


Recall the problem of finding the number of inversions. As in the text, we are given a sequence of n numbers a1, ... , an, which we assume are all distinct, and we define an inversion to be a pair i< j such that ai>aj.  
We motivated the problem of counting inversions as a good measure of how different two orderings are. However, one might feel that this measure is too sensitive. Let’s call a pair a significant inversion if i< j and ai> 2aj. Given an O(nlogn) algorithm to count the number of significant inversions between two orderings.

我的理解:让我们求一个序列的significant inversion个数,这个不同于一般的逆序数,但是求的思想是一样的,都是采用分治法和归并排序的算法实现。但是不同于普通的求逆序数算法,如果是求ai>aj的个数的话,可以在计算合并子序列的逆序数个数的过程中顺便排序。因为如果不满足ai>aj的话,那就将aj放入tmp序列中,继续比较ai和a(j+1)的大小。


本文标签: 逆序复杂度序列算法个数