

Java has endured radical transformations in the technology landscape and many threats to its prominence. What makes this technology so great, and what does the future hold for Java?

Java在技术领域经历了彻底的变革,并面临许多威胁。是什么让这项技术如此伟大? Java的未来会是怎样的?

Among the most fascinating phenomena in software is the enduring prominence of Java. As both a language and a platform, Java has survived radical transformations in the technology landscape, and its own internal structure has altered along with it. How has Java remained at the center of both enterprise and open source for more than two decades? Let's look at a few factors that stand out.


The Java Community Process (java 社区进程)

Java began life as an alternative to the conventional way of doing things—an upstart of sorts. Today, despite repeated challenges, it is recognized as a pillar of enterprise software. What explains Java's continued relevance in the face of such radical change? One essential factor is the passion of the community, which is fostered through governance structures that engage developers to keep Java a living, dynamic force.


Far from a smoothly operating machine, Java's governance is a confusing amalgam of competing interests and organizations that find their voice in the Java Community Process (JCP) and through Java Specification Requests (JSRs). At the end of the day, the JCP is a venue for contribution and conflict resolution among people who care deeply about Java technology. It is a rather mystifying combination of bureaucracy, policy, and creativity. Something like a functioning democracy, in fact.


As a longtime Java programmer, it was surprising—astonishing, actually—to watch the language successfully incorporate lambdas and closures. Adding functional constructs to an object-oriented programming language was a highly controversial and impressive feat. So was absorbing concepts introduced by technologies like Hibernate and Spring (JSR 317 and JSR 330, respectively) into the official platform. That such a widely used technology can still integrate new ideas is heartening.

作为一名长期从事Java编程的程序员,看到这种语言成功地将lambda和闭包结合在一起,我感到非常惊讶。向面向对象的编程语言中添加函数结构是一项极具争议性和令人印象深刻的壮举。将Hibernate和Spring(分别为JSR 317和JSR 330)等技术引入的概念吸收到官方平台中也是如此。如此广泛使用的技术仍然可以整合新思想,这令人振奋。

Java's responsiveness helps to ensure the language incorporates useful improvements. it also means that developers know they are working within a living system, one that is being nurtured and cultivated for success in a changing world. Project Loom—an ambitious effort to re-architect Java’s concurrency model—is one example of a project that underscores Java's commitment to evolving. Several other proposals currently working through the JCP demonstrate a similar willingness to go after significant goals to improve Java technology.

Java的响应性有助于确保该语言包含有用的改进。这也意味着开发人员知道他们是在一个活生生的系统中工作,一个在不断变化的世界中为成功而培育和培养的系统。Project loom是一个重新构建Java并发模型的雄心勃勃的项目,它是一个强调Java致力于不断发展的项目的例子。目前正在通过JCP工作的其他几个提案表明了类似的意愿,即追求改进Java技术的重要目标。

The people working on Java are only half of the story. The people who work with it are the other half, and they are reflective of the diversity of Java's many uses. Social coding and open source are not unique to Java, but they are key constituents in the health of the Java ecosystem. Like JavaScript, Java evolved in tandem with the coding community as the web gained traction. That origin story is a big part of its character.


Open source frameworks and tools(开源框架和工具)

Another big driver of Java's success is the wealth of open source frameworks and tools built up around it. Almost anything you might need has one or more available libraries. If you like a project, there is a good chance it's open source and you can contribute to it. That's great for both learning and building community.


Not long ago I had my hands deep in parsing YAML, and discovered the SnakeYAML project. Soon, I was off in the weeds trying to do something exotic with this new project. Not long after that, I was chatting with the project's owner.


Something similar happened when I needed to do some sophisticated process orchestration close to the metal. First, I discovered the NuProcess project, then I got to contribute a small fix. Exchanges like that make a programmer's life richer. They're also how open source projects evolve.


The wealth of projects in the Java ecosystem extends from modest examples like the ones I've shared to database drivers and similar technologies, on up to the monumental. There are application servers like Tomcat and Jetty, frameworks like Hibernate, and even the Eclipse IDE. All are open source projects that invite contributors.

Java生态系统中的项目丰富,从我所分享的那些普通的例子,到数据库驱动程序和类似的技术,一直到巨大的项目。有像Tomcat和Jetty这样的应用服务器,像Hibernate这样的框架,甚至还有Eclipse IDE。所有这些都是邀请贡献者的开源项目。

Spring dependency injection (Spring 依赖注入)

No appreciation for Java’s ecosystem would be complete without tipping our hat to Spring. This meta-framework is perhaps the standard to which other meta-frameworks might aspire. Why? Because Spring lets you use the same facility for composing custom code and incorporating third-party code in your programs. Through its implementation of dependency injection and inversion-of-control, Spring not only enables you to make your own internal components more standard, but it extends a similar standardization to how third-party projects and vendors prepare their components. This makes for greater consistency in how you use these components in your programs.

