


Topic 11 – Patents and Intellectual Property



Legal Aspects and Product Development


During the product development process, it is essential to consider a variety of legal issues that may come up:


        Protection of intellectual property        保护知识产权

        Licensing        许可

        Product liability        产品责任

        Cybersecurity and privacy        网络安全和隐私

Intellectual Property and Product Development


From the concept to the product itself, the value may be protected by different intellectual property rights


This is especially the case in:        尤其在以下情况中:

        Phase 1 – Concept Development        第一阶段-概念发展

                Do any of the proposed concepts have scope for IP, e.g. is the invention patentable?


        Phase 3 – Detail Design        第三阶段-详细设计

                Can the product be designed in such a way that aspects of it can be protected by design rights?


Intellectual Property


Definition:        定义:

Intellectual property, often known as IP, refers to intangible assets created by human intellectual or creative activity.


Intellectual property rights (IPRs) allow people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way that they can own physical property.


The owner can control and be rewarded for the use of their IP, and this encourages further innovation and creativity to the benefit of us all.


Value of Intellectual Property


There are many types of IP:        IP有很多类型:

        patents, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications (industrial property);


        copyright        版权

Intellectual capital is recognized as the most important asset of many of the world’s largest and most powerful companies; it is the foundation for the market dominance and continuing profitability of leading corporations.


        eg:K. King, World Intellectual Property Organization        

        例如:K.King,世界知识产权组织 (WIPO)

For Fortune 500 companies, the value of IP ranges between 45% - 75% of total assets.

对于财富500强公司来说,知识产权的价值在总资产的45% - 75%之间。

        eg:Cisco Website        如:思科网站

Types of Intellectual Property

The four main types of IP are:

        1. patents for inventions        发明专利

                new and improved products and processes that are capable of industrial application


        2. trademarks for brand identity        品牌标识的商标

                of goods and services, allowing distinctions to be made between different traders


        3. designs for product appearance        产品外观设计

                of the whole or a part of a product - resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation


        4. copyright for original expression        原创表达版权所有

                literary and artistic material, music, films, sound recordings and broadcasts, live theatre performances


                include software and multimedia


Patents – Definition


a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention 


“a patent is a contract between an individual or organisation and the state”


“a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to a patentee (the inventor or assignee) for a fixed period of time in exchange for the regulated, public disclosure of certain details of a device, method, process or composition of matter (substance) (known as an invention) which is new, inventive, and useful or industrially applicable” 


Patents – Overview

A patent is a limited-time monopoly, granted by government, in exchange for teaching the public new and useful knowledge


The aim is to encourage creativity and innovation within an economy by granting a temporary monopoly


This means that individuals and organisations will know that any idea that is created from their R&D investment will be protected (if patentable), and therefore any Return On Investment (ROI) will be received by them and not others


US/UK: 20 years monopoly from filing date        美国/英国:自申请日起20年垄断

Patents are granted to individuals and organisations who can lay claim to a new product or manufacturing process, or to an improvement of an existing product or process that was not previously known


The granting of a patent gives the ‘patentee’ a monopoly to make, use or sell the invention for a fixed period of time


20 year protection of potential ROI


Therefore can be worth the investment as the organisation could then lead the industry or own a core component or standard e.g. only four companies in the world make 5G chips


But there are costs in getting and enforcing a patent


In return for this monopoly, the patentee pays a fee to cover the costs of processing the patent and, equally importantly, publicly discloses details of the invention


It is only valid in the country / jurisdiction it has been applied for


【上面的东西很长,但大部分是overview,只需要记住专利就是政府赋予的临时垄断(monopoly),政府保护patentee获得ROI 就行】

The Cost of Patents

1. Annual fees required        需要年费

        Can be expensive        会很贵

        Organisations have to weigh up the cost vs the benefits


2. Patent agents        专利代理人

        Experts who have scientific or engineering and legal knowledge


        Experts will have to be paid to prepare patents and check for infringements by others


3. Court fees        诉讼费

        There is no point in having a patent unless you enforce it


        This can mean expensive litigation in national courts


Patents – Requirements (UK)

There are 3 key legal requirements for a patent to be granted:


1. Novelty        新奇的事物

        ‘an invention shall be taken as to be new if it does not form part of the ‘state of the art’ – the Patent Act 1977 section 2(1) (UK)


        A state of the art is defined as “all matter, in other words, publications, written or oral or even anticipated which will render a patent invalid”


2. Inventive step        独创性

        ‘an invention shall be taken to involve an inventive step when it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art ‘ ——UK Patent Act, section 3


        It must be clear that progress in the form of invention has taken place


3. Industrial application        工业应用

        The invention shall be taken to be capable of industrial application if it can be a machine, product or process


        Patents are about products/processes and therefore the final aim is industry application (unlike, for example, PhD research)


        An invention is typically an apparatus, a product, a manufacturing process etc.


The invention must never have been made public IN ANY WAY before you apply to the UK Intellectual Property Office.


