


Artificial Intelligence refers to the theory of computer systems or human-made robots programmed with performing tasks as humans, such as learning, generalization, and reasoning. With this ability, AI has become a significant part of human lives. Similarly, AI and the education & tutoring web solutions are inseparable from being observed by the astounding inventions enabling machines to mimic human roles.

人工智能是指对计算机系统或人造机器人进行编程的理论,这些机器人或编程的机器人可以像人类一样执行任务,例如学习,归纳和推理。 凭借这种能力,人工智能已成为人类生活中的重要组成部分。 同样,人工智能和教育与辅导网络解决方案也离不开令人震惊的发明,这些发明使机器能够模仿人的角色。

The most notable transitions can realize in the form of infusing more personalization and convenience in the academic world. Currently, AI holds a dominant power in the education industry, and the artificial intelligence solution providers are progressive in fuelling the AI development engine for the future.

最明显的转变可以通过在学术界注入更多个性化和便利性的形式来实现。 当前,人工智能在教育行业中占据着主导地位,人工智能解决方案提供商正在为未来的人工智能开发引擎加油。

According to a report, US education is forecasted to experience 48% growth in the artificial intelligence market by the year 2022. With such growth, AI solution providers will be able to provide integrated education and tutoring web solutions worldwide.


人工智能将如何塑造教育行业的未来 (How AI will Shape the Future of the Education Industry)

A new educational system will be the outcome of excessive integration of artificial intelligence, catering to student needs, and wants. Automation will be the most significant part of such a system.

一种新的教育系统将是人工智能过度集成,满足学生需求和需求的结果。 自动化将是此类系统中最重要的部分。

Here is a list for getting a better understanding of how the education industry's future can transform through artificial intelligence.


1.人工智能驱动的个性化 (1. AI-powered personalization)

AI systems can develop a learning profile of every student based on customization. This customization can module training materials for every student considering their experience, ability, and preferable learning mode. Personalization is necessary for the education industry since teaching for all students should not be the same when learning among them is highly distinct.

人工智能系统可以基于定制为每个学生建立学习档案。 这种定制可以考虑到每个学生的经验,能力和偏好的学习方式,为他们提供培训材料模块。 个性化对于教育行业而言是必要的,因为当所有学生之间的学习截然不同时,所有学生的教学都不应该相同。

2.基础教育活动的自动化 (2. Automation of basic educational activities)

Certain activities such as testing and grading have become tedious and time-consuming work for the teachers. Absolute replacement of human grading is impossible for AI, but it can reach pretty much close. AI-enabled grading is convenient for «fill in the blanks and multiple-choice tests,» but it seems complicated for writing tests. 

某些活动,例如测试和评分,已成为教师的繁琐且耗时的工作。 对于AI来说,不可能完全替代人工评分,但可以达到非常接近的程度。 启用AI的评分对于“填写空白和多项选择测试”很方便,但是对于编写测试来说似乎很复杂。

However, AI solutions are progressively researching and finding solutions to this drawback. This transformation can assist the teachers by saving a significant amount of time and invest it in a better place.

但是,AI解决方案正在逐步研究并找到解决此缺点的方法。 这种转换可以节省大量时间,并将其投资在更好的地方,从而为教师提供帮助。

3.将学生与全球教室联系起来 (3. Connecting students with global classrooms)

Technology means connecting with the world. Artificial intelligence solution providers have the opportunity to take advantage of supportive technological advancements for developing tools. These tools can enable the students to become a part of global classrooms wherein education is provided in a way understandable by all kinds of students.

技术意味着与世界连接。 人工智能解决方案提供商有机会利用支持性技术进步来开发工具。 这些工具可以使学生成为全球教室的一部分,其中以各种学生可以理解的方式提供教育。

4.基于人工智能的导师 (4. AI-based tutors)

Human Intelligence tutors can offer more things that an AI tutor can't. At current times, the AI tutors are programmed to teach basic writing, mathematics, and other subjects. But the AI solution providers are investing head-to-foot efforts for developing tutors that can completely replace human tutors.

人工智能导师可以提供AI导师无法提供的更多功能。 目前,对AI导师进行编程以教授基础写作,数学和其他学科。 但是,人工智能解决方案提供商正全力以赴,开发可以完全替代人类导师的导师。

Advanced tutoring systems are in the pipeline for the AI solution providers that enable with facilitating what the real-world requires, such as higher-level creativity and thinking. Students will avail support even from outside the classroom that constitutes the best part of AI tutors.

