


In last month’s browser chart, Chrome was inching toward the 50% milestone. What do June’s StatCounter statistics reveal?…

在上个月的浏览器图表中 ,Chrome正在朝着50%的里程碑迈进。 June的StatCounter统计信息揭示了什么?…

2015年5月至2015年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May to June 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


IE (all)18.28%18.49%+0.21%+1.10%
iPad Safari5.06%5.14%+0.08%+1.60%
浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的
IE浏览器(全部) 18.28% 18.49% + 0.21% + 1.10%
IE11 10.83% 11.33% + 0.50% + 4.60%
IE10 1.87% 1.83% -0.04% -2.10%
IE9 2.18% 2.20% + 0.02% + 0.90%
IE6 / 7/8 3.40% 3.13% -0.27% -7.90%
Chrome 49.36% 49.77% + 0.41% + 0.80%
火狐浏览器 16.39% 16.09% -0.30% -1.80%
苹果浏览器 5.76% 5.41% -0.35% -6.10%
iPad Safari 5.06% 5.14% + 0.08% + 1.60%
歌剧 1.62% 1.62% + 0.00% + 0.00%
其他 3.53% 3.48% -0.05% -1.40%

2014年6月至2015年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, June 2014 to June 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJune 2014June 2015changerelative
IE (all)20.98%18.49%-2.49%-11.90%
浏览器 2014年6月 2015年6月 更改 相对的
IE浏览器(全部) 20.98% 18.49% -2.49% -11.90%
IE11 8.69% 11.33% + 2.64% + 30.40%
IE10 3.21% 1.83% -1.38% -43.00%
IE9 3.17% 2.20% -0.97% -30.60%
IE6 / 7/8 5.91% 3.13% -2.78% -47.00%
Chrome 45.54% 49.77% + 4.23% + 9.30%
火狐浏览器 17.94% 16.09% -1.85% -10.30%
苹果浏览器 10.29% 10.55% + 0.26% + 2.50%
歌剧 1.32% 1.62% + 0.30% + 22.70%
其他 3.93% 3.48% -0.45% -11.50%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 1.8% of Firefox users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(表格显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即上个月有1.8%的Firefox用户切换了浏览器。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Chrome is achingly close to one in two users but still hasn’t managed to jump the 50% hurdle. Growth has slowed with the browser increasing by just 4% during the past year. While it remains incredibly popular, there are murmurings throughout the community about excessive memory use, poor performance, failures to address ancient bugs and the usual “Google’s watching you” fears.

Chrome的使用率已经接近每两个用户中的一分之一,但仍然无法克服50%的障碍。 在过去一年中,浏览器仅增长了4%,因此增速有所放缓。 尽管它仍然非常受欢迎,但整个社区都在抱怨过度使用内存,性能不佳,无法解决古老的错误以及通常的“ Google在看着你”的恐惧。

There was little news elsewhere; IE was up, Firefox was down and Opera refuses to budge from 1.62%. So let’s turn our attention to Safari …

其他地方没有什么新闻。 IE上升,Firefox下降,Opera拒绝从1.62%上升。 因此,让我们将注意力转向Safari…

Safari是新的IE吗? (Is Safari the New IE?)

Nolan Lawson’s recent article “Safari is the new IE” had a contentious title but raises several interesting points. Apple hasn’t abandoned Safari but could be accused of willful neglect:

诺兰·劳森(Nolan Lawson)最近的文章“ Safari是新的IE”标题颇具争议,但提出了一些有趣的观点。 苹果公司没有放弃Safari,但可能被指控故意疏忽:

  • Safari development is lagging behind other browsers. A glance at caniuse illustrates the number of missing web APIs or those languishing behind prefixes.

    Safari开发落后于其他浏览器。 浏览caniuse ,可了解缺少的Web API或前缀后面的Web API的数量。

  • The browser has a sluggish release schedule which normally coincides with OS updates. New features and bug fixes are increasingly rare.

    该浏览器的发布进度缓慢,通常与操作系统更新同时进行。 新功能和错误修复越来越少。
  • Apple has a strong influence over standards adoption yet their W3C participation has been less than enthusiastic. The company is happy to implement its own iOS-specific “standards” while refusing to add those invented elsewhere, e.g. pointer events.

    苹果公司对采用标准有很强的影响力,但是他们对W3C的参与却不那么热情。 该公司乐于实现自己的iOS专用“标准”,同时拒绝添加其他地方发明的标准,例如指针事件 。

  • Apple rarely makes an appearance at web conferences or online development communities.

  • The company gets away with this behavior partly because we avoid criticizing them.


