


Cloud computing is where data is stored, managed and processed on a network of servers hosted remotely on the internet. It has become highly popular with businesses because it offers considerable savings together with high security, enormous capacity and a host of managed services. Cloud hosting provides businesses with many advantages and in this post, we’ll take a look at ten of the most important ones.

云计算是在Internet上远程托管的服务器网络上存储,管理和处理数据的地方。 它在企业中非常受欢迎,因为它可以节省大量资金,并具有很高的安全性,巨大的容量和大量托管服务。 云托管为企业提供了许多优势,在本文中,我们将介绍十个最重要的优势。

1.云托管为您节省金钱 (1. Cloud hosting saves you money)

The bottom line for any business looking to adopt a new technology is whether it offers value for money and a good return on investment. What’s great about cloud computing is that you don’t need your own hardware as everything is hosted on your provider’s servers. This means savings can be made on the cost of hardware and, in addition, you can dispense with the costs of running your own data centre. You won’t need to pay for space, power, physical security, insurance and air-conditioning or need to cover the costs of ongoing maintenance.

任何希望采用新技术的企业的底线都在于它是否具有物有所值和良好的投资回报率。 云计算的优点在于,由于一切都托管在提供商的服务器上,因此您不需要自己的硬件。 这意味着可以节省硬件成本,此外,您可以免除运行自己的数据中心的成本。 您无需支付空间,电源,物理安全,保险和空调的费用,也无需支付日常维护的费用。

2.即时可扩展的资源并按需付费 (2. Instantly scalable resources and pay as you go pricing)

If you have your own data centre and need to increase computing resources, you’ll need to buy, install and configure an expensive new server. If you only need that capacity to cover a short-term demand, it leaves you with two problems. Firstly, you’re buying something that may lay redundant for most of the time and, secondly, if that demand comes unexpectedly, you might not get the server up and running in time to deal with it.

如果您拥有自己的数据中心并需要增加计算资源,则需要购买,安装和配置昂贵的新服务器。 如果您仅需要这种能力来满足短期需求,那么您将面临两个问题。 首先,您购买的东西在大多数情况下可能都是多余的,其次,如果需求出乎意料,则可能无法及时启动服务器并对其进行处理。

With cloud computing, scalability comes built in. If you need extra resources because of an unexpected peak in website traffic, you can increase your computing capacity instantly. If that peak only lasts for a day or two you can scale down as demand decreases. And, as you are charged on a pay as you go basis, you only pay for the extra resources you have used. There is no need to upgrade permanently to a bigger package or hire a new server. In this way, cloud provides increased agility and cost-effective resourcing.

借助云计算,内置了可伸缩性。如果由于网站流量意外增加而需要额外的资源,则可以立即增加计算能力。 如果该高峰仅持续一两天,则可以根据需求减少而缩小。 而且,由于您按使用量付费,因此您仅需支付已使用的额外资源。 无需永久升级到更大的软件包或租用新服务器。 这样,云提供了更高的敏捷性和成本效益的资源。

3.战略竞争优势 (3. Strategic competitive advantage)

Deployment time in cloud computing is virtually zero and applications that are critical for growth and success can be online almost instantly, giving you a strategic competitive advantage over competitors who have not yet adopted cloud technology.


In addition, the scalability mentioned above means that smaller companies who would normally be at a disadvantage against larger companies with greater in-house capacity, now find themselves on a level playing field without the need to invest heavily in their own data centres.


4.高可用性 (4. High Availability)

As businesses become reliant on applications to run their critical operations, downtime can be disastrous. Server failure can result in companies coming to a complete standstill and getting back online can be a challenging and sometimes longwinded process. Losses can be significant.

随着企业越来越依赖应用程序来运行其关键操作,停机时间将是灾难性的。 服务器故障可能导致公司陷入完全停滞状态,而重新联机可能是一个充满挑战的过程,有时甚至是漫长的过程。 损失可能很大。

Cloud hosting, however, removes the possibility of server failure causing downtime. A cloud environment is engineered to deliver predictable and consistent performance with guaranteed 100% uptime. This is because clients are hosted on virtual machines that, in the event of an issue, can be migrated between the clustered server. The cloud’s hyper-converged design guards against everything from hard disk failure to an entire server failure, enabling mission-critical applications to be available all the time.

但是,云托管消除了服务器故障导致停机的可能性。 云环境经过精心设计,可提供可预测的一致性能,并保证100%的正常运行时间。 这是因为客户端托管在虚拟机上,如果出现问题,可以在群集服务器之间迁移。 云的超融合设计可防止从硬盘故障到整个服务器故障的所有情况,从而使关键任务应用程序始终可用。

5.闪电般的快速性能 (5. Lightning fast performance)

In order to stay competitive, cloud service providers need to continually update their technology to meet the demands of their customers. As a result, cloud computing offers high-performance servers with technology such as powerful CPUs and super fast SSD drives.

为了保持竞争力,云服务提供商需要不断更新其技术,以满足其客户的需求。 结果,云计算为高性能服务器提供了强大的CPU和超快速SSD驱动器等技术。

In addition, load balancing is used to route client requests in a way that maximises speed and capacity utilisation. In this way, when servers are busy, the load is distributed so that no single server suffers from performance problems – and with so many servers at their disposal, a cloud provider can always ensure that performance is consistently optimised.

此外,负载平衡用于以最大速度和容量利用率最大化的方式路由客户端请求。 通过这种方式,当服务器繁忙时,负载得以分配,因此,没有一台服务器会遭受性能问题的困扰–并且由于有许多服务器可供使用,云提供商始终可以确保始终如一地优化性能。

6.加快新应用的运行速度 (6. Get new apps running quicker)

Before the advent of cloud computing, it could take a long time to get new applications running smoothly. Cloud-based applications, however, have significantly reduced the time required for successful execution. Most cloud-based applications can be used instantly after signup.

