


In the last year, we saw a rise in “No Code” tools and platforms, followed by the first “No Code” conference hosted by Webflow— all helping people build out grand visions without a line of code. As Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt puts it:

去年,我们看到了“无代码”工具和平台的兴起,随后是由Webflow主办的第一届“无代码”会议-所有这些都帮助人们在没有代码的情况下树立了宏伟的愿景。 正如Product Hunt创始人Ryan Hoover所说:

“You no longer need to become a programmer to build things on the internet, empowering a new wave of makers from different backgrounds and perspectives.”


Even more recently, an actual “No Code” agency received funding to help people build products, without coding knowledge:


However, even with this movement, the question remains — could it be an advantage for product makers and entrepreneurs to skip the coding? Does understanding the code behind your product lead to better solutions, or can time be used better elsewhere? As an indie product maker myself, these are the questions I’m debating right now.

但是,即使采取了这种行动,问题仍然存在–跳过编码会为产品制造商和企业家带来好处吗? 了解产品背后的代码会导致更好的解决方案,还是可以在其他地方更好地利用时间? 作为我自己的独立产品制造商,这些是我现在正在讨论的问题。

产品制造商和企业家需要什么技能? (What skills do Product Makers and Entrepreneurs need?)

Think this through with me. There are many different qualities that you need to build and run a business, and we’ve seen that coding isn’t a must-have. It’s just as crucial to have vision and planning skills — the vision of where you want to go, and how to get there.

和我一起思考。 建立和运营业务需要许多不同的素质,而且我们已经看到编码不是必须具备的素质。 拥有远见卓识和计划技能同样重要,这就是您要去的地方以及如何到达那里的远见。

For example, take inspiration from Elon Musk, the businessman who is working in space, automobile, and solar industry at this time. He mentioned:

例如,从现在从事航天,汽车和太阳能行业工作的商人埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)那里汲取灵感。 他提到:

“If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.”

“如果您要创建公司,那就像烤蛋糕。 您必须按适当比例添加所有成分。”

However, to keep an eye on your product progress and be able to take control of all the stages of your start-up, I would argue that knowing the programming basics is very helpful.


Learning code has helped me learn different ways of thinking, develop the actual skill of learning, and more effectively break daunting tasks down into smaller manageable ones. As Steve Jobs once said:

学习代码帮助我学习了不同的思维方式,发展了学习的实际技能,并更有效地将艰巨的任务分解为较小的可管理任务。 正如史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经说过的:

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”


Here is how coding has improved my thinking:


💡编程是解决问题的艺术。 (💡 Programming is the art of problem-solving.)

On my journey to becoming a digital product maker and entrepreneur, I met many other aspiring entrepreneurs here in Berlin and noticed an interesting pattern. Many of the coders I spoke with had initially specialized in industry areas far away from the digital world, but have later become co-founders of tech startups.

在成为数字产品制造商和企业家的过程中,我在柏林遇到了许多其他有抱负的企业家,并注意到了一种有趣的模式。 我与之交谈的许多编码器最初都专注于远离数字世界的行业领域,但后来成为了科技创业公司的联合创始人。

It became evident to me that if you have a great idea, yet, limited experience, social status, wealth, they are smart enough to learn software development, because:


  • Firstly, they have to learn, due to the lack of resources.

  • Secondly, they understand the benefits of learning:


🧠随你所想 (🧠 Make it how you imagine)

When you create your future digital product in your mind, you imagine it in a certain way.


Then, you explain your idea to software developers as accessibly as you can. Still, when it comes to the results, you figure out that the concept has been implemented differently — wrongly.

然后,您可以尽可能方便地向软件开发人员解释您的想法。 不过,在得出结果时,您会发现该概念的实施方式有所不同-错误。

To avoid this situation, you can code it on your own — even a basic prototype to visualize your idea more precisely to software developers.


💰吸引合作伙伴和投资者 (💰 Attract partners and investors)

Nobody will care about what you are doing until they see something that works.


Potential partners and investors will be reluctant to buy your idea without seeing at least a small presentation and implementation of what you want to do. Or even better, an MVP launched in the wild and used by paying customers.

潜在的合作伙伴和投资者将不愿购买您的想法,而至少不会看到您要做的事情的简短介绍和实施。 甚至更好的是,MVP在野外推出并由付费客户使用。

Learning to code might give you a way to materialize stuff you have in your head and convince other people to believe in your idea.


🗣说相同的语言 (🗣 Speak the same language)

Nocode and prototypes can only take you so far, as your constrained by what’s possible with the tools you’re using. At some point, you might have to work with developers to build out custom features. What if software developers build those features differently, because of miscommunication?

Nocode和原型只能带您走那么远,因为您受到所使用工具可能带来的限制。 在某个时候,您可能必须与开发人员一起构建自定义功能。 如果软件开发人员由于通信错误而以不同的方式构建这些功能怎么办?

What if you didn’t know how to explain your idea clearly?


…但是…当心编码的阴暗面 (…But…Beware of the dark side of coding)

If like me, you’re a product maker, we have to overcome obstacles most efficiently and effectively to reach the goal set at the start.

如果像我一样,您是产品制造商,那么我们必须最有效地克服障碍 ,以一开始就实现既定目标。

If you believe the next hurdle toward that goal can be overcome by learning how to code, then go for it. It’s a journey that will teach you many of the values outlined above, and especially improve your problem-solving skills — far beyond nocode solutions would.

如果您认为通过学习编码可以克服实现该目标的下一个障碍,那就去实现它。 这是一段旅程,它将教您上面列出的许多价值,特别是提高您的解决问题的能力-远远超出了nocode解决方案所能提供的范围。

However, the dark side of coding is that it can be a rabbit hole. The desire to pursue your ideas may decrease dramatically, just because you will understand how hard it is to implement a lot of things quickly and on time.

但是,编码的阴暗面是它可能是一个兔子洞。 追求您的想法的欲望可能会大大降低,因为您将了解快速,准时地实施很多事情有多么困难。

Learning to program or use no-code tools can make you more aware of how to implement software products and be more empathetic to people who will help you build it. And will help you to test the market before sinking significant resources, efforts, time, and money.

学习编程或使用无代码工具可以使您更加了解如何实现软件产品,并更加乐于助人以帮助您构建软件。 并且可以帮助您在消耗大量资源,精力,时间和金钱之前测试市场。

Good luck on your journey. You are going to love it.

祝你好运。 你会爱上它。

I am curious, what is your opinion about the pros and cons of learning programming for entrepreneurs? Is it a waste of time or a useful skill for the founders of early-stage start-ups?

我很好奇,您对企业家学习编程的利弊有何看法? 对于早期创业者来说,这是浪费时间还是有用的技能?

Please leave a comment or contact me on Twitter if you want to discuss this topic.


Make your best life,Ilona




本文标签: 代码人能或不