Commercially, it makes sense. A 30% commission on app sales is significantly greater than 0% received for web applications. It’s reminiscent Microsoft’s 2001 announcement that browsers had reached an apogee and web-connected native smart clients (apps) were the future. The main difference now? Apple never made an announcement.

在商业上,这是有道理的。 应用程式销售的30%佣金比网路应用程式收取的0%大得多。 这使人想起了微软在2001年发布的声明,即浏览器已经达到了顶峰,而与网络连接的本地智能客户端(应用程序)才是未来。 现在的主要区别是? 苹果公司从未宣布过这一消息。

Safari’s evolution wouldn’t matter if Apple wasn’t so powerful or permitted alternative browsers on iOS. (Chrome and others are Safari skins. Only Opera uses its own engine but it renders pages server-side and doesn’t implement client-side JavaScript.) Fewer than half of OSX users opt for Safari but those using an iPhone or iPad have no choice.

Safari的发展并不重要,如果Apple不那么强大或不允许在iOS上使用其他浏览器。 (Chrome和其他语言是Safari的外观。只有Opera使用其自身的引擎,但它在服务器端呈现页面,并且未实现客户端JavaScript。)只有不到一半的OSX用户选择使用Safari,而使用iPhone或iPad的用户则没有选择。

Translating this into real figures, more than 10% of the web is forced to use Safari. Complaining about Safari’s deficiencies or persuading people to give up their iOS devices won’t work. Developers have two options:

将其转化为真实数字, 超过10%的网络被迫使用Safari 。 抱怨Safari的缺陷或说服人们放弃他们的iOS设备是行不通的。 开发人员有两种选择:

  1. Avoid APIs which aren’t supported in Safari and stick with 2010 development techniques.

  2. Use progressive enhancement and offer a better experience when the browser supports specific APIs. Apple would act if many web applications were superior in Chrome.

    当浏览器支持特定的API时,请使用渐进增强功能并提供更好的体验。 如果许多Web应用程序在Chrome中表现出色,Apple就会采取行动。

I hope you choose the second option. Unfortunately, option one wins when you and your clients all have iPhones.

希望您选择第二个选项。 不幸的是,当您和您的客户都拥有iPhone时,第一种选择会获胜。

2015年5月至2015年6月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, May to June 2015)

Mobile usage grew another 1.5% last month to reach 36.27% of all web activity. Don’t presume this is a Northern hemisphere summer anomaly; mobile usage rarely drops.

上个月,移动设备使用量又增长了1.5%,达到所有网络活动的36.27% 。 不要以为这是北半球的夏季异常; 移动设备使用率很少下降。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserMayJunechangerelative
UC Browser14.53%14.91%+0.38%+2.60%
Opera Mini/Mobile9.92%11.93%+2.01%+20.30%
手机浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的
Chrome 33.17% 32.97% -0.20% -0.60%
苹果手机 18.87% 18.84% -0.03% -0.20%
安卓系统 17.17% 15.71% -1.46% -8.50%
UC浏览器 14.53% 14.91% + 0.38% + 2.60%
Opera Mini /手机 9.92% 11.93% + 2.01% + 20.30%
IEMobile 2.15% 2.06% -0.09% -4.20%
其他 4.19% 3.58% -0.61% -14.60%

Chrome and the iPhone version of Safari had uncharacteristic slips last month. The Android browser fell 1.5% as users migrate to newer editions of Android with Chrome pre-installed.

上个月,Chrome和iPhone版本的Safari出现了异常现象。 随着用户迁移到预装有Chrome的较新版本的Android,Android浏览器下​​降了1.5%。

The biggest winners: UC Browser and Opera. UC Browser is the second most popular browser in Asia, with a 25% market share. In Africa, Opera has an impressive 50% share. The web is global; don’t presume everyone is using the latest iPhone or Galaxy device just because you have one.

最大的赢家:UC浏览器和Opera。 UC Browser是亚洲第二大最受欢迎的浏览器,占有25%的市场份额。 在非洲,Opera占有惊人的50%份额。 网络是全球性的; 不要以为每个人都使用最新的iPhone或Galaxy设备。

Finally, it’s farewell to the Nokia Browser which dropped below Blackberry to 0.75%. I can’t say I’ll miss it — the browser was clunky when it was released. It worked on low-end hardware, but Opera was always a better option.

最后,与诺基亚浏览器告别,诺基亚浏览器跌至黑莓下方,降至0.75%。 我不能说我会想念它的-浏览器发布时很笨拙。 它可以在低端硬件上运行,但是Opera始终是一个更好的选择。

See you next month for the final release of Microsoft’s new Edge browser.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/browser-trends-july-2015-stalled-safari/


本文标签: 浏览器趋势Safari