





{Photoshop version 1.0.1, file: AcquireInterface.p
  Computer History Museum, wwwputerhistory
  This material is (C)Copyright 1990 Adobe Systems Inc.
  It may not be distributed to third parties.
  It is licensed for non-commercial use according to 
  wwwputerhistory/softwarelicense/photoshop/ }

	File: AcquireInterface.p

	Copyright 1990 by Thomas Knoll.

	This file describes version 3 of Photoshop's Acquisition module interface.

UNIT AcquireInterface;


	MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf;


	{ Operation selectors }

	acquireSelectorAbout	= 0;
	acquireSelectorStart	= 1;
	acquireSelectorContinue = 2;
	acquireSelectorFinish	= 3;
	acquireSelectorPrepare	= 4;

	{ Image modes }

	acquireModeBitmap		= 0;
	acquireModeGrayScale	= 1;
	acquireModeIndexedColor = 2;
	acquireModeRGBColor 	= 3;
	acquireModeCMYKColor	= 4;
	acquireModeHSLColor 	= 5;
	acquireModeHSBColor 	= 6;
	acquireModeMultichannel = 7;

	{ Error return values. The plug-in module may also return standard Macintosh
	  operating system error codes, or report its own errors, in which case it
	  can return any positive integer. }

	acquireBadParameters  = -30000; 	{ "a problem with the acquisition module interface" }
	acquireNoScanner	  = -30001; 	{ "there is no scanner installed" }
	acquireScannerProblem = -30002; 	{ "a problem with the scanner" }


	AcquireLUT = PACKED ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR;

	AcquireRecord = RECORD

		serialNumber:	LONGINT;	{ Photoshop's serial number, to allow
									  copy protected plug-in modules. }
		abortProc:		ProcPtr;	{ The plug-in module may call this no-argument
									  BOOLEAN function (using Pascal calling
									  conventions) several times a second during long
									  operations to allow the user to abort the operation.
									  If it returns TRUE, the operation should be aborted
									  (and a positive error code returned). }
		progressProc:	ProcPtr;	{ The plug-in module may call this two-argument
									  procedure (using Pascal calling conventions)
									  periodically to update a progress indicator.
									  The first parameter (type LONGINT) is the number
									  of operations completed; the second (type LONGINT)
									  is the total number of operations. }

		maxData:		LONGINT;	{ Maximum number of bytes that should be
									  passed back at once, plus the size of any
									  interal buffers.	The plug-in may reduce this
									  value in the acquireSelectorPrepare routine. }

		imageMode:		INTEGER;	{ Image mode }
		imageSize:		Point;		{ Size of image }
		depth:			INTEGER;	{ Bits per sample, currently must be 1 or 8 }
		planes: 		INTEGER;	{ Samples per pixel }
		imageHRes:		Fixed;		{ Pixels per inch }
		imageVRes:		Fixed;		{ Pixels per inch }
		redLUT: 		AcquireLUT; { Red LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }
		greenLUT:		AcquireLUT; { Green LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }
		blueLUT:		AcquireLUT; { Blue LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }

		data:			Ptr;		{ A pointer to the returned image data. The
									  plug-in module is now responsible for freeing
									  this buffer (this is a change from previous
									  versions). Should be set to NIL when
									  all the image data has been returned. }
		theRect:		Rect;		{ Rectangle being returned }
		loPlane:		INTEGER;	{ First plane being returned }
		hiPlane:		INTEGER;	{ Last plane being returned }
		colBytes:		INTEGER;	{ Spacing between columns }
		rowBytes:		LONGINT;	{ Spacing between rows }
		planeBytes: 	LONGINT;	{ Spacing between planes (ignored if only one
									  plane is returned at a time) }

		filename:		Str255; 	{ Document file name }
		vRefNum:		INTEGER;	{ Volume reference number, or zero if none }
		dirty:			BOOLEAN;	{ Changes since last saved flag. The plug-in may clear
									  this field to prevent prompting the user when
									  closing the document. }


	AcquireRecordPtr = ^AcquireRecord;



