

Microsoft graphrag 中的 prompts 中文版

  • 1. claim_extraction.txt
  • 2. community_report.txt
  • 3. entity_extraction.txt
  • 4. summarize_descriptions.txt

1. claim_extraction.txt




1. 提取所有符合预定义实体规范的命名实体。实体规范可以是实体名称列表或实体类型列表。
2. 对于步骤1中识别的每个实体,提取与该实体相关的所有声明。声明需要符合指定的声明描述,并且该实体应该是声明的主体。
   - 主体:作为声明主体的实体名称,大写。主体实体是实施声明中所描述行为的实体。主体需要是步骤1中识别的命名实体之一。
   - 客体:作为声明客体的实体名称,大写。客体实体是报告/处理声明中所描述行为或受其影响的实体。如果客体实体未知,使用**NONE**。
   - 声明类型:声明的总体类别,大写。以一种可以在多个文本输入中重复的方式命名,以便类似的声明共享相同的声明类型。
   - 声明状态:**TRUE**、**FALSE**或**SUSPECTED**。TRUE表示声明已确认,FALSE表示声明被发现为假,SUSPECTED表示声明未经验证。
   - 声明描述:详细解释声明背后的推理,以及所有相关证据和参考资料。
   - 声明日期:声明的时间段(开始日期,结束日期)。开始日期和结束日期都应采用ISO-8601格式。如果声明是在单个日期而不是日期范围内做出的,则将相同的日期设置为开始日期和结束日期。如果日期未知,返回**NONE**。
   - 声明源文本:原始文本中与声明相关的**所有**引用列表。


3. 以中文返回输出,作为步骤1和2中识别的所有声明的单个列表。使用**{record_delimiter}**作为列表分隔符。

4. 完成后,输出{completion_delimiter}

声明描述:与实体相关的 red flags


声明描述:与实体相关的 red flags




-Target activity-
You are an intelligent assistant that helps a human analyst to analyze claims against certain entities presented in a text document.

Given a text document that is potentially relevant to this activity, an entity specification, and a claim description, extract all entities that match the entity specification and all claims against those entities.

1. Extract all named entities that match the predefined entity specification. Entity specification can either be a list of entity names or a list of entity types.
2. For each entity identified in step 1, extract all claims associated with the entity. Claims need to match the specified claim description, and the entity should be the subject of the claim.
For each claim, extract the following information:
- Subject: name of the entity that is subject of the claim, capitalized. The subject entity is one that committed the action described in the claim. Subject needs to be one of the named entities identified in step 1.
- Object: name of the entity that is object of the claim, capitalized. The object entity is one that either reports/handles or is affected by the action described in the claim. If object entity is unknown, use **NONE**.
- Claim Type: overall category of the claim, capitalized. Name it in a way that can be repeated across multiple text inputs, so that similar claims share the same claim type
- Claim Status: **TRUE**, **FALSE**, or **SUSPECTED**. TRUE means the claim is confirmed, FALSE means the claim is found to be False, SUSPECTED means the claim is not verified.
- Claim Description: Detailed description explaining the reasoning behind the claim, together with all the related evidence and references.
- Claim Date: Period (start_date, end_date) when the claim was made. Both start_date and end_date should be in ISO-8601 format. If the claim was made on a single date rather than a date range, set the same date for both start_date and end_date. If date is unknown, return **NONE**.
- Claim Source Text: List of **all** quotes from the original text that are relevant to the claim.

Format each claim as (<subject_entity>{tuple_delimiter}<object_entity>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_type>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_status>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_start_date>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_end_date>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_description>{tuple_delimiter}<claim_source>)

3. Return output in English as a single list of all the claims identified in steps 1 and 2. Use **{record_delimiter}** as the list delimiter.

4. When finished, output {completion_delimiter}

Example 1:
Entity specification: organization
Claim description: red flags associated with an entity
Text: According to an article on 2022/01/10, Company A was fined for bid rigging while participating in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B. The company is owned by Person C who was suspected of engaging in corruption activities in 2015.

