

oculus rift s

You probably got that Oculus Go, Oculus Rift, or HTC Vive to play games, but VR can also offer a seriously immersive video-watching experience. Here’s how to watch a movie on any VR headset, whether it’s a regular 2D movie, a 3D movie, or a full 360-degree VR production.

您可能已经获得了Oculus Go, Oculus Rift或HTC Vive来玩游戏,但是VR也可以提供沉浸式的视频观看体验。 无论是普通的2D电影,3D电影还是完整的360度VR作品,这都是在任何VR耳机上观看电影的方法。

We’ve got instructions on how to watch VR videos on Oculus Go, Rift, Vive, Daydream, or Gear VR — keep scrolling until you get to the section that applies to you.

我们已提供有关如何在Oculus Go,Rift,Vive,Daydream或Gear VR上观看VR视频的说明-不断滚动直到找到适用于您的部分。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

Why watch a video when VR was made for so much more? Well…it’s really cool! Imagine watching a 3D movie, on a 100 inch curved TV that completely fills your field of vision. It’s like having Barney Stinson’s TV strapped to your head.

为什么要制作更多的VR影片呢? 好吧……真的很棒! 想象一下,在100英寸曲面电视上观看3D电影,它完全满足了您的视野。 就像把Barney Stinson的电视绑在头上一样。

There are downsides, though. VR is still in its infancy, and your headset’s resolution isn’t really good enough to offer the highest quality video. As in games, you can definitely see the pixels, and your movie will have that “screen door effect” on it. In addition, I found my eyes started to hurt after an hour or so, and the straps started to hurt my head after an hour and a half. Your mileage may vary, of course, but it’s probably not ideal for watching full movies. It is great, however, for watching your favorite scenes in a way you’ve never seen them before, or watching shorter videos meant to be seen in 3D or VR.

但是有不利之处。 VR仍处于起步阶段,耳机的分辨率还不足以提供最高质量的视频。 就像在游戏中一样,您肯定可以看到像素,并且电影将带有“屏幕门效果”。 另外,一个小时左右后,我发现眼睛开始受伤,一个半小时后,皮带开始伤害我的头部。 当然,您的里程可能会有所不同,但可能不适合观看完整电影。 但是,以前所未有的方式观看您喜欢的场景,或者观看打算在3D或VR中观看的较短视频,这是很棒的。

If that gets you pumped to watch the Tron Legacy lightcycle battle in huge, in-your-face 3D, here’s how to make it happen.

如果您愿意花大量的钱来观看巨大的,面对面的3D Tron Legacy光周期大战,那么如何做到这一点就可以了。

您可以在VR耳机上观看的四种视频 (The Four Kinds of Videos You Can Watch on Your VR Headset)

There are four kinds of video you can watch in VR, each of which you can obtain from different sources:


  • Regular 2D video: These are the normal videos you find on YouTube, or rip from DVDs and Blu-ray discs.


  • 3D video: You’ve seen 3D movies at the theater, and you can buy those 3D movies on Blu-ray, too. To watch them in VR, you can rip that 3D Blu-ray to a “side by side” or “over under” format, which is playable on a VR headset in 3D. (You’ll usually have the choice between Full SBS, which contains each eye in full resolution, or Half SBS, which contains each eye in subsampled half resolution. Full SBS videos are noticeably higher quality, but take up more hard drive space and more graphics power to play.)

    3D视频:您已经在剧院看过3D电影,也可以在Blu-ray上购买这些3D电影。 要在VR中观看它们,您可以将3D Blu-ray撕成“并排”或“上下”格式,该格式可以在3D的VR头戴式耳机上播放。 (通常,您可以在包含全分辨率的每只眼睛的全SBS或以二次采样的半分辨率包含的每只眼睛的半SBS中进行选择。全SBS视频的画质明显更高,但是会占用更多硬盘空间,并且更多图形能力发挥。)

  • 180 or 360 degree video: These types of video are fairly new, but you can check out lots of them on YouTube or download them from other sources. On your 2D monitor, you can use the mouse to drag the video around to see different views, but played on an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you can actually look around using your headset’s head tracking. It’s very cool.

