


Yikes, I got an email from HR today that said "Congratulations on your 6th month anniversary at Microsoft!" Has it been that long? Apparently so, although it feels like maybe three months, tops.

Yikes,我今天收到HR的电子邮件,其中说: “恭喜您在Microsoft成立6周年!” 这么久了吗? 显然是这样,尽管感觉好像是三个月,但是还是顶峰。

I learned a lot about the culture in the first three weeks. There is a lot of groupthink and echo-chamber type behaviors from folks that have been there a long time, but most people I've interacted directly with are always re-asserting their independence and catching themselves thinking old-style thoughts, which is comforting to me.

在开始的三周中,我了解了很多有关文化的知识。 很久以来,人们就有很多集体思考和回声室类型的行为,但是与我直接互动的大多数人总是在重申自己的独立性,并陷入思考旧式思想的局面,这令人感到安慰。对我来说。

It's one thing to exhibit an undesirable behavior, but it's much worse to be ignorant of that behavior. I think Microsoft's biggest problem right now is answers like "We've always done it that way," whether it's naming, versioning, documentation, conferences, whatever. I like to keep things a little more agile and tighten up the feedback loop. I think a process of continual improvement and self examination is so important.

表现出不良行为是一回事,但是对这种行为一无所知则更糟。 我认为,微软目前最大的问题是诸如“我们总是那样做”之类的答案,无论是命名,版本控制,文档,会议还是其他。 我喜欢使事情更加敏捷,并加强反馈循环。 我认为持续改进和自我检查的过程非常重要。

我的工作是什么? (What is my job?)

I get this a lot. Seems like an obvious question. I took the title "Developer Division Community Liaison" because it was very broad. Phil likes to say I'm paid to be Scott Hanselman, but I don't like that very much because it implies some kind of punditry. If I ever start sounding Dvorak-esque, please let me know.

我得到很多。 似乎是一个显而易见的问题。 我被称为“开发者部门社区联络”,因为它的范围很广。 菲尔(Phil)喜欢说我有钱当斯科特·汉瑟尔曼(Scott Hanselman),但我不是很喜欢,因为它暗示着某种自欺欺人。 如果我开始听起来像德沃夏克(Dvorak)风格,请告诉我。

When my dad or the public (read: non-computer person) asks what my job is, I tell them "I'm writing a book that will never end (blog) and create training materials like videos and tutorials for Microsoft." When a technical person asks, I say the same thing with more detail. Also, if ScottGu coughs, I get him lozenges. Ahem. Yessir!

当我的父亲或公众(非计算机人)问我的工作是什么时,我告诉他们“我正在写一本永无止境的书(博客),并为Microsoft创建培训材料,如视频和教程”。 当技术人员问时,我会更详细地讲同一件事。 另外,如果ScottGu咳嗽,我会给他锭剂。 啊是的先生!

My boss runs http://www.asp, http://www.silverlight, http://www.windowsclient, etc, but our team is very small, only four FTE (Microsoft-speak for Full Time Employees). But, we're growing. At Microsoft we're graded on our ability to "meet our commitments" and my commitments (which were written up in a formal meeting) are mostly metrics like "write n number of significantly technical blog posts, write such-and-such book, give x number of presentations." Commitments are supposed to be a stretch, and I've got 7 different significant commitments so I've had some really late nights. The "liaison" portion of the job is also becoming more formalized in the next month, so I may take over some specific MVP-type groups.

我的老板运行http://www.asp,http : //www.silverlight,http : //www.windowsclient等,但是我们的团队很小,只有四个FTE(微软说全职员工)。 但是,我们正在成长。 在Microsoft,我们对我们“履行承诺”的能力进行了评分,而我的承诺(在正式会议上写的)主要是“写n篇技术性很强的博客文章,写某某某本书,给出x个演示文稿。” 承诺应该是一个范围,我有7个不同的重要承诺,所以我做了一些深夜。 下个月工作的“联络”部分也将变得更加正式,因此我可能会接管一些特定的MVP类型的小组。

This paragraph added for clarity (see comments): No, my job isn't to blog, although the blog is a good place to point to stuff I do. Folks originally wanted me to make a blog at msdn but I thought that was silly. For my day job, I do screencasts, tutorials, presentations, community outreach, books, articles for MSDN, internal presentations, advocate for the customer (this takes up more time than you'd think), provide direct feedback to the product groups, route your feedback (you know this if you've ever emailed me with a problem) and troubleshoot obscure bugs, as well as working on technical strategy with certain wonks at Microsoft. As I said in the Blue Badge post, the podcast is still belongs solely to Carl and me and I pick the guests with tips from the audience.

为了清楚起见,添加了此段(请参见注释):不,我的工作不是写博客,尽管博客是指向我所做的事情的好地方。 人们最初希望我在msdn上创建博客,但我认为这很愚蠢。 对于我的日常工作,我会做截屏视频,教程,演示文稿,社区推广,书籍,MSDN文章,内部演示文稿,为客户辩护(这比您想象的要花费更多时间),向产品组提供直接反馈,传递您的反馈(如果您曾向我发送过问题的电子邮件,您将知道这一点)并解决难以理解的错误,以及与Microsoft的某些专业人员一起制定技术策略。 正如我在Blue Badge帖子中所说的那样,播客仍然仅属于Carl和我本人,因此我从观众中挑选了一些提示来作为嘉宾。

When I write, there's no editorialization, meaning that no-one reads my posts before I send them, although I often check with product groups to make sure I'm not completely wrong on some technical detail. Microsoft is pretty mellow and says "blog smart." That said, I'm sure I could get fired if I wrote something truly bogus, but otherwise there's no ghost writing. (Yes, ScottGu still writes his own far).