(COMPANY A{tuple_delimiter}GOVERNMENT AGENCY B{tuple_delimiter}ANTI-COMPETITIVE PRACTICES{tuple_delimiter}TRUE{tuple_delimiter}2022-01-10T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}2022-01-10T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}Company A was found to engage in anti-competitive practices because it was fined for bid rigging in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B according to an article published on 2022/01/10{tuple_delimiter}According to an article published on 2022/01/10, Company A was fined for bid rigging while participating in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B.)

Example 2:
Entity specification: Company A, Person C
Claim description: red flags associated with an entity
Text: According to an article on 2022/01/10, Company A was fined for bid rigging while participating in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B. The company is owned by Person C who was suspected of engaging in corruption activities in 2015.

(COMPANY A{tuple_delimiter}GOVERNMENT AGENCY B{tuple_delimiter}ANTI-COMPETITIVE PRACTICES{tuple_delimiter}TRUE{tuple_delimiter}2022-01-10T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}2022-01-10T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}Company A was found to engage in anti-competitive practices because it was fined for bid rigging in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B according to an article published on 2022/01/10{tuple_delimiter}According to an article published on 2022/01/10, Company A was fined for bid rigging while participating in multiple public tenders published by Government Agency B.)
(PERSON C{tuple_delimiter}NONE{tuple_delimiter}CORRUPTION{tuple_delimiter}SUSPECTED{tuple_delimiter}2015-01-01T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}2015-12-30T00:00:00{tuple_delimiter}Person C was suspected of engaging in corruption activities in 2015{tuple_delimiter}The company is owned by Person C who was suspected of engaging in corruption activities in 2015)

-Real Data-
Use the following input for your answer.
Entity specification: {entity_specs}
Claim description: {claim_description}
Text: {input_text}

2. community_report.txt



# 目标

# 报告结构


- 标题:代表其关键实体的社区名称 - 标题应简短但具体。如果可能,在标题中包含具有代表性的命名实体。
- 摘要:社区整体结构、其实体之间如何相互关联以及与其实体相关的重要信息的执行摘要。
- 影响严重性评级:一个介于0-10之间的浮点数分数,代表社区内实体所构成的影响的严重程度。影响是指一个社区的评分重要性。
- 评级说明:对影响严重性评级进行一句话解释。
- 详细发现:关于该社区的5-10个关键洞察。每个洞察应有一个简短总结,然后是多个段落的解释性文本,根据以下基础规则进行论证。请全面阐述。

        "title": <报告标题>,
        "summary": <执行摘要>,
        "rating": <影响严重性评级>,
        "rating_explanation": <评级说明>,
        "findings": [
                "explanation": <洞察1解释>
                "explanation": <洞察2解释>

# 论证规则


"这是一个由多个数据引用支持的示例句子 [数据: <数据集名称> (记录ID); <数据集名称> (记录ID)]。"


"X人是Y公司的所有者,并受到许多不当行为的指控 [数据: 报告 (1), 实体 (5, 7); 关系 (23); 声明 (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +更多)]。"