    180或360度视频:这些类型的视频是相当新颖的,但是您可以在YouTube上查看很多视频,或从其他来源下载它们。 在2D显示器上,您可以使用鼠标将视频拖动到周围以查看不同的视图,但是在Oculus Rift或HTC Vive上播放时,实际上可以使用耳机的头部跟踪来环顾四周。 非常酷

  • Full VR video: This format combines 3D and 180 or 360 degree footage for a completely immersive, 3D, head-tracking experience. You can watch a few for free on YouTube, and buy some video demos from companies like VideoBlocks. Though if we’re being honest, most of the VR videos out there right now are, well, porn.

    完整的VR视频:此格式结合了3D和180或360度素材,从而提供了完全身临其境的3D头部跟踪体验。 您可以在YouTube上免费观看一些视频,并从VideoBlocks等公司购买一些视频演示。 虽然说实话,但目前大多数VR视频都是色情视频。

There aren’t nearly as many 360 and VR videos out there as 2D and 3D movies, but as VR continues to grow, so will the selection.


您如何将电影或视频放到Oculus Go耳机上? (How Do You Get Movies or Videos Onto the Oculus Go Headset?)

If you wanted to watch a movie on the Rift or Vive headsets, you just put the movie on your PC and play using the instructions further down in this article. But if you’re using an Oculus Go headset, everything is self-contained and it doesn’t plug into your PC at all. So how do you get the movies onto the headset? Here are your options:

如果要在Rift或Vive耳机上观看电影,只需将电影放到PC上,然后按照本文后面的说明进行播放。 但是,如果您使用的是Oculus Go耳机,则所有设备都是独立的,并且根本不会插入PC。 那么如何将电影放到耳机上呢? 这是您的选择:

  • You can use the built-in Browser app, which you can launch using the menu at the bottom—you’re just going to want to make sure that you use private browsing mode, learn how to clear your history, and how to delete downloaded files. You know, in case you’re watching something embarrassing, like linux fan club videos. Depending on the site that you’re getting videos from, you can usually just stream them without having to download at all.

    您可以使用内置的浏览器应用程序,可以使用底部的菜单启动该应用程序-您只需要确保使用私人浏览模式,了解如何清除历史记录以及如何删除下载的内容文件。 您知道的话,如果您正在观看令人尴尬的内容,例如linux fan club视频。 根据要从中获取视频的站点,通常可以直接流式传输它们而无需下载。

  • Download the files to your PC and either copy them directly to the Oculus headset using a USB cable or stream them from your PC or Mac to your Oculus Go using Skybox VR. Keep reading for the instructions on how to use it.

    将文件下载到您的PC,然后使用USB电缆将它们直接复制到Oculus耳机,或者使用Skybox VR将它们从PC或Mac传输到Oculus Go 。 继续阅读有关使用说明。

Important Note: If you are streaming directly off a website, make sure to click once the movie starts playing and click the HQ icon and change it to HD or the highest resolution possible. Most sites default to a really blurry resolution but they have HD if you manually choose it.

重要说明:如果您是直接从网站流媒体播放,请确保在电影开始播放后单击,然后单击HQ图标,然后将其更改为HD或尽可能高分辨率。 大多数站点默认使用非常模糊的分辨率,但是如果您手动选择它们,则它们具有高清分辨率。

如何在Oculus Go,Daydream View或Gear VR上观看视频 (How to Watch Videos on the Oculus Go, Daydream View, or Gear VR)

When it comes to watching VR videos, you can always view streaming content in the browser, watch local videos, or anything you’ve paid for in the app store. But when it comes to watching downloaded content, you’re going to need to look at other options, like Skybox VR, our favorite choice.

观看VR视频时,您始终可以在浏览器中查看流内容,观看本地视频或在应用商店中购买的任何商品。 但是,在观看下载的内容时,您需要考虑其他选项,例如我们最喜欢的选择Skybox VR。

Note: Got a Plex server? You can just install the Plex client from the store from the respective link (Gear VR, Daydream, or Oculus Go) and connect to your server. That’s pretty much all there is to it. If you don’t want to mix your VR videos into your Plex server, or you just want to play content that you’ve downloaded directly onto the headset itself, your best bet is to use Skybox VR Player instead.

注意:有Plex服务器吗? 您只需从商店中的相应链接( Gear VR , Daydream或Oculus Go )安装Plex客户端,然后连接到服务器。 这几乎就是它的全部。 如果您不想将VR视频混合到Plex服务器中,或者只想播放直接下载到耳机本身的内容,那么最好的选择是使用Skybox VR Player。

For all intents and purposes, Skybox is a content library–a digital VR theater, if you will. It catalogs local video on your device, allowing you to watch pretty much anything you want in VR on your Daydream View or Gear VR—simply install the app and let it do its thing. But here’s the best part: it doesn’t just work with videos stored locally on your phone—you can also use the AirScreen plugin to stream videos from your PC as long as it’s on the same Wi-Fi network as your phone.

