

If you’re using Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016, you may have noticed that the Microsoft Office Picture Manager is not included. Picture Manager was included in Office 2010 and earlier and allowed you to easily view, edit, and manage pictures.

如果您使用的是Microsoft Office 2013或2016 ,则可能已经注意到不包括Microsoft Office Picture Manager。 Picture Manager包含在Office 2010及更早版本中,使您可以轻松查看,编辑和管理图片。

Microsoft has not updated Picture Manager since Office 2003, so the program is old and out of date, as you’d expect. However, if you used Picture Manager in the past, and the features it had back then are all you need, it’s fine to install it alongside Office 2013 or 2016.

自Office 2003以来,Microsoft尚未更新Picture Manager,因此该程序已过时且过时,正如您所期望的那样。 但是,如果您过去使用过图片管理器,并且仅拥有它过去的功能,那么可以将其与Office 2013或2016一起安装。

If you have a disc or folder with the setup files for Office 2010, 2007, or 2003, you can install just Picture Manager from one of those versions of Office. If you don’t have any old versions of Office, Picture Manager was also a component of SharePoint Designer 2010, which is available as a free download from Microsoft. Use one of the links below to download SharePoint Designer 2010.

如果您有光盘或包含Office 2010、2007或2003安装文件的文件夹,则可以从这些Office版本之一仅安装Picture Manager。 如果您没有任何旧版本的Office,则Picture Manager也是SharePoint Designer 2010的组件,可以从Microsoft免费下载。 使用下面的链接之一下载SharePoint Designer 2010。

  • 32-bit:

    32位: http : // = 16573

  • 64-bit:

    64位: http : //

The procedure for installing Picture Manager from an earlier Office version or SharePoint Designer 2010 is essentially the same, so it doesn’t matter whether you install Picture Manager using Office 2010, 2007, or 2003 or SharePoint Designer 2010.

从早期版本的Office或SharePoint Designer 2010安装Picture Manager的过程基本相同,因此无论您是使用Office 2010、2007还是2003或SharePoint Designer 2010安装Picture Manager都没有关系。

Start the setup program and follow the on-screen instructions until you get to the Choose the installation you want screen. Then, click “Customize”.

启动安装程序,并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,直到进入“选择所需的安装”屏幕。 然后,单击“自定义”。

For each module listed on the Installation Options tab, including Office Tools, click on the drop-down button and select “Not Available”.


We turned off all the modules, but now we’re going to turn the Picture Manager module back on. Click the plus sign to the left of Office Tools module to expand that section. Notice that all the items under Office Tools are set to Not Available, including Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Click the drop-down button to the left of Microsoft Office Picture Manager and select “Run from My Computer”.

我们关闭了所有模块,但是现在我们要重新打开Picture Manager模块。 单击Office工具模块左侧的加号以展开该部分。 请注意,Office工具下的所有项目都设置为“不可用”,包括Microsoft Office Picture Manager。 单击Microsoft Office Picture Manager左侧的下拉按钮,然后选择“从本机运行”。

Then, click “Install Now” to install only the Picture Manager.


If you’re installing Picture Manager from SharePoint Designer 2010, do the same thing as you would in an Office setup. There are just fewer modules to make “Not Available”. Just make sure Microsoft Office Picture Manager is set to “Run from My Computer” under Office Tools and then click “Install Now”.

如果要从SharePoint Designer 2010安装图片管理器,请执行与Office安装程序相同的操作。 使“不可用”的模块减少了。 只需确保在Office工具下将Microsoft Office Picture Manager设置为“从本机运行”,然后单击“立即安装”。

The progress of the installation displays.


When the following screen displays, click “Close” to close the setup program.


To complete the setup, you must reboot your computer, so click “Yes” on the following dialog box.


Once you’ve rebooted, the Microsoft Office Picture Manager is available under Recently added on the Start menu in Windows 10. In Windows 8, it doesn’t seem to get added to the Start screen, but a simple search on the Start screen for “picture manager” will easily find it and allow you to open it.

重新启动后,可以在Windows 10的“开始”菜单上的“最近添加的”下找到Microsoft Office Picture Manager。在Windows 8中,它似乎没有添加到“开始”屏幕中,而是在“开始”屏幕上进行简单搜索即可找到“图片管理器”将轻松找到并允许您打开它。

The Picture Manager is also available on the Start menu in the Microsoft Office group, which is where it’s available in Windows 7 as well.

Picture Manager也可以在Microsoft Office组的“开始”菜单上使用,在Windows 7中也可以使用。

Picture Manager is only included in SharePoint Designer 2010, not SharePoint Designer 2013, and there will not be a SharePoint Designer 2016. Therefore, SharePoint Designer 2010 is the last version to contain Picture Manager.

Picture Manager仅包含在SharePoint Designer 2010中,不包括在SharePoint Designer 2013中,并且不会包含SharePoint Designer2016。因此,SharePoint Designer 2010是包含Picture Manager的最后一个版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/281913/how-to-bring-back-the-microsoft-office-picture-manager-in-office-2013-or-2016/

本文标签: 如何在officePictureMicrosoftManager