


七年级英语Whose clothes are these? 知识精讲 人教义务版


1. 学习音标[a: ]are [u]ow ou [: ]or oor [: ]er ir []er []sh

2. 掌握并能区别名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词及其用法。如my/mine

your/yours his/his her/hers our/ours their/theirs.

3. 掌握句型: Whose hat is this? Whose shoes are these?

Whose is this hat? Whose are these shoes?


1. 名词: clothes,line,blouse,shirt,skirt,Mr.=mister,trousers,dress,

shoe, glove.

2. 形容词: dark,light,might.

3. 介词: about, beside

4. 代词: mine, whose, yours, hers, ours, theirs

5. 词组: put on,take off,what about…,have a look,here you are,look

after,look like


1. Look at the clothes. “看看这些衣服”,clothes只使用复数形式,不能用单


种类,如: sweater,blouse,shirt,dress,skirt等。clothes可与some,many,


2. on Mr. Green’s clothes line. “在格林太太的晒衣绳上。”

clothes line: “晒衣绳”。表示衣服“在”晒衣绳上时,要用介词on.

3. trousers: “裤子”,是复数名词,总是以复数形式出现,因此谓语动词也总是用

复数形式,如: My trousers are blue. “我的裤子是蓝色的。”

4. Find the picture of the Green family. “找到格林一家人的照片。”

the Green family: “格林一家人”。

5. Whose is this shirt? “这衬衣是谁的? ”

Whose: 代词,意为“谁的”。


Whose is this pen? “这只钢笔是谁的? ”


Whose pen is this? “这是谁的钢笔? ”


6. Is this yours? “这是你的(衬衣)吗? ”

yours以及下文中的mine, his, hers等都是名词性物主代词,相当于形容词性物


7. You must look after your things. “你必须照看好你的东西。”

must: “必须”、“一定”,情态动词。与后面的实义动词一起构成谓语。must否

定式是mustn’t. 疑问句是must前置。

8. Put it on, please. “请把它穿上。”

put on: “穿上”。put的宾语如果是代词,则将其放在put与on之间;如: Put it

on. Put them on. put的宾语如果是名词,则放在on后面或put与on之间均可。


1. 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词:

单数 复数



第二 第一 第二 第三




人称 人称 人称 人称




your his her its our





theirs mine yours his

我的 你的

hers its

他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的




形容词性物主代词只能做定语,如:my book“我的书”;

his sweater“他的毛衣”。


①表语:Whose book is this? “这是谁的书? ”

It’s mine. 是我的。

②主语: My blouse is new and yours is old. 我的衬衫是新的,而你的是旧的。

③宾语: Don’t put on my coat. Put on yours. 别穿我的上衣,穿你的。

2. Put it on,please. 请穿上。这个句子是强调“穿上”这个动作,不表示已穿上

的状态。如果是代词作宾语,要把它放在put和on的中间。名词作宾语既可以放在 put

与 on的中间,也可以放在 put on的后面。对于较长的名词作宾语,一般把它放在 put

on的后面。例如: ①Put them on,please,Lily. You must look after your clothes.

莉莉,请把它们穿上,你必须照料好你的衣服。 ②They put on their coats and go to

school. 此句也可写成: They put their coats on and go to school. 他们穿上外套去

上学。③He puts on his sweater and trousers. 他穿上毛衣和裤子。

3. clothes和dress. ①You must look after you clothes. 你必须照料好你的衣

服。clothes总是以复数形式出现,不能直接与数词连用,如一套衣服就只能写成a suit

of clothes。②This dress is Mrs. Green’s这件裙子是格林夫人的。dress一般指女

服、童装,有时也统指服装,尤其是外衣、礼服。例如: evening dress,晚礼服。

4. Whose shoes are these? 这些是谁的鞋子? 鞋子(shoes)、裤子(trousers)在衣


其相搭配的代词和动词等也要用复数形式。例如: Whose trousers are those? 那些是谁



1. These are some shoes. Put on,please.

A. it B. them C. your shoes

分析(答案为B),①前句中出现了 your shoes,后句中为避免重复,就用代词代替。

②your shoes是成双的东西,应选用复数代词them代替。

2. Are these their clothes? No, they aren’t . They are

A. them…us B. ours…theirs C. theirs…ours

分析(答案C)。①应选用名词性物主代词代替前面句子中的their clothes。②应保持

前后内容的一致性,(their clothes=theirs)。

3. -Whose new books are these? 一They are .