Of course, there are valid critiques of Spring, and it's not always the right tool. Google Guice is another tool that works similarly to Spring. But Spring, as a framework, introduced a clean and consistent way to provision and compose application components. That was a game changer at the time, and it continues to be vital today.

Everything is an object(一切皆是对象)

If the people behind Java and using Java are the wind that keeps the ship sailing, then Java's technical aspects are the sails. It is impressive that the initial Java specification sprung Athena-like from a single head (the head of James Gosling) but has remained flexible enough to still be relevant today. 

如果Java背后的人和使用Java的人是使船保持航行的风,那么Java的技术方面就是帆。令人印象深刻的是,最初的Java规范是由一个人(James Gosling的头)像雅典娜一样产生的,但它保持了足够的灵活性,直到今天仍然具有相关性。

An important feature of Java's design is that, in Java, everything is an object.


In a development landscape that currently favors functional programming, it's sometimes fashionable to trash this aspect of Java and object-oriented programming. Java's stewards have responded by incorporating some functional programming idioms into the language. But they've been steadfast in that Java remains a strongly object-oriented language where everything is, indeed, an object.


It’s possible to write code that is awesome or awful in any paradigm. Going into a Java system, you know up front that it's strongly typed and that everything is contained in classes. The absoluteness of this design decision cuts away complexity and lends cleanness to the language and programs that use it. Well-written Java programs have the mechanical elegance of well-written object-oriented code. The functionality is the result of interacting components, like gears in a machine. 


The cost of this approach is confusion in the early stages of learning. Virtually every Java beginner confronts key questions: what is the keyword there for, what is a class, and why on earth do I need to write "" just to print "hello world"?publicpublic static void main(String[] args)

这种方法的代价是在学习的早期阶段产生混乱。实际上,每个Java初学者都会遇到一些关键问题:关键字的作用是什么,类是什么,为什么我需要写“”来打印"hello world"?publicpublic static void main(String[] args)

But consider that those learning curves are potent aspects of a large-scale order: The beginner is encountering and absorbing sophisticated concepts that are fundamental to the Java way of doing things. You could say that the strictly class-based structure of Java programs lends itself to good programming-in-the-large. As systems grow in size, the structure, which might seem unwieldy at a smaller scale, becomes more beneficial. In many cases, it vindicates the burden of early-phase learning.


There are legitimate gripes about Java syntax, to be sure—the same is true of JavaScript and every other language. As Bjarne Stroustrup once said, “There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

可以肯定的是,对Java语法的抱怨是合理的,JavaScript和其他语言也是如此。正如Bjarne Stroustrup曾经说过的:“世界上只有两种语言:人们抱怨的语言和没人用的语言。”

The JVM(虚拟机)

The Java virtual machine is another facet of Java’s construction that meets with occasional critique. At the time of its development, the JVM was a bold technical solution to the diversity of runtime environments. Since then, it has sometimes seemed a burden of excess architecture and a source of performance difficulties. But after years of incessant refinement, the technology has gradually vindicated itself. It has proved rather prescient, as well. The world has lately become enamored of virtual machines; they are everywhere, even forming the lowest strata of cloud computing.


Applied to devops containers and serverless architectures, the JVM offers a clear-cut deployment environment target, with well-defined characteristics and controls. Modern Java virtual machines are also something to behold. They deliver sophisticated automatic memory management with out-of-the-box performance approaching C.


Enterprise creativity(企业创造力)

Software development is made up of two powerful currents: the enterprise and the creative. There's a spirit of creative joy to coding that is the only possible explanation for, say, working on a dungeon simulator for 25 years. That creativity, united with solid business use, is the alchemy that keeps Java alive and well. For long-term success, a software project must make room for both. Java has done that.


WebAssembly and the future of Java(WebAssembly和Java的未来)

In a parting note, let’s identify one more potentially watershed event on the horizon: WebAssembly, or WASM. Java in WASM is currently limited, and there’s no certainty about how the future will unfold. But it’s possible that Java may one day be used in the browser much like JavaScript is—that is, with full access to the DOM and browser API. Imagine Java in the browser again, but this time for real. Stranger things have happened.


本文标签: ReasonsJavaGreat