先进的辅导系统正在为AI解决方案提供商提供支持,这些解决方案可以促进现实世界的需求,例如更高层次的创造力和思维能力。 即使是在课堂外,学生也将获得支持,这是AI导师的最佳组成部分。

5.采购实时反馈 (5. Sourcing of real-time feedback)

Apart from customized training materials, the AI-driven programs are capable of offering real-time feedback by analyzing the students' performance accurately. The students and teachers get feedback when results are declared. Currently, the US schools have adopted an online dashboard using which the teachers can keep their eye on student performance. 

除了定制的培训材料外,由AI驱动的程序还能够通过准确分析学生的表现来提供实时反馈。 宣布结果后,学生和老师将获得反馈。 目前,美国学校已经采用了在线仪表板,教师可以通过该仪表板关注学生的表现。

人工智能驱动的教育应用 (AI-driven Education Applications)

With the educational applications empowered by AI, the students receive harness power for learning improvement. AI targets learning improvement among the students from primary school to college or university. Also, it exhibits excellent avenues and empowerment for teachers and learners to arrive at their educational goals.

借助AI授权的教育应用程序,学生将获得控制学习的动力。 AI的目标是提高从小学到大学的学生的学习水平。 此外,它还为教师和学习者实现其教育目标提供了绝佳的途径和能力。

The forecasting report identified that the AI-driven e-learning tools will experience a vast market size of US$ 6 billion by the end of 2024. Let's gain an understanding of what AI-enabled educational applications have emerged yet.


数学: (MATHiaU:)

This application was designed for the students feeling bored or lost in their lecture-sized classrooms. Developing by Carnegie Learning, this application undertakes multi-tasking, including a unique learning process for students, notifying about everyday progress, and developing tailor-made lessons considering students' needs and struggles.

该应用程序是为在讲课大小的教室中感到无聊或迷路的学生而设计的。 该应用程序是由卡内基学习公司开发的,可以执行多任务处理,包括为学生提供独特的学习过程,通知其日常进度以及根据学生的需求和挣扎开发量身定制的课程。

聪明地: (Brainly:)

Brainly offers students an open platform where they can place their homework-related queries, and in return, fellow students provide them with verified and automated answers. It takes help from machine learning algorithms for filtering spam. It makes students independent for finding their solutions by establishing collaboration with other students.

Brainly为学生提供了一个开放的平台,他们可以在其中放置与作业相关的查询,作为回报,同学们可以为他们提供经过验证的自动化答案。 它需要机器学习算法的帮助来过滤垃圾邮件。 通过与其他学生建立合作关系,它使学生能够独立找到解决方案。

Netex学习: (Netex Learning:)

Tags as an easy-to-use platform, Netex Learning enables teachers to develop and integrate curriculum and to design tailor-made content for students capable of getting published in countless digital platforms. Teachers are allowed to monitor and track student's progress in visual representation by using tools such as digital discussions, learning analytics and video conferencing, and so on.

Netex Learning被标记为易于使用的平台,使教师能够开发和集成课程并为能够在无数个数字平台上发表的学生设计量身定制的内容。 允许教师使用数字讨论,学习分析和视频会议等工具监视和跟踪学生在视觉表示方面的进度。

Thinkster数学: (Thinkster Math:)

Thinkster Math is an ideal combination of a personalized style of teaching and a real math curriculum. With the assistance of machine learning and artificial intelligence, this tutor app creates a visualization for the tutor of student thinking while solving a problem. It enables the tutor to identify the point in no time where the student got trapped.

Thinkster Math是个性化教学风格和真实数学课程的理想组合。 在机器学习和人工智能的帮助下,此家教应用可为学生在解决问题时思考的方式创建可视化。 它使导师能够立即识别出学生被困的地方。

人工智能在教育行业中的风险 (Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Education Industry)

No technology comes without the adverse effects irrespective of industrial type. Although artificial intelligence is indeed creating a buzz in the education industry by improved and efficient learning and teaching tools, it should not ignore how disruptions can create by this technological advancement.

无论工业类型如何,技术都不会带来不利影响。 尽管人工智能确实通过改进和高效的学与教工具在教育界引起了轰动,但它不应该忽略这种技术进步如何造成破坏。

  • The incurrence of high power cost

  • Stimulation in unemployment

  • Quality compromise

  • Absence of personal engagement and interaction

  • Broadening the gap of rich-poor

  • The unclear learning ability of children from a virtual assistant

  • Boosting the technology addiction of students


总结一下 (To Sum Up)

It is difficult to judge the efficiency of artificial intelligence services in the education industry due to its pros and cons. AI software and applications will remove certain limitations for the students in accessing education. Their impact will soon be visible from the lower-level to higher-level institutions.

由于其优点和缺点,很难判断人工智能服务在教育行业中的效率。 人工智能软件和应用程序将消除学生在接受教育方面的某些限制。 从低级到高级机构的影响很快就会显现出来。

翻译自: https://habr/en/post/478736/


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