A. the twins’ B. the twins’s C. the twin’s

分析(答案为A)因为the twins意指双胞胎,本身就是以s结尾的复数形式,其所有

格就只在其后加撇号即可,即the twins→the twins’。

4. That new pen is Jim’s. (对划线部分提问)

A. Who’s new pen? B. Which pen is new?

C. Whose is that new pen?


5. -What colour are Jim’s trousers? - blue.

A. They’re B. It’s C. Jim’s trousers are

分析(答案为 A)。①问句中是Jim’s trousers,答句中应用代词代替,为避免重复。



1. 本单元的核心学习内容是“寻找物主”与此相结合的内容是衣着(clothes),如:

blouse, trousers,dress,skirt,shirt,shoes等。

2. 本单元是功能(Asking about ownership)话题(clothes)和语法项目(Possessive


3. 口语交际的重点是: Whose is this…? Whose…is this? Whose are these?

Whose…are these?

4. 本单元的学习难点是区分名词性物主代词和形容词性的物主代词,my/ mine,your


5. 名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,它可以单独使用,不必在后面加名词,而形容词


如: This is my book. 这是我的书。

This book is mine. 这本书是我的。


1. 第53课练习一,是复习巩固特殊疑问句,学生在做此题时,要充分理解答语的意


2. 第54课练习二、练习三是培养学生的阅读能力,在做题时要学会从中找到我们所


3. 形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词是本单元的重点,要理解运用,在句中去


4. 在学习本单元的过程中,要树立信心,攻克难关,大量记忆,大量阅读,多进行口



Lesson 53

1 1. What colour 2. What is 3. Who is 4. Where 5. Which






Down: 1. SHIRT 2. WHITE 3. BLUE 5. TO 7. IN

Lesson 54

2 1. It’s Man Lin’s 2. Wu Dong’s dog is brown.

3. Li Lei’s dog is black and white. 4. No,it isn’t

3 1. Whose coat is this? 2. Oh,it’s not mine 3. What colour is it?

4. I think it’s mine. 5. Thank you very much.

Lesson 55

2 hers;yours; his; its; ours; yours; theirs

3 1. My 2. Her 3. Whose;Wei Fang’s/hers 4. yours 5. His 6. Its

5 1. Whose English books are these? /Whose are these English books?

2. Whose is that bike under the tree? / Whose bike is that under the tree?

3. You must look after your watch.

4. What colour is Jim’s sweater?

Lesson 56

4 Sample writing

Hello, Zhou Dan. Nice to read your e-mail, I want to be your pen-friend. My

name is Sally Jones. I am an Australian(澳大利亚)girl. My home is in Sydney(悉

尼). Do you know Sydney? It is a big city in Australia. It is very beautiful.

I am at St. Duke’s School. There are about four hundred students in our

school. It is not a big school, but it is a very nice school. There are some

Chinese students in our school. We are good friends. I am glad to know you like

music. I like sports(体育)and music. We have music class here. Can you sing

English songs? I want to sing Chinese songs, but I can’t. Can you teach me?

OK. Goodbye, Zhou Dan. Please write to me again!

Yours, Sally

6 1. I can see some toys in the playroom.

2. Yes, there are. 3. Yes, there are.

4. There are four birds in the room.

5. It’s under the table. 6. They’re on the table.

7. There’s a toy rabbit behind it. 8. Yes, there are.

9. One cat is in a box. One cat is under a box. One cat is behind a box.



Li Ming: Excuse me, Wu Dong. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?

Wu Dong: Let me see. Oh, no, it’s not mine. Mine is at home. I think it’s

Li Lei’s. My dog is brown.

Li Ming: Li Lei, Look at the dog behind the tree. Is it yours?

Li Lei: Sorry,it’s not mine. Mine is black and white. I think it looks

like Ma Lin’s.

Li Ming: Who’s Ma Lin?

Li Lei: He’s my friend. Look! He’s over there. Let’s go and ask him.

Li Ming: OK. Let’s go.

Li Lei: Hi,Ma Lin!Is that dog yours?

Ma Lin: Oh,yes. It’s mine.

Li Lei: It’s a lovely(可爱的) dog!Don’t lose(丢)it!

Ma Lin: Yes,thank you.

1. Wu Dong’s dog is .

2. dog is black and white.

3. dog is black.

4. The black dog is the tree.

5. dog is home.

解答 这段对话讲述了李明给狗找失主的情景。

1. 从对话中看出,吴东的狗是棕色的。应填brown.