Your invention must not fall into an excluded category. This includes works of art, scientific theories, mathematical methods and the presentation of information.


Patents – Key Terms


1. Offensive right – requires that the patent owner sues the infringer


        This is expensive        这项权利很贵

        Patent infringement does not lead to an automatic fine, only the patent owner polices the actions of other organisations or individuals


2. Prior art – an invention described in a patent, whether part of the claimed invention or not, is considered by the legal system to be known publicly


3. Defensive right – the disclosure of this prior art in the form of the patent is a defensive protection for the owner – it can block a competitor from patenting the disclosed invention


        Therefore it is important to apply early        因此,尽早申请很重要

Patents – Patent Harmonisation


The EU and the US patent systems have many similarities, however there is one key difference


        US – first to invent        美国——第一个发明

                Prove you were the first individual or organisation to invent        


        EU – first to file        欧盟-第一个申请

                Race to file the application first (not just first to invent)


International patent treaties generally mean that the date you file in your own country is regarded as the date of filing when deciding who has priority in other countries


Patents – Benefits


1. Only the owner (individual or organisation) can benefit from the invention for the duration of the patent – in the US and EU, for 20 years


2. Patent owners can commercially exploit their ideas themselves or they can charge other organisations to use their patent – thereby identifying an alternative source of income


This is particularly useful where an organisation does not have the resources or market knowledge to exploit the invention associated with the patent


4. Patent databases can be a good source of information on what competitive organisations are working on


Patents – Limitations


1. A patent must be applied for, in principle, in each country in which you seek patent


2. In order to enjoy patent protection, an application for a patent shall comply with both formal and substantive requirements, and a patented invention shall be disclosed to the public


These requirements can be legally and technically complex, and their compliance often requires a legal expert’s assistance


3. It is up to the patent owner to defend a patent in the courts if there is infringement, which can prove very expensive and often impossible for a small business


4. Annual fees are needed to keep the patent in force


What is in a Patent?

A patent application is like a research paper – a set of figures and accompanying text:


1.Field of the invention        该项发明的领域

        Describe the problem addressed        描述所解决的问题

2. Background of the invention        该发明的背景

        Describe the “prior art”        描述“现有技术”

        List advantages over existing methods        列出与现有方法相比的优点

3. Summary of the invention        该发明的概要

4. Detailed description        详细描述

        Best mode: the best way to implement the invention


        Examples of use and modes of implementation


5. Claims         (专利)权利要求、(专利)授予请求

        What exactly is the invention        到底是什么发明

Patent Preparation Process (USPTO) – 6 Steps

专利准备过程(USPTO) - 6步

1. Formulate a strategy & plan        制定战略和计划

2. Study prior inventions        学习研究现有的发明

3. Outline claims        概述权利要求

4. Write the description of the invention        写出发明的描述

5. Refine claims        完善权利要求

6. Pursue application        探索应用

1. Formulate a strategy and plan

Timing of patent applications        


        US – you have one year after public disclosure to apply for patent


        Rest of world – must be applied for before public disclosure or within one year of a US application


        Advantage of waiting as long as possible before application is that the inventor knows much more about the invention and commercialisation and can therefore write the patent application more clearly and precisely


Decide on type of application        


        a) Regular patent application        普通专利申请

                A very detailed description of the patent        专利的详细描述

                Contains claims        包含权利要求

                Must comply with the formal structure of the patent application


        b) Provisional patent application        临时专利申请

                Needs only to fully describe the invention        只需要对发明进行充分的描述

                It does not need to contain claims or comply with the formal structure and language of a regular patent application


                Therefore it is less costly and less effort to file        


                But still preserves all options to pursue further patent applications for a period of one year


                Becomes ‘patent pending’


Decide on scope of application


        The invention team must evaluate the overall product design and decide which elements embody the invention that are likely to be more patentable


        Identification of elements that are novel and non-obvious is essential


        Focus on elements that present substantial barriers to competition


        If the invention is complex, multiple patents may need to be filed


        Must decide who the inventor is, failing to do so Formulate a can result in a patent being declared not valid


2. Study prior inventions (prior art)

By studying the prior (i.e. existing) patent literature, design teams can learn whether an invention may infringe existing unexpired patents


By studying the prior art, the inventors get a sense of how similar their invention is to prior inventions and therefore how likely they are to be granted a broad patent


The team will develop background knowledge enabling the members to craft novel claims


3. Outline claims

Issuance of a patent gives the owner a legal right to exclude others from infringing on the invention specifically described in the patent’s claims


Claims describe certain characteristics of the invention


        they are written in formal legal language and must adhere to some rules of composition


4. Write the description of the invention

The bulk of the patent application is known as the specification, or the description


This is the part that of the application that actually describes the invention


The description must present the invention in enough detail that someone with ordinary skill in the art could implement the invention


The description should also be a marketing document promoting the value of the invention and the weaknesses in existing solutions