在撰写本文时,没有进行任何编辑,这意味着没有人会在发送帖子之前先阅读我的帖子,尽管我经常与产品组核实以确保我在某些技术细节上不是完全错误的。 微软相当成熟,说“博客精明”。 话虽如此,我敢肯定,如果我写的东西真的伪造的话,我会被炒鱿鱼,但否则就不会有鬼笔迹。 (是的, ScottGu至今仍在写自己的帖子)。

Sometimes ScottGu will email me with a one line note like this one yesterday about IIS7 and FTP7 "This might be a cool blog post to cover.  It has a ton of new features (including integration with membership/roles), new admin tool and a bunch of cool new features."

有时候, ScottGu昨天通过电子邮件向我发送有关IIS7和FTP7的一行注释, “这可能是一篇很酷的博客文章。它具有大量的新功能(包括与成员身份/角色的集成),新的管理工具和一个一堆很棒的新功能。”

However, I already had FTP7 on my list of cool things since I've been talking to the IIS7 team and that'll hopefully be done today or tomorrow. It's funny we usually think about the same general things and I'm mostly either a day ahead or a day behind whatever cool thing is going on.

但是,自从我与IIS7团队进行交流以来,我已经将FTP7列入了很酷的清单,希望今天或明天都能完成。 有趣的是,我们通常会考虑相同的一般性问题,而无论发生什么酷事,我通常要么提前一天,要么落后一天。

我邪恶了吗? (Am I Evil yet?)

I haven't been invited to any evil (or eeeveeel) meetings and haven't found the evil mailing list. As far as I can see Microsoft is less evil as it is unorganized. Within groups, communication is pretty good, but between divisions is trickier because there's always a doppleganger out there, like Evil Spock who is working on the same thing you're working on. I guess that means there's a Scott Hanselman out there without a goatee writing a similar post as this?

我没有被邀请参加任何邪恶的会议,也没有发现邪恶的邮件列表。 据我所知,微软没有组织就没有那么邪恶。 在小组内部,沟通非常好,但是部门之间的沟通却比较棘手,因为那里总是有一个多普勒危险者,例如Evil Spock ,他正在从事与您正在从事的同一件事。 我想这意味着那里有Scott Scott Hanselman,没有山羊胡子写类似的帖子?

That pic is me in my early twenties. If Chins Could Kill...I'm trying to find a non-bearded pic but that's the best I can do! That guy doesn't look evil, right?

那张照片是我二十多岁的时候。 如果Chins可能会杀死...我正试图找到一张没有胡须的照片,但这是我能做到的最好的选择! 那家伙看起来并不邪恶,对吗?

远程工作 (Working Remotely)

The Remote Office thing is still lonely, but I'm making up for it with regular lunches and LOTS of video conferencing thanks to ooVoo. My master plan to make a robot out of a Roomba has fizzled due to lack of a battery (and my lack of a mechanical engineering degree) that could last a full day. My new "Plan B" is get a 42" LCD (as seen at right) and make a Portal into my house.

远程办公室仍然很寂寞,但是由于有了ooVoo ,我通过定期的午餐和很多视频会议来弥补这一不足。 我的主要计划是用Roomba制造机器人,但由于电池不足(而且我缺乏机械工程学位),该计划可能会持续一整天,但最终失败了。 我的新“ B计划”是一个42英寸的LCD(如右图所示),并使门户进入我的房子。

我做得好吗? (What have I done well?)

I thought the first practice videos turned out well, and I have taken all the feedback you've given and applied it to a new four-part tutorial on MVC that will be coming soon, hopefully formalizing those best practices.


I think the Wiki (beta) is turning out pretty cool. I seeded it, but there's already contributors who have exceeded the number of posts I've added and greatly improved it.  I think there's a lot of work we can do to make the administration better for moderators, but it's looking nice regardless, so far.

我认为Wiki (测试版)非常酷。 我为它添加了种子,但是已经有贡献者超过了我添加并大大改进它的帖子数量。 我认为我们可以做很多工作来使主持人的管理更好,但是到目前为止,看起来还不错。

I've had a lot of fun speaking lately. When I spoke while I was working at Corillian, I usually had to take vacation days or do it on the sly side, although for large conferences my boss at the time was exceedingly cool about it.

最近的演讲让我很开心。 当我说话,而我在工作Corillian公司,我通常不得不采取休假天或做它的 狡猾 的一面,但对于大型会议我的老板在当时是极其冷静一下吧。

我做得不好? (What have I done poorly?)

I am not managing my time very well and since we've got a 3 month old and an enthusiastic 2 year old and I'm working from home I feel like days are very fragmented. It's good to be home, but my wife thinks I'm actually around less which is definitely a not good thing to feel. I need to do a better job of getting up earlier and banging out work. I like being informed, but I think I may need to go on an info-diet to find more time to get things done.

我的时间安排得不太好,因为我们有3个月大的孩子和2岁的热情的孩子,而且我在家工作,所以我觉得日子很分散。 在家很高兴,但是我的妻子认为我实际上不在身边,这绝对不是一件好事。 我需要做得更好,早起并做好工作。 我喜欢被告知,但我认为我可能需要继续进行信息饮食,以找到更多时间来完成工作。

Have you started a new job in the last year? How is going for you?

去年开始新工作了吗? 你好吗?

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/six-months-in-the-inside-am-i-evil-yet


本文标签: 内幕我还六个月邪恶第六版