

debian 11 安装 distrobox( 含:AI自动生成的解决方案)  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139407274  


在 debian 11 (12 OK)中运行 distrobox 的问题:

How to change the display name on the Terminal? 如何识别终端是运行在哪一个容器里? (**)  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139538759 



Setting up Distrobox on Ubuntu 22.04 (**)  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139427024

How to change the display name on the Terminal? 如何识别终端是运行在哪一个容器里? (**)   https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139538759

在 debian 11 与 12 上安装 distrobox 的区别 汇总  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139583920 

debian 11 安装 distrobox( 含:AI自动生成的解决方案)  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139407274 

distrobox 安装 与 卸载  https://blog.csdn/ken2232/article/details/139493805   


22.04 官仓 apt 没有,snap 包显示不支持这个版本。

snap 跨发行版?跨平台?加入 app 本色就不能跨版本使用时

$ sudo snap install distrobox --edge。所谓的跨,就是空谈了,特别是对于那些本身就与硬件密切相关的 app。
[sudo] password for colating:
error: The publisher of snap "distrobox" has indicated that they do not
       consider this revision to be of production quality and that it is only
       meant for development or testing at this point. As a consequence this
       snap will not refresh automatically and may perform arbitrary system
       changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are generally confined to,
       which may put your system at risk.

       If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including
       --devmode; if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into
       strict confinement repeat the command including --jailmode.


ubuntu系统:Setting up Distrobox on Ubuntu 22.04  https://nathanaelgandhi/computing/linux/2023/03/16/Setting-Up-Distrobox-on-Ubuntu-22.04.html

distrobox PPA: https://launchpad/~michel-slm/+archive/ubuntu/distrobox 

评点:Setting up Distrobox on Ubuntu 22.04  << 采用这个方法,

好像可用。但在 容器中,在终端上的显示 a@b 还是与宿主机相同。


cat /etc/lsb-release

也可以直接在 shell 中设置自定义的显示信息,或其他区别方法。

参考:查看 Linux 发行版名称和版本号的 8 种方法  https://linux/article-9586-1.html 

24.04 会自动显示出终端到底是哪一个?但是,这个版本是目前的最新版本,安装旧版的 Qt,好像不如 22.04 那么顺畅?


非 ubuntu系统:Install Distrobox on your Linux distribution   




在下载的 压缩包内,有 install /uninstall 脚本 ?

在 debian 11 上,可以安装,初步测试,常用的主要功能,可以使用。但 podman 的的版本有些旧 3.0.1。

podman 这类软件与操作系统的关系密切,目前只看到有 2种安装方式,即 apt 安装,编译安装。

apt 安装只能在 debian 12、及之后的版本,debian 官方仓库才有;编译安装太麻烦了,除非是他别的需要才会去做吧?

这类与硬件关系密切的 app,可能需要采用官方测试过的安装包,可用性才会有一定的保障吧?  https://github/89luca89/distrobox 



Ubuntu 22.10 and 23.04 在 ubuntu 官方仓库中,已经有了 https://github/89luca89/distrobox/tree/main/docs  ;直接 apt install 即可。

从 distrobox官网,可知:22.04 是未经 distrobox 官方认证?认可的;因此,即使能够成功安装,但是,实际运行是否存在问题?未知

在 debian 11 上,可能无法使用 distrobox? 

注:采用 sudo snap install distrobox --edge 方法来安装 snap 包,好像在 debian 11上不能安装?在 12 上可以。在 11 上可以直接到 distrobox 官网下载如来安装,初步测试,OK ?


$ sudo snap install distrobox --edge
error: The publisher of snap "distrobox" has indicated that they do not consider this revision to
       be of production quality and that it is only meant for development or testing at this point.
       As a consequence this snap will not refresh automatically and may perform arbitrary system
       changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are generally confined to, which may put your
       system at risk.

       If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --devmode; if instead you
       want to install the snap forcing it into strict confinement repeat the command including


$ sudo snap install distrobox --edge --devmode

好像只支持 docker 的 cs模式 ?


$ snap run distrobox create -n debian_12 -i
Image not found.
Do you want to pull the image now? [Y/n]: y
Using default tag: latest
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?



    Strict - 严格


    Classic - 传统


    Devmode - 开发模式



Setting up Distrbox on Ubuntu 22.04


Distrobox allows you to use any Linux distribution inside your terminal and run applications from these distributions as if they were installed natively.

Why I am writing this guide

At the time of writing, Distrobox was not available in the Ubuntu 22.04 repositories. So I tired the next logical step (at least for me), installing distrobox from the provided script. This didn’t give me the plug-and-play experience I was hoping for, and as such, I delved more enthusiastically into the documentation. I found this little gem (PPAs) buried on the compatibility page: distrobox : Michel Lind

Will I need this guide for Ubuntu 22.10 and later?

For those curious as to whether this guide will be necessary for Ubuntu 22.10 and later versions, Distrobox is available in the default repositories of Ubuntu 22.10 and 23.04 versions, courtesy of michel-slm. Therefore, it will not be necessary to follow this guide in the future; simply execute “apt install distrobox.”

While it is currently unclear whether Distrobox will continue to be available in later versions beyond 23.04, it stands to reason that the continued adoption of this amazing software will ensure its longevity.

How to install Distrobox on Ubuntu 22.04?

  1. Add the PPA

     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:michel-slm/distrobox
  2. Update apt

     sudo apt update
  3. Install distrobox

     sudo apt install distrobox -y

These steps successfully installed Distrobox on my system!

Next steps

Now that I have Distrobox installed, I used it to quickly grab Elixir and run some scripts.

My next step is to experiment with exporting apps to my host system, followed by using different architectures. If I can compile and test code “on” Arm, that would be a pretty useful.

ERRO / sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found




    如果你使用的是Ubuntu 20.04 LTS或更新的版本,你需要安装software-properties-common包来获取add-apt-repository命令。可以使用以下命令安装:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common


sudo /usr/sbin/add-apt-repository <repository>




在 debian 上,是无法安装 PPA 仓库的?

Err:6 http://ppa.launchpad/michel-slm/distrobox/ubuntu oracular Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::81 80]
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad/michel-slm/distrobox/ubuntu oracular Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

本文标签: DistroboxSettingUbuntu