

Python 学习笔记——Code with mash

      • II- Python Basics
            • 1- Variables
            • 2- Dynamic Typing
            • 3- Type Annotation(注释)
            • 4- Mutable and Immutable Types
            • 5- Strings
            • 6- Escape Sequences
            • 7- Formatted Strings
            • 8- Useful String Methods
            • 9- Numbers
            • 10- Arithmetic Operators
            • 11- Working with Numbers(函数用法搜索)
            • 12- Type Conversion
            • 13- Conditional Statements
            • 14- Logical Operators
            • 15- Ternary (三进制,三元的) Operator
            • 16- For Loops
          • 第五天晚上
            • 17- For..Else
            • 18- While Loops
            • 19- Functions
            • 20- Arguments- 、*args(\* 号形参)
          • 日结
          • 第六天下午
            • 21- Arguments- \**args
            • 22- Scope
            • 23- Debugging
            • 24- VSCode Coding Tricks - Windows
            • 25- VSCode Coding Tricks - Mac
            • 26- Exercise
      • III- Data Structures
            • 1- Lists
            • 2- Accessing Items
            • 3- List Unpacking
            • 4- Looping over Lists
            • 5- Adding or Removing Items
            • 6- Finding Items
            • 7- Sorting Lists
            • 8- Lambda Functions
            • 9- Map Function
            • 10- Filter Function
            • 11- List Comprehensions
            • 12- Zip Function
            • 13- Stacks(栈)
            • 14- Queues
          • 休息一天,第八天晚
            • 15- Tuples
            • 16- Swapping Variables
            • 17- Arrays
            • 18- Sets
            • 19- Dictionaries
            • 20- Dictionary Comprehensions
            • 21- Generator Expressions
            • 22- Unpacking Operator
            • 23- Exercise
      • IV- Exceptions
          • 2020/05/05 第十一天下午 昨天出差了,耽搁了一天
            • 1- Exceptions
          • 2020/05/06 第十二天
            • 2- Handling Exceptions
            • 3- Handling Different Exceptions
            • 4- Cleaning Up
            • 5- The With Statement
            • 6- Raising Exceptions
            • 7- Cost of Raising Exceptions
      • V- Classes
          • 2020/05/07 第十三天下午
            • 1- Classes
            • 2- Creating Classes
            • 3- Constructors
            • 4- Class vs Instance Attributes
            • 5- Class vs Instance Methods
            • 6- Magic Methods
          • 2020/05/09 第十五天早上,昨天终于把房间安置好了
            • 7- Comparing Objects
            • 8- Performing Arithmetic Operations
            • 9- Making Custom Containers
            • 10- Private Members
            • 11- Properties
            • 12- Inheritance
            • 13- The Object Class
            • 14- Method Overriding
            • 15- Multi-level Inheritance
            • 16- Multiple Inheritance
            • 17- A Good Example of Inheritance
            • 18- Abstract Base Classes
            • 19- Polymorphism
            • 20- Duck Typing
            • 21- Extending Built-in Types
            • 22- Data Classes


II- Python Basics

1- Variables
x = 1
y = 2
x, y = 1, 2
x = y = 1
2- Dynamic Typing


3- Type Annotation(注释)
age: int = 20
# int 就是 Annotation,用于标注变量类型
# 如果linter 是 mypy,改变同一变量的类型,mypy就会报错
4- Mutable and Immutable Types
x = 1
# 140705238406816
x = x + 1
# 140705238406848

From above results, we can definitely get the conclusion that integer variables are immutable. Moreover, whenever the value of an integer variable is changed, Python will allocate a new memory address for the variable, with the same name, and the former memory will be released as nothing refers to it.

List is changeable.

5- Strings

Index is simply explained in the official tutorial book, and the demonstration is fantastic.

course = 'Python Programming'
# this function can be used to calculate the length of a string 
# or the item number of a set
# these above functions are slice function

whenever a string is sliced, Python will automatically create a copy of the string with a different type and memory address.

The above two results/addresses are different.

String is immutable variable but list is mutable.

6- Escape Sequences
  • \ (backslash) is escape character(转义字符) in Python
  • to remove the specialty of \ is to mark r before the string
# in this case, \ will display as wish
  • \n new line
7- Formatted Strings
first_name = 'John'
last_name = 'Smith'
full_name = f'Hello, {first_name} {last_name}'
full_name = 'Hello, {} {}'.format(first_name, last_name)
# the result of line 3 is identical to that of line 4
# personally, I prefer the first one; It's much more easy to type
# line 4 has similiar syntax to C#
# in C#, the code is like this: 
# console.WriteLine("Hello,{0} {1}", first_name, last_name)
full_name = f'Hello, {len(first_name)} {4+5}'
# You can put any value in curly braces
# it works as if there is no quote. 

You can put any value in curly braces, and it works as if there is no quote.