  1. {}:Delphi 注释;
  2. UNIT:一个Delphi程序由多个称为单元的源代码模块组成。使用单元可以把一个大型程序分成多个逻辑相关的模块,并用来创建在不同程序中使用的程序库。UNIT单元相当于C语言的子程序。基本上Delphi每个窗体都一个对应的单元。当你为应用程序创建窗体时,你就创建了一个与该窗体相联系的新单元。然而,单元也可以独立于窗体而存在。例如,一个单元可以只包含数学运算程序,而不需要有窗体。一个单元可以由多个程序共享。单元的磁盘文件名后缀为.pas
    单元结构:不管单元是否与窗体相关,单元的基本结构都是一样的 。UNIT单元由单元首部、接口部分(interface part)、实现部分(implementation part)、可选择的初始化部分(initialization part)、结束部分(finalization part)、end.组成。
    (3)实现部分(Implementation):主要用于定义接口部分声明过的过程、函数等的代码。实现部分用保留字implementation标明,总是紧随接口部分之后。实现部分也可以用USES语句列出该单元要用到的标准单元和其它单元等。如上面的uses MDIEdit;语句。实际上,实现部分也可以声明变量、数据类型、过程及函数等。但是,在实现部分定义的变量、类型、过程、函数等只能由本单元自己使用(private declarations),使用该单元的其它单元或程序不可见的。私有定义可以隐藏单元的细节
  3. CONST:对于在 程序运 行期间保持不变的值,Pascal 允许通过常量来声明。声明常量不必特定数 据类型,但需要赋一个初值。编译器 会根据所赋 初值自动选 用合适的数据类型
  4. TYPE:说点delphi的设计思路吧。我们都知道delphi需要把文本转换成汇编语言,所以,type其实是一个定义的起始标志.因为需要进行语言转换,所以,你所编写的每一个变量或者是窗体都需要有明确的定义,所以,你会再PAS文件中看到很多的type.
  5. PACKED:不带packed关键字的结构体表明编译器编译时要求进行字对齐.带packed关键字的结构体表明编译器编译该结构体时不需要进行字对齐,这种方式对结构体中的字段访问会比第一种方式慢!但是更节约空间。有Packed 的占用内存小,但是速度慢一点。没Packed 的占用内存大,但是速度快一点.delphi写明没有packed的数据会根据cpu的规则来分配内存。
  6. RECORD:在Delphi中的Record类型中,与之C语言对应的即是结构体类型(struct)。
  7. LONGINT:有符号32位整数
  8. ProcPtr:没有查到,欢迎诸君指正
  9. Point: 是数据类型 比如表示一个点,有两个属性xy坐标
  10. Fixed: 没有查到,欢迎诸君指正
  11. LUT:LUT指显示查找表(Look-Up-Table),本质上就是一个RAM。它把数据事先写入RAM后,每当输入一个信号就等于输入一个地址进行查表,找出地址对应的内容,然后输出
  12. Pascal:Pascal语言是沃斯教授设计的编程语言,类比C语言。Object Pascal是面向对象的Pascal语言,是一个编程语言,类比为C++语言。Delphi是开发工具,支持Object Pascal语言的程序开发,类比为Visual Studio。一个编程语言,可以有多个开发平台的,
    比如Object Pascal的开发平台工具,有Turbo Pascal, Free Pascal,Delphi,RAD Studio
  13. Indexed Color:索引颜色是位图图片的一种编码方法,需要基于RGB、CMYK等更基本的颜色编码方法。可以通过限制图片中的颜色总数的方法实现有损压缩。挑选一副图片中最有代表性的若干种颜色(通常不超过256种),编制成颜色表。在表示图片中每一个点
  14. Ptr: 没有查到,欢迎诸君指正
  15. Rect:Delphi为用户提供了一个方便的绘图环境,即某些控件的CANVAS属性(画布)。用户可以把某些控件的表面作为一张画布,在上面绘制各种图形或显示图像,但在CANVAS的使用过程中少不了一个特殊对象,那就是矩形RECT,灵活使用它会完成很多特殊的功能,为Delphi编制的Windows程序增加活力。RECT既是一个特殊的数据结构,又是一个函数,它的作用就是定义一个矩形区域对象,而作为函数使用时它可以用两个属性(Tpiont型)指明区域范围,同时也可分解成四个单一的变量类型(Integer型)
  16. ^:符号 ^ 有两种用途,当它出现在类型标识符之前,如 ^typeName 表示一个类型,该类型表示指向typeName类型变量的指针。当它出现在指针变量之后,如pointer^该符号对指针解除参照,也就是说,返回存储在内存地址(该地址保存在指针中)的值指针,指向的数据.


     TYPE-------------------------------------------- 用户自定义类型
     END;;----------------------------------------------    TYPE结束


{Photoshop version 1.0.1, file: AcquireInterface.p
  Computer History Museum, wwwputerhistory
  This material is (C)Copyright 1990 Adobe Systems Inc.
  It may not be distributed to third parties.
  It is licensed for non-commercial use according to 
  wwwputerhistory/softwarelicense/photoshop/ }


	File: AcquireInterface.p

	Copyright 1990 by Thomas Knoll.

	This file describes version 3 of Photoshop's Acquisition module interface.


UNIT AcquireInterface;--------------------------定义了一个名为AcquireInterface的单元

	MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf;-----------这三个是啥单元,也没有查到

	{ Operation selectors }--------------------------------------------注释:操作选择

	acquireSelectorAbout	= 0;------------------------------------------------关于
	acquireSelectorStart	= 1;------------------------------------------------开始
	acquireSelectorContinue = 2;------------------------------------------------继续
	acquireSelectorFinish	= 3;------------------------------------------------结束
	acquireSelectorPrepare	= 4;------------------------------------------------准备

	{ Image modes }----------------------------------------------------注释:图像模式

	acquireModeBitmap		= 0;----------------------------------------------Bitmap
	acquireModeGrayScale	= 1;-------------------------------------------GrayScale
	acquireModeIndexedColor = 2;----------------------------------------IndexedColor
	acquireModeRGBColor 	= 3;--------------------------------------------RGBColor
	acquireModeCMYKColor	= 4;-------------------------------------------CMYKColor	
	acquireModeHSLColor 	= 5;--------------------------------------------HSLColor
	acquireModeHSBColor 	= 6;--------------------------------------------HSBColor
	acquireModeMultichannel = 7;----------------------------------------Multichannel

