

The Kwikset Kevo smart lock comes with a clever design that lets you simply touch the lock to unlock it—but that’s not the only feature that makes it so great. Here’s how to get the most out of our Kevo smart lock.

Kwikset Kevo智能锁具有巧妙的设计,可让您只需触摸一下即可将其解锁,但这并不是使它如此出色的唯一功能。 这是充分利用我们的Kevo智能锁的方法。

与Kevo一起使用先前的密钥 (Use Your Previous Key with the Kevo)

Buying a new lock requires using new keys. You could hire a locksmith to change the lock pin pattern of the deadbolt to match your old keys, but most of the time it’s not worth the trouble.

购买新锁需要使用新钥匙。 您可以聘请锁匠来改变锁舌的锁销样式以匹配您的旧钥匙,但是在大多数情况下,这样做是不值得的。

However, the Kevo comes with Kwikset’s SmartKey technology, which allows you to use your old Kwikset key to unlock the Kevo—no locksmith necessary. It’s really easy to do and only takes about 30 seconds thanks to a special little tool that comes with the lock. Check out our guide to see how to program it. (If your house previously used Schlage locks, then you won’t be able to use that key to unlock the Kevo—you’ll need a new Kwikset key insetad).

但是,Kevo带有Kwikset的SmartKey技术,该技术使您可以使用旧的Kwikset钥匙来解锁Kevo,而无需锁匠。 这真的很容易做到,而且由于锁随附的特殊小工具,仅需30秒钟。 查看我们的指南 ,了解如何进行编程。 (如果您的房屋以前使用过Schlage锁,那么您将无法使用该钥匙来解锁Kevo,您需要一个新的Kwikset钥匙insetad)。

取得Kevo Fob,让您不必使用手机 (Get a Kevo Fob So You Don’t Have to Use Your Phone)

The Kevo normally relies on location and Bluetooth data from your phone in order to determine if it’s actually you that’s trying to unlock your door. However, that means you have to leave the app running in the background at all times. If that doesn’t sound appealing to you, you can use a Kevo Fob instead of the lock relying on your phone.

通常,Kevo会依靠手机中的位置和蓝牙数据来确定实际上是您在试图打开门。 但是,这意味着您必须始终让应用程序在后台运行。 如果您觉得这不太吸引人,可以使用Kevo Fob代替依靠手机的锁。

The Kevo Fob acts as a direct replacement for your phone. If you touch the lock with the fob in your pocket, it will open. So if you don’t want the app running in the background all the time or you usually have the Bluetooth off, you can use the fob instead. Here’s how to set it up.

Kevo Fob可以直接替代您的手机。 如果您将钥匙扣放在口袋中的情况下触摸锁,它将打开。 因此,如果您不希望该应用程序始终在后台运行,或者您通常需要关闭蓝牙功能,则可以使用便携式信息终端。 设置方法如下 。

为家庭成员创建“ eKey” (Create “eKeys” for Family Members)

One drawback of the Kevo (as opposed to other smart locks with keypads) is that you just can’t share a simple keycode with other people if you want to give them access to your house. Instead, you have to give them their own “eKey” to use on their phone, but it’s easy to set up.

Kevo的一个缺点(与其他带键盘的智能锁相反)是,如果您想让其他人进入您的房间,就无法与他人共享简单的密码。 相反,您必须给他们提供自己的“ eKey”才能在他们的手机上使用,但是设置起来很容易 。

Just open up the Kevo app and send an eKey to a contact in your phone (or send them an email if they’re not in your contacts). From there, their phone will now act as a digital key to your Kevo lock, and you can even restrict access at certain times or only give them temporary access if they’re a guest.

