

Within the first few pages of Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, it is easy to see why her parenting memoir caused such a media frenzy in the days following its publication.
“The Chinese mother believes that (1) schoolwork always comes first; (2) an A-minus is a bad grade; (3) your children must be two years ahead of their classmates in math,” Ms Chua writes. She continues: “(6) the only activities your children should be permitted to do are those in which they can eventually win a medal; and (7) that medal must be gold.”
“这位中国妈妈认为,(1) 功课永远是第一位的;(2) A–是差的成绩;(3) 你的孩子在数学上必须比同班同学领先两年,”蔡女士写道。 她继续说道:“(6) 唯一应该允许您的孩子参加的活动是他们最终可以赢得奖牌的活动;(7) 奖牌必须是金牌。”
A second-generation Chinese immigrant, Ms Chua was born in Illinois and married an American. When their children were born, the couple agreed they would be brought up according to their father’s religion - Judaism - and their mother’s parenting model - Chinese.
作为第二代中国移民,蔡女士出生在伊利诺伊州,嫁给了一个美国人。 当他们的孩子出生时,这对夫妇同意按照他们父亲的宗教信仰——犹太教——以及他们母亲的教养模式——中国人来抚养他们。
Her tough-love prescription taps into parental insecurities about the way children are raised and schooled. But the book’s popularity is also down to the fact that it offers an insight into why Chinese children seem to excel in school.
她对孩子的抚养和教育方式的不安全感源于她的严厉爱意。 但这本书的受欢迎程度也归功于它提供了一个洞察为什么中国孩子似乎在学校表现出色的事实。
This is not just a US phenomenon. In the UK, British-Chinese children significantly outperform their peers. Chinese children make up only 0.4 per cent of the secondary school intake, but more than 25 per cent of them are on the gifted and talented register. This compares with 15 per cent of white children and 15.9 per cent of mixed-race children.
这不仅仅是美国的现象。 在英国,英籍华裔儿童的表现明显优于同龄人。 中国儿童仅占中学入学人数的 0.4%,但其中超过 25% 的人在天才和有才华的登记册上。 相比之下,白人儿童的这一比例为 15%,混血儿童的这一比例为 15.9%。
This could be put down to relative levels of affluence, were it not for the fact that the achievement gap between rich and poor among British- Chinese children is smaller than in any other ethnic group.
A study of GCSE results between 2005 and 2007 by academics at London University’s Institute of Education and Queen Mary, found that only 5 per cent fewer British-Chinese children on free school meals got five A*-C grades at GCSE than those not entitled to free school meals. Among white British pupils, that gap is 32 per cent.
伦敦大学教育学院和玛丽皇后学院的学者对 2005 年至 2007 年的 GCSE 结果进行的一项研究发现,与没有资格获得 GCSE 5 个 A*-C 成绩的英籍华裔儿童相比,在免费校餐中获得 5 个 A*-C 成绩的儿童仅少 5%。 免费学校餐。 在英国白人学生中,这一差距为 32%。
So why do British-Chinese pupils not only do so well, but also seem so immune to the socio-economic factors that are the bane of teachers’ lives up and down the country? For Ms Chua, the answer is that their parents expect nothing less and their children thrive under the pressure.
那么,为什么英籍华裔学生不仅表现如此出色,而且似乎对影响全国各地教师生活的社会经济因素如此免疫? 对于蔡女士来说,答案是他们的父母期望不高,他们的孩子在压力下茁壮成长。
This may seem an extreme parenting model, but it also rings true in the experience of many teachers. Ian Warwick, a teacher for 20 years and now the director of London Gifted and Talented, says the parents of his Chinese pupils are extremely driven and above all, want their children to succeed.
这似乎是一种极端的育儿模式,但在许多教师的经验中也是如此。 伊恩·沃里克 (Ian Warwick) 担任了 20 年的教师,现在是伦敦天才班主任,他说他的中国学生的父母非常有动力,最重要的是,他们希望他们的孩子取得成功。
“British-Chinese success is an awful lot to do with cultural background and parental expectation,” he says. “I have worked in schools which had 130 languages spoken. If you had a Chinese kid, you knew they were going to do well.” He struggles to think of a single Chinese child who was not a high achiever.

本文标签: 英语跨文化课程大学生Text