	{ Error return values. The plug-in module may also return standard Macintosh
	  operating system error codes, or report its own errors, in which case it
	  can return any positive integer. }
	  --- plug-in module会返回标准的Macintosh operating system 错误代码,或者报告本身的错误,总是会返回任何正整数。

	acquireBadParameters  = -30000; 	{ "a problem with the acquisition module interface" }--------参数错误
	acquireNoScanner	  = -30001; 	{ "there is no scanner installed" }-----没有安装Scanner
	acquireScannerProblem = -30002; 	{ "a problem with the scanner" }--------Scanner出现错误

TYPE-------------------------------------------- 用户自定义类型

	AcquireLUT = PACKED ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR;-----定义一个名为AcquireLUT 的字符数组

	AcquireRecord = RECORD--------------------------------------定义一个名为AcquireRecord 记录类型

		serialNumber:	LONGINT;	{ Photoshop's serial number, to allow------------------版本序列号
									  copy protected plug-in modules. }
		abortProc:		ProcPtr;	{ The plug-in module may call this no-argument
									  BOOLEAN function (using Pascal calling
									  conventions) several times a second during long
									  operations to allow the user to abort the operation.
									  If it returns TRUE, the operation should be aborted
									  (and a positive error code returned). }
为了在长时间内允许用户取消操作,plug-in module会每秒调用几次一个无参数,返回值为BOOLEAN的Pascal回调函数,如果返回值为TRUE,操作将会被取消,并且会返回一个	positive error code		  
		progressProc:	ProcPtr;	{ The plug-in module may call this two-argument
									  procedure (using Pascal calling conventions)
									  periodically to update a progress indicator.
									  The first parameter (type LONGINT) is the number
									  of operations completed; the second (type LONGINT)
									  is the total number of operations. }
plug-in module会调用带有2个参数的Pascal回调函数,周期性的更新一个程序的标志,第一个参数为LONGINT,代表完成操作的类型,第二个参数为LONGINT,代表操作的总类型
		maxData:		LONGINT;	{ Maximum number of bytes that should be
									  passed back at once, plus the size of any
									  interal buffers.	The plug-in may reduce this
									  value in the acquireSelectorPrepare routine. }
		imageMode:		INTEGER;	{ Image mode }---------------------------图像模式
		imageSize:		Point;		{ Size of image }----------------------------图像大小
		depth:			INTEGER;	{ Bits per sample, currently must be 1 or 8 }----------------位图深度
		planes: 		INTEGER;	{ Samples per pixel }---------可能图层吧 。
		imageHRes:		Fixed;		{ Pixels per inch }-------------像素每英寸
		imageVRes:		Fixed;		{ Pixels per inch }-------------像素每英寸
		redLUT: 		AcquireLUT; { Red LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }--------------图像红色通道
		greenLUT:		AcquireLUT; { Green LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }--------------图像绿色通道
		blueLUT:		AcquireLUT; { Blue LUT, only used for Indexed Color images }--------------图像蓝色通道

		data:			Ptr;		{ A pointer to the returned image data. The
									  plug-in module is now responsible for freeing
									  this buffer (this is a change from previous
									  versions). Should be set to NIL when
									  all the image data has been returned. }
一个返回图像数据的指针,	plug-in module现在负责释放缓存,当数据缓存返回后,指针要设为NIL。								  
		theRect:		Rect;		{ Rectangle being returned }-----------矩形
		loPlane:		INTEGER;	{ First plane being returned }-----------------诸君指正
		hiPlane:		INTEGER;	{ Last plane being returned }-----------------诸君指正
		colBytes:		INTEGER;	{ Spacing between columns }---------------列间距
		rowBytes:		LONGINT;	{ Spacing between rows }-------------------行间距
		planeBytes: 	LONGINT;	{ Spacing between planes (ignored if only one
									  plane is returned at a time) }--------------------诸君指正

		filename:		Str255; 	{ Document file name }--------------------------文件名
		vRefNum:		INTEGER;	{ Volume reference number, or zero if none }----------------卷标
		dirty:			BOOLEAN;	{ Changes since last saved flag. The plug-in may clear
									  this field to prevent prompting the user when
									  closing the document. }

	AcquireRecordPtr = ^AcquireRecord;---------------- ^AcquireRecord表示一个类型,该类型表示指向AcquireRecord类型变量的指针




  1. MemTypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf三个单元没有找到,不知道干嘛用的。
  2. Bitmap,GrayScale,IndexedColor,RGBColor,CMYKColor,HSLColor,HSBColor,Multichannel的区别
  3. ProcPtr,Fixed是什么类型?
  4. maxData,planes,imageHRes,imageVRes干嘛用的
  5. loPlane,hiPlane,planeBytes干嘛用的

本文标签: 第一篇源码photoshopAcquireInterface