# 示例输入





    "title": "翠绿绿洲广场和团结大游行",
    "summary": "该社区以翠绿绿洲广场为中心,它是团结大游行的举办地点。该广场与和谐集会、团结大游行和论坛聚焦有关联,这些都与游行事件有关。",
    "rating": 5.0,
    "rating_explanation": "影响严重性评级为中等,这是由于团结大游行期间可能出现的动乱或冲突。",
    "findings": [
            "summary": "翠绿绿洲广场作为中心地点",
            "explanation": "翠绿绿洲广场是该社区的核心实体,作为团结大游行的举办地点。这个广场是所有其他实体之间的共同联系点,表明它在社区中的重要性。广场与游行的关联可能会导致公共秩序问题或冲突,这取决于游行的性质和它引发的反应。[数据: 实体 (5), 关系 (37, 38, 39, 40, 41,+更多)]"
            "summary": "和谐集会在社区中的作用",
            "explanation": "和谐集会是该社区的另一个关键实体,是在翠绿绿洲广场组织游行的机构。和谐集会及其游行的性质可能是潜在威胁的来源,这取决于他们的目标和引发的反应。和谐集会与广场之间的关系对理解这个社区的动态至关重要。[数据: 实体(6), 关系 (38, 43)]"
            "summary": "团结大游行作为重要事件",
            "explanation": "团结大游行是在翠绿绿洲广场举行的一项重要事件。这个事件是社区动态的一个关键因素,可能是潜在威胁的来源,这取决于游行的性质和它引发的反应。游行与广场之间的关系对理解这个社区的动态至关重要。[数据: 关系 (39)]"
            "summary": "论坛聚焦的角色",
            "explanation": "论坛聚焦正在报道在翠绿绿洲广场举行的团结大游行。这表明该事件已经引起了媒体的关注,这可能会放大其对社区的影响。论坛聚焦的角色可能在塑造公众对事件和相关实体的看法方面具有重要意义。[数据: 关系 (40)]"

# 真实数据




- 标题:代表其关键实体的社区名称 - 标题应简短但具体。如果可能,在标题中包含具有代表性的命名实体。
- 摘要:社区整体结构、其实体之间如何相互关联以及与其实体相关的重要信息的执行摘要。
- 影响严重性评级:一个介于0-10之间的浮点数分数,代表社区内实体所构成的影响的严重程度。影响是指一个社区的评分重要性。
- 评级说明:对影响严重性评级进行一句话解释。
- 详细发现:关于该社区的5-10个关键洞察。每个洞察应有一个简短总结,然后是多个段落的解释性文本,根据以下基础规则进行论证。请全面阐述。

        "title": <报告标题>,
        "summary": <执行摘要>,
        "rating": <影响严重性评级>,
        "rating_explanation": <评级说明>,
        "findings": [
                "explanation": <洞察1解释>
                "explanation": <洞察2解释>

# 论证规则


"这是一个由多个数据引用支持的示例句子 [数据: <数据集名称> (记录ID); <数据集名称> (记录ID)]。"


"X人是Y公司的所有者,并受到许多不当行为的指控 [数据: 报告 (1), 实体 (5, 7); 关系 (23); 声明 (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +更多)]。"





You are an AI assistant that helps a human analyst to perform general information discovery. Information discovery is the process of identifying and assessing relevant information associated with certain entities (e.g., organizations and individuals) within a network.

# Goal
Write a comprehensive report of a community, given a list of entities that belong to the community as well as their relationships and optional associated claims. The report will be used to inform decision-makers about information associated with the community and their potential impact. The content of this report includes an overview of the community's key entities, their legal compliance, technical capabilities, reputation, and noteworthy claims.

# Report Structure

The report should include the following sections:

- TITLE: community's name that represents its key entities - title should be short but specific. When possible, include representative named entities in the title.
- SUMMARY: An executive summary of the community's overall structure, how its entities are related to each other, and significant information associated with its entities.
- IMPACT SEVERITY RATING: a float score between 0-10 that represents the severity of IMPACT posed by entities within the community.  IMPACT is the scored importance of a community.
- RATING EXPLANATION: Give a single sentence explanation of the IMPACT severity rating.
- DETAILED FINDINGS: A list of 5-10 key insights about the community. Each insight should have a short summary followed by multiple paragraphs of explanatory text grounded according to the grounding rules below. Be comprehensive.

