


 Coping with climate change has become an urgent challenge facing human society in the 21st century and has attracted more and more attention from the market. How to respond to climate change and firmly decarbonize is the most important. Promoting green development has become a global consensus. According to St. James's place, two-thirds of Singapore investors consider environmental, social and Governance (ESG) and sustainable development as investment considerations, and the higher the income, the more important it is.

The summit will invite consulting companies, financial institutions, industry experts, senior executives in the fields of retail, daily chemicals, agriculture, food and beverage to share practical cases from the hot topics such as ESG regulations and standards, the latest development situation of ESG information disclosure, enterprise practice, supply chain construction, biodiversity, low-carbon technology solutions and how digitization can help carbon neutralization, Provide valuable information and technical guidance for enterprises in achieving sustainable development goals and low-carbon transformation planning.

Summit Time/ Address

October13-14,2022/ Singapore


20 + leading enterprises in the industry intelligence sharing

100 + Delegates

Conduct on-site communication with industry leaders and cutting-edge enterprises

Promote online and offline at the same time to increase brand exposure


Hot topics

The latest planning and interpretation of Singapore ESG substantive regulations

Current situation analysis and development trend prospect of ESG information disclosure

Discuss the measures of enterprises on ESG

ESG investment and Practice

Sustainable development and innovation - how to realize the transformation of food system

Case sharing: best practice and exploration of enterprise biodiversity conservation

How to carry out carbon neutralization management in the whole life cycle of packaging

How to promote renewable and responsible packaging

Panel discussion: practice ESG concept and help enterprises achieve carbon neutrality goal and sustainable development

Development status and trend prospect of carbon market in Singapore

ESG information disclosure and acquisition of data enabled Enterprises

Enterprise low carbon digital intelligent management mode and solution


You can log in to ECV official website to view the registration method and meeting details.

本文标签: ESGAsiaSustainabilitySummit