8- Useful String Methods

You can check all the methods within VScode. Follow the steps below

course = 'Python Programming'
# 去前后空格
9- Numbers

Python 支持二进制和十六进制,数字的写法和转化methods如下

x = 0b10
y = 0x12c


10- Arithmetic Operators
x = 10//3
# 除法求整数
x = 10 % 3
# 余数
x = 10**3
# 指数运算
x = 10**(-3)
# 开方运算
11- Working with Numbers(函数用法搜索)

In Python, unlike languages like JS or C#, there is no constant, so, by convention, we use uppercase letters to tell other developers that the uppercased variable should be considered as a constant and not be modified.

Google “python 3 built-in functions” to get more information.

For the functions of modules, for example, the math module, you can google “python 3 math module.”

12- Type Conversion
x = 1
# Falsy Vaule in Python(like JS)
# "" is empty string
# 0
# [] is empty list
# None (null in C languages)
13- Conditional Statements

In Python, unlike C languages, we use indentation (缩进) to specify code block( like {} in C#).

Python is a language very sensitive to line and indentation.

if condition:
# pass works like placeholder
elif condition:
14- Logical Operators

In Python, there are three logical operators: and, or, and not

name = ""
if not name:
    print("name is empty")
# This is hard to understand at the first glance
# Basically, NOT operator returns a Boolean value
# If the Boolean Value is FASLE
# the condition is met

name = " "
# a space within quote
if not name.strip():
    print("name is empty")
# use strip method to remove space to get False value
# Otherwise, it won't work

age = 22
if age > 18 and age < 60:
if 18 < age < 60:
# line 17 and line 18 has the same function in Python.
15- Ternary (三进制,三元的) Operator


age = 20
message = "Eligible" if age > 18 else "Not Eligible"
16- For Loops

A for loop is used for iterating over a sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string).

This is less like the for keyword in other programming languages, and works more like an iterator method as found in other object-orientated programming languages.

With the for loop we can execute a set of statements, once for each item in a list, tuple, set etc.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in fruits:

for x in range(0, 10, 2):
# range (起始数,最终数,step)
# 起始数和最终数都是inclusive,step默认是1
# range function is not a list, but a special class called range.
# range class is iterable in Python, and is similiar to list, string etc.

a = "xiaozhan is a good girl"
for x in a:
    print(x, end="")
# or
# in for loop, you don't need to define the x as a vriable
# x will be defined automatically and only works in the loop
17- For…Else

Else 的理解和C#一样,不必多说

18- While Loops

While Loop 和 For Loop的不同之处

For loop 会依次的把所有的item执行完,如果检索到需要的item,需要用到break命令来退出


for loop的优势就在于处理列表的时候,会非常的方便。

19- Functions
def increment(number: int, by: int = 1) -> tuple:
    return (number, number + by)
# 可以在函数里,定义输入参数的类型,以及默认值
# 可以在函数里,定义输出的类型

20- Arguments- 、*args(* 号形参)
def multiply(*list):
    total = 1
    for numbers in list:
        total *= numbers
    return total

print(multiply(2, 3, 4, 5))

# 这种函数能实现任意数字的相乘,不会限制数字的数量
# 原理是用*unpack吗,爱了爱了


21- Arguments- **args
def save_user(**user):

save_user(id=1, name='admin')
# **符号似乎是在使用function的时候定义variable的keyword
# Mosh说和JS的object很像,暂时不是很理解,需要后续补充
# 后续补充
# ** 用来unpack一个dictionary

原理查看[Unpacking Operator](#22- Unpacking Operator)

22- Scope

In Python, we have two types of variables: Local in function scope and Global in file scope.

In Python, unlike languages C# or JS, there is no block-level scope , which means we can definitely use a inside-if-clause variable outside the clause.

Specifically, in C# we always use variable i to start a loop, but the variable can’t be use outside this loop

for (int i = 0, i < 5, i ++)
int a = i + 1;
// after this loop is finished, the value of i would be 5.
// but outside the loop, we can't use i because it is defined 
// inside of the loop, but in Python, we can

Try this code in Python

for i in range(0, 6):
a = i + 1

Be ware, don’t change the value of a global variable in a function, otherwise you will get some side-effect.

Below is a bad practice, don’t do it except you have to.

message = 'a'
def greet():
    global message 
    # used to tell Python that you want to change
    # the global variable inside a function
    message = 'b'
23- Debugging

F9 下断点

F10 下一步

F11 进入函数

24- VSCode Coding Tricks - Windows






25- VSCode Coding Tricks - Mac




26- Exercise

Fizz Buzz 问题

给你一个整数n. 从 1n 按照下面的规则打印每个数:

  • 如果这个数被3整除,打印fizz.
  • 如果这个数被5整除,打印buzz.
  • 如果这个数能同时被35整除,打印fizz buzz.
def fizz_buzz(number):
    if number % 15 == 0:
        return "fizz buzz"
    if number % 3 == 0:
        return "fizz"
    if number % 5 == 0:
        return "buzz"
    return number


本文标签: 学习笔记课程PythonmoshCode