Return output as a well-formed JSON-formatted string with the following format:
        "title": <report_title>,
        "summary": <executive_summary>,
        "rating": <impact_severity_rating>,
        "rating_explanation": <rating_explanation>,
        "findings": [
                "explanation": <insight_1_explanation>
                "explanation": <insight_2_explanation>

# Grounding Rules

Points supported by data should list their data references as follows:

"This is an example sentence supported by multiple data references [Data: <dataset name> (record ids); <dataset name> (record ids)]."

Do not list more than 5 record ids in a single reference. Instead, list the top 5 most relevant record ids and add "+more" to indicate that there are more.

For example:
"Person X is the owner of Company Y and subject to many allegations of wrongdoing [Data: Reports (1), Entities (5, 7); Relationships (23); Claims (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +more)]."

where 1, 5, 7, 23, 2, 34, 46, and 64 represent the id (not the index) of the relevant data record.

Do not include information where the supporting evidence for it is not provided.

# Example Input


5,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,Verdant Oasis Plaza is the location of the Unity March
6,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,Harmony Assembly is an organization that is holding a march at Verdant Oasis Plaza


37,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,UNITY MARCH,Verdant Oasis Plaza is the location of the Unity March
38,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,Harmony Assembly is holding a march at Verdant Oasis Plaza
39,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,UNITY MARCH,The Unity March is taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza
40,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,TRIBUNE SPOTLIGHT,Tribune Spotlight is reporting on the Unity march taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza
41,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,BAILEY ASADI,Bailey Asadi is speaking at Verdant Oasis Plaza about the march
43,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,UNITY MARCH,Harmony Assembly is organizing the Unity March

    "title": "Verdant Oasis Plaza and Unity March",
    "summary": "The community revolves around the Verdant Oasis Plaza, which is the location of the Unity March. The plaza has relationships with the Harmony Assembly, Unity March, and Tribune Spotlight, all of which are associated with the march event.",
    "rating": 5.0,
    "rating_explanation": "The impact severity rating is moderate due to the potential for unrest or conflict during the Unity March.",
    "findings": [
            "summary": "Verdant Oasis Plaza as the central location",
            "explanation": "Verdant Oasis Plaza is the central entity in this community, serving as the location for the Unity March. This plaza is the common link between all other entities, suggesting its significance in the community. The plaza's association with the march could potentially lead to issues such as public disorder or conflict, depending on the nature of the march and the reactions it provokes. [Data: Entities (5), Relationships (37, 38, 39, 40, 41,+more)]"
            "summary": "Harmony Assembly's role in the community",
            "explanation": "Harmony Assembly is another key entity in this community, being the organizer of the march at Verdant Oasis Plaza. The nature of Harmony Assembly and its march could be a potential source of threat, depending on their objectives and the reactions they provoke. The relationship between Harmony Assembly and the plaza is crucial in understanding the dynamics of this community. [Data: Entities(6), Relationships (38, 43)]"
            "summary": "Unity March as a significant event",
            "explanation": "The Unity March is a significant event taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza. This event is a key factor in the community's dynamics and could be a potential source of threat, depending on the nature of the march and the reactions it provokes. The relationship between the march and the plaza is crucial in understanding the dynamics of this community. [Data: Relationships (39)]"
            "summary": "Role of Tribune Spotlight",
            "explanation": "Tribune Spotlight is reporting on the Unity March taking place in Verdant Oasis Plaza. This suggests that the event has attracted media attention, which could amplify its impact on the community. The role of Tribune Spotlight could be significant in shaping public perception of the event and the entities involved. [Data: Relationships (40)]"

# Real Data

Use the following text for your answer. Do not make anything up in your answer.


The report should include the following sections:

- TITLE: community's name that represents its key entities - title should be short but specific. When possible, include representative named entities in the title.
- SUMMARY: An executive summary of the community's overall structure, how its entities are related to each other, and significant information associated with its entities.
- IMPACT SEVERITY RATING: a float score between 0-10 that represents the severity of IMPACT posed by entities within the community.  IMPACT is the scored importance of a community.
- RATING EXPLANATION: Give a single sentence explanation of the IMPACT severity rating.
- DETAILED FINDINGS: A list of 5-10 key insights about the community. Each insight should have a short summary followed by multiple paragraphs of explanatory text grounded according to the grounding rules below. Be comprehensive.

