





















Document ID: 354834

June 2023

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June 2023


Initial Release


The initial release of the document.


Acronym Term

A data structure.


Analytics Engine

Configuration and State

Passes configuration data that did not fit into the descriptor to

the accelerator.

Passes state information between descriptor executions when a

job consists of multiple descriptors.



Intel® Data Streaming


Intel® Query Processing


An accelerator designed by Intel to accelerate streaming operations

like memory copy.

An Intel library to interface between applications and the hardware.


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Configuring Accelerators .................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Entering the BIOS Setup ............................................................................................................................ 5

Configure the Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator Device ................................................................. 9

Operation Offloading to IAA Devices: Intel® Query Processing Library (Intel® QPL) .............................. 15









BIOS Setup for Enabling the Accelerators .......................................................................................................... 5

Accel-Config Utility ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Additional Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 16

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1.1 Introduction

Intel® Fourth Generation Xeon® scalable processors have multiple accelerators, including:

• Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator (Intel® DSA): for data movement.

• Intel® Dynamic Load balancer (Intel® DLB): for load balancing.

• Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA): for compression/decompression and


This document provides instructions for configuring the Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA),

which offloads compression/decompression operations from the CPU.

1.2 Prerequisites

Specific models of Intel® Fourth Generation Xeon® scalable processor or later, which include Intel® IAA.

Linux Kernel with ENQCMD support enabled. For example, Linux Kernel 5.18 or later.

Instructions are for CentOS Stream8 and Ubuntu Operating Systems.

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2.1 Entering the BIOS Setup

To enter the BIOS Setup using a keyboard (or emulated keyboard), press the F2 key during boot time when the

OEM or Intel Logo Screen or the POST Diagnostic Screen is displayed.

1. Once in the BIOS menu, click EDKII Menu.

Figure 2-1: EDKII Menu within the BIOS menu.

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2. Select Socket Configuration.

Figure 2-2: Select Socket Configuration

3. Select IIO Configuration.

Figure 2-3: Select IIO Configuration

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4. Select IOAT Configuration.

Figure 2-4: Select IOAT Configuration

5. Select Socket 0 (Sck0) IOAT Config.

Figure 2-5: Select Socket 0 (Sck0) IOAT Config

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6. Select for IAX.

Figure 2-6: Select for IAX on the (Sck0) IOAT Config Screen

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The Intel® Fourth Generation Xeon® Scalable processor accelerator devices are configured using a user-space

utility called accel-config. This utility is available for installation via the accel-config-GitHub


3.1 Configure the Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator Device

1. Enable Intel® IAA as in the BIOS Setup for Enabling the Accelerators. In addition to that, configure the

following parameters.

EDKII Menu -> Socket Configuration -> Processor Configuration -> VMX: Enable

EDKII Menu -> Socket Configuration -> IIO Configuration -> Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d) -> Intel VT

for Directed I/O: Enable

EDKII Menu -> Socket Configuration -> IIO Configuration -> Interrupt Remapping: Enable

EDKII Menu -> Socket Configuration -> IIO Configuration -> Opt-Out Illegal MSI Mitigation: Enable

o Note: Opt-Out Illegal MSI Mitigation enablement depends on processor stepping and required for

steppings older than E5.

2. Enable IOMMU in the kernel. For example,

$vim /etc/default/grub

# Add intel_iommu=on,sm_on for the default kernel parameters

# For example, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=” intel_iommu=on,sm_on”

# save and exit from vim

# For CentOS

$grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/

$grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/

# For Ubuntu



3. Download and install accel-config using Accel-config Utility instructions as in accel-config-GitHub


To configure the Intel IAA device

1. Disable all accelerator devices first.

2. Configure each engine and group, then assign them a group_id.

3. Configure one or more work queues (depending on device mapping).

4. Enable one or more accelerator devices and engine.

The following script summarizes the steps and provides an example. In this example, all available Intel IAA

devices are configured as a separate work queue, and all engines in each device are configured by default.

Devices can be configured in the “shared” or “dedicated” depending on the scheduling mode.