出于所有目的和目的,Skybox是一个内容库–如果需要的话,它是一个数字VR影院。 它可以在您的设备上对本地视频进行分类,从而使您可以在Daydream View或Gear VR上观看几乎任何想要在VR中播放的内容-只需安装该应用程序并使其起作用即可。 但这是最好的部分:它不仅适用于手机上本地存储的视频,您还可以使用AirScreen插件从PC上流式传输视频,只要它与手机在同一Wi-Fi网络上即可。

First, install the Skybox client on your VR headset by grabbing it from the store on your Oculus Go, Daydream, or Gear VR. If you’ve already got the videos locally on your headset, that’s all you need to do.

首先,通过从Oculus Go , Daydream或Gear VR的商店中抢购Skybox客户端,将其安装在VR耳机上。 如果您已经将视频本地存储在头戴式耳机上,那么这就是您需要做的。

If you have the videos on your PC, head over to Skybox’s download section and grab the client for your computer (PC or Mac). Note: The Windows client is 64-bit only. Once downloaded, go ahead and give it a quick install.

如果您的PC上有视频,请转到Skybox的下载部分,并为您的计算机(PC或Mac)获取客户端。 注意:Windows客户端仅是64位。 下载后,继续进行快速安装。

Using Skybox is very easy: just click the “Open” button to add files or folders to its library. You can also drag and drop then into the player window.

使用Skybox非常容易:只需单击“打开”按钮即可将文件或文件夹添加到其库中。 您也可以拖放到播放器窗口中。

These are the only types of videos I had available. Don’t judge me.
这些是我只能观看的视频类型。 不要判断我

It will take just a bit to populate (especially if you choose a folder with quite a few videos), but once it’s finished everything should show up in Skybox.


To connect to your PC, click on the AirScreen button on the left side, then choose “Search Device.” It shouldn’t take long to find your PC.

要连接到PC,请单击左侧的AirScreen按钮,然后选择“搜索设备”。 查找您的PC应该很快。

When your PC is discovered, it’ll show up as a button. Click that to connect. Boom—all the videos you added to the Skybox library on your PC are ready to view.

找到您的PC后,它将显示为一个按钮。 单击该连接。 Boom-您已添加到PC上Skybox库中的所有视频都可以观看。

修复Skybox无法正确显示电影的情况 (Fixing When Skybox Doesn’t Display Your Movie Correctly)

It’s worth noting that if your movie isn’t displaying correctly, you should bring up the menu by clicking and use the cube icon to adjust the playback options. You can choose between side by side and 180 or 360 formats. If you aren’t sure, just keep changing the options until the picture looks right.

值得注意的是,如果电影无法正确显示,则应单击并使用多维数据集图标调整播放选项,以调出菜单。 您可以在180或360格式之间选择。 如果不确定,请继续更改选项,直到图片看起来正确为止。

Otherwise, you can use the settings button to change the aspect ratio and whatnot.


如何在Oculus Rift或HTC Vive上观看视频 (How to Watch Videos on the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive)

Skybox VR Player
Skybox VR播放器

Update: Since the first time we wrote this article, the Skybox VR player has really improved and is well worth testing out first, mostly because it’s completely free, and offers not just local playback, but also the ability to stream across the network from another PC. You can download it in the Oculus Rift Store, or for Vive users, get it on Steam.  It’s a great app with a lot of options for tweaking the playback.

更新:自从我们第一次写这篇文章以来,Skybox VR播放器确实进行了改进,值得首先进行测试,主要是因为它是完全免费的,并且不仅提供本地播放,而且还可以从另一个播放器跨网络流式传输。电脑您可以在Oculus Rift商店中下载它,或者对于Vive用户,可以在Steam上获取它。 这是一款很棒的应用程序,具有许多用于调整播放的选项。

Like we noticed for the Oculus Go earlier, if your movie isn’t displaying correctly, you should bring up the menu by clicking and use the cube icon to adjust the playback options, and choose between 180 or 360 and side by side vs regular. And if you aren’t sure, just keep changing the options until the picture looks right. You also might need to install the K-Lite codec pack to get things working if the movie won’t play at all—just be careful of crapware in the installer.