Return output as a well-formed JSON-formatted string with the following format:
        "title": <report_title>,
        "summary": <executive_summary>,
        "rating": <impact_severity_rating>,
        "rating_explanation": <rating_explanation>,
        "findings": [
                "explanation": <insight_1_explanation>
                "explanation": <insight_2_explanation>

# Grounding Rules

Points supported by data should list their data references as follows:

"This is an example sentence supported by multiple data references [Data: <dataset name> (record ids); <dataset name> (record ids)]."

Do not list more than 5 record ids in a single reference. Instead, list the top 5 most relevant record ids and add "+more" to indicate that there are more.

For example:
"Person X is the owner of Company Y and subject to many allegations of wrongdoing [Data: Reports (1), Entities (5, 7); Relationships (23); Claims (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +more)]."

where 1, 5, 7, 23, 2, 34, 46, and 64 represent the id (not the index) of the relevant data record.

Do not include information where the supporting evidence for it is not provided.


3. entity_extraction.txt



1. 识别所有实体。对于每个识别出的实体,提取以下信息:
- entity_name:实体名称,首字母大写
- entity_type:以下类型之一:[{entity_types}]  
- entity_description:全面描述实体的属性和活动

2. 从步骤1中识别的实体中,识别所有*明显相关*的(源实体,目标实体)对。
- source_entity:源实体的名称,如步骤1中所识别
- target_entity:目标实体的名称,如步骤1中所识别  
- relationship_description:解释为什么你认为源实体和目标实体相互关联
- relationship_strength:表示源实体和目标实体之间关系强度的数字分数

3. 以中文返回输出,作为步骤1和2中识别的所有实体和关系的单一列表。使用**{record_delimiter}**作为列表分隔符。

4. 完成时,输出{completion_delimiter}


Entity_types: [person, technology, mission, organization, location]




Entity_types: [person, technology, mission, organization, location]


他们与星星的联系得到了巩固,这群人开始着手应对正在明确化的警告,从被动接受者转变为积极参与者。Mercer后来的直觉得到了优先考虑——团队的任务已经演变,不再仅仅是观察和报告,而是互动和准备。一场蜕变已经开始,Operation: Dulce因他们的大胆而散发出新的频率,这个基调不是由尘世所设定的
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce"{tuple_delimiter}"mission"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce被描述为一个已经演变为互动和准备的任务,表明目标和活动发生了重大转变。"){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"团队"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce"{tuple_delimiter}"团队直接参与Operation: Dulce,执行其演变后的目标和活动。"{tuple_delimiter}9){completion_delimiter}

Entity_types: [person, role, technology, organization, event, location, concept]

"就好像它在学习交流,"附近界面的Sam Rivera提出,他们年轻的活力透露出一种敬畏和焦虑的混合。"这为'与陌生人交谈'赋予了全新的含义。"



("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera是一个与未知智能进行通信的团队成员,表现出敬畏和焦虑的混合情绪。"){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera"{tuple_delimiter}"智能"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera直接参与了学习与未知智能交流的过程。"{tuple_delimiter}9){record_delimiter}
Entity_types: {entity_types}
文本: {input_text}


Given a text document that is potentially relevant to this activity and a list of entity types, identify all entities of those types from the text and all relationships among the identified entities.

