

结论是:ChatGPT 不仅仅是炒作,它是一个有用的工具,每个人都可以以某种方式利用它。

请注意我没有说的:ChatGPT 没有感知力。它不是人工智能。 ChatGPT 不是万能的,不会包揽所有人的饭碗。

了解 ChatGPT 是我们可以使用的工具,让我们看看它如何帮助我们学习 Python。我们也让它成为一个小元:我们将让 ChatGPT 为我们提供一系列提示,我们随后可以使用这些提示与 ChatGPT 交互以学习 Python。


提示(Prompt):我想学习Python。我是编程新手。我希望你成为我的教练。编写 25 个提示,我可以用来与您交互并学习有关 Python 编程的所有知识。
这是 ChatGPT 提供给我的列表:

  • 什么是 Python,为什么流行?
  • 如何在我的电脑上安装 Python?
  • Python 中的基本数据类型有哪些?
  • 如何在 Python 中声明变量?
  • Python 中有哪些不同的运算符可用?
  • 如何在 Python 中使用 if-else 语句?
  • 什么是 Python 中的循环以及如何使用它们?
  • 如何在 Python 中定义和调用函数?
  • 什么是列表以及如何在 Python 中使用它们?
  • 什么是元组,它们与 Python 中的列表有何不同?
  • 什么是字典以及如何在 Python 中使用它们?
  • 什么是集合以及如何在 Python 中使用它们?
  • Python 中有哪些内置函数以及如何使用它们?
  • 我如何在 Python 中使用字符串?
  • 我如何在 Python 中处理文件?
  • 什么是 Python 中的异常处理以及如何使用它?
  • 如何在 Python 中使用模块和包?
  • 如何在 Python 中创建和使用类和对象?
  • 什么是 Python 中的继承和多态性?
  • 什么是装饰器以及如何在 Python 中使用它们?
  • 如何在 Python 中使用正则表达式?
  • 我如何在 Python 中使用数据库?
  • 如何在 Python 中使用 NumPy 库?
  • 如何在 Python 中使用 Pandas 库?
  • 如何使用 Python 中的 Matplotlib 库进行数据可视化?

这特别有用,因为它在学习过程中以(有点)逻辑进展为提示提供了主题。例如,在深入研究 NumPy(提示 #23)之前,您肯定想了解如何安装 Python(提示 #2)。

Prompt: What is Python and why is it popular?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that was first released in 1991. It is a popular language due to its easy-to-read syntax, dynamic typing, and interpreted nature, which make it a versatile and accessible language for beginners and experts alike. Python is also widely used for various applications including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Additionally, Python has a large, active community that develops and maintains a vast number of useful libraries and modules, which add functionality to the language and further increase its popularity.


Prompt: Can you elaborate on this?

Sure! Let me break down a few key points:
High-level language: Python is considered a high-level language because it abstracts away many of the underlying details of the computer, such as memory management, that are handled automatically by the language’s interpreter. This makes it easier to write and understand code, as well as faster to develop.
Easy-to-read syntax: Python’s syntax is designed to be simple, readable, and intuitive, which makes it a great choice for beginners who are just starting to learn programming. This is because the syntax is closer to natural language and does not require a lot of symbols or special characters like some other programming languages do.
Dynamic typing: Python uses dynamic typing, which means that you don’t need to specify the type of a variable before using it. This makes the code more flexible, but also means that the interpreter needs to do more work behind the scenes to keep track of what each variable is.

Interpreted language: Python is an interpreted language, which means that the code is executed line by line by the interpreter, rather than being compiled into machine code beforehand. This allows for faster development, as you can test small portions of code without having to compile the entire program, but it also means that the code will run slower than if it had been compiled.

Versatile: Python is used for a wide range of tasks, from web development and scientific computing, to data analysis and artificial intelligence. This versatility is due in part to its large, active community that has developed many libraries and modules that add functionality to the language.

Large community: As mentioned, the Python community is large and active, which means that there are many resources available for learning the language, getting help with specific problems, and contributing to the development of new libraries and modules. This also helps to ensure that the language continues to evolve and improve over time.
These are just a few of the reasons why Python is so popular and widely used.


Prompt: Explain dynamic typing in more detail.

Dynamic typing is a feature of the Python programming language that allows for the type of a variable to change during the course of the program’s execution. This is in contrast to statically-typed languages, such as C or Java, where the type of a variable must be specified when it is declared and cannot change thereafter.
With dynamic typing, you can declare a variable and assign a value to it, without having to specify the type of the value beforehand. For example:
x = 42
In this case, the type of x is automatically determined to be int based on the value assigned to it. Later on in the program, you can change the value of x to be a string, for example:
x = “Hello, World!”
And the type of x will change automatically to str.
Dynamic typing makes the code more flexible and easier to write, as you don’t have to keep track of the type of each variable and can just focus on the values and operations. However, it also means that the interpreter has to do more work behind the scenes to keep track of the types, and it can also make it harder to catch certain types of errors, such as type mismatches, until runtime.
Overall, dynamic typing is one of the features that makes Python a popular choice for many tasks, as it allows for faster development and more flexible code.

突然之间,我们似乎有所进展,学习了一些关于 Python 和一般编程的重要知识点。
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