就像我们之前在Oculus Go上注意到的那样,如果电影无法正确显示,则应单击并使用多维数据集图标来调整播放选项,然后在菜单中选择180或360并与常规并列,以进行选择。 而且,如果不确定,只需不断更改选项,直到图片看起来正确为止。 如果根本无法播放电影,则可能还需要安装K-Lite编解码器包才能正常工作-小心安装程序中的垃圾软件。

If Skybox doesn’t work for you, keep reading for our previous pick:


如何使用Whirligig在Oculus Rift或HTC Vive上观看视频 (How to Watch Videos on the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive Using Whirligig)

There are a few different apps for watching videos in VR, but after testing a few, we settled on Whirligig. You can download an old free version on their web site, or get the $4 version on Steam, which gets occasional updates, improvements, and new features. I definitely recommend buying the $4 version, but you can try out the free version to see if it’s your cup of tea first. (Note that the free version may stutter when playing large files.)

有几种不同的应用程序可用于在VR中观看视频,但经过测试后,我们选择了Whirligig 。 您可以在他们的网站上下载旧的免费版本,或在Steam上获得$ 4版本,该版本偶尔会进行更新,改进和新功能。 我绝对建议购买4美元的版本,但是您可以尝试免费版本,看看它是否先是您的一杯茶。 (请注意,免费版本在播放大文件时可能会结结巴巴。)

If you have an Oculus Rift, you’ll first need to enable Unknown Sources to allow SteamVR to use your Oculus Rift headset. By default, the Rift only allows apps from the Oculus Store, which means SteamVR and Steam games won’r work.

如果您有Oculus Rift,则首先需要启用“未知来源”,以允许SteamVR使用您的Oculus Rift头戴式耳机。 默认情况下,Rift仅允许来自Oculus Store的应用程序,这意味着SteamVR和Steam游戏将无法正常工作。

If you buy the $4 version of Whirligig on Steam, I also recommend opting into the beta. Whirligig is still under development, and if you want the best playback possible, you’ll need the beta version with all the latest improvements. I found that large, full SBS videos stuttered in older, non-beta versions of Whirligig on my PC, but played just fine in the latest beta.

如果您在Steam上购买了4美元的Whirligig版本,我还建议您选择使用Beta版。 Whirligig仍在开发中,如果要获得最佳播放效果,则需要具有所有最新改进的beta版本。 我发现PC上的完整的SBS大型视频卡在较旧的非Beta版Whirligig中,但是在最新Beta中的播放效果还不错。

So, after buying Whirligig, open Steam, head to the Library tab, and click “Games” in the upper right-corner of the sidebar. Click “Software” to find Whirligig in your Library.

因此,在购买了Whirligig之后,打开Steam,转到Library选项卡,然后单击侧边栏右上角的“游戏”。 单击“软件”以在您的媒体库中找到Whirligig。

Then, right-click on Whirligig in Steam’s sidebar, and go to Properties. Click the “Betas” tab, and opt into the latest beta in the dropdown menu. Whirligig will update to the latest possible version.

然后,右键单击Steam侧栏中的Whirligig,然后转到“属性”。 点击“测试版”标签,然后在下拉菜单中选择最新的测试版。 Whirligig将更新到最新的可能版本。

Lastly, depending on the videos you plan to watch, you may need to download and install the K-Lite Codec Pack. I recommend installing the Basic version. Be sure to click the “Expert” radio button and pay close attention–K-Lite does come bundled with crapware, you just need to decline to install it during the wizard.

最后,根据您计划观看的视频,您可能需要下载并安装K-Lite编解码器包。 我建议安装基本版本。 确保单击“专家”单选按钮并密切注意-K-Lite确实与垃圾软件捆绑在一起,您只需要在向导期间拒绝安装它即可。

Once that’s done, launch Whirligig in your VR environment of choice, and you’ll be presented with Whirligig’s heads-up overlay. You can control Whirligig’s menus with the HTC Vive’s touchpad, an Xbox 360 or One controller, or a mouse and keyboard. I highly recommend using a mouse and keyboard, as it’s much easier than any of the gamepads.