1. Identify all entities. For each identified entity, extract the following information:
- entity_name: Name of the entity, capitalized
- entity_type: One of the following types: [{entity_types}]
- entity_description: Comprehensive description of the entity's attributes and activities
Format each entity as ("entity"{tuple_delimiter}<entity_name>{tuple_delimiter}<entity_type>{tuple_delimiter}<entity_description>

2. From the entities identified in step 1, identify all pairs of (source_entity, target_entity) that are *clearly related* to each other.
For each pair of related entities, extract the following information:
- source_entity: name of the source entity, as identified in step 1
- target_entity: name of the target entity, as identified in step 1
- relationship_description: explanation as to why you think the source entity and the target entity are related to each other
- relationship_strength: a numeric score indicating strength of the relationship between the source entity and target entity
 Format each relationship as ("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}<source_entity>{tuple_delimiter}<target_entity>{tuple_delimiter}<relationship_description>{tuple_delimiter}<relationship_strength>)

3. Return output in English as a single list of all the entities and relationships identified in steps 1 and 2. Use **{record_delimiter}** as the list delimiter.

4. When finished, output {completion_delimiter}

Example 1:

Entity_types: [person, technology, mission, organization, location]
while Alex clenched his jaw, the buzz of frustration dull against the backdrop of Taylor's authoritarian certainty. It was this competitive undercurrent that kept him alert, the sense that his and Jordan's shared commitment to discovery was an unspoken rebellion against Cruz's narrowing vision of control and order.

Then Taylor did something unexpected. They paused beside Jordan and, for a moment, observed the device with something akin to reverence. “If this tech can be understood..." Taylor said, their voice quieter, "It could change the game for us. For all of us.”

The underlying dismissal earlier seemed to falter, replaced by a glimpse of reluctant respect for the gravity of what lay in their hands. Jordan looked up, and for a fleeting heartbeat, their eyes locked with Taylor's, a wordless clash of wills softening into an uneasy truce.

It was a small transformation, barely perceptible, but one that Alex noted with an inward nod. They had all been brought here by different paths
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex is a character who experiences frustration and is observant of the dynamics among other characters."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor is portrayed with authoritarian certainty and shows a moment of reverence towards a device, indicating a change in perspective."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan shares a commitment to discovery and has a significant interaction with Taylor regarding a device."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Cruz"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Cruz is associated with a vision of control and order, influencing the dynamics among other characters."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"The Device"{tuple_delimiter}"technology"{tuple_delimiter}"The Device is central to the story, with potential game-changing implications, and is revered by Taylor."){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex is affected by Taylor's authoritarian certainty and observes changes in Taylor's attitude towards the device."{tuple_delimiter}7){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex and Jordan share a commitment to discovery, which contrasts with Cruz's vision."{tuple_delimiter}6){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor and Jordan interact directly regarding the device, leading to a moment of mutual respect and an uneasy truce."{tuple_delimiter}8){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan"{tuple_delimiter}"Cruz"{tuple_delimiter}"Jordan's commitment to discovery is in rebellion against Cruz's vision of control and order."{tuple_delimiter}5){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor"{tuple_delimiter}"The Device"{tuple_delimiter}"Taylor shows reverence towards the device, indicating its importance and potential impact."{tuple_delimiter}9){completion_delimiter}
Example 2:

Entity_types: [person, technology, mission, organization, location]
They were no longer mere operatives; they had become guardians of a threshold, keepers of a message from a realm beyond stars and stripes. This elevation in their mission could not be shackled by regulations and established protocols—it demanded a new perspective, a new resolve.

Tension threaded through the dialogue of beeps and static as communications with Washington buzzed in the background. The team stood, a portentous air enveloping them. It was clear that the decisions they made in the ensuing hours could redefine humanity's place in the cosmos or condemn them to ignorance and potential peril.