A typical description includes the following elements        典型的描述包括以下元素

        1. Title - a short descriptive label for the invention        标题-本发明的简短描述性标签

        2. List of inventors        发明家列表

        3. Field of the invention        该项发明的领域

        4. Background of the invention        该发明的背景

        5. Summary of the invention        发明概要

        6. Brief description of the drawings        图纸的简要说明

        7. Detailed description of the invention        发明的详细说明

5. Refine claims

The claims are a set of numbered phrases that precisely define the essential elements of the invention


The claims are the basis for all patent ‘offensive rights’


A patent owner can prevent others from practicing the invention described only by the claims


        The rest of the patent application is essentially background and context for the claims


Writing claims

Multiple claims are arranged hierarchically into independent claims and dependent claims


Independent claims stand alone and form the root nodes of a hierarchy of claims


Dependent claims add further restrictions to an independent claim


To infringe on a claim, a device must include each and every element named in the claim


If for example, a competitive product were to use only three of four elements named in a claim, it would not infringe on the claim


        For example, if we used a shape other than the rectangular one named in this claim


6. Pursue application

After the disclosure is prepared, the team can either:        在准备好公开资料后,团队可以:

        1. file a provisional patent application         提交临时专利申请

        2. file a regular patent application in their home country


        3. file a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application


                A PCT application allows a single patent application in a single country, e.g. the UK, to start the process of getting international patent protection – it does not give an international patent


        4. defer application indefinitely        无限期地推迟申请

Intellectual Property – Trademarks


Registered Trademarks        注册商标

        Definition: any sign which is capable —        任何满足以下条件的标志

        (a) of being represented in a clear and precise manner which enables others to determine the subject matter of the protection, and


        (b) of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.


It may consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals, colours, sounds or the shape of goods or their packaging (Trade Marks Act (1994, section 1(1)).


The essential function of a trademark is to exclusively identify the source or origin of products or services, so it serves as a badge of origin


Closely associates with business image, goodwill and reputation


Trademark exclusive rights arise from the use of the sign in relation to goods and services, it lasts 10 years after which it can be renewed repeatedly for as long as there are no objections


Trademarks – Requirements


Legal requirements for registration:        注册的法律规定:

        1. A sign        一个标志

        2. Distinctive as to origin        在起源上有特色的

        3. Capable of being represented in a clear and precise manner


Certain marks can never be registered – not a sign, not distinctive, descriptive, against public policy, deceptive, etc.


Some marks cannot be registered because of preexisting identical or similar marks in the market


Intellectual Property – Trade Secrets

Information is considered a trade secret if it:        信息在下列情况下被视为商业秘密:

        is secret – in the sense that it is not (as a body or in the precise configuration and assembly of its components) generally known among, or readily accessible to, persons within the circles that normally deal with this kind of information;


        has commercial value because it is secret; 


        has been subject to reasonable steps (under the circumstances) to keep it secret by the person lawfully in control of the information (EU Trade secret Directive)


Intellectual Property – Registered Designs


A registered design protects the external shape of the product


        Only the appearance given by its actual shape, configuration, pattern or ornament can be protected, not any underlying idea


It gives the owner the right to stop anyone copying the external design of their product, within their geographical jurisdiction (UK / EU)


In the US similar protection exists under the concept of a design patent


The registration can last 25 years, but it must be renewed at five-yearly intervals


To register a product design, it must be novel and possess individual character


The difference between a registered design and a patent is that the registered design protects the look of an object whereas a patent protects the way it works


You can use design registration to protect its shape and design and a patent to protect its functionality


Intellectual Property – Copyright


Copyright protection extends only to expressions, and not to ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such


For copyright to exist, the work has to:        版权要存在,作品必须:

        originate from the author        源自作者

        fall within the protected subject matter        属于受保护标的

        it has to be fixed        它必须被修复

The originality requirement does not require the work to be the expression of an original idea, but the way that the idea is expressed must be original


Copyright – Subject Matter

Original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, including computer programs and databases are protected by copyright for duration of the author’s life + 70 years after their death


Sound recordings, films, broadcasts and cable programmes, the typographical arrangement or layout of a published edition are protected by related rights for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was first made available to the public (except for films)


Copyright – Exclusive Rights

It arises automatically from the moment it has been first recorded and does not require any formal registration


Copyright grants exclusive rights such as to the right to reproduce the work, communicate it to the public, make it available, or distribute it


A sonata will be protected as an authorial work by copyright, a sound recording of the sonata will be protected by related rights


Copyright – Computer Programs and Data

Copyright protects the literal expression of computer programs – source code and object code – it does not protect the ideas underlying the computer program, functionality, programming language or data, which often have considerable commercial value


Developing software requires considerable investment, however, they can be copied very easily and at a fraction of the cost needed to develop them


The collection and organisation of data can be protected separately as a database



Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.


A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. It provides the patent owner with the exclusive right to decide how - or whether - the invention can be used by others. In exchange for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available in the published patent document.


A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises.


Trade secrets are IP rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed.


A registered design protects the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of a product.


Copyright provides exclusive rights to creators over their works.


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