完成此操作后,在您选择的VR环境中启动Whirligig,然后您将看到Whirligig的平视叠加层。 您可以使用HTC Vive的触摸板,Xbox 360或One控制器或鼠标和键盘来控制Whirligig的菜单。 我强烈建议您使用鼠标和键盘,因为它比任何游戏手柄都容易得多。

To watch a video, click the Browse button in the top left-hand corner of the menu. You’ll be able to browse your hard drive to choose a video file. (Whirligig also claims to support YouTube links in its Settings, but I couldn’t get that to work at the time of this writing.)

要观看视频,请单击菜单左上角的“浏览”按钮。 您将能够浏览硬盘以选择视频文件。 (Whirligig还声称在其“设置”中支持YouTube链接,但在撰写本文时,我无法使其正常工作。)

As the video starts to play, you’ll probably want to adjust some settings using Whirligig’s heads-up controls. Here’s what we recommend for each type of video:

视频开始播放时,您可能需要使用Whirligig的抬头控件调整一些设置。 这是我们为每种视频推荐的内容:

  • Regular 2D video: Set Projector to Cinema or Cinema Curved.


  • 3D video: 3D video comes in a few different forms, so check the video you downloaded–or the settings you used when you ripped it–to see whether it’s Half Side-By-Side, Full Side-By-Side, Half Over-Under, or Full Over-Under. Set the Projector to either Cinema or Cinema Curved, then select SBS or OU instead of Mono. If the video is Half SBS, set Stretch to “100” so it displays in the proper aspect ratio.

    3D视频:3D视频有几种不同的形式,因此请检查您下载的视频(或翻录时使用的设置),以查看其是“并排”,“并排”,“重叠”还是“重叠”底下或全底下。 将投影机设置为Cinema或Cinemad Curved,然后选择SBS或OU而不是Mono。 如果视频是Half SBS,则将Stretch设置为“ 100”,以便以适当的纵横比显示。

  • 180 or 360 degree video: The video will usually tell you whether it’s 180 degrees or 360 degrees on the site you download it from. If it’s 180 degrees, set Projector to “Fisheye” and set FOV to 180. If it’s 360, set Projector to “Barrel” and FOV to 360. You may also have to tweak “Tilt” for 180 videos or “Rotation” for 360 videos so that the video is facing the right direction.

    180度或360度视频:该视频通常会告诉您在您从其下载的网站上是180度还是360度。 如果是180度,则将Projector设置为“鱼眼”,并将FOV设置为180。如果是360度,则将Projector设置为“ Barrel”,将FOV设置为360。您可能还需要调整“倾斜”以获得180个视频或“旋转”以获得360度视频,使视频朝向正确的方向。

  • Full VR video: Combine the correct settings from “3D video” and “180 or 360 degree video” sections of this list.

    完整的VR视频:结合此列表中“ 3D视频”和“ 180或360度视频”部分中的正确设置。

You can also adjust the Scale and Distance settings to fit your tastes, or click the Settings cog in the lower right-hand corner for even more options. Whirligig also has some other cool features like saving different presets, but these basics should get you up and running pretty quickly. For now, sit back and enjoy the movie!

您还可以调整“比例”和“距离”设置以适合您的口味,或者单击右下角的“设置”齿轮以获取更多选项。 Whirligig还具有其他一些很酷的功能,例如保存不同的预设,但是这些基础知识应该可以使您快速启动并运行。 现在,坐下来欣赏电影吧!

Whirligig isn’t the only way to watch videos on your VR headset, but it was the best cost-to-performance ratio in our tests. If you’re willing to pay a little more, Virtual Desktop ($15) is also pretty good, and can do a lot more than play videos–it is, as the name implies, a full version of your PC’s desktop in virtual reality. Just play a video in your favorite desktop player (like VLC), set it to full-screen, and go. If you have problems with Whirligig, Virtual Desktop is almost sure to impress.

Whirligig不是在VR耳机上观看视频的唯一方法,但这是我们测试中最佳的性价比。 如果您愿意多付一点钱, Virtual Desktop (15美元)也相当不错,并且除了播放视频外,还可以做更多的事情-顾名思义,它是虚拟现实中PC桌面的完整版本。 只需在您喜欢的台式机播放器(如VLC)中播放视频,将其设置为全屏播放即可。 如果您对Whirligig遇到问题,几乎可以肯定Virtual Desktop会给您留下深刻的印象。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/268062/how-to-watch-any-video-on-your-oculus-rift-or-htc-vive/

oculus rift s

本文标签: 如何在视频Oculusrift