只需打开Kevo应用程序,然后将eKey发送到您手机中的联系人即可(如果不在您的联系人中,则向他们发送电子邮件)。 从那里,他们的电话现在将充当您的Kevo锁的数字钥匙,您甚至可以在某些时间限制访问权限,或者仅在他们成为客人时才授予他们临时访问权限。

使用Kevo Plus远程控制Kevo(或使用Alexa) (Control Your Kevo Remotely (or With Alexa) with Kevo Plus)

By itself, the Kevo only lets you lock and unlock your door from your phone if you’re nearby and within Bluetooth distance. You can control the lock from afar, but you need Kevo Plus to make that happen.

仅靠Kevo本身,如果您在附近并且在蓝牙距离之内,则仅允许您通过手机锁定和解锁门。 您可以从远处控制锁定,但是需要Kevo Plus才能实现。

Kevo Plus costs a one-time fee of $99 and comes with an internet gateway device that you plug into your router. This connects your Kevo to the internet, which then allows you to access your lock even when you aren’t home. Kevo Plus also allows you to integrate Kevo with other smarthome devices, like the Amazon Echo, to control your lock.

Kevo Plus一次性收取99美元的费用,并随附一个互联网网关设备,您可以将其插入路由器。 这样可以将您的Kevo连接到互联网,然后即使您不在家里也可以访问您的锁。 Kevo Plus还允许您将Kevo与其他智能家居设备(例如Amazon Echo)集成,以控制您的锁。

如果您是健忘的人,请启用自动锁定 (Enable Auto-Lock If You’re a Forgetful Person)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to lock the door behind me. Luckily, it hasn’t cost me, but others may not be so lucky. Kevo has an auto-lock feature that automatically locks your door 30 seconds after you unlock it, that way your forgetfulness won’t come around and bite you in the rear end later in.

我不能告诉你我忘记把门锁在我身后多少次了。 幸运的是,这并没有花费我,但是其他人可能并不那么幸运。 Kevo具有自动锁定功能 ,在您解锁门后30秒钟会自动锁定您的门,这样您的健忘便不会消失,并在以后的后端咬住您。

To enable it, all you have to do is take the interior cover off, locate the #4 switch, and turn it on. After that, your Kevo will automatically lock itself after 30 seconds, whether the door is open or closed.

要启用它,您所要做的就是卸下内盖,找到4号开关,然后打开它。 之后,无论开门或关门,您的Kevo都会在30秒后自动锁定自己。

不用手机锁门 (Lock the Door without Your Phone)

When locking your door, the Kevo still relies on your phone. So if you don’t have your phone (or fob) with you, you can’t lock your door by touch. However, you can enable a feature called Triple Touch Lock that allows you to lock your Kevo without needing your phone.

当锁上门时,Kevo仍然依靠您的手机。 因此,如果您没有手机(或FOB),则无法通过触摸锁定门。 但是,您可以启用一项称为“三重触摸锁定”的功能 , 该功能无需使用手机即可锁定Kevo。

You just take off the interior cover on the lock and turn on switch #2. From there, Triple Touch Lock will be enabled. When you leave, just tap on the lock three consecutive times to lock the door.

您只需取下锁上的内盖,然后打开2号开关即可。 从那里,将启用“三重触摸锁定”。 离开时,只需连续三下轻按锁即可将门锁上。

隐藏备用钥匙,以防万一 (Hide a Spare Key, Just in Case)

Even though you don’t need a key to lock and unlock your Kevo, it’s still a good idea to have a spare key handy, just in case the batteries run out or some other mechanical failure.


You don’t have to keep this spare key on your person at all times, although it’s probably not that big of a deal, since you carry your car keys with you anyway. However, you could just hide the key somewhere outside your house if you really don’t want to carry it around with you.

您不必总是将这个备用钥匙留在自己的人身上,尽管这没什么大不了的,因为无论如何您都随身携带了汽车钥匙。 但是,如果您真的不想随身携带钥匙,可以将钥匙藏在房子外面的某个地方。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/335639/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-kwikset-kevo-smart-lock/

本文标签: 您的充分利用KwiksetLockSmart