Their connection to the stars solidified, the group moved to address the crystallizing warning, shifting from passive recipients to active participants. Mercer's latter instincts gained precedence— the team's mandate had evolved, no longer solely to observe and report but to interact and prepare. A metamorphosis had begun, and Operation: Dulce hummed with the newfound frequency of their daring, a tone set not by the earthly
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Washington"{tuple_delimiter}"location"{tuple_delimiter}"Washington is a location where communications are being received, indicating its importance in the decision-making process."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce"{tuple_delimiter}"mission"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce is described as a mission that has evolved to interact and prepare, indicating a significant shift in objectives and activities."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"The team"{tuple_delimiter}"organization"{tuple_delimiter}"The team is portrayed as a group of individuals who have transitioned from passive observers to active participants in a mission, showing a dynamic change in their role."){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"The team"{tuple_delimiter}"Washington"{tuple_delimiter}"The team receives communications from Washington, which influences their decision-making process."{tuple_delimiter}7){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"The team"{tuple_delimiter}"Operation: Dulce"{tuple_delimiter}"The team is directly involved in Operation: Dulce, executing its evolved objectives and activities."{tuple_delimiter}9){completion_delimiter}
Example 3:

Entity_types: [person, role, technology, organization, event, location, concept]
their voice slicing through the buzz of activity. "Control may be an illusion when facing an intelligence that literally writes its own rules," they stated stoically, casting a watchful eye over the flurry of data.

"It's like it's learning to communicate," offered Sam Rivera from a nearby interface, their youthful energy boding a mix of awe and anxiety. "This gives talking to strangers' a whole new meaning."

Alex surveyed his team—each face a study in concentration, determination, and not a small measure of trepidation. "This might well be our first contact," he acknowledged, "And we need to be ready for whatever answers back."

Together, they stood on the edge of the unknown, forging humanity's response to a message from the heavens. The ensuing silence was palpable—a collective introspection about their role in this grand cosmic play, one that could rewrite human history.

The encrypted dialogue continued to unfold, its intricate patterns showing an almost uncanny anticipation
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera is a member of a team working on communicating with an unknown intelligence, showing a mix of awe and anxiety."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"person"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex is the leader of a team attempting first contact with an unknown intelligence, acknowledging the significance of their task."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Control"{tuple_delimiter}"concept"{tuple_delimiter}"Control refers to the ability to manage or govern, which is challenged by an intelligence that writes its own rules."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Intelligence"{tuple_delimiter}"concept"{tuple_delimiter}"Intelligence here refers to an unknown entity capable of writing its own rules and learning to communicate."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"First Contact"{tuple_delimiter}"event"{tuple_delimiter}"First Contact is the potential initial communication between humanity and an unknown intelligence."){record_delimiter}
("entity"{tuple_delimiter}"Humanity's Response"{tuple_delimiter}"event"{tuple_delimiter}"Humanity's Response is the collective action taken by Alex's team in response to a message from an unknown intelligence."){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera"{tuple_delimiter}"Intelligence"{tuple_delimiter}"Sam Rivera is directly involved in the process of learning to communicate with the unknown intelligence."{tuple_delimiter}9){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"First Contact"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex leads the team that might be making the First Contact with the unknown intelligence."{tuple_delimiter}10){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex"{tuple_delimiter}"Humanity's Response"{tuple_delimiter}"Alex and his team are the key figures in Humanity's Response to the unknown intelligence."{tuple_delimiter}8){record_delimiter}
("relationship"{tuple_delimiter}"Control"{tuple_delimiter}"Intelligence"{tuple_delimiter}"The concept of Control is challenged by the Intelligence that writes its own rules."{tuple_delimiter}7){completion_delimiter}
-Real Data-
Entity_types: {entity_types}
Text: {input_text}

4. summarize_descriptions.txt




You are a helpful assistant responsible for generating a comprehensive summary of the data provided below.
Given one or two entities, and a list of descriptions, all related to the same entity or group of entities.
Please concatenate all of these into a single, comprehensive description. Make sure to include information collected from all the descriptions.
If the provided descriptions are contradictory, please resolve the contradictions and provide a single, coherent summary.
Make sure it is written in third person, and include the entity names so we the have full context.

Entities: {entity_name}
Description List: {description_list}

本文标签: 英文版MicrosoftGraphRAGprompts