。

FedEx: When it absolutely positively has to be there overnight


Chocolate is chocolate. No way to make that unique, right?

巧克力是巧克力。 没有办法使它独特,对吗?

M&Ms: Melts in your mouth, not in your hand


What about something as generic as pizza?


Dominos: You get a fresh, hot pizza in 30 minutes, or it’s free.


These are ads.


Ads are annoying, but they’re also how you get paid. Each of these companies created a specific and very unique idea that’s focused on one goal.

广告很烦人,但它们也是您获得报酬的方式。 这些公司中的每一个都创建了一个专门针对一个目标的特定且非常独特的想法。

Here’s a few more.


  • Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


  • Amazon: Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

    亚马逊:我们的愿景是成为地球上最以客户为中心的公司; 建立一个地方,人们可以找到并发现他们可能想在网上购买的任何商品。

  • Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with macOS, iLife, iWork and professional software.


What about some bad ones?


  • Xerox: The document company (is it a law firm or paper mill?)

    施乐 :文件公司(是律师事务所还是造纸厂?)

  • Kodak: “Share Moments. Share Life.” (What does that mean?)

    柯达 :“分享时刻。 分享生活。” (那是什么意思?)

  • Yahoo: “In 21 years, Yahoo had 23 missions.”

    雅虎:“ 在21年中,雅虎执行了23次任务 。”

If your company relies on vague, generic statements like “top quality” or “satisfaction guaranteed”, you’re in trouble.




Because there’s no compelling reason for customers to choose your employer. There’s no focus or clarity so you can’t do your best work.

因为没有足够的理由让客户选择您的雇主。 没有重点或明确性,所以您无法尽力而为

Which means you’re waiting for a trigger.


Could be a recession, declining industry, lost contracts — anything. When the inevitable disaster hits your employers, they pass the damage on to you; they’ll sacrifice you so they can survive.

可能是衰退,行业衰退,合同丢失-等等。 当不可避免的灾难袭击您的雇主时,他们将损失转移给您; 他们会牺牲你,这样他们才能生存。

这些信号并不一定意味着你会被解雇 (These Signals Don’t Necessarily Mean You’ll Be Fired)

Maybe some people get fired and others don’t. It’s really all about luck, right?

也许有些人被解雇,而另一些人没有。 真的就是运气吧?

Actually, no.


These signals are the canary in the coal mine. They’re the disasters that will inevitably lead to a disaster. You have plenty of time, sure. But it’s difficult to tell when it’s too late.

这些信号是煤矿中的金丝雀。 它们是灾难,不可避免地会导致灾难。 当然,您有很多时间。 但是很难说何时为时已晚。

As we’ve seen with Yahoo, the signs are there — if you know where to look.


It can be depressing.


It may seem like there’s no way to keep your job and survive. Nothing could be further from the truth.

似乎没有办法保持工作和生存。 没有东西会离事实很远。

Seeing the signs means you don’t have to suffer.


Awareness gives you options. You can use your time to find another job. You can speak up, doing what you can to help your employers. You can give yourself the time you need to launch your side gig.

意识为您提供选择。 您可以花时间找其他工作。 您可以大声说,尽力帮助您的雇主。 您可以给自己一些时间来启动附带演出。

There’s a lot that can be done. Do everything right and you may still lose your job. Awareness doesn’t mean you’re immune. It means you’re able to choose the outcome you want.

有很多事情可以做。 正确地做所有事情,您可能仍然会失业。 意识并不意味着你免疫。 这意味着您可以选择所需的结果。

有时雇主只是想摆脱你 (Sometimes Employers Just Want to Get Rid of You)

But there’s no need to be afraid.


You were like most web developers, often worrying about losing your job. The fear was always there, lurking in the back of your mind, until you realized the truth.

最喜欢的Web开发人员,经常担心失去你的工作。 恐惧一直存在,潜伏在您的脑海中,直到您意识到真相。

It doesn’t matter if you’re next.


When you see the signals, you’re able to free yourself from the fear, from a bad situation. When push comes to shove, employers are more than happy to show you the door.

当您看到这些信号时,您可以使自己摆脱恐惧,摆脱困境。 当一推再推时,雇主们很乐意向您展示。

These signals give you power. They give you time.

这些信号给您力量。 他们给你时间。

Use these signals to change your situation or leave on your own terms, when you’re ready. Use them wisely and you’ll discover you’re no longer afraid.

准备就绪时,请使用这些信号来更改您的情况或按照自己的意愿行事。 明智地使用它们,您将发现自己不再害怕。

Looking for more on Employment and Salaries? Check out these great links:

寻找更多关于就业和薪资的信息吗? 查看以下重要链接:

  • The Software Developer’s Guide to Salary Negotiation


  • How to Land a Development Job Without Experience


  • 10 In-demand Tech Skills That Don’t Involve Coding


  • Best Programming Languages For Job Demand and Salaries


  • 11 High-paying and Remote Jobs In High Demand in 2016


  • 5 Simple Strategies to Double Your Salary


  • How to Keep Your Employees and Avoid Turnover


  • How to Negotiate a Higher Freelance Rate


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查阅SitePoint Premium ,了解更多书籍,课程和免费截屏视频。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/3-unexpected-signals-employers-send-fire/

携程 雇主

本文标签: 雇主携程信号意外