2. 从Li Lei的答语中得知,他的狗是黑白相间的。应填Li Lei’s。

3. 李明给黑色的狗找失主,而失主是马林,故马林的狗是黑色的,应填Ma Lin’s.

4. 黑色的狗在树后,应填behind.

5. 从吴东的答语中得知,他的狗在家里。应填Wu Dong’s,at。

分析 此题考查学生阅读并判断事物的能力。解题的关键是抓住说话人的话语,得出答



1. 名词性物主代词以及其用法是本单元的重要命题方向。对其划线部分的提问常在句


2. 同学们要区别好句型转换中对名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词划线部分提问而


3. 注意动词词组 put on的固定搭配及接代词或名词时所放的位置。

4. do sb. do sth. 句型的用法及句型转换同学们要注意。如变为否定句。

5. 元音字母a,er的不同发音在单词辨音中是重要命题。



1. This is my book. (同义句)

This .

答案: books is mine.

2. They are his trousers. (对划线部分提问)

答案: Whose trousers are they?

3. The trousers are his. (同上)

答案: Whose are the trousers?

4. 我的一位朋友: a friend of mine相当于one of my friend. 不能说成: a

friend of me.

5. That yellow sweaater is hers. 同义句是 Her sweater is yellow.



1. You must look after (you) books.

2. Hello. I’m a Chinese student. (I) name is Li Ping.

3. -Is this blouse (you)?

-No,it’s not (I). (I)blouse is red.

4. This is a nice cat. (it)name is Kitty.

5. This is (we) classroom. (it)is big.

6. -Whose is this dress? -I think it’s (her).

7. Don’t put your shoes here. Put (they)over there.

8. These clothes are (they). (our)are in the bag.

9. My trousers are new. What about (your)?

10. Jim is English. (He)English is very good.



A: What can you see in the picture?

B: I can see a bed, three desks and three chairs, a light and some books.

A: Where are these things?

B: They are in the bedroom.

A: What’s on the desks?

B: There is a light and some books.

A: Where are the chair?

B: They are behind the desks.

A: What’s this on the wall?

B: It’s a picture of Joy’s family.

A: Who’s the man?

B: He’s Joe’s father. And the woman is her mother.

A: Where’s Joe’s little cat?

B: Sorry, I don’t know. And I don’t know its name.

This is a picture of a ,I can see bed, desks and

chairs, light and some . The is on the desk. Where are

the ? They are on the desks,too. The are behind the desks.

A picture Joy’s family is on the . Joy’s father and mother

in the picture. We can’t Jim’s cat. We don’t know name.


1. 口语交际内容

①Whose is this/that…? 这/那……是谁的。②Is it yours? 它是你的吗? ③

Let me see,please. 请让我看看。 ④ No,it’s not mine. 不,不是我的。 ⑤ I

think it’s his/hers/yours/mine/theirs. 我想是他的/她的/你(们)的/ 我的/他

们的。⑥Put it on. 把它穿上。⑦Whose…is this? 这是谁的…? ⑧Whose…are these?

这些是谁的…? ⑨They are ours. Put them on. 是我们的。把它们穿上。⑩You must

look after your clothes. 你必须照料好你的衣服。

2. 口语交际训练


Wei Fang: Is it yours,Lin?

Ma Lili: Let me see. Oh,no,it is not mine.

Mine is blue and this one is red. .

Wei Fang: .

Ma Lin: Han Meimei’s

Wei Fang: Excuse me,Han Meimei, is this red skirt yours?

Han Meimei: .

Wei Fang: Here you are.

Wei Fang: .

Han Meimei: Thank you very much.

Wei Fang: That’s all right.

A. Oh,yes,it’s mine.

B. Whose coat is that under the desk?

C. I think it’s Han Meimei’s.

D. Whose skirt is that on the chair?

E. Put them in your box,please.

F. Whose?

G. Put it in your bag,please.


看图编对话(Miss Gao拿着两件毛衣问梅梅是谁的,梅梅说是双胞胎的,于是老师叫




1. your 2. My 3. yours,mine, My 4. Its 5. our,It

6. hers 7. them 8. theirs,Ours 9. yours 10. His




1. D 2. C 3. F 4. A 5. G


T: Whose sweaters are these?

Mei Mei: Theirs,I think.

T: Whose? The twins?

Mei Mei: Yes.

T: Thank you. Lucy and Lily. come here,please. …Are they yours?

Twins: Yes,they are ours.

T: Here you are. Put them on,please. You must look after your


Twins: Yes,thank you,Miss Gao.

本文标签: 物主代词名词阅读