Please copy the following section of the code and create an executable file to run it.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Script configure IAA devices

# Usage : ./configure_iaa_user

# mode: 0 - shared, 1 - dedicated

# devices: 0 - all devices or start and end device number.

# For example, 1, 7 will configure all the Socket0 devices in host or 0, 3

will configure all the Socket0 devices in guest

# 9, 15 will configure all the Socket1 devices and son on

# 1 will configure only device 1

# wq_size: 1-128


# select iax config


dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

#echo ${dir}


# count iax instances



num_iax=$(lspci -d:${iax_dev_id} | wc -l)

echo "Found ${num_iax} IAX instances"

dedicated=${1:-0}; shift

device_num=${1:-$num_iax}; shift

wq_size=${1:-128}; shift

if [ ${dedicated} -eq 0 ]; then





#set first,step counters to correctly enumerate iaa devices

first=1 && step=2

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# disable iax wqs and devices


echo "Disable IAX"

for ((i = ${first}; i < ${step} * ${num_iax}; i += ${step})); do

echo disable wq iax${i}/wq${i}.0 >& /dev/null

accel-config disable-wq iax${i}/wq${i}.0 >& /dev/null

echo disable iax iax${i} >& /dev/null

accel-config disable-device iax${i} >& /dev/null


echo "Configuring devices: ${device_num}"

if [ ${device_num} == $num_iax ]; then

echo "Configuring all devices"


end=$(( ${step} * ${num_iax} ))


echo "Configuring devices ${device_num}"

declare -a array=($(echo ${device_num}| tr "," " "))


if [ ${array[1]} ];then

end=$((${array[1]} + 1 ))


end=$((${array[0]} + 1 ))




# enable all iax devices and wqs


echo "Enable IAX ${start} to ${end}"

for ((i = ${start}; i < ${end}; i += ${step})); do

# Config Engines and groups

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.0 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.1 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.2 --group-id=0

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accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.3 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.4 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.5 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.6 --group-id=0

accel-config config-engine iax${i}/engine${i}.7 --group-id=0

# Config WQ: group 0, size = 128, priority=10, mode=shared, type = user,

name=iax_crypto, threashold=128, block_on_fault=1, driver_name=user

accel-config config-wq iax${i}/wq${i}.0 -g 0 -s $wq_size -p 10 -m

${mode} -y user -n user${i} -t $wq_size -b 1 -d user

echo enable device iax${i}

accel-config enable-device iax${i}

echo enable wq iax${i}/wq${i}.0

accel-config enable-wq iax${i}/wq${i}.0


Verify if the devices are configured correctly using the accel-config list.

For the sake of simplicity, the expected results from a single Intel IAA device are shown. The display for the

remaining Intel IAA devices will be the same since they all are configured as in the preceding script. Intel IAA

devices are counted as odd numbers, while Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator (Intel® DSA) devices are counted

as even numbers.
















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{ …. Next device … and son on



3.2 Operation Offloading to IAA Devices: Intel® Query Processing Library

(Intel® QPL)

The Intel® Query Processing Library (Intel® QPL) can improve the performance of databases, enterprise data,

communications, and scientific/technical applications. Intel QPL provides interfaces for several commonly used

algorithms. This library enables your application to tune automatically with generations of processors without

unnecessary changes to the application. The Intel QPL provides high-performance implementations of data

processing functions for an existing hardware accelerator and/or software path if no hardware accelerator is

available. Code written with the library automatically takes advantage of available modern CPU capabilities. This

can provide tremendous development and maintenance savings. The goal of the Intel QPL is to provide an

application programming interface (API) with the following:

C and C++-compatible interfaces and data structures to enhance usability and portability.

Faster time to market.

Scalability with Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA) hardware.

More details on Intel QPL use are available in the QPL GitHub (/qpl/)

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Resource Name

Intel® In-Memory Analytics

Accelerator (IAA) Architecture



This document describes the architecture of the Intel® In-Memory

Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA).

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本文标签: 用户加速器分析指南内存