


开篇揭示了concurrent programs的存在,写出正确的concurrent programs需要很多点:包括concurrency bug detection, concurrent program testing, concurrent programming model design。
作者提出这篇文章是第一篇(在作者的知识范围内)综合现实世界并发错误特征的一篇study,(我自己的工作也可以这么说,是研究uaf-patch的第一篇)。仔细调查并发bug的模式,从4个有代表性的服务器和客户端应用中(MySQL, Apache, Mozilla and OpenOffice)随机选择105个策略。作者提出:Our study reveals several interesting findings and provides useful guidance for concurrency bug detection, testing, and concurrent programming language design.(可以作为我们的论文的结果。

(1) Around one third of the examined non-deadlock concurrency bugs are caused by violation to programmers’ order intentions, which may not be easily expressed via synchronization primitives like locks and transactional memories;
(2) Around 34% of the examined non-deadlock co

本文标签: 笔记论文mistakesComprehensiveStudy