在云计算出现之前,要使新应用程序平稳运行可能需要很长时间。 但是,基于云的应用程序大大减少了成功执行所需的时间。 注册后即可立即使用大多数基于云的应用程序。

This offers many advantages to businesses. One, in particular, is that businesses who migrate to the cloud can be benefitting from AI and machine learning applications within hours of signing up.

这为企业提供了许多优势。 尤其要指出的是,迁移到云的企业可以在注册后的数小时内从AI和机器学习应用程序中受益。

7.增加安全性 (7. Increased security)

With cloud hosting, your business is protected against hacking, infection and internal data theft. Cloud providers are required to comply with a range of stringent security regulations in order to protect their customers’ data. This includes the use of robust firewall technology that features intrusion prevention systems and in-flow virus protection. These detect and isolate threats before they reach your server. You can even extend your office into the cloud with extensive VPN features.

借助云托管,可以保护您的企业免遭黑客攻击,感染和内部数据盗窃。 为了保护客户的数据,云提供商必须遵守一系列严格的安全法规。 这包括使用功能强大的防火墙技术,该技术具有入侵防御系统和流内病毒防护功能。 它们可以在威胁到达您的服务器之前对其进行检测和隔离。 您甚至可以通过广泛的VPN功能将办公室扩展到云中。

8.更灵活的工作 (8. More flexible working)

Cloud computing provides greater flexibility in how employees work. As it is internet based, staff can access files both in and out of the workplace, enabling them to work remotely or in the office. Many companies are using this to give employees more flexible working conditions and to cut down on the amount of office space they need. In order to cut costs, many local councils have massively reduced office space expenditure by allowing staff to work from home and by using a hot-desking system on the days they come into the office.

云计算为员工的工作方式提供了更大的灵活性。 由于它是基于Internet的,因此员工可以在工作场所内外访问文件,从而使他们能够远程工作或在办公室中工作。 许多公司正在使用它来为员工提供更灵活的工作条件,并减少他们所需的办公空间。 为了削减成本,许多地方议会通过允许员工在家中工作以及在上班之日使用热桌系统,大大减少了办公室空间支出。

Staff can access the company’s system using web-enabled devices such as smartphones and laptops and can collaborate in real-time with others by sharing synchronised files and using online conferencing. Many businesses now have a ‘bring your own device (BYOD)’ policy which is backed up by the use of a logical access authentication protocol to ensure security.

员工可以使用支持网络的设备(例如智能手机和笔记本电脑)访问公司的系统,并可以通过共享同步文件和使用在线会议与他人进行实时协作。 现在,许多企业都有“自带设备(BYOD)”策略,该策略通过使用逻辑访问身份验证协议来确保安全性。

9.环保 (9. Environmental friendly)

Moving your system to the cloud means that you won’t need your own data centre and can reduce your own carbon footprint significantly. You won’t need to power the servers or keep them cool. You won’t even need data centre space which needs to be lit.

将系统迁移到云意味着您将不需要自己的数据中心,并且可以大大减少自己的碳足迹。 您无需为服务器供电或保持其冷却。 您甚至不需要需要照明的数据中心空间。

However, there are more environmental benefits than simply offloading your carbon footprint to your provider. Once you have migrated to the cloud, you’ll find that economies of scale mean that your provider can use energy in a much more efficient way and that the energy needed to run your systems is much less than it would be on-site. In this way, cloud computing reduces the overall impact on the environment.

但是,不仅仅是将碳足迹转移给提供商,还有更多的环境效益。 迁移到云后,您会发现规模经济意味着您的提供商可以以更有效的方式使用能源,并且运行系统所需的能源比现场要少得多。 这样,云计算可减少对环境的总体影响。

10.未来将启用云 (10. The cloud is future enabled)

We’ve already mentioned that cloud’s scalability puts smaller companies on a level playing field with bigger ones. In the future, this is going to be even more important. With the growth of the Internet of Things, the amount of big data that businesses are collecting and processing is going to increase exponentially.

我们已经提到过,云的可扩展性使较小的公司与较大的公司处于平等的竞争环境中。 将来,这将变得更加重要。 随着物联网的发展,企业正在收集和处理的大数据量将成倍增加。

Big data analytics provides vital information for driving business development and those companies who have the resources to carry it out are the ones who will gain most. Cloud computing is by far the most cost-effective option for storing and processing enormous quantities of data. In addition, it provides the easy deployment of the applications needed to carry out this processing.

大数据分析为驱动业务发展提供了至关重要的信息,那些拥有资源进行实施的公司将是获得最大收益的公司。 迄今为止,云计算是用于存储和处理大量数据的最具成本效益的选择。 此外,它还可以轻松部署执行此处理所需的应用程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from this post, cloud hosting provides many benefits to businesses. It’s cost-effective, can save you money, it’s highly reliable and it provides the scalability, flexibility, agility, high performance and security businesses need from their IT systems.

从这篇文章中可以看到,云托管为企业带来了很多好处。 它具有成本效益,可为您节省金钱,高度可靠,并提供了企业IT系统所需的可伸缩性,灵活性,敏捷性,高性能和安全性。

If you are looking for a managed cloud hosting solution with 24/7 expert technical support, check out our cloud hosting packages.

如果您正在寻找具有24/7全天候专家技术支持的托管云托管解决方案,请查看我们的云托管软件包 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/10-benefits-of-cloud-computing-for-businesses/


本文标签: 好处企业带来企业