




At the opening ceremony of the Paris Games, a female knight in gleaming silver armor, draped in the Olympic flag, made a grand entrance on a white horse. Riding across the Seine River with the flags of competing nations fluttering behind her, she was strength and elegance incarnate.

1. gleaming silver armor 闪闪发光的银色盔甲

2. draped drape过去式 悬垂

3. make a grand entrance 闪亮登场

4. fluttering 飘扬着

5. incarnate 化身

Her courageous and graceful demeanor was merely a precursor to the resilience, glory and embodiment of the Olympic spirit displayed by a pantheon of female atheles who have dazzled the world in the past 10 days. However, it's not just their outstanding performances and skills that have captured spectator's attention, but also their elegant makeup, intricately styled hair, and even artistically painted nails--juxtaposing not only the unique power, but also the delicate beauty of women athletes.

1. demeanor /dɪˈmiːnə $ -ər/ [singular, uncountable] the way someone behaves, dresses, speaks etc that shows what their character is like风度、风范

2. precursor /prɪˈkɜːsə $ -ˈkɜːrsər/ noun [countable] something that happened or existed before something else and influenced its development 先驱

3. glory 荣耀

4. pantheon  /ˈpænθiən $ -θiɑːn/ noun [countable] 万神殿

1)all the gods of a particular people or nation 特定人群或国家中的所有神灵

2) literary a group of famous and important people (文学性解释)著名且重要人的群组

3) a religious building that is built in honour of all gods 为致敬所有神灵而建的宗教建筑

5. dazzle  /ˈdæzəl/ v.(强光)使目眩,使眼花;使惊叹,使眼花缭乱 n.(光的)炫目,耀眼;灿烂,令人赞叹的特质

6. juxtaposing jux‧ta‧pose的现代分词 /ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊz $ ˈdʒʌkstəpoʊz/类似于parallel 并列

to put things together, especially things that are not normally together, in order to compare them or to make something new将东西放在一起,特别是不一种类型的东西,以便比较或制造新的东西

举例:Saladino's bedroom juxtaposes antiques with modern furniture. Saladino的卧室中同时摆放了古董和现代家具

7. delicate beauty 细腻美 delicate /ˈdelɪkət/ 

adj. 柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的,纤弱的;脆弱的,易碎的;小巧玲珑的,纤细的;微妙的,棘手的;精致的,精巧的;灵巧的,熟练的;(仪器)灵敏的 n.精美的衣物

While it's commonplace to see women shining on the Olympic stage today, little over a century ago, they were not even allowed to compete. Their journey to reach this sporting pinnacle has been long and arduous -- more akin to a marathon than a sprint -- and it began in Paris in 1900, when women competed in the Olympics for the first time. 

1. commonplace adj.平凡的,不足为奇的;平庸的,陈腐的 n. 司空见惯的事,常见的东西;老生常谈,陈词滥调

2. pinnacle /ˈpɪnəkəl/ n. 高峰;小尖塔;尖峰;极点 vt. 造小尖塔;置于尖顶上;置于高处

1)[singular] the most successful, powerful, exciting etc part of something 某物最成功、最有力量、最令人兴奋的部分

2)[countable] literary a high mountain top 一座高山的顶部

3)[countable] a pointed stone decoration, like a small tower, on a building such as a church or castle 尖顶的石头装饰,如教堂或城堡上的小塔

3. arduous /ˈɑːdjuəs $ ˈɑːrdʒuəs/  involving a lot of strength and effort 艰巨的

4. sprint 短跑

Now, a century-and-a-quarter later, Paris is again laying down another Olympic milestone for female athletes. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has ensured that approximately half of the 10,500-athlete quota are women -- meaning that Paris 2024 is the first time in history an almost equal number of men and women are competing at a Summer Games.

1. a century-and-a-quarter 一个半世纪

2. lay down another Olympic milestone 奠定了另一个奥运里程碑

3. quota 配额,名额

The final registered numbers released by the IOC show that 5,712 male athletes and 5,503 female athletes are on a quest for gold this year, compared to the just 22 women and 975 men who participated in 1900.

1. be on a quest for something 追求某物

"In Paris, we are seeing the results of the enormous efforts made by the Olympic movement and female trailblazers come to fruition. This is our contribution to a more gender-equal world," said Thomas Bach, IOC president.

1. see sth come to fruition 看到某物取得成果

2. trailblazer /ˈtreɪlˌbleɪzə $ -ər/ noun [countable] 

someone who is the first to discover or develop new methods of doing something开拓者

In Paris, for the first time since its inclusion in the Olympic program in 1984, the women's marathon will conclude the athletics schedule and highlight the achievements of female athletes just before the closing ceremony. For Paris 2024, this is especially significant as the marathon route will honor the historic Women's March of 1789.(今年的巴黎奥运会,将颠倒这一约定俗成的顺序,组委会指出,在男子马拉松之后举办女子马拉松比赛,为奥运会画上圆满的句号,具有巨大的象征意义,具体解释可参见参考文献2)

Cassandre Beaugrand from France, the world's top-ranked triathlete, won the women's individual triathlon gold medal at the city's Pont Alexandre III on July 31.

1. triathlete 参加铁人三项比赛的运动员

2. Pont Alexandre III 亚历山大三世桥

"To do it in front of our crowd was something that had to be done, and I still can't believe it," she said, "I'm happy that my mentality was on point today and, ultimately, my greatest strength."

1. my mentality was on point 我的心态正在点上

From swimming in the Seine, to biking along the Champs-Elysees, Paris has so far offered a  breathtaking backdrop for female  athletes to deliver stunning performances.

1. breathtaking adj. 激动人心的,令人惊叹的;非常糟糕的,令人震惊的

2. backdrop  n.(舞台的)背景幕布;周围景物;(事件的)背景 v. 位于……后面,位于……远处

Remarks about the Games from Yu Jia, a commentator for Chinese national broadcaster CCTV, have struck a chord on Chinese social media.

1. have struck a chord on struck 为strike的过去式,strike a chord on sth 在某物上引起共鸣

"You should be able to see the immense beauty in their performance. Their bodies are forged from steel, their spines etched with courage and their blood infused with freedom. Each athlete embodies adventure, defiance, and fearlessness," he said. "In such competitions, both a girl's heart and a knight's spirit can coexist."

1. immense beauty 极致的美感

2. spine 脊柱

3. etch /etʃ/  vt. 蚀刻;鲜明地描述;铭记 vi. 蚀刻 n. 刻蚀;腐蚀剂

Yu emphasized the significance of the event, noting that "you never know where in the world a young girl might be watching, dreaming of one day standing on such a stage".





如今,一个半世纪过去了,巴黎再次为女运动员奠定了一个奥运里程碑。国际奥委会已经确保10,500名运动员配额中约有一半是女性 -- 这意味着2024年巴黎奥运会会是历史上第一次参赛男女运动员数量几乎相同的夏季奥运会。











1. ChinaDaily公众号:体育史上最重要的女性时刻之一

2. 2024巴黎奥运会马拉松,将是一次对女性运动员的致敬 (baidu)

本文标签: 最重要史上时刻女性体育