




经过测试下面8个网站靠不住下面给出ttc to ttf 脚本

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#First released as C++ program by Hiroyuki Tsutsumi as part of the free software suite “Beer”
#I thought porting it to Python could be both a challenge and useful

from sys import argv, exit, getsizeof
from struct import pack_into, unpack_from

def ceil4(n):
	"""returns the next integer which is a multiple of 4"""
	return (n + 3) & ~3

if len(argv)!=2:
	print("Usage: %s FontCollection.ttc" % argv)

filename = argv[1]
in_file = open(filename, "rb")
buf     =

if filename.lower().endswith(".ttc"):
	filename = filename[:-4]

if buf[:4] != b"ttcf":
	out_filename = "%s.ttf" % filename
	out_file = open(out_filename, "wb")
	#end, so we don’t have to close the files or call exit() here
	ttf_count        = unpack_from("!L", buf, 0x08)[0]
	print("Anzahl enthaltener TTF-Dateien: %s" % ttf_count)
	ttf_offset_array = unpack_from("!"+ttf_count*"L", buf, 0x0C)
	for i in range(ttf_count):
		print("Extrahiere TTF #%s:" % (i+1))
		table_header_offset = ttf_offset_array[i]
		print("\tHeader beginnt bei Byte %s" % table_header_offset)
		table_count =  unpack_from("!H", buf, table_header_offset+0x04)[0]
		header_length = 0x0C + table_count * 0x10
		print("\tHeaderlänge: %s Byte" % header_length)
		table_length = 0
		for j in range(table_count):
			length = unpack_from("!L", buf, table_header_offset+0x0C+0x0C+j*0x10)[0]
			table_length += ceil4(length)
		total_length = header_length + table_length
		new_buf = bytearray(total_length)
		header = unpack_from(header_length*"c", buf, table_header_offset)
		pack_into(header_length*"c", new_buf, 0, *header)
		current_offset = header_length
		for j in range(table_count):
			offset = unpack_from("!L", buf, table_header_offset+0x0C+0x08+j*0x10)[0]
			length = unpack_from("!L", buf, table_header_offset+0x0C+0x0C+j*0x10)[0]
			pack_into("!L", new_buf, 0x0C+0x08+j*0x10, current_offset)
			current_table = unpack_from(length*"c", buf, offset)
			pack_into(length*"c", new_buf, current_offset, *current_table)
			#table_checksum = sum(unpack_from("!"+("L"*length), new_buf, current_offset))
			#pack_into("!L", new_buf, 0x0C+0x04+j*0x10, table_checksum)
			current_offset += ceil4(length)
		out_file = open("%s%d.ttf"%(filename, i), "wb")

1. FreeFontConverter

Supported Font Formats:
pfa, pfb, pt3, sfd, ttf, otf, otb, t42, cef, cff, gsf, ttc, svg, ik, mf, dfont, bin, suit, bdf.

Convert To:
ttf, otf, svg, pfa, pfb, bin, mm.pfa, mm.pfb, pt3, t42, cid.t42, cid, cff, cid.cff, sym.ttf, ttf.bin, dfont, otf.dfont.

2. Everything Fonts

Supported Font Formats:
ttf, otf, woff, pfa, pfb, pt3, t42, ps, woff

Convert To:
eot, otf, woff, svg, afm, pfa, pfb, ps, pt3, t42, apk

3. Fonts2U

Supported Font Formats:
ttf, otf, pfb, dfont

Convert To:
ttf, otf, pfb, dfont

4. Font Converter

Supported Font Formats:
ttf, ps, TeX Bitmap Fonts, otb, bdf, fon, fnt, otf, svg, ttc, abf, afm, bdf, dfont

Convert To:
ttf, otf, fon, pfb, dfont, afm

5. Files-Conversion

Supported Font Formats:
otf, fon, pfb, font, otb, bdf, fnt, abf, bdf, woff, pfa, ofm, pfa, pfb, cid, ttc, hqx, pcf, sfd, dfont, bin

Convert To:
ttf, otf, bin, svg, pfb, dfont, afm

Font-Face Generators

Font-face generators normally creates a zip file with the 4 converted font files: ttf, eot, svg, and woff, a CSS file with @font-face code, and a demo in HTML (some generators).

6. Font Squirrel

Probably the best and most popular online @font-face generator. Font Squirrel provides 3 types of conversions: basic, optimal, and expert. The generated zip file includes a great demo in html format.

7. Font2Web

Font2Web too includes a demo HTML file in the zip file.

8. Convert Fonts

Covert Fonts includes the 4 converted font files and a @font-face CSS file, without any demos or extras.

其中:https://www.files-conversion/file-convert/converted.php?nom=pingfang.ttf  最好用对字体文件大小没有限制

本文标签: 转换器免费在线字体